3,342 research outputs found

    NaturalitĂ  e corporeitĂ  nella filosofia di Hegel

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    In this article I will try to show the relevance of the body issue in Hegel‟s Philosophy, in particular by highlighting two points of view: on one hand, the body is regarded as a “junction” between the world of Nature and that of the Spirit; on the other, the body is seen as “language”, as the expression of the Spirit. Moreover, what takes on special significance is the connection between self-consciousness and life, which makes Hegel‟s concept of subjectivity still topical in today‟s anthropological and ethical reflection. The problem of corporeality is closely interlaced with Man‟s experience in a process where the results of life empirical sciences add to the representation of what is human, and where neurobiology and the key notions of Moral Philosophy are matched in order to better explain the dialectical nature of Man torn between the body, the mind, the soul and the spirit

    Environmental contaminants exposure and preterm birth: a systematic review

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    Preterm birth is an obstetric condition associated with a high risk of infant mortality and morbidities in both the neonatal period and later in life, which has also a significant public health impact because it carries an important societal economic burden. As in many cases the etiology is unknown, it is important to identify environmental factors that may be involved in the occurrence of this condition. In this review, we report all the studies published in PubMed and Scopus databases from January 1992 to January 2019, accessible as full-text articles, written in English, including clinical studies, original studies, and reviews. We excluded articles not written in English, duplicates, considering inappropriate populations and/or exposures or irrelevant outcomes and patients with known risk factors for preterm birth (PTB). The aim of this article is to identify and summarize the studies that examine environmental toxicants exposure associated with preterm birth. This knowledge will strengthen the possibility to develop strategies to reduce the exposure to these toxicants and apply clinical measures for preterm birth prevention

    3D bioprinted human cortical neural constructs derived from induced pluripotent stem cells

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    Bioprinting techniques use bioinks made of biocompatible non-living materials and cells to build 3D constructs in a controlled manner and with micrometric resolution. 3D bioprinted structures representative of several human tissues have been recently produced using cells derived by differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Human iPSCs can be differentiated in a wide range of neurons and glia, providing an ideal tool for modeling the human nervous system. Here we report a neural construct generated by 3D bioprinting of cortical neurons and glial precursors derived from human iPSCs. We show that the extrusion-based printing process does not impair cell viability in the short and long term. Bioprinted cells can be further differentiated within the construct and properly express neuronal and astrocytic markers. Functional analysis of 3D bioprinted cells highlights an early stage of maturation and the establishment of early network activity behaviors. This work lays the basis for generating more complex and faithful 3D models of the human nervous systems by bioprinting neural cells derived from iPSCs

    Automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator pocket infection due to Providencia rettgeri: a case report

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    Coagulase-negative staphylococci and Staphylococcus aureus are the commonest pathogens involved in infections of pacemaker-defibrillator systems. Among causative Gram-negative bacteria, infections due to Klebsiella, Serratia, Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter and other species have been reported. We report herein a unique case of an automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator infection due to Providencia rettgeri in a 65-year-old male who was admitted to our service with bacteremia and infection of the generator and subcutaneous array in a recently implanted device


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    We present the micropaleontological record on ongoing research on Paleogene larger foraminifers from Central Italy collected in the field work for the realization of the geological sheet 348 “Antrodoco” of the Geological Map of Italy 1:50.000 scale. The work provides an examination of the biostratigraphic potential of selected taxa with emphasis on rotaliids. Ornatorotalia is documented for the first time from the Paleocene. Possible new species of Miscellanea, Ornatorotalia, and Rotalia are figured and described in open nomenclature

    Antioxidant Efficiency of Platynereis spp. (Annelida, Nereididae) under Different pH Conditions at a Vent's System

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    Marine organisms are exposed to a pH decrease and to alteration of carbonate chemistry due to ocean acidification (OA) that can represent a source of oxidative stress which can significantly affect their antioxidant defence systems efficiency. The polychaetes Platynereis dumerilii and P. massiliensis (Nereididae) are key species of the benthic community to investigate the effect of OA due to their physiological and ecological characteristics that enable them to persist even in naturally acidified CO2 vent systems. Previous studies have documented the ability of these species to adapt to OA after short- and long-term translocation experiments, but no one has ever evaluated the basal antioxidant system efficiency comparing populations permanently living in habitat characterized by different pH conditions (acidified vs. control). Here, individuals of both Platynereis species, sampled from a natural CO2 vent system and from a nonventing "control" site in three different periods (April 2016, October 2016, and February 2017), were compared highlighting signals which suggested the ability of both species to acclimatize to high pCO2–low pH with slight seasonal variations of their antioxidant efficiency and the absence of disturbances of the oxidative status of Platynereis spp. tissues


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    Analisar a morbidade e a mortalidade por violĂȘncia ocorrida em Roraima entre os venezuelanos no perĂ­odo de 2009 a agosto de 2018. MÉTODO: Estudo descritivo, por meio dos dados de morbidade de violĂȘncia sexual e autoprovocada (tentativa de suicĂ­dio) do SINAN, e de mortalidade por acidente de transporte terrestre (ATT), lesĂŁo interpessoal (homicĂ­dio), e lesĂŁo autoprovocada (suicĂ­dio) do SIM, ambos da vigilĂąncia em saĂșde estadual. RESULTADOS: Foram notificados 7.261 casos de violĂȘncia no estado, destas, 21,1% por violĂȘncia sexual e 17,5% por tentativa de suicĂ­dio. Os imigrantes concentraram 0,4% das violĂȘncias, destes, 80,6% ocorreram entre venezuelanos, nessa população, 24% (n=6) foram por violĂȘncia sexual e 20% (n=5) por tentativa de suicĂ­dio. As violĂȘncias sexuais foram por estupro; 33,3% entre 5-9 anos e 77,7% de 10-14 anos; e 83,3% no sexo feminino. As tentativas de suicĂ­dio, 80% foram no sexo masculino; 20% nas faixas etĂĄrias de 15- 19 anos, 20-29 anos e 30-39 anos, cada, e 40% de 40-49 anos. O SIM captou 3.176 mortes por violĂȘncias no estado (16% do total). Entre os venezuelanos, ocorreram 56 mortes, destas 55,3% (n=31) por violĂȘncias, sendo ATT (80,7%), homicĂ­dio (12,9%) e suicĂ­dio (6,5%). DISCUSSÃO/ CONCLUSÃO: A partir de 2016 Roraima registrou um aumento significativo do fluxo imigratĂłrio de venezuelanos que fogem da atual crise econĂŽmica do PaĂ­s, e essas pessoas ficam vulnerĂĄveis as vĂĄrias formas de violĂȘncia, tanto no papel de vĂ­tima como podem ser agressores

    Obbligazioni e contratti al tempo dell?emergenza: l?esperienza italiana (art. 3, comma 6-bis, d.l. n. 6/2020)

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    The essay focuses on the Italian legislation issued at the time of the global emergency; in particular, it deals with the rule under which the debtor is not subject to the outcomes usually stemming from the nonperformance. The Author questions the interactions between those special regulations and the general law of contracts and obligation
