21 research outputs found

    Research culture: why every lab needs a handbook

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    A lab handbook is a flexible document that outlines the ethos of a research lab or group. A good handbook will outline the different roles within the lab, explain what is expected of all lab members, provide an overview of the culture the lab aims to create, and describe how the lab supports its members so that they can develop as researchers. Here we describe how we wrote a lab handbook for a large research group, and provide resources to help other labs write their own handbooks

    Phenotypic and genetic associations of quantitative magnetic susceptibility in UK Biobank brain imaging

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    A key aim in epidemiological neuroscience is identification of markers to assess brain health and monitor therapeutic interventions. Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) is an emerging magnetic resonance imaging technique that measures tissue magnetic susceptibility and has been shown to detect pathological changes in tissue iron, myelin and calcification. We present an open resource of QSM-based imaging measures of multiple brain structures in 35,273 individuals from the UK Biobank prospective epidemiological study. We identify statistically significant associations of 251 phenotypes with magnetic susceptibility that include body iron, disease, diet and alcohol consumption. Genome-wide associations relate magnetic susceptibility to 76 replicating clusters of genetic variants with biological functions involving iron, calcium, myelin and extracellular matrix. These patterns of associations include relationships that are unique to QSM, in particular being complementary to T2* signal decay time measures. These new imaging phenotypes are being integrated into the core UK Biobank measures provided to researchers worldwide, creating the potential to discover new, non-invasive markers of brain health

    An automated pipeline for extracting histological stain area fraction for voxelwise quantitative MRI-histology comparisons

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    The acquisition of MRI and histology in the same post-mortem tissue sample enables direct correlation between MRI and histologically-derived parameters. However, there still lacks a standardised automated pipeline to process histology data, with most studies relying on manual intervention. Here, we introduce an automated pipeline to extract a quantitative histological measure for staining density (stain area fraction, SAF) from multiple immunohistochemical (IHC) stains. The pipeline is designed to directly address key IHC artefacts related to tissue staining and slide digitisation. Here, the pipeline was applied to post-mortem human brain data from multiple subjects, relating MRI parameters (FA, MD, RD, AD, R2*, R1) to IHC slides stained for myelin, neurofilaments, microglia and activated microglia. Utilising high-quality MRI-histology co-registrations, we then performed whole-slide voxelwise comparisons (simple correlations, partial correlations and multiple regression analyses) between multimodal MRI- and IHC-derived parameters. The pipeline was found to be reproducible, robust to artefacts and generalisable across multiple IHC stains. Our partial correlation results suggest that some simple MRI-SAF correlations should be interpreted with caution, due to the co-localisation of other tissue features (e.g., myelin and neurofilaments). Further, we find activated microglia—a generic biomarker of inflammation—to consistently be the strongest predictor of high DTI FA and low RD, which may suggest sensitivity of diffusion MRI to aspects of neuroinflammation related to microglial activation, even after accounting for other microstructural changes (demyelination, axonal loss and general microglia infiltration). Together, these results show the utility of this approach in carefully curating IHC data and performing multimodal analyses to better understand microstructural relationships with MRI

    Phenotypic and genetic associations of quantitative magnetic susceptibility in UK Biobank brain imaging

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    A key aim in epidemiological neuroscience is identification of markers to assess brain health and monitor therapeutic interventions. Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) is an emerging magnetic resonance imaging technique that measures tissue magnetic susceptibility and has been shown to detect pathological changes in tissue iron, myelin and calcification. We present an open resource of QSM-based imaging measures of multiple brain structures in 35,273 individuals from the UK Biobank prospective epidemiological study. We identify statistically significant associations of 251 phenotypes with magnetic susceptibility that include body iron, disease, diet and alcohol consumption. Genome-wide associations relate magnetic susceptibility to 76 replicating clusters of genetic variants with biological functions involving iron, calcium, myelin and extracellular matrix. These patterns of associations include relationships that are unique to QSM, in particular being complementary to T2* signal decay time measures. These new imaging phenotypes are being integrated into the core UK Biobank measures provided to researchers worldwide, creating the potential to discover new, non-invasive markers of brain health

    Recommendations and guidelines from the ISMRM Diffusion Study Group for preclinical diffusion MRI: Part 1 -- In vivo small-animal imaging

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    The value of in vivo preclinical diffusion MRI (dMRI) is substantial. Small-animal dMRI has been used for methodological development and validation, characterizing the biological basis of diffusion phenomena, and comparative anatomy. Many of the influential works in this field were first performed in small animals or ex vivo samples. The steps from animal setup and monitoring, to acquisition, analysis, and interpretation are complex, with many decisions that may ultimately affect what questions can be answered using the data. This work aims to serve as a reference, presenting selected recommendations and guidelines from the diffusion community, on best practices for preclinical dMRI of in vivo animals. In each section, we also highlight areas for which no guidelines exist (and why), and where future work should focus. We first describe the value that small animal imaging adds to the field of dMRI, followed by general considerations and foundational knowledge that must be considered when designing experiments. We briefly describe differences in animal species and disease models and discuss how they are appropriate for different studies. We then give guidelines for in vivo acquisition protocols, including decisions on hardware, animal preparation, imaging sequences and data processing, including pre-processing, model-fitting, and tractography. Finally, we provide an online resource which lists publicly available preclinical dMRI datasets and software packages, to promote responsible and reproducible research. An overarching goal herein is to enhance the rigor and reproducibility of small animal dMRI acquisitions and analyses, and thereby advance biomedical knowledge.Comment: 69 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Why every lab needs a handbook

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    A lab handbook is a flexible document that outlines the ethos of a research lab or group. A good handbook will outline the different roles within the lab, explain what is expected of all lab members, provide an overview of the culture the lab aims to create, and describe how the lab supports its members so that they can develop as researchers. Here we describe how we wrote a lab handbook for a large research group, and provide resources to help other labs write their own handbooks

    A method to remove the influence of fixative concentration on postmortem T2 maps using a kinetic tensor model

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    Formalin fixation has been shown to substantially reduce T2 estimates, primarily driven by the presence of fixative in tissue. Prior to scanning, post-mortem samples are often placed into a fluid that has more favourable imaging properties. This study investigates whether there is evidence for a change in T2 in regions close to the tissue surface due to fixative outflux into this surrounding fluid. Furthermore, we investigate whether a simulated spatial map of fixative concentration can be used as a confound regressor to reduce T2 inhomogeneity. To achieve this, T2 maps and diffusion tensor estimates were obtained in 14 whole, formalin-fixed post-mortem brains placed in Fluorinert approximately 48 hr prior to scanning. Seven brains were fixed with 10% formalin and seven brains were fixed with 10% neutral buffered formalin (NBF). Fixative outflux was modelled using a proposed kinetic tensor (KT) model, which incorporates voxelwise diffusion tensor estimates to account for diffusion anisotropy and tissue-specific diffusion coefficients. Brains fixed with 10% NBF revealed a spatial T2 pattern consistent with modelled fixative outflux. Confound regression of fixative concentration reduced T2 inhomogeneity across both white and grey matter, with the greatest reduction attributed to the KT model versus simpler models of fixative outflux. No such effect was observed in brains fixed with 10% formalin. Correlations between the transverse relaxation rate R2 and ferritin/myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) histology lead to an increased similarity for the relationship between R2 and PLP for the two fixative types after KT correction

    Tensor image registration library: Deformable registration of stand‐alone histology images to whole‐brain post‐mortem MRI data

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    Background: Accurate registration between microscopy and MRI data is necessary for validating imaging biomarkers against neuropathology, and to disentangle complex signal dependencies in microstructural MRI. Existing registration methods often rely on serial histological sampling or significant manual input, providing limited scope to work with a large number of stand-alone histology sections. Here we present a customisable pipeline to assist the registration of stand-alone histology sections to whole-brain MRI data. Methods: Our pipeline registers stained histology sections to whole-brain post-mortem MRI in 4 stages, with the help of two photographic intermediaries: a block face image (to undistort histology sections) and coronal brain slab photographs (to insert them into MRI space). Each registration stage is implemented as a configurable stand-alone Python script using our novel platform, Tensor Image Registration Library (TIRL), which provides flexibility for wider adaptation. We report our experience of registering 87 PLP-stained histology sections from 14 subjects and perform various experiments to assess the accuracy and robustness of each stage of the pipeline. Results: All 87 histology sections were successfully registered to MRI. Histology-to-block registration (Stage 1) achieved 0.2–0.4 mm accuracy, better than commonly used existing methods. Block-to-slice matching (Stage 2) showed great robustness in automatically identifying and inserting small tissue blocks into whole brain slices with 0.2 mm accuracy. Simulations demonstrated sub-voxel level accuracy (0.13 mm) of the slice-to-volume registration (Stage 3) algorithm, which was observed in over 200 actual brain slice registrations, compensating 3D slice deformations up to 6.5 mm. Stage 4 combined the previous stages and generated refined pixelwise aligned multi-modal histology-MRI stacks. Conclusions: Our open-source pipeline provides robust automation tools for registering stand-alone histology sections to MRI data with sub-voxel level precision, and the underlying framework makes it readily adaptable to a diverse range of microscopy-MRI studies

    Brain gyrification in wild and domestic canids: Has domestication changed the gyrification index in domestic dogs?

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    Over the last 15 years, research on canid cognition has revealed that domestic dogs possess a surprising array of complex socio‐cognitive skills pointing to the possibility that the domestication process might have uniquely altered their brains; however, we know very little about how evolutionary processes (natural or artificial) might have modified underlying neural structure to support species‐specific behaviors. Evaluating the degree of cortical folding (i.e., gyrification) within canids may prove useful, as this parameter is linked to functional variation of the cerebral cortex. Using quantitative magnetic resonance imaging to investigate the impact of domestication on the canine cortical surface, we compared the gyrification index (GI) in 19 carnivore species, including six wild canid and 13 domestic dog individuals. We also explored correlations between global and local GI with brain mass, cortical thickness, white and grey matter volume and surface area. Our results indicated that GI values for domestic dogs are largely consistent with what would be expected for a canid of their given brain mass, although more variable than that observed in wild canids. We also found that GI in canids is positively correlated with cortical surface area, cortical thickness and total cortical grey matter volumes. While we found no evidence of global differences in GI between domestic and wild canids, certain regional differences in gyrification were observed