224 research outputs found

    Inmunoterapia del cáncer 2002

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    Indolent lymphoma: the pathologist's viewpoint

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    Indolent lymphomas have recently been the object of numerous studies, which have focused on new aspects relevant both for the better comprehension of their histogenesis and the identification of new therapeutic strategies. As marginal-zone lymphoma (MZL) represents the category of indolent lymphomas that has obtained more benefit from such an approach, the authors focused on the most recent achievements and not yet solved controversies in this area. In spite of their postulated common derivation, the three categories of MZL of the WHO Classification appear dissimilar. In fact, they show significant molecular differences among them as well as a certain heterogeneity within each group. By no means, there is a cogent need of more refined tools to revise these neoplasms and to produce a more rational grouping. The recent identification of the IRTA gene family corresponding to IG-like receptors differentially expressed in B-cells might contribute to their better understandin

    Indolent lymphoma: the pathologist's viewpoint

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    Abstract Indolent lymphomas have recently been the object of numerous studies, which have focused on new aspects relevant both for the better comprehension of their histogenesis and the identification of new therapeutic strategies. As marginal-zone lymphoma (MZL) represents the category of indolent lymphomas that has obtained more benefit from such an approach, the authors focused on the most recent achievements and not yet solved controversies in this area. In spite of their postulated common derivation, the three categories of MZL of the WHO Classification appear dissimilar. In fact, they show significant molecular differences among them as well as a certain heterogeneity within each group. By no means, there is a cogent need of more refined tools to revise these neoplasms and to produce a more rational grouping. The recent identification of the IRTA gene family corresponding to IG-like receptors differentially expressed in B-cells might contribute to their better understanding

    Variations in “rescuability” of immunoglobulin molecules from different forms of human lymphoma: implications for anti-idiotype vaccine development

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    Idiotypic (Id) vaccination has shown promising results in patients with follicular lymphoma (FL). However, it still remains unclear whether the same approach might be suitable for the treatment of other B-cell malignancies. For this reason, we recently performed an interim analysis of patients proposed to receive this treatment at our center. The feasibility of employing idiotype vaccines was evaluated for five different B-cell malignancies in their first relapse, both in terms of induction and fusion, as well as overall treatment. Our data suggest that, unlike follicular lymphoma (87%), this approach is not feasible to treat other B-cell malignancies (0–20%) such as mantle cell, small lymphocytic, diffuse large cell and Burkitt’s lymphoma (P < 0.01). The main difficulties encountered were technical problems related to the survival of idiotype-producing hybridomas (83%) and the early loss of idiotype production by growing hybridomas (17%). However, it remains possible that an idiotype vaccine might still be produced through molecular means for most, if not all cases of relapsing B-cell malignancies

    Active immunotherapy in the treatment of haematological neoplasias

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    Abstract The continuous search for therapeutic approaches that improve the conventional treatments of neoplasms, together with an improved understanding of the immune system, has led in recent years to the development of Immunotherapy. Basically, a distinction can be made between two forms of immunotherapy: passive immunotherapy, which consists in the transfer of antibodies or cells previously generated in vitro that are directed against the tumour, and active immunotherapy, which attempts to activate in vivo the immune system and induce it to elaborate a specific response against the tumor antibodies. Hematological neoplasms, specifically some B lymphomas, express in their membrane an immunoglobulin that is considered a specific antigen of the tumour, which is why these diseases have become the ideal target for immunotherapy treatments. There are many alternatives, ranging from protein vaccines, which have already shown clinical benefits, to those of the second generation, which make use of the new techniques of molecular biology to increase the efficacy of the vaccines and obtain their production in a quicker and less costly way, but with which there are not yet definitive clinical results

    FLU-ID (fludarabine and idarubicin) regimen as salvage therapy in pretreated low-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

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    Fludarabine (FLU) is a new antimetabolite chemotherapeutic agent with promising activity in lymphoproliferative disorders and, in particular, in low-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (LG-NHL). Recently, a few reports have described interesting results using FLU in polychemotherapy regimens. In order to evaluate FLU in combination with other antineoplastic agents, we used a combination of FLU and idarubicin, called the FLU-ID regimen, to treat 10 patients with recurrent LG-NHL. The FLU-ID regimen was as follows: FLU 25 mg/sqm i.v. on days 1 to 3 and idarubicin 12 mg/sqm i.v. on day 1. Of the 10 patients, 2 (20%) achieved complete response (CR), 5 (50%) partial response, and the remaining 3 showed no benefit from the treatment. The 2 CR patients are still in remission after 6 and 8 months, respectively. The median duration of overall survival of all patients was 8 months. The major toxic effects observed were neutropenia (40%) and infections and/or febrile episodes (15%); no fatalities due to drug side effects occurred. These results indicate the efficacy of the FLU-ID regimen in inducing a good remission rate with moderate side effects in recurrent LG-NHL

    Clinical implications of antigen transfer mechanisms from malignant to dendritic cells: Exploiting cross-priming

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    Expansion and activation of cytolytic T lymphocytes bearing high-affinity T-cell receptors specific for tumor antigens is a major goal of active cancer immunotherapy. Physiologically, T cells receive promitotic and activating signals from endogenous professional antigen-presenting cells (APC) rather than directly from malignant cells. This phenomenon fits with the broader concept of cross-presentation that earlier was demonstrated for minor histocompatibility and viral antigens. Many mechanisms have been found to be capable of transferring antigenic material from malignant cells to APC so that it can be processed and subsequently presented by MHC class I molecules expressed on APC. Dendritic cells (DC) are believed to be the most relevant APC mediating cross-presentation because they can take up antigens from apoptotic, necrotic, and even intact tumor cells. There exist specific molecular mechanisms that ensure this transfer of antigenic material: 1) opsonization of apoptotic bodies; 2) receptors for released heat shock proteins carrying peptides processed intracellularly; 3) Fc receptors that uptake immunocomplexes and immunoglobulins; and 4) pinocytosis. DC have the peculiar capability of reentering the exogenously captured material into the MHC class I pathway. Exploitation of these pieces of knowledge is achieved by providing DC with complex mixtures of tumor antigens ex vivo and by agents and procedures that promote infiltration of malignant tissue by DC. The final outcome of DC cross-presentation could be T-cell activation (cross-priming) but also, and importantly, T-cell tolerance contingent upon the activation/maturation status of DC. Artificial enhancement of tumor antigen cross-presentation and control of the immune-promoting status of the antigen-presenting DC will have important therapeutic implications in the near future

    Acquired potential N-glycosylation sites within the tumor-specific immunoglobulin heavy chains of B-cell malignancies

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    Background and Objectives. Among B-cell malignancies, follicular lymphomas (FL) more frequently show acquired, potential N-glycosylation sites (AGS) within tumor-specific immunoglobulin. The aim of this study was to extend this observation and to evaluate the pattern of presentation of AGS within five different forms of B-cell lymphoma. Design and Methods. We sequenced the tumor-specific immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region fragment, including complementarity-determining regions 2 and 3, of forty-seven consecutive patients with a B-cell malignancy enrolled in idiotype vaccine clinical trials. This sequencing approach is known to allow the identification of most AGS. We then statistically analyzed differences in presentation pattern, in terms of tumor histology, immunoglobulin isotype, AGS location and amino acid composition. Results. All twenty-four FL cases presented with at least one AGS, whereas the vast majority of four B-cell lymphoma types other than FL did not. The non- FL group of tumors included four cases of Burkitt’s lymphoma, six of diffuse large cell lymphoma, seven mantle cell lymphomas and six small lymphocytic lymphomas. Most IgM-bearing follicular lymphoma cases featured their AGS within complementarity-determining region 2, as opposed to those bearing an IgG, which mostly displayed the AGS within complementarity- determining region 3. The vast majority of AGS located within either complementarity- determining region ended with a serine residue, whereas those located within framework regions mostly featured threonine as the last amino acid residue. Interpretation and Conclusions. In our series, all cases of FL had AGS within their tumor-specific immunoglobulin heavy chain variable regions. In contrast, most B-cell malignancies other than FL did not. Further studies are warranted in order to establish the possible meaning of these findings in terms of disease pathogenesis, their diagnostic value in doubtful cases and their potential implications for immunotherapy