98 research outputs found

    FTDP-17 tau mutations induce distinct effects on aggregation and microtubule interactions

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    FTDP-17 mutations in the tau gene lead to early-onset frontotemporal dementias characterized by the pathological aggregation of the microtubule-associated protein tau. Tau aggregation is closely correlated with the progression and severity of localized atrophy of certain regions in the brain. These mutations are primarily located in or near the microtubule-binding repeat regions of tau and can have vastly different effects on the protein. Some mutations have been linked to effects such as increased aggregation, hyperphosphorylation, defects in mRNA splicing, and decreased interaction with microtubules. Given the differential effects of the mutations it may not be surprising that the pathology associated with FTDP-17 can vary widely as well. Despite this variety, several of the mutations are commonly used interchangeably as aggregation inducers for in vitro and in vivo models of tauopathies. We generated recombinant forms of 12 FTDP-17 mutations chosen for their predicted effects on the charge, hydrophobicity, and secondary structure of the protein. We then examined the effects that the mutations had on the properties of in vitro aggregation of the protein and its ability to stabilize microtubule assembly. The group of mutations induced very different effects on the total amount of aggregation, the kinetics of aggregation, and filament morphology. Several of the mutations inhibited the microtubule-stabilization ability of tau while others had very little effect compared to wild-type tau. These results indicate that the mechanisms of disease progression may differ among FTDP-17 mutations and that the effects of the varying mutations may not be equal in all model systems

    Olefin Hydroarylation Catalyzed by (Pyridyl-Indolate)Pt(II) Complexes: Catalytic Efficiencies and Mechanistic Aspects

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    A series of Pt(II) complexes of the type (N–N)PtPh(SR_2) (N–N = 2,2′-pyridyl-indolate) were prepared, and their performance as catalysts for the hydroarylation of olefins was assessed. Evidence that the catalysis is homogeneous and is Pt-mediated is provided by control experiments with added hindered base (2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylpyridine) and Hg(0). Two potential catalytic intermediates, (^tBuPyInd)PtPh(C_2H_4) and (^tBuPyInd)Pt(CH_2CH_2Ph)(C_2H_4), were synthesized, and their catalytic efficacy was explored. Additionally, decomposition and deactivation pathways, including styrene formation via β-hydride elimination and ligand reductive demetalation, were identified

    Hsp70 alters tau function and aggregation in an isoform specific manner

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    Tauopathies are characterized by abnormal aggregation of the microtubule associated protein tau. This aggregation is thought to occur when tau undergoes shifts from its native conformation to one that exposes hydrophobic areas on separate monomers, allowing contact and subsequent association into oligomers and filaments. Molecular chaperones normally function by binding to exposed hydrophobic stretches on proteins and assisting in their refolding. Chaperones of the heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) family have been implicated in the prevention of abnormal tau aggregation in adult neurons. Tau exists as six alternatively spliced isoforms, and all six isoforms appear capable of forming the pathological aggregates seen in Alzheimer's disease. Because tau isoforms differ in primary sequence, we sought to determine whether Hsp70 would differentially affect the aggregation and microtubule assembly characteristics of the various tau isoforms. We found that Hsp70 inhibits tau aggregation directly, and not through inducer mediated effects. We also determined that Hsp70 inhibits the aggregation of each individual tau isoform and was more effective at inhibiting the three repeat isoforms. . Finally, all tau isoforms robustly induced microtubule formation while in the presence of Hsp70. The results presented herein indicate that Hsp70 affects tau isoform dysfunction while having very little impact on the normal function of tau to mediate microtubule assembly. This indicates that targeting Hsp70 to tau may provide a therapeutic approach for the treatment of tauopathies that avoids disruption of normal tau function

    Secondary nucleating sequences affect kinetics and thermodynamics of tau aggregation

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    Tau protein was scanned for highly amyloidogenic sequences in amphiphilic motifs (X)nZ, Z(X)nZ (n≥2) or (XZ)n (n≥2), where X is a hydrophobic residue and Z is a charged or polar residue. N-acetyl peptides homologous to these sequences were used to study aggregation. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed 7 peptides, in addition to well known primary nucleating sequences c275VQIINK (AcPHF6*) and Ac306VQIVYK (AcPHF6), formed fibers, tubes, ribbons or rolled sheets. Of the peptides shown by TEM to form amyloid, Ac10VME, AcPHF6*, Ac375KLTFR, and Ac393VYK were found to enhance the fraction of β-structure of AcPHF6 formed at equilibrium, and Ac375KLTFR was found to inhibit AcPHF6 and AcPHF6* aggregation kinetics in a dose-dependent manner, consistent with its participation in a hybrid steric zipper model. Single site mutants were generated which transformed predicted amyloidogenic sequences in tau into non-amyloidogenic ones. A M11K mutant had fewer filaments and showed a decrease in aggregation kinetics and an increased lag time compared to wild type tau, while a F378K mutant showed significantly more filaments. Our results infer that sequences throughout tau, in addition to PHF6 and PHF6*, can seed amyloid formation or affect aggregation kinetics or thermodynamics

    Heat Shock Protein 70 Prevents both Tau Aggregation and the Inhibitory Effects of Preexisting Tau Aggregates on Fast Axonal Transport

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    Aggregation and accumulation of the microtubule-associated protein tau are associated with cognitive decline and neuronal degeneration in Alzheimer's disease and other tauopathies. Thus, preventing the transition of tau from a soluble state to insoluble aggregates and/or reversing the toxicity of existing aggregates would represent a reasonable therapeutic strategy for treating these neurodegenerative diseases. Here we demonstrate that molecular chaperones of the heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) family are potent inhibitors of tau aggregation in vitro, preventing the formation of both mature fibrils and oligomeric intermediates. Remarkably, addition of Hsp70 to a mixture of oligomeric and fibrillar tau aggregates prevents the toxic effect of these tau species on fast axonal transport, a critical process for neuronal function. When incubated with preformed tau aggregates, Hsp70 preferentially associated with oligomeric over fibrillar tau, suggesting that prefibrillar oligomeric tau aggregates play a prominent role in tau toxicity. Taken together, our data provide a novel molecular basis for the protective effect of Hsp70 in tauopathies

    Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells Cultured in Hyperglycemic Media Accumulate Increased Amounts of Glycosaminoglycan Precursors

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    Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), identified as heparan or chondroitin sulfate or hyaluronate, are synthesized by the retinal pigment epithelial cells (RPE) and secreted into the interphotoreceptor matrix and Bruch's membrane of the outer retina

    Photovoltaics- and Battery-Based Power Network as Sustainable Source of Electric Power

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    With the rise in the utilization of free fuel energy sources, namely solar and wind, across the globe, it has become necessary to study and implement models of a sustainable power network. This paper focuses on the design of a conceptual power network based on photovoltaics (PV) for power generation and lithium-ion batteries for storage. The power system showcases the various metrics that are involved in a grid-tied PV- and battery-based power network. It also encompasses the various design parameters and sizing considerations to design and conceptualize such a power network. The model focuses on the importance of the conservation of power by avoiding wastage of generated power through inverter sizing and design considerations. Finally, an economic and feasibility analysis is carried out to showcase the economic viability of the PV- and battery-based power network in today’s alternating current (AC)-based grid

    Social Preferences and the Efficiency of Bilateral Exchange

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    Under what conditions do social preferences, such as altruism or a concern for fair outcomes, generate efficient trade? I analyze theoretically a simple bilateral exchange game: Each player sequentially takes an action that reduces his own material payoff but increases the other player’s. Each player’s preferences may depend on both his/her own material payoff and the other player’s. I identify necessary conditions and sufficient conditions on the players’ preferences for the outcome of their interaction to be Pareto efficient. The results have implications for interpreting the rotten kid theorem, gift exchange in the laboratory, and gift exchange in the field
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