101 research outputs found

    Protocol: An improved and universal procedure for whole-mount immunolocalization in plants

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    Rapid advances in microscopy have boosted research on cell biology. However sample preparation enabling excellent reproducible tissue preservation and cell labeling for in depth microscopic analysis of inner cell layers, tissues and organs still represents a major challenge for immunolocalization studies. Here we describe a protocol for whole-mount immunolocalization of proteins which is applicable to a wide range of plant species. The protocol is improved and robust for optimal sample fixation, tissue clearing and multi-protein staining procedures and can be used in combination with simultaneous detection of specific sequences of nucleic acids. In addition, cell wall and nucleus labelling can be implemented in the protocol, thereby allowing a detailed analysis of morphology and gene expression patterns with single-cell resolution. Besides enabling accurate, high resolution and reproducible protein detection in expression and localization studies, the procedure takes a single working day to complete without the need for robotic equipment

    A Grapevine TTG2-Like WRKY Transcription Factor Is Involved in Regulating Vacuolar Transport and Flavonoid Biosynthesis

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    open7noA small set of TTG2-like homolog proteins from different species belonging to the WRKY family of transcription factors were shown to share a similar mechanism of action and to control partially conserved biochemical/developmental processes in their native species. In particular, by activating P-ATPases residing on the tonoplast, PH3 from Petunia hybrida promotes vacuolar acidification in petal epidermal cells whereas TTG2 from Arabidopsis thaliana enables the accumulation of proanthocyanidins in the seed coat. In this work we functionally characterized VvWRKY26 identified as the closest grapevine homolog of PhPH3 and AtTTG2. When constitutively expressed in petunia ph3 mutant, VvWRKY26 can fulfill the PH3 function in the regulation of vacuolar pH and restores the wild type pigmentation phenotype. By a global correlation analysis of gene expression and by transient over-expression in Vitis vinifera, we showed transcriptomic relationships of VvWRKY26 with many genes related to vacuolar acidification and transport in grapevine. Moreover, our results indicate an involvement in flavonoid pathway possibly restricted to the control of proanthocyanidin biosynthesis that is consistent with its expression pattern in grape berry tissues. Overall, the results show that, in addition to regulative mechanisms and biological roles shared with TTG2-like orthologs, VvWRKY26 can play roles in fleshy fruit development that have not been previously reported in studies from dry fruit species. This study paves the way toward the comprehension of the regulatory network controlling vacuolar acidification and flavonoid accumulation mechanisms that contribute to the final berry quality traits in grapevine.openAmato, Alessandra; Cavallini, Erika; Zenoni, Sara; Finezzo, Laura; Begheldo, Maura; Ruperti, Benedetto; Tornielli, Giovanni BattistaAmato, Alessandra; Cavallini, Erika; Zenoni, Sara; Finezzo, Laura; Begheldo, Maura; Ruperti, Benedetto; Tornielli, Giovanni Battist

    Flooding Responses on Grapevine: A Physiological, Transcriptional, and Metabolic Perspective

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    Studies on model plants have shown that temporary soil flooding exposes roots to a significant hypoxic stress resulting in metabolic re-programming, accumulation of toxic metabolites and hormonal imbalance. To date, physiological and transcriptional responses to flooding in grapevine are poorly characterized. To fill this gap, we aimed to gain insights into the transcriptional and metabolic changes induced by flooding on grapevine roots (K5BB rootstocks), on which cv Sauvignon blanc (Vitis vinifera L.) plants were grafted. A preliminary experiment under hydroponic conditions enabled the identification of transiently and steadily regulated hypoxia-responsive marker genes and drafting a model for response to oxygen deprivation in grapevine roots. Afterward, over two consecutive vegetative seasons, flooding was imposed to potted vines during the late dormancy period, to mimick the most frequent waterlogging events occurring in the field. Untargeted transcriptomic and metabolic profiling approaches were applied to investigate early responses of grapevine roots during exposure to hypoxia and subsequent recovery after stress removal. The initial hypoxic response was marked by a significant increase of the hypoxia-inducible metabolites ethanol, GABA, succinic acid and alanine which remained high also 1 week after recovery from flooding with the exception of ethanol that leveled off. Transcriptomic data supported the metabolic changes by indicating a substantial rearrangement of primary metabolic pathways through enhancement of the glycolytic and fermentative enzymes and of a subset of enzymes involved in the TCA cycle. GO and KEGG pathway analyses of differentially expressed genes showed a general down-regulation of brassinosteroid, auxin and gibberellin biosynthesis in waterlogged plants, suggesting a general inhibition of root growth and lateral expansion. During recovery, transcriptional activation of gibberellin biosynthetic genes and down-regulation of the metabolic ones may support a role for gibberellins in signaling grapevine rootstocks waterlogging metabolic and hormonal changes to the above ground plant. The significant internode elongation measured upon budbreak during recovery in plants that had experienced flooding supported this hypothesis. Overall integration of these data enabled us to draft a first comprehensive view of the molecular and metabolic pathways involved in grapevine’s root responses highlighting a deep metabolic and transcriptomic reprogramming during and after exposure to waterlogging

    Transcriptomic insights on the preventive action of apple (cv Granny Smith) wkin wounding on superficial scald development

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    Superficial scald is a post-harvest chilling storage injury leading to browning of the surface of the susceptible cv Granny Smith apples. Wounding of skins has been reported to play a preventive role on scald development however its underlying molecular factors are unknown. We have artificially wounded the epidermal and sub-epidermal layers of apple skins consistently obtaining the prevention of superficial scald in the surroundings of the wounds during two independent vintages. Time course RNA-Seq analyses of the transcriptional changes in wounded versus unwounded skins revealed that two transcriptional waves occurred. An early wave included genes up-regulated by wounding already after 6 h, highlighting a specific transcriptional rearrangement of genes connected to the biosynthesis and signalling of JA, ethylene and ABA. A later transcriptional wave, occurring after three months of cold storage, included genes up-regulated exclusively in unwounded skins and was prevented from its occurrence in wounded skins. A significant portion of these genes was related to decay of tissues and to the senescence hormones ABA, JA and ethylene. Such changes suggest a wound-inducible reversed hormonal balance during post-harvest storage which may explain the local inhibition of scald in wounded tissues, an aspect that will need further studies for its mechanistic explanatio

    Flooding Responses on Grapevine: A Physiological, Transcriptional, and Metabolic Perspective

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    Studies on model plants have shown that temporary soil flooding exposes roots to a significant hypoxic stress resulting in metabolic re-programming, accumulation of toxic metabolites and hormonal imbalance. To date, physiological and transcriptional responses to flooding in grapevine are poorly characterized. To fill this gap, we aimed to gain insights into the transcriptional and metabolic changes induced by flooding on grapevine roots (K5BB rootstocks), on which cv Sauvignon blanc (Vitis vinifera L.) plants were grafted. A preliminary experiment under hydroponic conditions enabled the identification of transiently and steadily regulated hypoxia-responsive marker genes and drafting a model for response to oxygen deprivation in grapevine roots. Afterward, over two consecutive vegetative seasons, flooding was imposed to potted vines during the late dormancy period, to mimick the most frequent waterlogging events occurring in the field. Untargeted transcriptomic and metabolic profiling approaches were applied to investigate early responses of grapevine roots during exposure to hypoxia and subsequent recovery after stress removal. The initial hypoxic response was marked by a significant increase of the hypoxia-inducible metabolites ethanol, GABA, succinic acid and alanine which remained high also 1 week after recovery from flooding with the exception of ethanol that leveled off. Transcriptomic data supported the metabolic changes by indicating a substantial rearrangement of primary metabolic pathways through enhancement of the glycolytic and fermentative enzymes and of a subset of enzymes involved in the TCA cycle. GO and KEGG pathway analyses of differentially expressed genes showed a general down-regulation of brassinosteroid, auxin and gibberellin biosynthesis in waterlogged plants, suggesting a general inhibition of root growth and lateral expansion. During recovery, transcriptional activation of gibberellin biosynthetic genes and down-regulation of the metabolic ones may support a role for gibberellins in signaling grapevine rootstocks waterlogging metabolic and hormonal changes to the above ground plant. The significant internode elongation measured upon budbreak during recovery in plants that had experienced flooding supported this hypothesis. Overall integration of these data enabled us to draft a first comprehensive view of the molecular and metabolic pathways involved in grapevine\u2019s root responses highlighting a deep metabolic and transcriptomic reprogramming during and after exposure to waterlogging

    VviAGL11 self-regulates and targets hormone- and secondary metabolism-related genes during seed development

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    : VviAGL11, the Arabidopsis SEEDSTICK homolog, has been proposed to have a causative role in grapevine stenospermocarpy. An association between a mutation in the coding sequence (CDS) and the seedless phenotype was reported, however, no working mechanisms have been demonstrated yet. We performed a deep investigation of the full VviAGL11 gene sequence in a collection of grapevine varieties belonging to several seedlessness classes that revealed three different promoter-CDS combinations. By investigating the expression of the three VviAGL11 alleles, and by evaluating their ability to activate the promoter region, we observed that VviAGL11 self-activates in a specific promoter-CDS combination manner. Furthermore, by transcriptomic analyses on ovule and developing seeds in seeded and seedless varieties and co-expression approaches, candidate VviAGL11 targets were identified and further validated through luciferase assay and in situ hybridization. We demonstrated that VviAGL11 Wild Type CDS activates Methyl jasmonate esterase and Indole-3-acetate beta-glucosyltransferase, both involved in hormone signaling and Isoflavone reductase, involved in secondary metabolism. The dominant-negative effect of the mutated CDS was also functionally ectopically validated in target induction. VviAGL11 was shown to co-localize with its targets in the outer seed coat integument, supporting its direct involvement in seed development, possibly by orchestrating the crosstalk among MeJA, auxin, and isoflavonoids synthesis. In conclusion, the VviAGL11 expression level depends on the promoter-CDS allelic combination, and this will likely affect its ability to activate important triggers of the seed coat development. The dominant-negative effect of the mutated VviAGL11 CDS on the target genes activation was molecularly validated. A new regulatory mechanism correlating VviAGL11 haplotype assortment and seedlessness class in grapevine is proposed

    Dissecting postharvest chilling injuries in pome and stone fruit through integrated omics

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    Lowering the storage temperature is an effective method to extend the postharvest and shelf life of fruits. Nevertheless, this technique often leads to physiological disorders, commonly known as chilling injuries. Apples and pears are susceptible to chilling injuries, among which superficial scald is the most economically relevant. Superficial scald is due to necrotic lesions of the first layers of hypodermis manifested through skin browning. In peaches and nectarines, chilling injuries are characterized by internal symptoms, such as mealiness. Fruits with these aesthetic or compositional/structural defects are not suitable for fresh consumption. Genetic variation is a key factor in determining fruit susceptibility to chilling injuries; however, physiological, or technical aspects such as harvest maturity and storage conditions also play a role. Multi-omics approaches have been used to provide an integrated explanation of chilling injury development. Metabolomics in pome fruits specifically targets the identification of ethylene, phenols, lipids, and oxidation products. Genomics and transcriptomics have revealed interesting connections with metabolomic datasets, pinpointing specific genes linked to cold stress, wax synthesis, farnesene metabolism, and the metabolic pathways of ascorbate and glutathione. When applied to Prunus species, these cutting-edge approaches have uncovered that the development of mealiness symptoms is linked to ethylene signaling, cell wall synthesis, lipid metabolism, cold stress genes, and increased DNA methylation levels. Emphasizing the findings from multi-omics studies, this review reports how the integration of omics datasets can provide new insights into understanding of chilling injury development. This new information is essential for successfully creating more resilient fruit varieties and developing novel postharvest strategies

    Ethylene negatively regulates transcript abundance of ROP-GAP rheostat-encoding genes and affects apoplastic reactive oxygen species homeostasis in epicarps of cold stored apple fruits

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    Apple (Malus 7domestica Borkh) fruits are stored for long periods of time at low temperatures (1 \ub0C) leading to the occurrence of physiological disorders. 'Superficial scald' of Granny Smith apples, an economically important ethylene-dependent disorder, was used as a model to study relationships among ethylene action, the regulation of the ROP-GAP rheostat, and maintenance of H2O2 homeostasis in fruits during prolonged cold exposure. The ROP-GAP rheostat is a key module for adaptation to low oxygen in Arabidopsis through Respiratory Burst NADPH Oxidase Homologs (RBOH)-mediated and ROP GTPase-dependent regulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) homeostasis. Here, it was shown that the transcriptional expression of several components of the apple ROP-GAP machinery, including genes encoding RBOHs, ROPs, and their ancillary proteins ROP-GEFs and ROP-GAPs, is coordinately and negatively regulated by ethylene in conjunction with the progressive impairment of apoplastic H2O2 homeostatic levels. RNA sequencing analyses showed that several components of the known ROP- and ROS-associated transcriptional networks are regulated along with the ROP-GAP rheostat in response to ethylene perception. These findings may extend the role of the ROP-GAP rheostat beyond hypoxic responses and suggest that it may be a functional regulatory node involved in the integration of ethylene and ROS signalling pathways in abiotic stress
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