17 research outputs found

    Discomfort experienced at the daily life of relatives of people admitted at ICU

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    This is a qualitative research that aimed to get to know the discomforts experienced at the daily life of relatives of people admitted at the intensive care unit (ICU). It happened on a general ICU at a public hospital, in Salvador-BA, by the second half of 2009. Nine relatives of people admitted were interviewed. The technique used was the analysis from the Grounded Theory. The results showed that the interaction of the families with the reality of life threat from the relative admitted, had as main discomfort, the discontinuity in their daily life, which was characterized by four categories: Living the distress of a possible loss, difficulties to take care of themselves, facing a separation in the family, suffering with changes in their social and professional lives. These discomforts can be minimized by the healthcare team’s effectiveness to the demands of the family and the support of its social network

    Teaching and learning in the clinical field: perspective of teachers, nurses and nursing students

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    This is a qualitative research, which used the social phenomenology of Alfred Schütz approach. Its purpose was meeting and discussing the expectations of teachers, nurses and students about teaching in the clinical field. Nine teachers, eleven nurses and eleven students of the Nursing Graduation grade from a public university of São Paulo were included in this study. Data were collected in 2012. As the results showed, there are expectations about the link between theory and practice that clinical teaching can offer and also the desire that such instruction enable the learners to develop a pro-active and participatory attitude. The reciprocity of perspectives was evident and should be considered when academic projects focused on nursing education are developed.Estudo qualitativo, com abordagem da fenomenologia social de Alfred Schütz, que teve como objetivo conhecer e discutir as expectativas dos docentes, enfermeiras e estudantes com relação ao ensino em campo clínico. Participaram do estudo nove docentes, 11 enfermeiras e 11 estudantes do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem de uma universidade pública de São Paulo. A coleta dos dados foi realizada em 2012 e os resultados mostraram que os sujeitos esperam que o ensino clínico subsidie a articulação entre a teoria e a prática profissional; e almejam que tal ensino possibilite o desenvolvimento de uma postura próativa e participativa dos envolvidos na aprendizagem. A reciprocidade de perspectivas foi evidenciada, devendo ser considerada na elaboração de projetos pedagógicos voltados para a formação do enfermeiro

    Competências gerenciais na formação do enfermeiro Competencias gerenciales en la formación del enfermero Management competences in the formation of nurses

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar a inserção das competências gerenciais na formação do enfermeiro. Trata-se de um estudo com abordagem qualitativa, que utilizou a análise de conteúdo dos documentos pedagógicos de um curso de enfermagem de uma instituição de ensino superior da Região Sul do país. Na análise documental temática desenvolvida neste estudo, a evidência dos itens de significado corroborou a inserção da competência gerencial nas dimensões: conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes. O estudo demonstrou que são contempladas na formação do enfermeiro as competências gerenciais no curso pesquisado, cabe ressaltar que da análise dos dados emergiram as lacunas elencadas como contribuição do estudo.<br>Este estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar la inserción de las competencias gerenciales en la formación del enfermero. Se trata de un estudio con abordaje cualitativo, que utilizó el análisis de contenido de los documentos pedagógicos del curso de enfermería de una institución de la educación superior de la Región Sur del país. En el análisis documental temático desarrollado en este estudio, la evidencia de los artículos del significado corroboró la inserción de la competencia gerencial en las dimensiones: conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes. El estudio demostró que las competencias gerenciales del curso pesquisado son contempladas en la formación del enfermero. Cabe resaltar que del análisis de datos emergieron las lagunas listadas, como contribución del estudio.<br>This study had as purpose to identify the insertion of the management competences in the formation of nurses. That was a study of qualitative approach, that used the analysis of content of the pedagogic documents of the course of nursing of an institution of higher education of the South Region of the country. In the thematic documental analysis developed in this study, the evidence of the meaning items corroborated the insert of the managerial competence in the dimensions: knowledge, abilities and attitudes. The study demonstrated that they are contemplated in the nurse formation the managerial competences in the researched course. It important to say that from the analysis of the data emerged the enrolled gaps as contribution of the study

    Nursing work at night in palliative oncology care

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    OBJECTIVE: to understand the meaning baccalaureate nurses and nursing technicians attribute to night work in the context of clinical palliative oncology nursing care services, as well as how nursing works to attend to clients and caregivers' needs in this period. METHOD: in this exploratory and qualitative study, grounded theory was used. Seven nurses and four nursing technicians were interviewed, who composed two sample groups. Nine categories were produced and, in their comparative content analysis, a knowledge emphasis was evidenced with implications for nighttime nursing work. In this study, these aspects were discussed in two of the categories, which are: to describe care practice in order to understand nursing care management and to point out the difficulties in care practice and nursing care management. RESULTS: The results evidence the complexity in the nighttime care context, considering the clients' clinical conditions and clients and caregivers' psychological demands, mainly because of the threat of death. CONCLUSION: The team attempts to respond to these needs through communication, but reveals a lack of assistential services and an overload. Interdisciplinarity is a palliative care premise, favoring holistic care delivery, and cannot be neglected at, which requires attention and investment to develop better practices