8,362 research outputs found

    Scalar Quantum Field Theory with Cubic Interaction

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    In this paper it is shown that an i phi^3 field theory is a physically acceptable field theory model (the spectrum is positive and the theory is unitary). The demonstration rests on the perturbative construction of a linear operator C, which is needed to define the Hilbert space inner product. The C operator is a new, time-independent observable in PT-symmetric quantum field theory.Comment: Corrected expressions in equations (20) and (21

    Quantum tunneling as a classical anomaly

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    Classical mechanics is a singular theory in that real-energy classical particles can never enter classically forbidden regions. However, if one regulates classical mechanics by allowing the energy E of a particle to be complex, the particle exhibits quantum-like behavior: Complex-energy classical particles can travel between classically allowed regions separated by potential barriers. When Im(E) -> 0, the classical tunneling probabilities persist. Hence, one can interpret quantum tunneling as an anomaly. A numerical comparison of complex classical tunneling probabilities with quantum tunneling probabilities leads to the conjecture that as ReE increases, complex classical tunneling probabilities approach the corresponding quantum probabilities. Thus, this work attempts to generalize the Bohr correspondence principle from classically allowed to classically forbidden regions.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Non-perturbative calculations for the effective potential of the PTPT symmetric and non-Hermitian (gϕ4)(-g\phi^{4}) field theoretic model

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    We investigate the effective potential of the PTPT symmetric (gϕ4)(-g\phi^{4}) field theory, perturbatively as well as non-perturbatively. For the perturbative calculations, we first use normal ordering to obtain the first order effective potential from which the predicted vacuum condensate vanishes exponentially as GG+G\to G^+ in agreement with previous calculations. For the higher orders, we employed the invariance of the bare parameters under the change of the mass scale tt to fix the transformed form totally equivalent to the original theory. The form so obtained up to G3G^3 is new and shows that all the 1PI amplitudes are perurbative for both G1G\ll 1 and G1G\gg 1 regions. For the intermediate region, we modified the fractal self-similar resummation method to have a unique resummation formula for all GG values. This unique formula is necessary because the effective potential is the generating functional for all the 1PI amplitudes which can be obtained via nE/bn\partial^n E/\partial b^n and thus we can obtain an analytic calculation for the 1PI amplitudes. Again, the resummed from of the effective potential is new and interpolates the effective potential between the perturbative regions. Moreover, the resummed effective potential agrees in spirit of previous calculation concerning bound states.Comment: 20 page

    Harmonic oscillator well with a screened Coulombic core is quasi-exactly solvable

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    In the quantization scheme which weakens the hermiticity of a Hamiltonian to its mere PT invariance the superposition V(x) = x^2+ Ze^2/x of the harmonic and Coulomb potentials is defined at the purely imaginary effective charges (Ze^2=if) and regularized by a purely imaginary shift of x. This model is quasi-exactly solvable: We show that at each excited, (N+1)-st harmonic-oscillator energy E=2N+3 there exists not only the well known harmonic oscillator bound state (at the vanishing charge f=0) but also a normalizable (N+1)-plet of the further elementary Sturmian eigenstates \psi_n(x) at eigencharges f=f_n > 0, n = 0, 1, ..., N. Beyond the first few smallest multiplicities N we recommend their perturbative construction.Comment: 13 pages, Latex file, to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    HI Detection in two Dwarf S0 Galaxies in Nearby Groups: ESO384-016 and NGC 59

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    An \hi survey of 10 dE/dS0 galaxies in the nearby Sculptor and Centaurus A groups was made using the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). The observed galaxies have accurate distances derived by Jerjen et al (1998; 2000b) using the surface brightness fluctuation technique. Their absolute magnitudes are in the range 9.5>MB>15.3-9.5 > M_B > -15.3. Only two of the ten galaxies were detected at our detection limit (1.0×106\sim 1.0 \times 10^6 \msol for the Centaurus group and 5.3×105\sim 5.3 \times 10^5 \msol for the Sculptor group), the two dS0 galaxies ESO384-016 in the Centaurus A Group and NGC 59 in the Sculptor Group, with \hi masses of 6.0±0.5×1066.0 \pm 0.5 \times 10^6 \msol and 1.4±0.1×1071.4 \pm 0.1 \times 10^7 \msol respectively. Those two detections were confirmed using the Green Bank Telescope. These small \hi reservoirs could fuel future generations of low level star formation and could explain the bluer colors seen at the center of the detected galaxies. Similarly to what is seen with the Virgo dEs, the two objects with \hi appear to be on the outskirt of the groups.Comment: 25 pages (11 figures), accepted by A

    Use of Equivalent Hermitian Hamiltonian for PTPT-Symmetric Sinusoidal Optical Lattices

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    We show how the band structure and beam dynamics of non-Hermitian PTPT-symmetric sinusoidal optical lattices can be approached from the point of view of the equivalent Hermitian problem, obtained by an analytic continuation in the transverse spatial variable xx. In this latter problem the eigenvalue equation reduces to the Mathieu equation, whose eigenfunctions and properties have been well studied. That being the case, the beam propagation, which parallels the time-development of the wave-function in quantum mechanics, can be calculated using the equivalent of the method of stationary states. We also discuss a model potential that interpolates between a sinusoidal and periodic square well potential, showing that some of the striking properties of the sinusoidal potential, in particular birefringence, become much less prominent as one goes away from the sinusoidal case.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    On some meaningful inner product for real Klein-Gordon fields with positive semi-definite norm

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    A simple derivation of a meaningful, manifestly covariant inner product for real Klein-Gordon (KG) fields with positive semi-definite norm is provided which turns out - assuming a symmetric bilinear form - to be the real-KG-field limit of the inner product for complex KG fields reviewed by A. Mostafazadeh and F. Zamani in December, 2003, and February, 2006 (quant-ph/0312078, quant-ph/0602151, quant-ph/0602161). It is explicitly shown that the positive semi-definite norm associated with the derived inner product for real KG fields measures the number of active positive and negative energy Fourier modes of the real KG field on the relativistic mass shell. The very existence of an inner product with positive semi-definite norm for the considered real, i.e. neutral, KG fields shows that the metric operator entering the inner product does not contain the charge-conjugation operator. This observation sheds some additional light on the meaning of the C operator in the CPT inner product of PT-symmetric Quantum Mechanics defined by C.M. Bender, D.C. Brody and H.F. Jones.Comment: 8 pages, no figures; correction of obvious typos and marginal improvement of formulation

    A family of complex potentials with real spectrum

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    We consider a two-parameter non hermitean quantum-mechanical hamiltonian that is invariant under the combined effects of parity and time reversal transformation. Numerical investigation shows that for some values of the potential parameters the hamiltonian operator supports real eigenvalues and localized eigenfunctions. In contrast with other PT symmetric models, which require special integration paths in the complex plane, our model is integrable along a line parallel to the real axis.Comment: Six figures and four table

    A 60 pc counter-rotating core in NGC 4621

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    We present adaptive optics assisted OASIS integral field spectrography of the S0 galaxy NGC 4621. Two-dimensional stellar kinematical maps (mean velocity and dispersion) reveal the presence of a 60 pc diameter counter-rotating core (CRC), the smallest observed to date. The OASIS data also suggests that the kinematic center of the CRC is slightly offset from the center of the outer isophotes. This seems to be confirmed by archival HST/STIS data. We also present the HST/WFPC2 V-I colour map, which exhibits a central elongated red structure, also slightly off-centered in the same direction as the kinematic centre. We then construct an axisymmetric model of NGC 4621: the two-integral distribution function is derived using the Multi-Gaussian Expansion and the Hunter & Qian (1993) formalisms. Although the stellar velocities are reasonably fitted, including the region of the counter-rotating core, significant discrepancies between the model and the observations demonstrate the need for a more general model (e.g. a three-integral model).Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure