26 research outputs found

    Early administration of the phytoestrogen genistein induces sex specific permanent alterations of nitrergic and vasopressinergic systems

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    Soy foods contain phytoestrogens as genistein (GEN) which may interfere with endocrine system and, during developmental critical periods, lead to permanent alterations of estrogen sensitive hypothalamic circuits. In a previous study, we demonstrated that GEN exposure through mothers resulted in an anxiolytic effect and a concurrent decrease of neural NO synthase (nNOS)+ cells in amygdale of male offspring [1]. This was consistent with both the role of NOS system in anxiety regulation and its sensitivity to gonadal hormones. In the present experiment, we analyzed anxiety levels and changes of neuronal circuits in mice directly fed with vehicle, Estradiol (E2) or GEN from birth (postnatal day 0, PND0) to PND8. Behavioral tests were conducted at PND60 and the mice were sacrificed at PND90. Coronal serial sections were processed for immunohistochemistry against nNOS and vasopressin (AVP). The GEN treatment had a dichotomic behavioral effects on sexes: anxiolitic on females while anxiogenic on males. Concurrently nNOS+ and AVP+ cell density in some hypothalamic nuclei was affected. Interestingly only a few of those effects were mimicked by E2 treatment suggesting that GEN may act trough different intracellular pathways.These results raise concerns about the possible long-term effects of soy-based food in livestock that largely use soy-based supplements and show hypo-fertility problems, as pigs. Similar concerns could involve the long-term use of soy-based formulas for babies

    Ecotoxicological assessment of freshwater ecosystems.

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    L\u2019ecotossicologia \ue8 una scienza recente nata come filiazione dalla tossicologia dalla quale ha derivato principi, concetti e metodi, coniugati per\uf2 con l\u2019ecologia. L\u2019ecotossicologia \ue8 dunque la scienza dei veleni per l\u2019ambiente e il suo scopo finale risulta essere la protezione degli ecosistemi. La conservazione dell\u2019ambiente ha un\u2019importanza sia per quanto riguarda la salvaguardia dell\u2019integrit\ue0 degli ecosistemi per il loro valore intrinseco, sia per quanto riguarda i servizi che essi rendono all\u2019uomo. Tra le risorse utili, l\u2019acqua \ue8 indubbiamente \ue8 una delle pi\uf9 importanti, particolarmente vulnerabile, essenziale per la vita e lo sviluppo di tutti gli esseri viventi. La tutela e il suo uso razionale \ue8 un obiettivo molto impegnativo che non pu\uf2 essere raggiunto con un approccio settoriale e di emergenza, ma richiede una politica preventiva che parta dalla cognizione della situazione al tempo presente ed incida poi sulle cause del degrado con una correttagestione ambientale. Da questo punto di vista, a livello normativo un\u2019importante novit\ue0 \ue8 senza dubbio rappresentata della Direttiva Quadro sulle Acque (WFD 2000/60/EC), che impone ai Paesi membri la tutela e il recupero degli ecosistemi acquatici fissando obiettivi di qualit\ue0 non pi\uf9 basati esclusivamente su indicatori chimici e fisici ma, soprattutto di tipo biologico ed ecosistemico. L\u2019approccio ecotossicologico risulta essere un valido strumento per la valutazione della qualit\ue0 degli ecosistemi acquatici (sia comparto acqua che comparto sedimenti) sia attraverso il suo approccio classico con l\u2019utilizzo dei test di ecotossicit\ue0 in laboratorio su organismi target con lo scopo di identificare l\u2019effetto che le sostanze pure possono avere sull\u2019ambiente. Sia attraverso un approccio pi\uf9 oolistico che prevede l\u2019utilizzo dei test di ecotossicit\ue0 come strumenti di monitoraggio per identificare eventuali effetti negativi derivanti dalla presenza di miscele in ambiente (strumenti di monitoraggio effect-based). Quest\u2019ultimo approccio risulta essere perfettamente in linea con quanto previsto dalle WFD portando i test di ecotossicit\ue0 ad ricoprire un ruolo fondamentale all\u2019interno di quelli che sono i classici metodi di monitoraggio basati esclusivamente sulla ricerca analitica delle singole sostanze in grado di provocare effetti avversi sull\u2019ambiente (strumenti di monitoraggio stressors-based)

    Long-term adaptation of Daphnia to toxic environment in Lake Orta: the effects of short-term exposure to copper and acidification

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    Because of its 80-year history of heavy pollution and re-colonization, Lake Orta provides a good opportunity for investigating the response of zooplankton organisms to heavy metals and acidification as well as the mechanisms involved. After the recent establishment of Daphnia galeata Sars, and the detection of an extremely low clonal diversity of Lake Orta population, we carried out a study to investigate the lethal tolerance to ionic copper, as well as to acidity, and the impact of newborn Daphnia exposure to sublethal concentrations of copper for their later development and reproduction. We conducted acute toxicity tests to estimate the EC50 for ionic copper and tolerance to low pH, as well as life table experiments. Tolerance to ionic copper was high, three times that reported in literature. An increased mortality soon after exposure to low pH confirmed a high sensitivity to acidity and explained the success of the species in Lake Orta only after pH recovery. An analysis of reproductive and demographic parameters revealed that D. galeata Sars was stressed at concentrations of ionic copper only twice higher than those presently recorded in the lake (i.e., ca 3 μg L-1). An increased cumulative number of eggs produced by each female were in fact counterbalanced by an increasing abortion rate, which resulted in an unaltered or lower intrinsic rate of population increase. Our results are likely due to the strong selective pressure, more than physiological processes (acclimation), in a polluted area in which only specific adapted clones are able to grow, confirming the results previously obtained on Lake Orta's D. obtusa Kurz population. The reproductive response and the relatively low within treatment variability suggest that clone specificity, rather than physiological acclimation, was the driving force. The low variability confirmed results previously obtained from life tables experiments on Lake Orta's D. obtusa clone. Overall, our results suggest that, despite the chemical recovery, Lake Orta may be regarded as highly vulnerable to biodiversity loss

    Use of phytoestrogens and effects perceived by postmenopausal women: result of a questionnaire-based survey

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    BACKGROUND: Use of food supplements-containing phytoestrogens among postmenopausal women is rapidly increasing. Although phytoestrogens are often perceived as safe, evidence for overall positive risk-benefit profile is still inconclusive. The chance to buy them by user's initiative does not facilitate surveys on their prevalence and pattern of use. The aim of this study was to describe the pattern of use and self-reported positive and negative perceptions of phytoestrogens in post-menopausa. METHODS: A questionnaire was administered to women who were buying food supplements containing phytoestrogens in 22 pharmacies located in the Bologna area (400,000 inhabitants). Questionnaire was structured into 3 sections: (a) socio-demographic information, (b) pattern of use, (c) positive and negative perceptions. RESULTS: Data on 190 peri- and post-menopausal women (aged 38-77) were collected. Women stated to use phytoestrogens to reduce hot flushes (79%), insomnia (15%), mood disturbances (14%) and prevent osteoporosis (15%). The majority (59%) took phytoestrogens routinely, whereas 28% in 3-month cycles. Among positive perceptions between short- and long-term users, a not negligible difference was reported for relief of hot-flushes (68% in short-term vs. 81% in long-term users; p = 0.04). Negative perceptions were reported more frequently in the long-term group, and this difference was statistically significant for edema (6% in short-term vs. 17% in long-term users; p = 0.04), but not for other effects: e.g., swelling sensation (10% vs. 21%; p = 0.09), somnolence (7% vs. 10% p = 0.62), fatigue (4% vs.11% p = 0.15). CONCLUSIONS: In the Bologna area, the pattern of use of phytoestrogens for menopausal symptoms is heterogeneous, and women overall find these substances to be beneficial, especially for relief of hot-flushes. Other positive perceptions decreased with long-term use. Negative perceptions, especially estrogen-like effects, seem to be infrequent and increase with long-term therapy. Physicians should pay attention to effects perceived by post-menopausal women and routinely monitor the use of phytoestrogens, in order to recognize possible adverse effects and actual benefits

    The unusual dominance of the yeast genus glaciozyma in the deeper layer in an antarctic permafrost core (Adélie Cove, Northern Victoria Land) Is driven by elemental composition

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    Rock glaciers are relatively common in Antarctic permafrost areas and could be considered postglacial cryogenic landforms. Although the extensive presence of rock glaciers, their chemical–physical and biotic composition remain scarce. Chemical–physical parameters and fungal community (by sequencing the ITS2 rDNA, Illumina MiSeq) parameters of a permafrost core were studied. The permafrost core, reaching a depth of 6.10 m, was divided into five units based on ice content. The five units (U1–U5) of the permafrost core exhibited several significant (p < 0.05) differences in terms of chemical and physical characteristics, and significant (p < 0.05) higher values of Ca, K, Li, Mg, Mn, S, and Sr were found in U5. Yeasts dominated on filamentous fungi in all the units of the permafrost core; additionally, Ascomycota was the prevalent phylum among filamentous forms, while Basidiomycota was the dominant phylum among yeasts. Surprisingly, in U5 the amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) assigned to the yeast genus Glaciozyma represented about two-thirds of the total reads. This result may be considered extremely rare in Antarctic yeast diversity, especially in permafrost habitats. Based on of the chemical–physical composition of the units, the dominance of Glaciozyma in the deepest unit was correlated with the elemental composition of the cor