266 research outputs found

    What we can learn from birdsong: Mainstreaming teleworking in a post-pandemic world

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    Many urban areas suffer from poor air quality as a consequence of high levels of car-based traffic. Even cities with well-developed multi-modal public transport networks and favourable conditions for alternative transportation, such as Barcelona, experience problems with air pollution. The restrictions imposed on movement in response to the COVID-19 pandemic offer insights into the collective social benefits of reduced traffic. This situation also provided much-needed evidence about teleworking that will indicate whether it could become a mainstream and institutionalised practice in certain professions. In Barcelona, the experience of a less polluted, quieter and more liveable city has inspired both the municipal government and the citizens to rethink the use of public spaces and look for ways to reduce car dependency. We argue that this unprecedented crisis is an opportunity to create a more sustainable future of work and mobility in cities in the post-pandemic world.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Local traffic contribution to black carbon horizontal and vertical profiles in compact urban areas

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    Urban air pollution is characterized by strong spatial gradients produced by the presence of heavily trafficked streets. Given the negative health effects of air pollution, decision makers are implementing policies to reduce air pollution by modifying traffic flows near activity patterns of vulnerable populations. However, to our knowledge, there is quite a lack of appropriate decision tools to support such modifications at neighborhood to street levels. Measured horizontal and vertical distributions of traffic air pollutants can help understanding the variation of concentrations at increasing distances from emitting roads. Yet, models are still necessary to estimate the contribution of local traffic to measured concentrations. The main objective of this work is to investigate the contribution of local traffic to black carbon horizontal and vertical profiles based on measurements and model simulations. We will discuss the degree of influence of the different streets on black carbon measured profiles in Barcelona

    Matriz de coeficientes para la ecuación diferencial de Chauchy-Euler

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    In this article application and advance is given to the method that allows to find in a simple way the constant coefficients that are required in the solution of a differential equation with the structure of Cauchy-Euler, presented and made known in [1]. Here we will see the construction form of the characteristic polynomials, using the aforementioned method as a basis; with a series of equations, matrices and novel methods to solve this type of ODEs and, above all, very practical for the equation of a much higher order. The idea is to present a structure or methodology in matrix form that allows to solve in a practical way differential equation of higher order with Cauchy-Euler structure.En este artículo, se muestra una aplicación y avance al método que permite encontrar de manera simple los coeficientes constantes que se requieren en la solución de una ecuación diferencial con la estructura de Cauchy-Euler, presentada y dada a conocer en [1]. Aquí veremos la forma de construcción de los polinomios característicos, utilizando el método mencionado anteriormente como base; con una serie de ecuaciones, matrices y métodos novedosos para resolver este tipo de EDO y, sobre todo, muy prácticas para la solución de la ecuación de orden superior. La idea es presentar una estructura o metodología en forma matricial que permita resolver de manera práctica la ecuación diferencial de orden superior con la estructura de Cauchy-Euler

    Simulació de la fluència del trànsit de vehicles comparant el comportament humà i l'impacte de vehicles autònoms

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    Aquest projecte té per objectiu el desenvolupament d’un programa informàtic capaç de modelar i simular el trànsit en carreteres no urbanes i veure com es creen congestions. Per dur a terme aquest propòsit s’empren models de seguiment de vehicles. Destacar la gran flexibilitat del model que permet incorporar fàcilment qualsevol algoritme de seguiment. Per al seu desenvolupament s’han utilitzat les eines que proporciona Simulink i Matlab així com el seu propi llenguatge de programació. Un cop s’han realitzat tots els càlculs corresponents, el programa disposa d’una interfície d’usuari la qual mostra una animació de l’evolució dels vehicles al llarg del temps. També s’exposen gràfics on es visualitza la velocitat o acceleració dels vehicles que ajuden a entendre com es comporten segons l’algoritme de seguiment triat. Després de cada simulació totes les dades queden enregistrades i poden servir per estudiar l’eficiència del sistema

    Testing simple models for street wind conditions in Barcelona

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    Street wind speed and direction drive models to estimate air quality levels at street scale. In this study, simple models are combined with a mesoscale meteorological model to provide wind conditions at street level. Then, wind speed and direction are evaluated using observations collected during an experimental campaign in April 2013 at street level in Barcelona, Spain. Overall, models considering street geometry give better estimates for both wind speed and direction than those assuming homogeneous terrain. For light winds, models tend to produce a large amount of error estimating wind direction

    Modelo cinético de la interacción dispersiva entre una partícula con un eritrocito

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    A kinetic model of interaction between nanomicroparticle (NMP) and an erythrocyte (RC) was developed considering an elastic type collision, taking into account that the main dispersion center in the delivery of drugs through the bloodstream are the RC. For the analysis of the model, three cases were considered where the position and speed of the MPN were varied. In case 1, the initial position of the MPN was varied with respect to the x axis; In case 2, there was a variation of the position with respect to the y axis, and finally, the speed with respect to the x axis was varied. This study allowed calculating the angle of dispersion (α) based on the impact parameter (s) with respect to the axis of symmetry of the RC. It was verified that in frontal collisions with s values close to the center of the axis of symmetry, the NMP presents the same incident trajectory, with a null angle of dispersion. In an oblique collision, the dispersion is greater and dependent on the initial position and the speed in its Cartesian components, thus a dependency with respect to the initial position is identified, as well as the direction of movement given by the speed components, which it is reflected in the variation of the angle of dispersion.Se desarrolló un modelo cinético de interacción entre nanomicropartícula (NMP) y un eritrocito (RC) considerando una colisión de tipo elástica, teniendo en cuenta que el principal centro de dispersión en la entrega de medicamentos por el torrente sanguíneo son los RC. Para el análisis del modelo se consideró tres casos donde se varió la posición y velocidad de la NMP. En el caso 1 se varió la posición inicial de la NMP con respecto al eje x; en el caso 2 hubo variación de la posición respecto al eje y, por último, se varió la velocidad con respecto al eje x. Este estudio permitió calcular el ángulo de dispersión (α) en función del parámetro de impacto (s) respecto al eje de simetría del RC. Se verificó que en colisiones frontales con valores de s cercanos al centro del eje de simetría, la NMP presenta la misma trayectoria incidente, con un ángulo de dispersión nulo. En una colisión oblicua la dispersión es mayor y dependiente de la posición inicial y la velocidad en sus componentes cartesianos, de esta forma se identifica una dependencia respecto a la posición inicial, así como el sentido del movimiento dado por las componentes de la velocidad, que se ve reflejado en la variación del ángulo de dispersión

    Algoritmos genéticos para optimización y estudio de viajes en transporte

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    This paper is the result of a research project developed by the DIGITI’s research group at Francisco José de Caldas University, on optimization problems by using artificial intelligence and it shows the implementation of a genetic algorithm (GA) as a tool for planning and optimization transport tours, with the goal of finding the best path destinations for a fleet of vehicles. It presents basic concepts of the theory and the results obtained, about the administration and logistics in the supply chain, through a planning solution that optimizes the use of transportation resources.Este artículo es el resultado de un proyecto de investigación desarrollado por el grupo de investigación de DIGITI en la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas sobre problemas de optimización con inteligencia artificial; muestra la implementación de un algoritmo genético como herramienta de planificación y optimización de viajes en transporte, con el objetivo de encontrar la mejor ruta de destinos para una flota de vehículos. Presenta los conceptos básicos de la teoría y los resultados obtenidos, sobre la administración y logística en la cadena de suministro, a través de una solución de planificación que optimiza el uso de los recursos de transport

    Assessing Financial Impacts of Subclinical Mastitis on Colombian Dairy Farms

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    Bovine mastitis is a dairy cattle disease with high economic impact. Subclinical mastitis (SCM) contributes to most of the financial losses. Colombia dairy sector accounts for 2.3% of the gross domestic product (GDP) and 24.3% of the livestock GDP. Milk production reaches 6,500 million liters/year from nearly 500,000 cattle farms and is mainly based on small-scale production systems. This study evaluates the financial impact of SCM and the potential for its control in three dairy farm strata in a region in Colombia. The objectives of the study were 1) to determine the perception of farmers about the SCM problem on their farms, 2) to assess prevalence and financial impact of SCM on farms and in the “Area five” sanitary region of the Bogota plateau, and 3) to assess costs and effectiveness of control methods of SCM. Information about disease management and decision-making process was obtained through a participatory epidemiology workshop and applying a semi-structured survey. A two-stage stratified cross sectional epidemiological study was conducted on dairy cattle from a region with approximately 400 farms and 12,000 cows, with a sample size of 55 farms. Prevalence of SCM was calculated by defining a cow as positive for the disease when any quarter had a somatic cell count (SCC) higher than 250 × 103 cells/ml. The prevalence of SCM in cows was 55.2%; significant differences were found between strata. Assessment of the financial impact of SCM in terms of milk losses was conducted using spreadsheet models. Milk production losses per farm ranged from 1.3% to 13.5%, and the economic impact in the region was estimated over USD $800.000 per year. The financial impact was greater in small- and medium-sized farms than large farms, and it was associated with the severity of SCC per quarter. Principal component analysis showed interactions, irrespective of the individual effect, and suggested three main groups of control interventions: application of basic milking hygiene practices, increase in the level of hygiene practices and veterinary advice, and SCM diagnosis and dry-cow treatment. Lack of information on management and production at farms promotes intuitive decision-making. Further research for the deeper understanding of intervention costs and effectiveness is suggested

    Los conjuntos borrosos, modelación cualitativa de la realidad en ingeniería

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    This paper presents a sect of clear ideas through examples and graphs to allow the reader to assimilate a change in the approach of the Theory of Sets, emphasizing the importance of Fuzzy Sets extending the notions of inclusion, intersection, complement, relationship, etc. as normal frame to permit the treatment and manipulation of the uncertainty in the ambit of a number of phenomena, particularly in Control. This is an additional motivation to induce the incorporation of this subject into the curricula of both, tecnology and engineering, through the systematic study of typical problems in Electronics, Control, and telecomunications.El artículo hace explícitas una serie de ideas, con ejemplos gráficos, que le permitirán al lector asimilar un giro en el enfoque aplicativo de la Teoría de Conjuntos Clásica hacia los Conjuntos Borrosos con la extensión de nociones de inclusión, unión, intersección, complemento, relación, etc. Este nuevo marco formal, permite el tratamiento y la manipulación de la incertidumbre en el ámbito de modelación de numerosos fenómenos, particularmente de Control. Sea esta una motivación adicional para reducir la incorporación del tema en los currículos de tecnología e ingeniería, a partir del estudio sistemático de situaciones problema de la Electrónica, el Control y las Telecomunicaciones