45 research outputs found

    Spatial-Distance Cues Influence Economic Decision-Making in a Social Context

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    Social distance (i.e., the degree of closeness to another person) affects the way humans perceive and respond to fairness during financial negotiations. Feeling close to someone enhances the acceptance of monetary offers. Here, we explored whether this effect also extends to the spatial domain. Specifically, using an iterated version of the Ultimatum Game in a within-subject design, we investigated whether different visual spatial distance-cues result in different rates of acceptance of otherwise identical monetary offers. Study 1 found that participants accepted significantly more offers when they were cued with spatial closeness than when they were cued with spatial distance. Study 2 replicated this effect using identical procedures but different spatial- distance cues in an independent sample. Importantly, our results could not be explained by feelings of social closeness. Our results demonstrate that mere perceptions of spatial closeness produce analogous–but independent–effects to those of social closeness

    Sexually Transmitted Infections Among HIV-Infected Individuals in the District of Columbia and Estimated HIV Transmission Risk: Data From the DC Cohort

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    Background Washington, DC, has one of the highest rates of HIV infection in the United States. Sexual intercourse is the leading mode of HIV transmission, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a risk factor for HIV acquisition and transmission. Methods We evaluated the incidence and demographic factors associated with chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis among HIV-infected persons enrolled at 13 DC Cohort sites from 2011 to 2015. Using Poisson regression, we assessed covariates of risk for incident STIs. We also examined HIV viral loads (VLs) at the time of STI diagnosis as a proxy for HIV transmission risk. Results Six point seven percent (451/6672) developed an incident STI during a median follow-up of 32.5 months (4% chlamydia, 3% gonorrhea, 2% syphilis); 30% of participants had 2 or more STI episodes. The incidence rate of any STIs was 3.8 cases per 100 person-years (95% confidence interval [CI], 3.5–4.1); age 18–34 years, 10.8 (95% CI, 9.7–12.0); transgender women, 9.9 (95% CI, 6.9–14.0); Hispanics, 9.2 (95% CI, 7.2–11.8); and men who have sex with men (MSM), 7.7 (95% CI, 7.1–8.4). Multivariate Poisson regression showed younger age, Hispanic ethnicity, MSM risk, and higher nadir CD4 counts to be strongly associated with STIs. Among those with an STI, 41.8% had a detectable VL within 1 month of STI diagnosis, and 14.6% had a VL ≥1500 copies/mL. Conclusions STIs are highly prevalent among HIV-infected persons receiving care in DC. HIV transmission risk is considerable at the time of STI diagnosis. Interventions toward risk reduction, antiretroviral therapy adherence, and HIV virologic suppression are critical at the time of STI evaluation

    True durability: HIV virologic suppression in an urban clinic and implications for timing of intensive adherence efforts and viral load monitoring

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    Although the majority of HIV-infected patients who begin potent antiretroviral therapy should expect long-term virologic suppression, the realities in practice are less certain. Durability of viral suppression was examined to define the best timing of targeted adherence strategies and intensive viral load monitoring in an urban clinic population with multiple challenges to ART adherence. We examined the risk of viral rebound for patients who achieved two consecutive viral loads lower than the lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) within 390 days. For 791 patients with two viral loads below the LLOQ, viral rebound \u3eLLOQ from the first viral load was 36.9 % (95 % CI 32.2–41.6) in the first year, 26.9 % (95 % CI 21.7–32.1) in the year following one year of viral suppression, and 24.6 % (95 % CI 18.4–30.9) in the year following 2 years of viral suppression. However, for patients with CD4 ≥300 cells/µl who had 3–6 years of virologic suppression, the risk of viral rebound was very low. At the population level, the risk of viral rebound in a complex urban clinic population is surprisingly high even out to 3 years. Intensified monitoring and adherence efforts should target this high risk period. Thereafter, confidence in truly durable virologic suppression is improved

    True durability: HIV virologic suppression in an urban clinic and implications for timing of intensive adherence efforts and viral load monitoring.

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    Although the majority of HIV-infected patients who begin potent antiretroviral therapy should expect long-term virologic suppression, the realities in practice are less certain. Durability of viral suppression was examined to define the best timing of targeted adherence strategies and intensive viral load monitoring in an urban clinic population with multiple challenges to ART adherence. We examined the risk of viral rebound for patients who achieved two consecutive viral loads lower than the lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) within 390 days. For 791 patients with two viral loads below the LLOQ, viral rebound \u3eLLOQ from the first viral load was 36.9 % (95 % CI 32.2-41.6) in the first year, 26.9 % (95 % CI 21.7-32.1) in the year following one year of viral suppression, and 24.6 % (95 % CI 18.4-30.9) in the year following 2 years of viral suppression. However, for patients with CD4 ≥300 cells/µl who had 3-6 years of virologic suppression, the risk of viral rebound was very low. At the population level, the risk of viral rebound in a complex urban clinic population is surprisingly high even out to 3 years. Intensified monitoring and adherence efforts should target this high risk period. Thereafter, confidence in truly durable virologic suppression is improved

    Xpert MTB/RIF Assay Shows Faster Clearance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA with Higher Levels of Rifapentine Exposure.

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    The Xpert MTB/RIF assay is both sensitive and specific as a diagnostic test. Xpert also reports quantitative output in cycle threshold (CT) values, which may provide a dynamic measure of sputum bacillary burden when used longitudinally. We evaluated the relationship between Xpert CT trajectory and drug exposure during tuberculosis (TB) treatment to assess the potential utility of Xpert CT for treatment monitoring. We obtained serial sputum samples from patients with smear-positive pulmonary TB who were consecutively enrolled at 10 international clinical trial sites participating in study 29X, a CDC-sponsored Tuberculosis Trials Consortium study evaluating the tolerability, safety, and antimicrobial activity of rifapentine at daily doses of up to 20 mg/kg of body weight. Xpert was performed at weeks 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 12. Longitudinal CT data were modeled using a nonlinear mixed effects model in relation to rifapentine exposure (area under the concentration-time curve [AUC]). The rate of change of CT was higher in subjects receiving rifapentine than in subjects receiving standard-dose rifampin. Moreover, rifapentine exposure, but not assigned dose, was significantly associated with rate of change in CT (P = 0.02). The estimated increase in CT slope for every additional 100 μg · h/ml of rifapentine drug exposure (as measured by AUC) was 0.11 CT/week (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.05 to 0.17). Increasing rifapentine exposure is associated with a higher rate of change of Xpert CT, indicating faster clearance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA. These data suggest that the quantitative outputs of the Xpert MTB/RIF assay may be useful as a dynamic measure of TB treatment response

    Evaluation of Xpert MTB/RIF Versus AFB Smear and Culture to Identify Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Patients With Suspected Tuberculosis From Low and Higher Prevalence Settings

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    Background. The Xpert MTB/RIF (Xpert) assay is a rapid nucleic acid amplification test widely used in settings of high tuberculosis prevalence to detect tuberculosis as well as rpoB mutations associated with rifampin resistance. Data are needed on the diagnostic performance of Xpert in lower-prevalence settings to inform appropriate use for both tuberculosis detection and the need for respiratory isolation. Methods. Xpert was compared to 2 sputum samples, each evaluated with acid-fast bacilli (AFB) smear and mycobacterial culture using liquid and solid culture media, from participants with suspected pulmonary tuberculosis from the United States, Brazil, and South Africa. Results. Of 992 participants enrolled with evaluable results, 22% had culture-confirmed tuberculosis. In 638 (64%) US participants, 1 Xpert result demonstrated sensitivity of 85.2% (96.7% in participants with AFB smear-positive [AFB+] sputum, 59.3% with AFB smear-negative [AFB–] sputum), specificity of 99.2%, negative predictive value (NPV) of 97.6%, and positive predictive value of 94.9%. Results did not differ between higher- and low-prevalence settings. A second Xpert assay increased overall sensitivity to 91.1% (100% if AFB+, 71.4% if AFB–), with specificity of 98.9%. In US participants, a single negative Xpert result predicted the absence of AFB+/culture-positive tuberculosis with an NPV of 99.7%; NPV of 2 Xpert assays was 100%, suggesting a role in removing patients from airborne infection isolation. Xpert detected tuberculosis DNA and mutations associated with rifampin resistance in 5 of 7 participants with rifampin-resistant, culture-positive tuberculosis. Specificity for rifampin resistance was 99.5% and NPV was 98.9%. Conclusions. In the United States, Xpert testing performed comparably to 2 higher-tuberculosis-prevalence settings. These data support the use of Xpert in the initial evaluation of tuberculosis suspects and in algorithms assessing need for respiratory isolation

    HIV treatment with dolutegravir and doravirine: rationale for selection and clinical outcomes in a highly treatment experienced population

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    Dolutegravir and doravirine are individually safe and effective antiretroviral therapy (ART) components, but their combined use has not been studied in clinical trials and is not recommended in HIV treatment guidelines. We noted persons with HIV (PWH) receiving dolutegravir with doravirine at our Washington, DC, infectious disease clinic and undertook a service evaluation to understand why providers selected this ART, whether HIV virologic suppression was achieved and identify adverse effects of concomitant use. Case registry and prescriptions data identified 21 PWH receiving concomitant dolutegravir and doravirine with mean follow-up 576.1 days (range 413-751); frequent reasons for switching were multiple ART resistance (57.1%), proton pump inhibitor usage (28.6%) and renal failure (28.6%), with 52.4% switched from protease inhibitor or cobicistat-boosted regimens. Dolutegravir with doravirine alone was prescribed for 60%, and additional ART in 40%. During 12 months follow-up mean CD4 was 585.9 (baseline 570.7) with undetectable viral load in 77.8% (baseline 66.7%). No discontinuations for drug-related adverse events or virologic failure occurred. Dolutegravir with doravirine was well tolerated in small numbers of highly treatment experienced PWH at our clinic, achieving virologic suppression in most. Establishing the efficacy and safety of dolutegravir with doravirine for HIV treatment in randomized trials remains important

    Mycobacterium szulgai infection of the lung: Case report and review of an unusual pathogen

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    The nontuberculous mycobacteria are responsible for considerable morbidity in the immunocompromised and immunocompetent host, especially in the older patient with chronic fibrotic or cavitary disease of the lung. Mycobacterium szulgai is a slow growing mycobacterium infrequent in nature and man. Except from a snail and a tropical fish, it has been isolated only from humans and nearly always represents a true pathogen. Three-drug therapy using in vitro susceptibilities as a guide for 12 to 18 months increases the likelihood of success. We present a patient who developed M szulgai pulmonary infection 30 years after an episode of pulmonary tuberculosis. After successful therapy for his M szulgai infection, this patient developed chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis. We review the 25 years of clinical experience with this mycobacteria; particular emphasis is on the presentation and treatment of this very unusual infection