584 research outputs found

    How rapidly do self-compatible populations evolve selfing? Mating system estimation within recently evolved self-compatible populations of Azorean Tolpis succulenta (Asteraceae)

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    A grant from the One-University Open Access Fund at the University of Kansas was used to defray the author's publication fees in this Open Access journal. The Open Access Fund, administered by librarians from the KU, KU Law, and KUMC libraries, is made possible by contributions from the offices of KU Provost, KU Vice Chancellor for Research & Graduate Studies, and KUMC Vice Chancellor for Research. For more information about the Open Access Fund, please see http://library.kumc.edu/authors-fund.xml.Genome-wide genotyping and Bayesian inference method (BORICE) were employed to estimate outcrossing rates and paternity in two small plant populations of Tolpis succulenta (Asteraceae) on Graciosa island in the Azores. These two known extant populations of T. succulenta on Graciosa have recently evolved self-compatibility. Despite the expectation that selfing would occur at an appreciable rate (self-incompatible populations of the same species show low but nonzero selfing), high outcrossing was found in progeny arrays from maternal plants in both populations. This is inconsistent with an immediate transition to high selfing following the breakdown of a genetic incompatibility system. This finding is surprising given the small population sizes and the recent colonization of an island from self-incompatible colonists of T. succulenta from another island in the Azores, and a potential paucity of pollinators, all factors selecting for selfing through reproductive assurance. The self-compatible lineage(s) likely have high inbreeding depression (ID) that effectively halts the evolution of increased selfing, but this remains to be determined. Like their progeny, all maternal plants in both populations are fully outbred, which is consistent with but not proof of high ID. High multiple paternity was found in both populations, which may be due in part to the abundant pollinators observed during the flowering season

    The potential role of hybridization in diversification and speciation in an insular plant lineage: insights from synthetic interspecific hybrids

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    Hybridization is recognized as an important process in plant evolution, and this may be particularly true for island plants where several biotic and abiotic factors facilitate interspecific hybridization. Although rarely done, experimental studies could provide insights into the potential of natural hybridization to generate diversity when species come into contact in the dynamic island setting. The potential of hybridization to generate morphological variation was analysed within and among 12 families (inbred lines) of an F4 hybrid generation between two species of Tolpis endemic to the Canary Islands. Combinations of characters not seen in the parents were present in hybrids. Several floral and vegetative characters were transgressive relative to their parents. Morphometric studies of floral, vegetative and fruit characters revealed that several F4 families were phenotypically distinct from other families, and from their parents. The study demonstrates that morphologically distinct pollen-fertile lines, potentially worthy of taxonomic recognition if occurring in nature, can be generated in four generations. The ability of the hybrid lines to set self-seed would reduce gene flow among the lines, and among the hybrids and their parental species. Selfing would also facilitate the fixation of characters within each of the lines. Overall, the results show the considerable potential of hybridization for generating diversity and distinct phenotypes in island lineages

    Noria and its derivatives as hosts for chemically and thermally robust Type II porous liquids

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    Porous Liquids (PLs) are a new class of material that possess both fluidity and permanent porosity. As such they can act as enhanced, selective solvents and may ultimately find applications which are not possible for porous solids, such as continuous flow separation processes. Type II PLs consist of empty molecular hosts dissolved in size-excluded solvents and to date have mainly been based on hosts that have limited chemical and thermal stability. Here we identify Noria, a rigid cyclic oligomer as a new host for the synthesis of more robust Type II PLs. Although the structure of Noria is well-documented, we find that literature has overlooked the true composition of bulk Noria samples. We find that bulk samples typically consist of Noria (ca. 40%), a Noria isomer, specifically a resorcinarene trimer, “R3” (ca. 30%) and other unidentified oligomers (ca. 30%). Noria has been characterised crystallographically as a diethyl ether solvate and its 1H NMR spectrum fully assigned for the first time. The previously postulated but unreported R3 has also been characterised crystallographically as a dimethyl sulfoxide solvate, which confirms its alternative connectivity to Noria. Noria and R3 have low solubility which precludes their use in Type II PLs, however, the partially ethylated derivative Noria-OEt dissolves in the size-excluded solvent 15-crown-5 to give a new Type II PL. This PL exhibits enhanced uptake of methane (CH4) gas supporting the presence of empty pores in the liquid. Detailed molecular dynamics simulations support the existence of pores in the liquid and show that occupation of the pores by CH4 is favoured. Overall, this work revises the general accepted composition of bulk Noria samples and shows that Noria derivatives are appropriate for the synthesis of more robust Type II PLs

    Landau Damping and Coherent Structures in Narrow-Banded 1+1 Deep Water Gravity Waves

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    We study the nonlinear energy transfer around the peak of the spectrum of surface gravity waves by taking into account nonhomogeneous effects. In the narrow-banded approximation the kinetic equation resulting from a nonhomogeneous wave field is a Vlasov-Poisson type equation which includes at the same time the random version of the Benjamin-Feir instability and the Landau damping phenomenon. We analytically derive the values of the Phillips' constant α\alpha and the enhancement factor γ\gamma for which the narrow-banded approximation of the JONSWAP spectrum is unstable. By performing numerical simulations of the nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation we check the validity of the prediction of the related kinetic equation. We find that the effect of Landau damping is to suppress the formation of coherent structures. The problem of predicting freak waves is briefly discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Adolescents with Congenital Heart Disease: a Patient and Parental Perspective of Genetic Information and Genetic Risk

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    Congenital heart defects (CHDs) occur in 8 of 1000 live-born children, making them common birth defects in the adolescent population. CHDs may have single gene, chromosomal, or multifactorial causes. Despite evidence that patients with CHD want information on heritability and genetics, no studies have investigated the interest or knowledge base in the adolescent population. This information is necessary as patients in adolescence take greater ownership of their health care and discuss reproductive risks with their physicians. The objectives of this survey-based study were to determine adolescents' recall of their own heart condition, to assess patient and parent perception of the genetic contribution to the adolescent's CHD, and to obtain information about the preferred method(s) for education. The results show that adolescent patients had good recall of their type of CHD. Less than half of adolescents and parents believed their CHD had a genetic basis or was heritable; however, adolescents with a positive family history of CHD were more likely to believe that their condition was genetic (p = 0.0005). The majority of patients were interested in receiving additional genetics education and preferred education in-person and in consultation with both parents and a physician. The adolescents who felt most competent to have discussions with their doctors regarding potential causes of their heart defect previously had a school science course which covered topics in genetics. These results provide insight into adolescents' perceptions and understanding about their CHD and genetic risk and may inform the creation and provision of additional genetic education

    The landscape of extreme genomic variation in the highly adaptable Atlantic killifish

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    © The Author(s), 2017. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Genome Biology and Evolution 9 (2017): 659-676, doi:10.1093/gbe/evx023.Understanding and predicting the fate of populations in changing environments require knowledge about the mechanisms that support phenotypic plasticity and the adaptive value and evolutionary fate of genetic variation within populations. Atlantic killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) exhibit extensive phenotypic plasticity that supports large population sizes in highly fluctuating estuarine environments. Populations have also evolved diverse local adaptations. To yield insights into the genomic variation that supports their adaptability, we sequenced a reference genome and 48 additional whole genomes from a wild population. Evolution of genes associated with cell cycle regulation and apoptosis is accelerated along the killifish lineage, which is likely tied to adaptations for life in highly variable estuarine environments. Genome-wide standing genetic variation, including nucleotide diversity and copy number variation, is extremely high. The highest diversity genes are those associated with immune function and olfaction, whereas genes under greatest evolutionary constraint are those associated with neurological, developmental, and cytoskeletal functions. Reduced genetic variation is detected for tight junction proteins, which in killifish regulate paracellular permeability that supports their extreme physiological flexibility. Low-diversity genes engage in more regulatory interactions than high-diversity genes, consistent with the influence of pleiotropic constraint on molecular evolution. High genetic variation is crucial for continued persistence of species given the pace of contemporary environmental change. Killifish populations harbor among the highest levels of nucleotide diversity yet reported for a vertebrate species, and thus may serve as a useful model system for studying evolutionary potential in variable and changing environments.This work was primarily supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation (collaborative research grants DEB-1265282, DEB-1120512, DEB-1120013, DEB-1120263, DEB-1120333, DEB-1120398 to J.K.C., D.L.C., M.E.H., S.I.K., M.F.O., J.R.S., W.W., and A.W.). Further support was provided by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (1R01ES021934-01 to A.W., P42ES7373 to T.H.H., P42ES007381 to M.E.H., and R01ES019324 to J.R.S.), the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (P20GM103423 and P20GM104318 to B.L.K.), and the National Science Foundation (DBI-0640462 and XSEDE-MCB100147 to D.G.)

    Limitations in representation of physical processes preven successful simulation of PM2.5 during KORUS-AQ

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    High levels of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) pollution in East Asia often exceed local air quality standards. Observations from the Korea United States-Air Quality (KORUS-AQ) field campaign in May and June 2016 showed that development of extreme pollution (haze) occurred through a combination of long-range transport and favorable meteorological conditions that enhanced local production of PM2.5. Atmospheric models often have difficulty simulating PM2.5 chemical composition during haze, which is of concern for the development of successful control measures. We use observations from KORUS-AQ to examine the ability of the GEOS-Chem chemical transport model to simulate PM2.5 composition throughout the campaign and identify the mechanisms driving the pollution event. In the surface level, the model underestimates campaign average sulfate aerosol by −64 % but overestimates nitrate aerosol by 36 %. The largest underestimate in sulfate occurs during the pollution event in conditions of high relative humidity, where models typically struggle to generate the high concentrations due to missing heterogeneous chemistry in aerosol liquid water in the polluted boundary layer. Hourly surface observations show that the model nitrate bias is driven by an overestimation of the nighttime peak. In the model, nitrate formation is limited by the supply of nitric acid, which is biased by +100 % against aircraft observations. We hypothesize that this is due to a missing sink, which we implement here as a factor of five increase in dry deposition. We show that the resulting increased deposition velocity is consistent with observations of total nitrate as a function of photochemical age. The model does not account for factors such as the urban heat island effect or the heterogeneity of the built-up urban landscape resulting in insufficient model turbulence and surface area over the study area that likely results in insufficient dry deposition. Other species such as NH3 could be similarly affected but were not measured during the campaign. Nighttime production of nitrate is driven by NO2 hydrolysis in the model, while observations show that unexpectedly elevated nighttime ozone (not present in the model) should result in N2O5 hydrolysis as the primary pathway. The model is unable to represent nighttime ozone due to an overly rapid collapse of the afternoon mixed layer and excessive titration by NO. We attribute this to missing nighttime heating driving deeper nocturnal mixing that would be expected to occur in a city like Seoul. This urban heating is not considered in air quality models run at large enough scales to treat both local chemistry and long-range transport. Key model failures in simulating nitrate, mainly overestimated daytime nitric acid, incorrect representation of nighttime chemistry, and an overly shallow and insufficiently turbulent nighttime mixed layer, exacerbate the model’s inability to simulate the buildup of PM2.5 during haze pollution. To address the underestimate in sulfate most evident during the haze event, heterogeneous aerosol uptake of SO2 is added to the model which previously only considered aqueous production of sulfate from SO2 in cloud water. Implementing a simple parameterization of this chemistry improves the model abundance of sulfate but degrades the SO2 simulation implying that emissions are underestimated. We find that improving model simulations of sulfate has direct relevance to determining local vs. transboundary contributions to PM2.5. During the haze pollution event, the inclusion of heterogeneous aerosol uptake of SO2 decreases the fraction of PM2.5 attributable to long-range transport from 66 % to 54 %. Locally-produced sulfate increased from 1 % to 46 % of locally-produced PM2.5, implying that local emissions controls would have a larger effect than previously thought. However, this additional uptake of SO2 is coupled to the model nitrate prediction which affects the aerosol liquid water abundance and chemistry driving sulfate-nitrate-ammonium partitioning. An additional simulation of the haze pollution with heterogeneous uptake of SO2 to aerosol and simple improvements to the model nitrate simulation results in 30 % less sulfate due to 40 % less nitrate and aerosol water, and results in an underestimate of sulfate during the haze event. Future studies need to better consider the impact of model physical processes such as dry deposition and boundary layer mixing on the simulation of nitrate and the effect of improved nitrate simulations on the overall simulation of secondary inorganic aerosol (sulfate+nitrate+ammonium) in East Asia. Foreign emissions are rapidly changing, increasing the need to understand the impact of local emissions on PM2.5 in South Korea to ensure continued air quality improvements

    Fine particle pH and sensitivity to NH3 and HNO3 over summertime South Korea during KORUS-AQ

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    Using a new approach that constrains thermodynamic modeling of aerosol composition with measured gas-to-particle partitioning of inorganic nitrate, we estimate the acidity levels for aerosol sampled in the South Korean planetary boundary layer during the NASA/NIER KORUS-AQ field campaign. The pH (mean ± 1σ = 2.43 ± 0.68) and aerosol liquid water content determined were then used to determine the chemical regime of the inorganic fraction of particulate matter (PM) sensitivity to ammonia and nitrate availability. We found that the aerosol formation is always sensitive to HNO3 levels, especially in highly polluted regions, while it is only exclusively sensitive to NH3 in some rural/remote regions. Nitrate levels are further promoted because dry deposition velocity is low and allows its accumulation in the boundary layer. Because of this, HNO3 reductions achieved by NOx controls prove to be the most effective approach for all conditions examined, and that NH3 emissions can only partially affect PM reduction for the specific season and region. Despite the benefits of controlling PM formation to reduce ammonium-nitrate aerosol and PM mass, changes in the acidity domain can significantly affect other processes and sources of aerosol toxicity (such as e.g., solubilization of Fe, Cu and other metals) as well as the deposition patterns of these trace species and reactive nitrate