566 research outputs found

    Nagyenergiás fizikai kutatások és fejlesztések a CERN-i LHC gyorsító CMS és a Brookhaven-i RHIC gyorsító PHENIX detektornál = High energy physics research and development at the LHC CMS (LERN) and RHIC PHENIX (BHL) detectors

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    Az OTKA által támogatott kutatás két területre bontható. I. A BNL RHIC gyorsítójának PHENIX kísérletében a mérésekben és a kísérleti adatok analízisében való részvétel: Csoportunk a PHENIX kollaboráció tagjaként dolgozott, munkája beépült a PHENIX kísérlet közös eredményeibe. Néhány területen a csoport hozzájárulása különösen jelentős volt. Igy kiemelendő a jet-elnyomás jelenségének vizsgálata különböző energiájú nehézion ütközésekben illetve az elektreomágneses kaloriméterrel kapcsolatos szimulációs és kalibrációs tevékenység. II. Részvétel a CERN-i LHC CMS kísérletének építésében, ezen belül a barrel müon kamrák helyzetmeghatározó rendszerének fejlesztése és létrehozása: a pályázati időszak alatt megépítésre került a teljes rendszer, amely lehetővé teszi a CMS barrel müon spektrométerét alkotó 250 nagyméretű driftkamra helyzetének meghatározását szubmilliméteres pontossággal. | The research activity supported by the OTKA fund can be divided in two groups. I. Participation in the measurements and the physics analysis of the PHENIX experiment at the RHIC accelerator in BNL (USA): our group worked in close collaboration with other members of the experiment so its work was integrated in the common results of the whole collaboration. In some areas, however, the contribution was particularly significant. Two areas can be emphasized, the investigation of jet suppression in heavy ion collisions at different energies and the simulation and calibration of the electromagnetic calorimeter. II. Participation in the construction of the CMS experiment to be installed at the LHC accelerator (CERN, Switzerland), development and construction of the barrel muon position monitoring system: the full system has been completed during the period of the OTKA-support. It allowes us to determine the positions of 250 large-scale drift-chambers forming the barrel muon spectrometer with submillimeter accuracy

    A Szépművészeti Múzeum Antik Gyűjteményének szakkatalógusai VI = Catalogues of the Classical Collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, VI

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    Az OTKA által immáron hatodik ciklusban támogatott pályázat során három szakkatalógus elkészítését tűztük ki célul (kilenc megkezdett kutatás közül). Megjelent a CVA Hongrie 2 kötete (Szilágyi János György, etruszk és és campaniai vázák; a kézirat még az előző ciklusban készült el). Közvetlenül a leadás előtti fázisig jutott a CVA Hongrie 3 kötet a bronzkori, geometrikus és korinthosi kerámia feldolgozása (Márton András, Lebegyev Judit). Lényegében elkészült a CVA Hongrie 4 kötet a délitáliai kerámiáról (Vandlik Katalin) és a délitáliai terrakották feldolgozása (Bencze Ágnes). Mindkettő közvetlenül kapcsolódik a két kutató doktori dolgozatához (Bencze Ágnesé sajtó alatt van a nápolyi Centre Jean Bérard gondozásában, Vandlik Katalinét pedig már kitűzték védésre). Az előzőkhöz hasonlóan ezek a kötetek is a római L'Erma di Brettschneider kiadónál fognak megjelenni. Valamennyi szerző a klasszika archaeológia fiatal nemzedékéhez tartozik. A projekt lehetővé tette egy új anyagcsoport, a daktyliothékák rendezését és internetes publikációjuk megalapozását. Az OTKA támogatásnak ebben a ciklusban is döntő szerepe volt abban, hogy fenn tudott maradni a magyarországi klasszika archaeológia múzeumi bázisa. | Through the grant provided by OTKA now for the sixth project cycle, we aimed at preparing three reference catalogues (out of nine ongoing research projects). The volume of CVA 2 has been published (János György Szilágyi: Etruscan and Campanian Vases; the manuscript was completed in the previous project cycle). The volume of CVA 3 treating Bronze Age, Geometric and Corinthian pottery (András Márton, Judit Lebegyev) is ready to be laid out for publication. The volume of CVA 4 on Southern Italian pottery (Katalin Vandlik) and the treatment of Southern Italian terracottas (Ágnes Bencze) is practically also finished. Both works are directly connected with the PhD dissertations of the two researchers. Similarly to previous catalogues these volumes will also be published by L’Erma di Brettschneider in Rome. All authors belong to the younger generation of classical archaeologists. The project has also facilitated the classification of a new group of objects, that of dactyliotheques, and has also provided a basis for their publication through the internet. As in the previous projects cycles, the OTKa support has played a crucial role in the survival of the museological basis of classical archaeology in Hungary

    Search for new phenomena in events with high jet multiplicity and low missing transverse momentum in proton–proton collisions at

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    A dedicated search is presented for new phenomena in inclusive 8- and 10-jet final states with low missing transverse momentum, with and without identification of jets originating from b quarks. The analysis is based on data from proton–proton collisions corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 fb−1 collected with the CMS detector at the LHC at √s = 8 TeV. The dominant multijet background expectations are obtained from low jet multiplicity control samples. Data agree well with the standard model background predictions, and limits are set in several benchmark models. Colorons (axigluons) with masses between 0.6 and 0.75 (up to 1.15) TeV are excluded at 95% confidence level. Similar exclusion limits for gluinos in R-parity violating supersymmetric scenarios are from 0.6 up to 1.1 TeV. These results comprise the first experimental probe of the coloron and axigluon models in multijet final states. © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY licenseL

    Simulation of the dynamic inefficiency of the CMS pixel detector

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    The Pixel Detector is the innermost part of the CMS Tracker. It therefore has to prevail in the harshest environment in terms of particle fluence and radiation. There are several mechanisms that may decrease the efficiency of the detector. These are mainly caused by data acquisition (DAQ) problems and/or Single Event Upsets (SEU). Any remaining efficiency loss is referred to as the dynamic inefficiency. It is caused by various mechanisms inside the Readout Chip (ROC) and depends strongly on the data occupancy. In the 2012 data, at high values of instantaneous luminosity the inefficiency reached 2% (in the region closest to the interaction point) which is not negligible. In the 2015 run higher instantaneous luminosity is expected, which will result in lower efficiencies; therefore this effect needs to be understood and simulated. A data- driven method has been developed to simulate dynamic inefficiency, which has been shown to successfully simulate the effects

    Studies of dijet pseudorapidity distributions and transverse momentum balance in pPb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV

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    Dijet production has been measured in pPb collisions at a nucleon-nucleon centre-of- mass energy of 5.02 TeV. A data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35 nb−1 was collected using the Compact Muon Solenoid detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The dijet transverse momentum balance, azimuthal angle corre- lations, and pseudorapidity distributions are studied as a function of the transverse energy in the forward calorimeters (E4<|η|<5.2 T ). For pPb collisions, the dijet transverse momentum ratio and the width of the distribution of dijet azimuthal angle differ- ence are comparable to the same quantities obtained from a simulated pp reference and insensitive to E4<|η|<5.2 T . In contrast, the mean value of the dijet pseudorapidity is found to change monotonically with increasing E4<|η|<5.2 T , indicating a correlation between the energy emitted at large pseudorapidity and the longitudinal motion of the dijet frame. The pseudorapidity distribution of the dijet system in minimum bias pPb collisions is compared with next-to-leading-order perturbative QCD predictions obtained from both nucleon and nuclear parton distribution functions, and the data more closely match the latter