1,317 research outputs found

    Socio-Cultural Factors Influencing Uptake of Skilled Childbirth Services Among Women in Kaiti Division, Makueni District (Kenya)

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    Each year, over 500,000 women die from the complications of pregnancy and child birth, almost all of them in the developing countries. This trend can be addressed by increasing the rates of skilled care during childbirth. This study therefore sought to establish the socio-cultural factors influencing uptake of skilled childbirth care which has remained low in Kaiti Division. The researchers applied a descriptive cross-sectional study design which involved women of childbearing age (15-49 years). The study was conducted in March 2010 and had a sample size of 246 women which was randomly selected from the estimated target population of 12,077. The researchers applied both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The tests of significance employed included Fisher's exact test, chi-square, test and logistic regression. The study established that the proportion of women attended to by the skilled attendant within various age cohorts was higher (58.9%) amongst the youth/adolescent (15-24 years) (P-value = 0.091> 0.05, c2 10.915 df 6).). Skilled attendance declined among the grand-multiparas (para4 and above) from 7.7% in Para 4-5 to 2% in Para 6+ (P-value = .000<0.05, c2 34.888 df 3; Para 1(p =0.000, OR 28.391), Para 2-3 (p =0.000, OR 7.564), Para 4-5(p=0.030, OR 3.493) Further findings indicated that the principal decision maker (46.7%) on type of assistant in the last delivery was the woman (P-value = 0.000 <0.05, c2 56.076 df 5). However, the husband was the leading (39.5%) decision maker in use of a skilled assistant in the last delivery (p=0.000, OR 15.667). More than two thirds (70.7%) of the respondents who performed a ceremony prayed for safe delivery in their last delivery. The study concluded that women's parity, decision making and religion were significant in use of skilled childbirth services

    Job Satisfaction Among the Nurses of Makueni District Hospital, Kenya

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    The purpose of the study was to evaluate the level of job satisfaction among the nurses of Makueni District Hospital. This was necessitated by the high nurse staff turnover from the facility and a myriad of complains from various departments. The study was a cross sectional descriptive survey involving about 50 nurses that was carried out between 15 and 19th July 2013. The study employed mixed method approach. Tests of significance were through use of Chi-square, Fishers exact test and logistic regression. The key results were that overall job satisfaction was low (36%). There were significant relationships between job satisfaction and cordial relationship with the nurse manager (c2 12.131 df 4 p=0.016<0.05. Logistic regression p=0.018<0.05). The plans to quit the hospital and work elsewhere indicates a relationship with job satisfaction (c2 12.749 df 4 p=0.013<0.05). The findings of this study suggest that there is no enabling working environment for the nurses and this could be a barrier to service delivery in the Hospital. These findings suggest that the Nurse Managers should build up effective relationship with the staff and other departments and should identify negative working conditions which affect staff and appropriately delegate authority to them

    Cross-Newell equations for hexagons and triangles

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    The Cross-Newell equations for hexagons and triangles are derived for general real gradient systems, and are found to be in flux-divergence form. Specific examples of complex governing equations that give rise to hexagons and triangles and which have Lyapunov functionals are also considered, and explicit forms of the Cross-Newell equations are found in these cases. The general nongradient case is also discussed; in contrast with the gradient case, the equations are not flux-divergent. In all cases, the phase stability boundaries and modes of instability for general distorted hexagons and triangles can be recovered from the Cross-Newell equations.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figur

    The Role of Parenting Styles in Enhancing or Hindering Children’s performance in preschool Activities

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    Extensive studies have been conducted on the relationship between parenting styles and adolescents’ academic performance. However, limited studies have focused on the relationship between these styles and preschool children’s performance. The current study sought to establish the relationship between parenting styles and pre-school children’s performance in curricular activities in Kisauni District, Kenya. A correlational research design was employed to carry out the study. A sample size of 160 pre-school children together with their parents was purposively selected based on their performance levels in curricular activities from 20 pre-schools. A questionnaire and an interview schedule were utilized to collect data on parenting styles. Further, data on pre-school children’s performance in preschool activities were collected through document analysis of children’s progress reports. Findings indicated that there was a significant relationship between parenting styles and children’s performance in preschool activities. There was a significant relationship between between authoritative parenting style and children’s performance where r = 0.882 and p = 0.00 < 0.01. Authoritarian parenting style was negatively correlated to children’s performance in curriculum activities where r = -0.261 and p = 0.002 < 0.01. There was no significant relationship between permissive parenting style and children’s performance. It was therefore concluded that parenting styles significantly influence children’s performance in preschool curriculum activities. Keywords: Parenting styles and children, Pre-school education, Parents and parenting style

    Does Marital Status Influence the Parenting Styles Employed by Parents?

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    The current study sought to establish whether parents’ marital status, influence their use of specific parenting styles in Kisauni District, Kenya. A correlational research design was employed to carry out this study. Stratified sampling technique was used to select preschools while purposive sampling technique was used to select preschool children to participate in the study. A sample size of 160 pre-school children together with their parents was purposively selected based on their performance level in curricular activities from 20 pre-schools. A questionnaire and an interview were used to collect data on parents’ demographics and their parenting styles. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to prepare and organize data for analysis to test significance levels between variables at 0.05.  Data were analyzed statistically using descriptive and inferential statistics. One way ANOVA techniques were utilized to establish whether there exist any significant relationships or differences in the means between parents’ marital status and their parenting styles. The findings indicated that parents’ marital status does not influence their parenting styles. The study therefore concluded that there is no significant relationship between parents’ marital status and the parenting styles they employ in bringing up their children. Keywords: marital status and parenting styles, parenting styles and preschool childre

    Impact environnemental des pneumatiques déchiquetés utilisés pour la construction d’ouvrages en remblai

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    Les pneumatiques usagés sont employés comme matériau de construction pour des ouvrages de génie civil et de géotechnique depuis les années 80. S’agissant de déchets, leur impact sur l’environnement doit être évalué, au regard de l’application visée et de la réglementation en vigueur. Cet article porte sur l’impact environnemental de pneumatiques usagés déchiquetés, lorsqu'ils sont utilisés en mélange avec du sable, pour la construction d’ouvrages en remblai. Des essais de lixiviation, de percolation et au lysimètre ont été réalisés, sur le matériau vierge et sur son résidu après incendie. Les liquides collectés ont été l’objet d’analyses physico-chimiques, considérant deux cents composés, et écotoxicologiques sur une bactérie et un crustacé. Les mesures révèlent un impact très limité en contexte normal. Par contre, les résidus après incendie doivent être envoyés en installation de stockage pour déchets dangereux. / This article deals with the assessment of the environmental impact of shredded scrap tyres mixed with sand to built embankments. Tests of leaching, of percolation and in a lysimeter were performed on the raw material as well as on the tailing resulting from fire. The liquids were analysed looking for 200 compounds and their toxicity on a shellfish and a bacterium was assessed. Measurements confirm the limited consequences on the environment, except in the case of fire, where tailings must be considered as hazardous waste

    Strategic Extension and Perceived Usefulness of Emerging Technologies in the North Indian Banks: An Empirical Analysis

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    Technology advancement has changed the way banking business is done globally, where data Diasporas has become a great concern for management and operations of the financial service industry. This paper is an attempt to investigate the current innovation trends in banks with reference to technology-tailored services. All the services newly introduced in banks have been considered in the discussion. Primary survey has been considered to know the opinions of150 bank employees regarding the implementation of self-services in banks. For data analysis, statistical techniques such as weighted average score, cross tabulation and percentage analysis have been used. The results show that e-channels in the banking industry are gaining acceptance of recent past and growth trends are promising as the world over is heading to paperless, borderless and timeless economies Key words: Technology, e-channels, Services, e-banking

    Heavy Metal Contamination and Potential Ecological Risks in Surface Sediments along Dar es Salaam Harbour Channel

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    Investigation of heavy metal contamination along Dar es Salaam harbour channel was carried out in order to determine their current concentrations, sources and potential ecological risks to benthic biota. Sampling was carried out from January to May 2019 and samples analysed using ICP-OES and C-H-N-S analyser. Analysis of heavy metal relationships showed that, Cu, Zn, Cr, As, Ni, Co, Fe, Cd had strong relationships with each other, while Pb only related to Zn. Principal component analysis partitioned metals into two groups; PC1: Ni, Cr, Fe, Co, As, Cu, Cd, and Zn explaining 73.6% variance and PC2: Pb, Zn, and Cd with 13.7% variance. Similarly, Cd, Pb and Zn had severe to very high enrichments (Cd > Pb > Zn) showing serious anthropogenic contamination of these metals in sediments along Dar es Salaam harbour channel. Degree of contamination and potential ecological risks varied from low, moderate, to high; indicating that sediments were considerably contaminated with heavy metals. Levels of contamination varied in space and according to the type of heavy metal Higher contamination and ecological risks were revealed at the harbour area probably due to the observed high concentrations of Cd, Pb and Zn. Monitoring of metals should be emphasized in order to control contaminants release into this area from their sources. Keywords: Dar es Salaam harbour channel, Heavy metals, Contamination, Sediments, Degree of contamination, Ecological risk

    Tap For Battle: Perancangan Casual Game pada Smartphone Android

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    Smartphones have become a necessity. Almost everyone uses a smartphone in a variety of activities. Both young and old are sure to utilize this technology, for a wide range of activities such as doing the work, doing school work or enjoying entertainment. The purpose of this research is to build a casual-action game with war theme. The game is built for Android smartphone that has multi touch screen capability. The research methods used in this research are data collection and analysis method including user analysis with questionnaire. Furthermore, IMSDD method is implemented for game design and development phase including system requirement analysis, system design, system implementation, finally system evaluation. In this research, we conclude that 83.9% participants enjoyed the game with touch-screen as the game control

    On the interplay of body-force distributions and flow speed for dielectric-barrier discharge plasma actuators

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    The dielectric-barrier discharge plasma actuator is a well-established device commonly operated in boundary-layer airflows for active flow control. In the present experimental investigation, their ability to cause momentum transfer to the surrounding fluid is analyzed by means of spatio-temporal body-force distributions in both quiescent air and external airflow conditions. The work is motivated by the limitation to quiescent-air operating conditions of frequent previous efforts. Available analytical velocity-information-based force derivation approaches are contrasted to investigate the actuator performance under conditions of their area of application. Results of body force in quiescent air, in agreement with literature, confirm the major taken assumption for Navier–Stokes-based body-force formulations—a negligible pressure gradient. However, the previous circumstance turns out as an invalid assumption for plasma actuation encountering an external airflow. These outcomes coincide with the findings in the numerical work of (2015 Numerical investigation of plasma-actuator force-term estimations from flow experiments J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.48 395203), following the recommendation to apply a vorticity-equation-based approach under such conditions. Furthermore, the shape of the spatio-temporal body-force distribution is observed to undergo changes when the airflow speed increases. On the other hand, the integral force magnitude is found to remain approximately constant. Moreover, the choice of phase resolution of the discharge cycle has an implication on the accuracy of the temporal force evolution, therefore, clarifying the importance of a priori defining the type of body-force analysis in an experiment; i.e. integral force magnitude, time-averaged or time-resolved evaluation. As a promising finding of utmost importance for the actuator performance, the actuator remains as effective as in quiescent air under presence of the external airflow, which immediately renders the actuator fluid-mechanic efficiency to increase for increasing airflow speed
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