413 research outputs found

    Proposal of an ontology based web search engine

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    When users search for information in a web site, sometimes they do not get what they want. Assuming that the scope where the search take place works fine, there are some problems caused by the way the user interact with the system, others that refer to characteristics of the language used, and others caused by the lack or nonexistent semantics in web documents. In this work, we propose a web search engine of a particular web site that uses ontologies and information retrieval techniques. Although the architecture we propose is applicable to any domain, the experimentation was done in a tourism web site. The results show a substantial improvement in the effectiveness of the search, with a gain of 33% in Precision.Workshop de Ingeniería de Software y Bases de Datos (WISBD)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Applying ontologies to educational resources retrieval driven by cultural aspects

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    This work presents the architecture used in the ongoing e-learning EduCa Project. The approach is based in a strong use of ontologies for the retrieval, management and clustered of electronic educational resources according to user's cultural aspects. Cultural aspects are preferences and ways of behavior determined by the person's culture. In this project, the cultural aspects are just the features that distinguish between the preferences of users from different regions.Facultad de Informátic

    Dynamic selection of suitable pivots for similarity search in metric spaces

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    This paper presents a data structure based on Sparse Spatial Selection (SSS) for similarity searching. An algorithm that tries periodically to adjust pivots to the use of database index is presented. This index is dynamic. In this way, it is possible to improve the amount of discriminations done by the pivots. So, the primary objective of indexes is achieved: to reduce the number of distance function evaluations, as it is showed in the experimentationVI Workshop Bases de Datos y Minería de Datos (WBD)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Sistema de apoyo al docente en la búsqueda de material didáctico para la enseñanza de las ciencias

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    En el dominio de la educación existe gran cantidad y diversidad de material multimedial que puede ser utilizado en la enseñanza y que constituye una importante contribución al proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje. El objetivo planteado es diseñar e implementar un sistema de recomendación que ayude a un usuario a encontrar los recursos educativos electrónicos que le sean más apropiados de acuerdo a sus necesidades y preferencias. Mediante la utilización de metadatos del usuario y de metadatos del material multimedial, se plantea una arquitectura multiagente que permita recuperar aquellos elementos que satisfagan no sólo el tema de la consulta, sino también el perfil de usuario.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Temporal lobe epilepsy after experimental prolonged febrile seizures: prospective analysis.

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    Experimental prolonged febrile seizures (FS) lead to structural and molecular changes that promote hippocampal hyperexcitability and reduce seizure threshold to further convulsants. However, whether these seizures provoke later-onset epilepsy, as has been suspected in humans, has remained unclear. Previously, intermittent EEGs with behavioural observations for motor seizures failed to demonstrate spontaneous seizures in adult rats subjected to experimental prolonged FS during infancy. Because limbic seizures may be behaviourally subtle, here we determined the presence of spontaneous limbic seizures using chronic video monitoring with concurrent hippocampal and cortical EEGs, in adult rats (starting around 3 months of age) that had sustained experimental FS on postnatal day 10. These subjects were compared with groups that had undergone hyperthermia but in whom seizures had been prevented (hyperthermic controls), as well as with normothermic controls. Only events that fulfilled both EEG and behavioural criteria, i.e. electro-clinical events, were considered spontaneous seizures. EEGs (over 400 recorded hours) were normal in all normothermic and hyperthermic control rats, and none of these animals developed spontaneous seizures. In contrast, prolonged early-life FS evoked spontaneous electro-clinical seizures in 6 out of 17 experimental rats (35.2%). These seizures consisted of sudden freezing (altered consciousness) and typical limbic automatisms that were coupled with polyspike/sharp-wave trains with increasing amplitude and slowing frequency on EEG. In addition, interictal epileptiform discharges were recorded in 15 (88.2%) of the experimental FS group and in none of the controls. The large majority of hippocampally-recorded seizures were heralded by diminished amplitude of cortical EEG, that commenced half a minute prior to the hippocampal ictus and persisted after seizure termination. This suggests a substantial perturbation of normal cortical neuronal activity by these limbic spontaneous seizures. In summary, prolonged experimental FS lead to later-onset limbic (temporal lobe) epilepsy in a significant proportion of rats, and to interictal epileptifom EEG abnormalities in most others, and thus represent a model that may be useful to study the relationship between FS and human temporal lobe epilepsy

    Recopilación y recomendación de objetos de aprendizaje

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    En este trabajo se presenta una línea de investigación orientada hacia el desarrollo de distintas herramientas informáticas que ayuden a la gestión de repositorios de objetos de aprendizaje. En este sentido se trabaja en dos aspectos fundamentales para mejorar su usabilidad. Un aspecto es dar soporte a las tareas de recopilación de documentos que realiza el administrador del repositorio con el objetivo de detectar documentos plausibles de ser cargados en estos repositorios juntos con sus metadatos de interés. El otro aspecto es continuar trabajando en la recomendación de objetos de aprendizaje considerando no sólo el perfil del usuario y el diseño instruccional del material educativo sino también la valoración colaborativa de grupos de estudiantes similares.Eje: Tecnología Informática Aplicada en EducaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Enseñando Pensamiento Computacional en el Ciclo Básico de las carreras de Ingeniería

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    Los futuros ingenieros de la sociedad actual necesitan formarse en los fundamentos de las ciencias de la computación para poder aprovechar la tecnología para asistirse en la resolución de problemas de manera automática y/o semi-automática a través de aplicaciones. El Pensamiento Computacional hace referencia a un conjunto de competencias necesarias para la formulación y resolución de problemas. La enseñanza del Pensamiento Computacional permite que los ingenieros puedan hacer uso de las nuevas tecnologías para resolver diferentes problemas que se les presentan en su actividad profesional de manera más rápida y eficiente. El estudio del Pensamiento Computacional ha tenido influencia en las investigaciones relacionadas con los procesos de aprendizaje y enseñanza, sensibilizando a las instituciones educativas a abordar el problema desde el punto de vista de la formación. Teniendo este objetivo en mente se propuso un plan para agregar contenidos sobre Pensamiento Computacional en materias de ciclo básico de las carreras de Ingeniería de la Facultad de Química e Ingeniería del Rosario (UCA). Se desarrollaron algunas primeras experiencias con este nuevo enfoque en los cursos iniciales de dichas carreras y los resultados son promisorios.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Proposal of an ontology based web search engine

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    When users search for information in a web site, sometimes they do not get what they want. Assuming that the scope where the search take place works fine, there are some problems caused by the way the user interact with the system, others that refer to characteristics of the language used, and others caused by the lack or nonexistent semantics in web documents. In this work, we propose a web search engine of a particular web site that uses ontologies and information retrieval techniques. Although the architecture we propose is applicable to any domain, the experimentation was done in a tourism web site. The results show a substantial improvement in the effectiveness of the search, with a gain of 33% in Precision.Workshop de Ingeniería de Software y Bases de Datos (WISBD)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI
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