479 research outputs found

    A comparative analysis of chromosome pairing at metaphase I in interspecific hybrids between durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) and the most widespread Aegilops species.

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    Homoeologous metaphase I (MI) associations in hybrids between durum wheat and its wild allotetraploid relatives Aegilops neglecta, Ae. triuncialis and Ae. ventricosa have been characterized by a genomic in situ hybridization procedure that allows simultaneous discrimination of A, B and wild species genomes. Earlier results in equivalent hybrids with the wild species Ae. cylindrica and Ae. geniculata have also been considered to comparatively assay the MI pairing pattern of the durum wheat × Aegilops interspecific combinations more likely to occur in nature. The general picture can be drawn as follows. A and B wheat genomes pair with each other less than the 2 wild constituent genomes do in any of the hybrid combinations examined. Interspecific wheat-wild associations account for 60–70% of total MI pairing in all hybrids, except in that derived from Ae. triuncialis, but the A genome is always the wheat partner most frequently involved in MI pairing with the wild homoeologues. Hybrids with Ae. cylindrica, Ae. geniculata and Ae. ventricosa showed similar reduced levels of MI association and virtually identical MI pairing patterns. However, certain recurrent differences were found when the pattern of homoeologous pairing of hybrids from either Ae. triuncialis or Ae. neglecta was contrasted to that observed in the other durum wheat hybrid combinations. In the former case, a remarkable preferential pairing between the wild species constituent genomes Ut and Ct seems to be the reason, whereas a general promotion of homoeologous pairing, qualitatively similar to that observed under the effect of the ph1c mutation, appears to occur in the hybrid with Ae. neglecta. It is further discussed whether the results reported here can be extrapolated to the corresponding bread wheat hybrid combination

    Observations and dynamical implications of active normal faulting in South Peru

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    SUMMARY Orogenic plateaus can exist in a delicate balance in which the buoyancy forces due to gravity acting on the high topography and thick crust of the plateau interior are balanced by the compressional forces acting across their forelands. Any shortening or extension within a plateau can indicate a perturbation to this force balance. In this study, we present new observations of the kinematics, morphology and slip rates of active normal faults in the South Peruvian Altiplano obtained from field studies, high-resolution DEMs, Quaternary dating and remote sensing. We then investigate the implications of this faulting for the forces acting on the Andes. We find that the mountains are extending ∼NNE–SSW to ∼NE–SW along a normal fault system that cuts obliquely across the Altiplano plateau, which in many places reactivates Miocene-age reverse faults. Radiocarbon dating of offset late Quaternary moraines and alluvial fan surfaces indicates horizontal extension rates across the fault system of between 1 and 4 mm yr–1—equivalent to an extensional strain rate in the range of 0.5–2 × 10−8 1 yr–1 averaged across the plateau. We suggest the rate and pattern of extension implies there has been a change in the forces exerted between the foreland and the Andes mountains. A reduction in the average shear stresses on the sub-Andean foreland detachment of ≲4 MPa (20–25 per cent of the total force) can account for the rate of extension. These results show that, within a mountain belt, the pattern of faulting is sensitive to small spatial and temporal variations in the strength of faults along their margins.Denman Baynes Senior Studentship, Clare College Cambridge Arup Santander Mobility Grant (University of Cambridge

    Aprendizaje cooperativo aplicado a la docencia de las asignaturas de programación en ingeniería informática

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    En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de la aplicación de la metodología del aprendizaje cooperativo a la docencia de dos asignaturas de programación en ingeniería informática. ‘Algoritmos y programación’ y ‘Lenguajes de programación’ son dos asignaturas complementarias que se organizan entorno a un proyecto común que engloba los contenidos de ambas asignaturas. En la docencia de una parte muy importante de estas asignaturas, la metodología del aprendizaje cooperativo se ha adaptado a sus características específicas. Como muestra de esta adaptación presentamos dos ejemplos de las actividades desarrolladas dentro de la docencia de estas asignaturas. Después de tres años de aplicación, el análisis a nivel cualitativo y cuantitativo de los resultados muestra que éstos son muy satisfactorios y que la aplicación del método cooperativo ha mejorado de forma considerable el rendimiento de los alumnos en ambas asignaturas.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Thermographic imaging: assessment of drought and heat tolerance in Spanish germplasm of Brachypodium distachyon.

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    The annual grass Brachypodium distachyon has been recently recognized as the model plant for functional genomics of temperate grasses, including cereals of economic relevance like wheat and barley. Sixty-two lines of B. distachyon were assessed for response to drought stress and heat tolerance. All these lines, except the reference genotype BD21, derive from specimens collected in 32 distinct locations of the Iberian Peninsula, covering a wide range of geo- climatic conditions. Sixteen lines of Brachypodium hybridum, an allotetraploid closely related to B. distachyon were used as reference of abiotic-stress well-adapted genotypes. Drought tolerance was assessed in a green-house trial. At the rosette-stage, no irrigation was applied to treated plants whereas their replicates at the control were maintained well watered during all the experiment. Thermographic images of treated and control plants were taken after 2 and 3 weeks of drought treatment, when stressed plants showed medium and extreme wilting symptoms. The mean leaf temperature of stressed (LTs) and control (LTc) plants was estimated based upon thermographic records from selected pixels (183 per image) that strictly correspond to leaf tissue. The response to drought was based on the analysis of two parameters: LTs and the thermal difference (TD) between stressed and control plants (LTs – LTc). The response to heat stress was based on LTc. Comparison of the mean values of these parameters showed that: 1) Genotypes better adapted to drought (B. hybridum lines) presented a higher LTs and TD than B. distachyon lines. 2) Under high temperature conditions, watered plants of B. hybridum lines maintained lower LTc than those of B. distachyon. Those results suggest that in these species adaptation to drought is linked to a more efficient stomata regulation: under water stress stomata are closed, increasing foliar temperature but also water use efficiency by reducing transpiration. With high temperature and water availability the results are less definite, but still seems that opening stomata allow plants to increase transpiration and therefore to diminish foliar temperature

    Una experiència d'aprenentatge basada en projectes en l'àmbit de la informàtica

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    En aquest treball es presenta l'adaptació a l'EEES de les assignatures de Algorismes i Programació (AP) i Llenguatges de Programació (LP) de la titulació d'Enginyeria Informàtica de la UAB. Per a aquesta adaptació s'ha utilitzat, entre d'altres, una metodologia d'aprenentatge basada en un projecte comú. AP engloba coneixements teòrics sobre anàlisi i disseny d'algorismes, mentre que a LP es treballa el llenguatge de programació C i la seva aplicació pràctica. Tradicionalment aquestes dues assignatures s'han tractat de forma independent malgrat que els seus continguts són complementaris. Amb la finalitat de treure un benefici d'aquesta vinculació es va decidir coordinar els seus programes. A més, per a potenciar la transferència de coneixements d'una assignatura a l'altra es proposa desenvolupar un projecte comú al llarg del curs. D'aquesta manera s'aconsegueix de forma més natural que AP i LP comparteixin un mateix fil argumental i a la vegada els alumnes adquireixen una visió més global dels fonaments de la programació. A l'inici del curs es proposa un enunciat genèric que presenta el projecte sense especificar què aportarà cada assignatura a la seva resolució. Els projectes que es plantegen intenten ser atractius pels alumnes per tal de motivar-los. Per això, bàsicament es proposa la programació de jocs. A mesura que el curs avança es van detallant els passos que cal seguir a nivell de disseny (AP) i a nivell d'implementació (LP) per a construir la solució final. La implementació d'aquesta metodologia ha estat molt satisfactòria i s'ha observat un major interès per part dels alumnes. A més, ha descendit el nombre de no presentats i ha pujat el nombre d'aprovats i la nota mitjana. In this work we describe part of the process carried out to adapt to the EEES two subjects (Algorithms and Programming - AP and Programming Languages - LP) of the degree on Computer Science at UAB. The adaptation is based on the utilization of a Project-Based Learning methodology.AP is a subject devoted to explain the theoretical basis of the analysis and design of algorithms, whereas LP applies these theoretical concepts using the C programming language. In the past, both subjects were seen as independent units although their contents are clearly complementary. In order to exploit this complementarity we decided to work towards a greater coordination of activities. The basis of this coordination is the development of a common programming project along all the semester. In this way, both subjects share the same piece of work and the students can acquire a global view of the programming basis. At the beginning of the semester we propose a generic problem that the students must solve and implement. We try to propose projects that can be appealing and motivating to the students. A good source of inspiration for that is programming videogames. As the semester advances we provide more details about the work to be done at the level of the design of the algorithm (AP) and at the level of programming in C (LP). The results of using this methodology are quite satisfactory. We have observed a greater interest and motivation of the students. Besides we have also quantitatively improved the academic results

    Evaluación del Beneficio del Uso de Eco-materiales para la Construcción de Infraestructura Educativa Sostenible e Innovadora de la Provincia de Tacna - 2019

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    Se realizó un estudio con la finalidad de dar a conocer los eco-materiales que se podían fabricar en la Provincia de Tacna, se utilizaron residuos sólidos (Papel, Plástico y Vidrio) como parte del concreto, para comprobar su funcionamiento. Los diferentes tipos de concreto pudieron elevarse a resistencias a la compresión similares aprox. 210 kg/cm2, a excepción del papercrete, el concreto conveniente por cuestión económica fue el Concreto con Plástico Molido reemplazando el 20% del volumen total de agregados. Conociendo esto, se realizaron ladrillos de concreto con mezclas con plástico picado reemplazando el 25% y el 50% del volumen del agregado grueso, se obtuvo como mejor resultado con la que reemplaza el 25%, y cumpliendo con la normativa para ser clasificado como un Ladrillo de concreto Tipo 17. Todas las variaciones de concreto, fueron de reemplazo de los agregados y con base en el método de diseño ACI 211.1 – 91. Al conocerse las propiedades de los eco-materiales desarrollados, se ha propuesto un módulo de infraestructura educativa sostenible e innovadora, el cual lleva estos dos últimos adjetivos por el uso de eco-materiales en la misma. Al finalizar su desarrollo, se obtuvo que no existían beneficios económicos, debido al alto costo de los materiales de reciclaje procesados en el mercado actual; pero si un beneficio ambiental por el reciclaje y reutilización de 4 toneladas de plástico.Tesi

    Experimental results and modelling of humidity control strategies for greenhouses in continental and coastal settings in the Mediterranean region. I: Experimental results and model development

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    Experimental strategies for controlling humidity were compared in a greenhouse sited in Madrid, a continental site in the Mediterranean region. Small roof window apertures significantly reduced the relative humidity with only a limited increase in associated energy consumption. A simplified climate model with four energy exchange terms (heating, insolation, losses through structure, and losses through windows) and three mass exchange terms (evapotranspiration, losses through structure, and losses through windows) was validated, allowing relative humidity to be predicted with an error of < 9%

    Experimental results and modelling of humidity control strategies for greenhouses in continental and coastal settings in the Mediterranean region. II: Modelling of strategies

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    Strategies for humidity control —with and without heating— were evaluated via simulations performed with a previously developed model (see accompanying paper, this issue, part I). With heating, the best strategy combined the use of a humidity setpoint with step control of the roof window, increasing the ventilation in line with the outside temperature. Without heating, the best strategy again combined the use of a humidity setpoint with step control of the roof window, but required ventilation to be increased in line with the inside air temperature