1,959 research outputs found

    The analysis of attractive rates offered under Dual Structured Notes without principal protection, regarding the probability to occur and the operation at market prices of the implicit options

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    This paper has the purpose to determine whether the attractive rates offered by a local Investment Bank in Mexico under structured products, more specifically under structured notes without principal protection denominated “Dual Structured Notes”, are plausible to get, showing whether the strikes of the implicit options were chosen within critical price values for the foreign exchange rate MXN/USD and as consequence whether the options implicit in the notes were operated at market prices. In order to make an analysis of the Dual short-term structured notes, we are going to focus in the option implicit in the notes and the underlying asset. Firstly, we are going to calculate the critical exchange rate prices in the left and right tail of the term ahead MXN/USD exchange rate stochastic variable distribution. Secondly, we are going to compute the options price at the original strike and at those critical values, in order to compare it and determine whether those instruments were sold at market prices within the range. Thirdly, we are going to estimate the analytical value-at-risk (VaR) as a tool for the investors to know the risk of this kind of products. As a result of this work, such actors as pushers, advisors and managers that encourage investors to take structured notes without any reference to their risk profile, will be able to provide a guidance for investment decisions in order to assess investors the risks of these notes based on critical prices for the exchange rate and VaR information. Additionally, these patterns have the potential to provide a technical background for the Mexican and International Regulators to incorporate the minimum requirements and rules that financial companies should implement in order to issue and allocate structured notes without any principal protection to their customers. These results give also a possibility to develop the base for the inference if the implicit options or other financial products, that are sold or bought to partners of the same Financial Group, are operated at market prices

    Políticas públicas de prevención, sanción y erradicación de la violencia de género en Río Grande, Tierra del Fuego

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    El presente trabajo es un avance del proyecto de investigación denominado “Violencia de Género y Políticas Públicas en Tierra del Fuego" radicado en el Instituto de Cultura, Sociedad y Estado de la Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego, A.e.I.A.S. La provincia de Tierra del Fuego es pionera en legislación sobre violencia de género en tanto entre el año 1991 y 1992 se sancionaron normas específicas que se caracterizan no sólo por ser anteriores a la legislación nacional en la materia sino también por su contenido (Debia, 2015). Es recién en el año 2009 que se sanciona, en Argentina, la Ley Nacional n° 26.485 de Protección Integral para prevenir, sancionar y erradicar la violencia contra las mujeres en los ámbitos en que se desarrollen sus relaciones interpersonales. De esta forma, nos proponemos analizar de manera exploratoria el accionar del gobierno local de Río Grande (provincia de Tierra del Fuego) respecto a la prevención, sanción y erradicación de la violencia de género en la ciudad en el periodo 1991-2016. Nuestra hipótesis señala que hasta el año 2013, momento en que se sanciona la ordenanza municipal 3217/13 el Municipio de Río Grande no ha tenido un papel activo en la materia, contrariamente a lo que ha sucedido a nivel provincial. Sin embargo, a partir de este momento comienzan a sancionarse numerosas normativas que apuntan a la problemática de la violencia de género pero que las mismas no se han transformado en soluciones eficaces a la problemática de la violencia contra las mujeres. Para la obtención de esta primer aproximación se realizará un análisis documental a través del relevamiento de las ordenanzas municipales sancionadas en la ciudad durante el periodo de tiempo anteriormente señalado.Fil: Lobato, Sabrina. Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego (Argentina)Fil: Ozamiz, Andrea Patricia . Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego (Argentina)Fil: Benitez, Nidia. Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego (Argentina

    Políticas públicas de prevención, sanción y erradicación de la violencia de género en Río Grande, Tierra del Fuego

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    El presente trabajo es un avance del proyecto de investigación denominado “Violencia de Género y Políticas Públicas en Tierra del Fuego" radicado en el Instituto de Cultura, Sociedad y Estado de la Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego, A.e.I.A.S. La provincia de Tierra del Fuego es pionera en legislación sobre violencia de género en tanto entre el año 1991 y 1992 se sancionaron normas específicas que se caracterizan no sólo por ser anteriores a la legislación nacional en la materia sino también por su contenido (Debia, 2015). Es recién en el año 2009 que se sanciona, en Argentina, la Ley Nacional n° 26.485 de Protección Integral para prevenir, sancionar y erradicar la violencia contra las mujeres en los ámbitos en que se desarrollen sus relaciones interpersonales. De esta forma, nos proponemos analizar de manera exploratoria el accionar del gobierno local de Río Grande (provincia de Tierra del Fuego) respecto a la prevención, sanción y erradicación de la violencia de género en la ciudad en el periodo 1991-2016. Nuestra hipótesis señala que hasta el año 2013, momento en que se sanciona la ordenanza municipal 3217/13 el Municipio de Río Grande no ha tenido un papel activo en la materia, contrariamente a lo que ha sucedido a nivel provincial. Sin embargo, a partir de este momento comienzan a sancionarse numerosas normativas que apuntan a la problemática de la violencia de género pero que las mismas no se han transformado en soluciones eficaces a la problemática de la violencia contra las mujeres. Para la obtención de esta primer aproximación se realizará un análisis documental a través del relevamiento de las ordenanzas municipales sancionadas en la ciudad durante el periodo de tiempo anteriormente señalado.Fil: Lobato, Sabrina. Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego (Argentina)Fil: Ozamiz, Andrea Patricia . Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego (Argentina)Fil: Benitez, Nidia. Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego (Argentina

    Perspective on the Genetic Response to Antiparasitics: A Review Article

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    Background: Drugs’ pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics can be af- fected by diverse genetic variations, within which simple nucleotide poly- morphisms (SNPs) are the most common. Genetic variability is one of the factors that could explain questions like why a given drug does not have the desired effect or why do adverse drug reactions arise. Methods: In this retrospective observational study, literature search limits were set within PubMed database as well as the epidemiological bulletins published by the Mexican Ministry of Health, from Jan 1st 2001 to Mar 31st 2017 (16 years). Results: Metabolism of antiparasitic drugs and their interindividual re- sponses are mainly modified by variations in cytochrome P450 enzymes. These enzymes show high frequencies of polymorphic variability thus af- fecting the expression of CYP2C, CYP2A, CYP2A6, CYP2D6, CYP2E6 and CYP2A6 isoforms. Research in this field opens the door to new person- alized treatment approaches in medicine. Conclusion: Clinical and pharmacological utility yield by applying phar- macogenetics to antiparasitic treatments is not intended as a mean to im- prove the prescription process, but to select or exclude patients that could present adverse drug reactions as well as to evaluate genetic alterations which result in a diversity of responses, ultimately seeking to provide a more effective and safe treatment; therefore choosing a proper dose for the ap- propriate patient and the optimal treatment duration. Furthermore, phar- macogenetics assists in the development of vaccines. In other words, the aim of this discipline is to find therapeutic targets allowing personalized treatments

    Multiculturalismo: diversidade cultural na escola

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    A sociedade, nos últimos anos, tem sido objeto de muitas mudanças o que tem levado ao aparecimento de novas realidades educativas e, ao mesmo tempo, tem desencadeado um acréscimo de exigências feitas aos professores e à escola. A globalização e a crise financeira mundial recente têm levado a novos desafios e a novos paradigmas. A temática deste estudo teve como proposta investigar o multiculturalismo na escola. Para tanto, utilizamos a prática educacional de professores e gestores de uma escola. A nossa pergunta de partida: “Como incluir crianças de nacionalidades, culturas e religiões diferentes na escola?” O objetivo geral do estudo foi demonstrar que o educador/gestor, através da sua vivência e formação é capaz de considerar a inclusão do aluno de nacionalidade, cultura e religiosidade diferentes na escola, visando seu desenvolvimento e aprendizado. A pesquisa-ação foi a metodologia usada para levantamento de dados. Embora a escola brasileira seja um dos espaços mais ricos de construção da cidadania e acesso ao conhecimento sistematizado, além de construção de identidade social e cultural, para alunos em contextos multiculturais, nem sempre acontece. Os resultados apontam que os professores ainda sentem dificuldades para abordar o multiculturalismo, existindo poucos momentos de diálogo com as famílias, além de ser limitada a troca de experiências, entre professores, acerca dos alunos. Face aos dados obtidos, propomos um Plano de Formação para Professores, coordenado por nós, que passa pelas áreas: os desafios da inclusão multicultural, estratégias de troca de experiências e o espaço como terceiro educador. No sentido de fortalecer o vinculo entre famílias e a escola apresentamos algumas atividades que contribuam para fortalecer a relação Escola /família, pois é necessário criar nas famílias um conceito positivo da escola.In recent years, society has been the subject of many changes, which has led to the emergence of new educational realities and, at the same time, has triggered an increase in demands on teachers and schools. Globalization and the recent global financial crisis have led to new challenges and new paradigms. The purpose of this study was to investigate multiculturalism in school. Therefore, we use the educational practice of teachers and managers of a school. Our initial question: "How to include children of different nationalities, cultures and religions in school?" The overall objective of the study was to demonstrate that the educator / manager, through his experience and training, is able to consider the inclusion of the student of nationality, different culture and religiosity in the school, aiming its development and learning. Action research was the methodology used for data collection. Although the Brazilian school is one of the richest spaces of citizenship construction and access to systematized knowledge, besides building social and cultural identity, for students in multicultural contexts, it does not always happen. The results show that teachers still find it difficult to approach multiculturalism, there are few moments of dialogue with families, besides being limited the exchange of experiences among teachers about the students. Given the data obtained, we propose a Training Plan for Teachers, coordinated by us, that passes through the areas: the challenges of multicultural inclusion, strategies for exchanging experiences and space as a third educator. In order to strengthen the bond between families and the school we present some activities that contribute to strengthen the School / family relationship, because it is necessary to create in families a positive concept of the school

    Multiculturalismo: diversidade cultural na escola

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    A sociedade, nos últimos anos, tem sido objeto de muitas mudanças o que tem levado ao aparecimento de novas realidades educativas e, ao mesmo tempo, tem desencadeado um acréscimo de exigências feitas aos professores e à escola. A globalização e a crise financeira mundial recente têm levado a novos desafios e a novos paradigmas. A temática deste estudo teve como proposta investigar o multiculturalismo na escola. Para tanto, utilizamos a prática educacional de professores e gestores de uma escola. A nossa pergunta de partida: “Como incluir crianças de nacionalidades, culturas e religiões diferentes na escola?” O objetivo geral do estudo foi demonstrar que o educador/gestor, através da sua vivência e formação é capaz de considerar a inclusão do aluno de nacionalidade, cultura e religiosidade diferentes na escola, visando seu desenvolvimento e aprendizado. A pesquisa-ação foi a metodologia usada para levantamento de dados. Embora a escola brasileira seja um dos espaços mais ricos de construção da cidadania e acesso ao conhecimento sistematizado, além de construção de identidade social e cultural, para alunos em contextos multiculturais, nem sempre acontece. Os resultados apontam que os professores ainda sentem dificuldades para abordar o multiculturalismo, existindo poucos momentos de diálogo com as famílias, além de ser limitada a troca de experiências, entre professores, acerca dos alunos. Face aos dados obtidos, propomos um Plano de Formação para Professores, coordenado por nós, que passa pelas áreas: os desafios da inclusão multicultural, estratégias de troca de experiências e o espaço como terceiro educador. No sentido de fortalecer o vinculo entre famílias e a escola apresentamos algumas atividades que contribuam para fortalecer a relação Escola /família, pois é necessário criar nas famílias um conceito positivo da escola.In recent years, society has been the subject of many changes, which has led to the emergence of new educational realities and, at the same time, has triggered an increase in demands on teachers and schools. Globalization and the recent global financial crisis have led to new challenges and new paradigms. The purpose of this study was to investigate multiculturalism in school. Therefore, we use the educational practice of teachers and managers of a school. Our initial question: "How to include children of different nationalities, cultures and religions in school?" The overall objective of the study was to demonstrate that the educator / manager, through his experience and training, is able to consider the inclusion of the student of nationality, different culture and religiosity in the school, aiming its development and learning. Action research was the methodology used for data collection. Although the Brazilian school is one of the richest spaces of citizenship construction and access to systematized knowledge, besides building social and cultural identity, for students in multicultural contexts, it does not always happen. The results show that teachers still find it difficult to approach multiculturalism, there are few moments of dialogue with families, besides being limited the exchange of experiences among teachers about the students. Given the data obtained, we propose a Training Plan for Teachers, coordinated by us, that passes through the areas: the challenges of multicultural inclusion, strategies for exchanging experiences and space as a third educator. In order to strengthen the bond between families and the school we present some activities that contribute to strengthen the School / family relationship, because it is necessary to create in families a positive concept of the school

    Despacho económico considerando la emisión de gases e integración de energía fotovoltaica mediante la utilización del algoritmo de libélulas

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    En los últimos años el despacho económico (DE) ha tomado relevancia, ya que, al pretender solventar la producción de generación a un costo reducido, debe atender la demanda, respetando límites físicos de las unidades generadoras, considerando pérdidas y también los índices de contaminación que producen estas unidades. Este último requerimiento, es muy importante debido a la relación directa que tiene con el calentamiento global, así, al estudiar el DE considerando las emisiones surge el término despacho económico ambiental (DEA) que es un problema no lineal. El presente documento busca solventar este problema mediante el algoritmo de optimización de las libélulas (AL), para validar el AL, se evalúa este en un sistema de prueba de 10 generadores. Se realizan dos casos de estudio, el primero corresponde al sistema en condiciones iniciales sin inserción de generación fotovoltaica y el segundo con la inserción de generación fotovoltaica. De esta manera, se determina la eficacia del AL para sistemas con generación híbridos.In recent years, the economic dispatch (ED) has become relevant, since, by trying to solve the generation production at a reduced cost, it must meet the demand, respecting the physical limits of the generating units, considering losses and also the rates of pollution produced by these units. This last requirement is very important due to the direct relationship it has with global warming, thus, when studying the DE taking emissions into account, the term environmental economic dispatch (DEA) arises, which is a non-linear problem. This document seeks to solve this problem through the optimization algorithm of dragonflies (AL), to validate the AL, it is evaluated in a test system of 10 generators. Two case studies have been carried out, the first corresponds to the system in initial conditions without the insertion of a photovoltaic generator and the second with the insertion of a photovoltaic generator. In this way, the efficiency of the AL will be determined for hybrid systems

    Género y autocuidado de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en el Estado de México

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    La diabetes mellitus es un problema epidemiológico nacional poco tratado en los estudios de género. La obesidad, la inadecuada alimentación y el sedentarismo son factores de riesgo de esta patología que se diagnostica con mayor frecuencia a edades más tempranas, impactando en el equilibrio de las familias. Aunque esta enfermedad se presenta en ambos géneros, la prevalencia es más elevada en mujeres. Se realizó un estudio de diseño transversal con una muestra no probabilística de 239 personas de dos comunidades del Estado de México, a quienes previo consentimiento informado se aplicó un cuestionario para analizar el género como factor de riesgo para el autocuidado en diabetes mellitus tipo 2. El estudio da a conocer los factores no clínicos que pueden considerarse como diferenciales de género. La prevención considera aspectos educativos de autocuidado con un abordaje transdisciplinario e incorporando a la familia para el cuidado de la salud, por sus creencias, saberes y prácticas

    Radiative Corrections to Nonleptonic Inclusive B Decays and the Semileptonic Branching Ratio of B Mesons

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    We calculate the radiative corrections to the nonleptonic inclusive B decay mode bcudb\to c ud taking into account the charm quark mass. The corrections increase the decay rate by (4--8)\%, depending on the renormalization point. Using these results, we obtain an improved theoretical prediction for the semileptonic branching ratio of B mesons. This talk relies on work done in collaboration with E. Bagan, V.M.\ Braun and P. Gosdzinsky.Comment: Talk given at QCD 94, Montpellier July 94, 5 p., TUM-T31-74/94, uses epsf.sty and a4wide.sty, 2 uuencoded PS figures include

    Multifunctional Titanium Surfaces for Orthopedic Implants: Antimicrobial Activity and Enhanced Osseointegration

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    The use of implants in orthopedics and dental practice is a widespread surgical procedure to treat diverse diseases. However, peri-implantitis due to infections and/or poor osseointegration can lead to metallic implant failure. The aim of this study was to develop a multifunctional coating on titanium (Ti) surfaces, to simultaneously deal with both issues, by combining antibacterial silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) and regenerative properties of lactoferrin (Lf). A simple and cost-effective methodology that allows the direct multifunctionalization of Ti surfaces was developed. The modified surfaces were characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and contact angle measurements. Additionally, in vitro preosteoblast cell adhesion, cell viability, and differentiation were evaluated. The antibacterial capability of the surfaces was tested against Staphylococcus aureus as a prosthesis infection model strain. Our results showed that Lf adsorbed on both Ti surfaces and Ti surfaces with adsorbed AgNPs. Simultaneously, the presence of Lf and AgNPs notably improved preosteoblast adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation, whereas it reduced the bacterial colonization by 97.7%. Our findings indicate that this simple method may have potential applications in medical devices to both improve osseointegration and reduce bacterial infection risk, enhancing successful implantation and patients' quality of life.Fil: Ghilini, Fiorela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas; ArgentinaFil: Fagali, Natalia Soledad. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas; ArgentinaFil: Pissinis, Diego Ezequiel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas; ArgentinaFil: Benitez, Guillermo Alfredo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas; ArgentinaFil: Schilardi, Patricia Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas; Argentin