1,189 research outputs found

    Dual Fabry-Perot filter for measurement of CO rotational spectra: design and application to the CO spectrum of Venus

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    We present the design of a harmonic resonant filter that can be used with a Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS) for simultaneous measurement of a series of lines in the CO rotational ladder. To enable studies of both broad CO absorptions in Venus and modestly red-shifted CO emission from external galaxies, relatively broad (approximately 10-30-GHz FWHM) transmission passbands are desirable. Because a single low-finesse Fabry Perot (FP) etalon has insufficient interline rejection, a dual-FP etalon was considered. Such a design provides significantly better interband rejection and somewhat more flattopped transmission spikes. A prototype filter of this type, made of two thin silicon disks spaced by an air gap, has been constructed and used with our FTS at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory for simultaneous measurement of the four submillimeter CO transitions in the atmosphere of Venus that are accessible from the ground

    Near-Infrared Photometry of the High-Redshift Quasar RDJ030117+002025: Evidence for a Massive Starburst at z=5.5

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    With a redshift of z=5.5 and an optical blue magnitude M_B ~ -24.2 mag (~4.5 10^12 L_sun), RDJ030117+002025 is the most distant optically faint (M_B > -26 mag) quasar known. MAMBO continuum observations at lambda=1.2 mm (185 micrometer rest-frame) showed that this quasar has a far-IR luminosity comparable to its optical luminosity. We present near-infrared J- and K-band photometry obtained with NIRC on the Keck I telescope, tracing the slope of the rest frame UV spectrum of this quasar. The observed spectral index is close to the value of alpha_nu ~ -0.44 measured in composite spectra of optically-bright SDSS quasars. It thus appears that the quasar does not suffer from strong dust extinction, which further implies that its low rest-frame UV luminosity is due to an intrinsically-faint AGN. The FIR to optical luminosity ratio is then much larger than that observed for the more luminous quasars, supporting the suggestion that the FIR emission is not powered by the AGN but by a massive starburst.Comment: 6 pages, APJ in pres

    Bipolar molecular outflows driven by hydromagnetic protostellar winds

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    We demonstrate that magnetically-collimated protostellar winds will sweep ambient material into thin, radiative, momentum-conserving shells whose features reproduce those commonly observed in bipolar molecular outflows. We find the typical position-velocity and mass-velocity relations to occur in outflows in a wide variety of ambient density distributions, regardless of the time histories of their driving winds.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, submitted to ApJ

    Using Hip-Hop Culture to Engage in Culturally Relevant Literacy Instruction

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    The COVID-19 pandemic along with Black Lives Matter have both cast a spotlight on inequities that exist racially, and the glaring disparities in the digital divide that exist in our culture today. With student demographics changing across the nation, these issues have created a need for educators to effectively meet the needs of a diverse student population that is and continues to change. Schools and classrooms need to be culturally responsive using the cultural knowledge, prior experiences, and learning styles of diverse students to make learning more engaging and effective more than ever. Culturally responsive literacy instruction bridges the gap between the school and the student\u27s world. Using hip-hop culture in literacy instruction encourages teachers to adapt their instruction to meet the learning needs of all students by providing literacy instruction that is culturally responsive and promotes high achievement among culturally diverse students. According to Broughton (2017), hip-hop culture is communication identified through artistic, musical, physical, and visual modes that people use to express their experiences, beliefs, and emotions. Rap music (spoken or chanted rhyming lyrics performed in time to a beat) is one of the four key stylistic elements of hip-hop culture, in addition to deejaying/scratching, break dancing, and graffiti writing (word art)

    Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer Observations of the Evolution of Massive Star-forming Regions

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    We present the results of a mid-infrared survey of 11 outer Galaxy massive star-forming regions and 3 open clusters with data from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE). Using a newly developed photometric scheme to identify young stellar objects and exclude extragalactic contamination, we have studied the distribution of young stars within each region. These data tend to support the hypothesis that latter generations may be triggered by the interaction of winds and radiation from the first burst of massive star formation with the molecular cloud material leftover from that earlier generation of stars. We dub this process the "fireworks hypothesis" since star formation by this mechanism would proceed rapidly and resemble a burst of fireworks. We have also analyzed small cutout WISE images of the structures around the edges of these massive star-forming regions. We observe large (1-3 pc size) pillar and trunk-like structures of diffuse emission nebulosity tracing excited polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules and small dust grains at the perimeter of the massive star-forming regions. These structures contain small clusters of emerging Class I and Class II sources, but some are forming only a single to a few new stars

    The documentation and archiving of mixed media experiences: the case of Rider Spoke

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    publication-status: PublishedThis paper introduces the early stages of the research conducted by an interdisciplinary team in Horizon, comprising staff from Computer Science and Performance Studies, who, in collaboration with artist company Blast Theory, Stanford Libraries, British Libraries, the San Francisco Art Institute, the Ludwig Boltzman Institute Media.Art.Research, and Sheffield University, have devised a new form of interactive archive, the CloudPad, for the documentation and archiving of mixed media experiences

    Submillimeter Imaging of NGC 891 with SHARC

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    The advent of submillimeter wavelength array cameras operating on large ground-based telescopes is revolutionizing imaging at these wavelengths, enabling high-resolution submillimeter surveys of dust emission in star-forming regions and galaxies. Here we present a recent 350 micron image of the edge-on galaxy NGC 891, which was obtained with the Submillimeter High Angular Resolution Camera (SHARC) at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO). We find that high resolution submillimeter data is a vital complement to shorter wavelength satellite data, which enables a reliable separation of the cold dust component seen at millimeter wavelengths from the warmer component which dominates the far-infrared (FIR) luminosity.Comment: 4 pages LaTeX, 2 EPS figures, with PASPconf.sty; to appear in "Astrophysics with Infrared Surveys: A Prelude to SIRTF

    A broadband THz receiver for low background space applications

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    We have developed a sensitive bolometric receiver for low background space applications. In a 10 percent bandwidth at 1 THz, this receiver is approximately 100 times more sensitive than a quantum limited heterodyne receiver with a 1 GHz IF bandwidth. This receiver is designed to be used for the long wavelength band (200-700 microns) in the MIPS instrument on NASA's SIRTF satellite. The bolometers are cooled to 100 mK by an adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator. Roughly 60 g of cesium chrome alum salt is partially demagnetized to 100 mK, followed by a slow regulated downramp to compensate for the heat leak. The hold time of the ADR system is about 18 hours with a temperature stability of delta T(sub rms) approx. equals 10 micro-K. The composite bolometers have electrical responsivities of 10(exp 9)V/W and electrical NEP's of about 3x10(exp -17) W/square root of Hz. The bolometer signals are read out by JFET preamplifiers located on the helium plate and operated at 120 K. We have addressed a number of space qualification issues, such as the development of an analog magnet controller, construction of a cryogenic shake-table for bolometers and selection of the paramagnetic salt CCA which can survive a bakeout at 50 C. The receiver is scheduled to be flown in the spring of 1992 on a balloon telescope. This flight has a dual purpose. One is to provide realistic test of the capabilities of the new receiver. The other is to search for anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background on scales of a few degrees
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