54 research outputs found

    Interdisciplinary Experience Using Technological Tools in Sport Science

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    In the framework that interdisciplinary projects could be a potential tool to improve learning processes in higher education, a teaching innovation experience was carried out. This study presents the didactic experience carried out between two first-year subjects of the Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences. The experience consisted of designing and implementing a practice activity from an interdisciplinary approach and with the support of technological tools, such as the use of platforms, recordings and sports technique analysis software. The main aim of the present study was to assess such an experience according to students’ perception. The instrument used to assess such an interdisciplinary experience was a questionnaire of 17 items. The sample comprised 79 students who attended both subjects simultaneously. The reliability of the instrument is ensured according to Cronbach’s alpha (a = 0.903). The results of this study, as interdisciplinarity and organizational aspects, were highly assessed. The analysis of the survey also indicates that this interdisciplinary practice activity helped subjects to achieve a more meaningful level of both integrated and specific knowledge.This research was funded by the Program Redes-I3CE for Research in University Teaching, from the Vice rectorate of Educational quality and innovation, Institute of Education Sciences of the University of Alicante (call 2019-20)

    Investigación de técnicas docentes para su uso en el aprendizaje de Ergonomía

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    En este trabajo se muestran los resultados y conclusiones derivados de la investigación docente en el campo de la Ergonomía. En particular, los conocimientos adquiridos a partir de esta investigación serán aplicados a la docencia de la asignatura Ergonomía, del Máster en Riesgos Laborales. El estudio se ha centrado en cubrir los conceptos teórico-prácticos de forma práctica mediante una propuesta de diferentes supuestos experimentales. Estas experiencias han sido concebidas y diseñadas con la intención de que los alumnos apliquen los fundamentos de los principales métodos de evaluación de riesgos en el campo de la Ergonomía aplicada a las condiciones de trabajo. Los objetivos principales perseguidos a lo largo del diseño de estas actividades han sido numerosos y muy diversos, partiendo desde la premisa de la toma de contacto con las normas de obligado cumplimiento y recomendaciones de instituciones reconocidas como el Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo; así como la necesidad por parte del alumnado de desarrollar sus habilidades en materia de evaluación de riesgos ergonómicos

    Casos prácticos y actividades didácticas en Ergonomía

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    Tras la experiencia del primer curso de implantación del Máster en Riesgos Laborales, en la asignatura de Ergonomía, los docentes implicados en la misma consideramos importante complementar los contenidos teóricos impartidos con aplicaciones prácticas. En este trabajo, se presentan una serie de actividades didácticas en las que los estudiantes deberán aplicar los fundamentos relacionados con los principales métodos de evaluación de riesgos en el campo de la ergonomía aplicada a las condiciones de trabajo. Con estas actividades se pretende que los estudiantes inicien el desarrollo de sus habilidades en materia de evaluación de riesgos ergonómicos, a la vez que toman contacto con las normas de obligado cumplimiento y recomendaciones de instituciones reconocidas como el Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, entre otros.Los autores desean agradecer el soporte y financiación de la Universidad de Alicante vía el proyecto GITE-09014-UA, y al ICE de la Universidad de Alicante a través de la convocatoria de Proyectos de Redes 2013-2014 y su soporte a la red 3090

    On the genesis of the Haumea system

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    The scenarios proposed in the literature for the genesis of the system formed by the dwarf planet 136108 Haumea, its two satellites and a group of some 10 bodies (the family) with semimajor axes, eccentricities and inclinations close to Haumea's values, are analysed against collisional, physical, dynamical and statistical arguments in order to assess their likelihood. All scenarios based on collisional events are reviewed under physical arguments and the corresponding formation probabilities in a collisional environment are evaluated according to the collisional evolution model alicandep. An alternative mechanism is proposed based on the potential possibility of (quasi-) independent origin of the family with respect to Haumea and its satellites. As a general conclusion the formation of the Haumea system is a low-probability event in the currently assumed frame for the evolution of the outer Solar system. However, it is possible that current knowledge is missing some key element in the whole story that may contribute to increase the odds for the formation of such a system.This research was partially supported by Spanish grants AYA2011-06202-C02-01 (JLO) and AYA2011-06202-C02-02 (ACB). RGH gratefully acknowledges financial support by CONICET through PIP 114-201101-00358 and Junta de Andalucia 2012-FQM1776

    Gravitational re-accumulation as the origin of most contact binaries and other small body shapes

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    Asteroids show a variety of shapes, ranging from roundish to elongated to binary systems and ‘contact binaries’ like (25143) Itokawa, the target of the Hayabusa mission (JAXA). These bodies spend most of their time within a collisional system, the asteroid belt, where impact processes are relatively frequent. Speculations on the origin of asteroid shapes invoke mechanisms such as collisions and spin-up effects. N-body numerical simulations of fragment evolution following catastrophic collisions have been recently carried out (Campo Bagatin et al., 2018). In this study the idea that the stochastic process of gravitational re-accumulation may be responsible for many observed asteroid shapes is introduced. Asteroid ‘contact binaries’ are shown to be regularly produced by the gravitational re-accumulation process following catastrophic impact. Similar processes may have occurred in the case of some comets and Trans-Neptunian Objects.ACB and PGB acknowledge funding from AYA2016-79500-R (2016–2018) grant by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad

    Internal structure of asteroid gravitational aggregates

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    The internal structure of small asteroids is fundamentally unknown due to lack of direct measurements. The only clues on this topic come from theoretical considerations and from the comparison between measured bulk densities of asteroids and their corresponding analogue meteorite densities. The mass distribution and the void space between components in a gravitational aggregate determine the structure of such objects. In this paper we study numerically the dynamical and collisional evolution of the reaccumulation process of the fragments created in catastrophic collisions of asteroids in the 500 m to 10 km size range. An effort to consider irregularly shaped fragments is made by taking advantage of the results of laboratory experiments that provide relative mass distributions and aspect ratios for fragment shapes. We find that the processes that govern the final properties of the resulting aggregates are mainly stochastic, however interesting patterns can be identified. This study matches estimated macro-porosities of S-type asteroids and finds a loose linear relationship between macro-prorosity of asteroid aggregates and the mass ratio of the largest component to the whole aggregate (for both S and C-types). As for observed C-type asteroids, we conclude that their interiors should be more fragmented than in the case of S-type asteroids, explaining the difference in the estimated macro-porosity of real C asteroids with respect to S-types. We also find that slow rotators may be interpreted as a natural result in the process of gravitational reaccumulation.This work has been possible thanks to the grants AYA2008- 06202C0303 and AYA2011-30106-C02-02 by the extinct Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

    Comparison between methodologies and evaluations in core Physic subjects in Engineering and Architecture Bachelors

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    In the framework created by the new graduate in European higher education, this work focuses on the foundations of the system of teaching and learning: methodology and evaluation. The comparative study of the methodology and evaluation was performed for the core subjects of Physics, of the degrees in engineering and architecture from the Polytechnic School (EPS) of the University of Alicante (UA) over four years. The work allows comparing the subjects of physics in terms of credits, methodology, evaluation, success rates in percentage, and compared cutting-off marks for each particular degree.The authors wish to acknowledge the support and funding of the University of Alicante via GITE-09006-UA, GITE-09014-UA projects

    Recent collisional history of (65803) Didymos

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    The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART, NASA) spacecraft revealed that the primary of the (65803) Didymos near-Earth asteroid (NEA) binary system is not exactly the expected spinning top shape observed for other km-size asteroids. Ground based radar observations predicted that such shape was compatible with the uncertainty along the direction of the asteroid spin axis. Indeed, Didymos shows crater and landslide features, and evidence for boulder motion at low equatorial latitudes. Altogether, the primary seems to have undergone sudden structural failure in its recent history, which may even result in the formation of the secondary. The high eccentricity of Didymos sets its aphelion distance inside the inner main belt, where it spends more than 1/3 of its orbital period and it may undergo many more collisions than in the NEA region. In this work, we investigate the collisional environment of this asteroid and estimate the probability of collision with multi-size potential impactors. We analyze the possibility that such impacts produced the surface features observed on Didymos by comparing collisional intervals with estimated times for surface destabilization by the Yarkovsky-O’Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack (YORP) effect. We find that collisional effects dominate over potential local or global deformation due to YORP spin up.Project (PGC 2021) PID2021-125883NB-C21, by MICINN (Spanish Government): A.C.B., L.M.P., P.G.B. Call 2023 of the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF, act n. 38/2023): A.D.O. ESA funding through the Science Faculty—Funding reference ESA-SCI-SC-LE-191: P.G.B. “Margarita Salas” postdoctoral grant by the Spanish Ministry of University—NextGenerationEU: L.M.P. CIAPOS/2022/066 postdoctoral grant (European Social Fund. Generalitat Valenciana): L.M.P. Italian Space Agency (ASI) funding within the LICIACube project (ASI-INAF agreement n. 2019-31-HH.0): A.L., M.P. HERA project (ASI-INAF agreement n. 2022-8-HH.0): A.L., M.P

    Valoración de las habilidades matemáticas básicas del alumnado de Biomecánica de la Actividad Física

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    El presente trabajo se inspira en la experiencia de varios cursos académicos impartiendo la asignatura Biomecánica de la Actividad Física en el Grado de Ciencias de Actividad Física y el Deporte. Año tras año observamos que una de las principales dificultades de los estudiantes para superar la asignatura radica en sus limitaciones de las destrezas matemáticas necesarias para la resolución de las aplicaciones propuestas. Esta situación complica en gran medida el afrontar de forma satisfactoria una asignatura de aplicación de contenidos de Física como lo es la Biomecánica. Nuestro objetivo con este proyecto es valorar en cierta forma el dominio de tales destrezas y así detectar cuales son las principales carencias de los estudiantes, como por ejemplo resolver una ecuación de primero o segundo grado, cálculo de ángulos utilizando trigonometría, etc. Determinar con certeza dónde radican las debilidades o carencias del dominio de las destrezas matemáticas de nuestro alumnado nos permitirá poner en marcha un plan de acción dirigido a solventarlas y proporcionar a los estudiantes el apoyo necesario para afrontar con éxito la asignatura

    Valoración de las habilidades matemáticas básicas del alumnado de Biomecánica de la Actividad Física

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    La evidencia acontecida en cursos académicos anteriores da indicios a considerar que los alumnos de la asignatura de Biomecánica de la Actividad Física manifiestan una importante carencia en el dominio de herramientas matemáticas básicas. Con la experiencia hemos detectado que una de las principales causas de suspenso en esta asignatura es que los estudiantes suelen fracasar al momento de la resolución de los problemas planteados, más que en la comprensión de los nuevos contenidos introducidos durante el curso. Esta casuística complica en gran medida el afrontar de forma satisfactoria una asignatura de aplicación de contenidos de Física como ésta. Nuestro objetivo con este proyecto es cuantificar en cierta forma el dominio de tales habilidades y así detectar cuales son las principales deficiencias, por ejemplo resolver una ecuación de primero o segundo grado, cálculo de ángulos utilizando trigonometría, etc. Esto nos permitirá planear una serie de acciones de apoyo a tener en cuenta para cursos académicos futuros