122 research outputs found

    Developing a corpus of strategic conversation in The Settlers of Catan

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    International audienceWe describe a dialogue model and an implemented annotation scheme for a pilot corpus of annotated online chats concerning bargaining negotiations in the game The Settlers of Catan. We will use this model and data to analyze how conversations proceed in the absence of strong forms of cooperativity, where agents have diverging motives. Here we concentrate on the description of our annotation scheme for negotiation dialogues, illustrated with our pilot data, and some perspectives for future research on the issue

    Effect of a hyper-protein diet on Wistar rats development and intestinal function

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    This study was designed to investigate the long-term effects of a high-protein diet on the functional and histological structure of the intestinal epithelium. Sixteen adult male Wistar rats (180 ± 2.27 g) were divided into two groups: 1) the control group, (n = 30) were fed a normal diet of 14% protein; 2) the P50- group (n = 30) were fed a 50% protein diet. The effects of a high-protein diet were studied over a periodof 2 months. Functional and morphological differences between the high-protein and control groups were compared. Internal organs (liver, stomach, lungs, heart, kidneys, spleen, intestine, skin, surrenalglands, white and brown adipose tissues) were removed from each sacrificed animal. The organs were weighed, and histological studies were performed on jejunal fragments. The weight of the P50 grouprats increased 79%, while the weight of the control-group increased 98% (p< 0.01 0.05). The weight of the white adipose tissue, the skeleton and the skin were significantly greater in control-group rats (p< 0.01). An important modification of the epithelial structure in the intestine was observed in rats of the P50 group. The average length of their villi was significantly reduced and there was a significantincrease in their IEL (p< 0.01). Our results indicate that ingestion of a protein-rich diet over a long period leads to modification of the histological structure of the intestinal epithelium, as indicated by;pronounced atrophy of mucosa; marked inflammatory infiltration of lymphocytes in the chorion; and many intra-epithelial lymphocytes


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    This paper reports on preliminary qualitative evaluation of relationship between color change and water activity (aw) of date (Phoenix dactylifera L., var. Mech-Degla) fruit tablets (DFTs) as natural supplement, in view to optimize their storage conditions. Eight types of DFTs were obtained, according to: i) mean particle size (225 and 282 μm) of the used fruit powder, and ii) compression pressure (5, 10, 15 and 20 kN) applied during the tableting process. The experimental adsorption curves, determined at 25°C using static-gravimetric method, were fitted to GAB (Guggenheim–Anderson–de Boer) and BET (Brunauer–Emmett–Teller) models. Results showed that the DFT color is significantly sensitive to aw since beyond the aw threshold value of 0.44, the DFT color changes from light grey to dark brown, independently of the particle size of fruit powder and compression pressure. Concerning the isotherm modeling, the both models tested seem especially suitable (R≈0,96 0.3≤MRE≤5 and SE≈0.03) for describing the experimental data for DFT obtained under a compression pressure of 5 kN from date fruit powder with mean particle size of 225 μm. The DFT color stability is considerably influenced by the environmental humidity. Considering the importance of color for consumer acceptance, the study deserves to be deepened concerning the quantitative analysis of the color (CIELab system), packaging of the tablets, etc.В данной статье сообщается о предварительной качественной оценке взаимоотношения между изменением цвета и активностью воды (aw) таблеток из фиников (Phoenix dactylifera L., var. Mech-Degla) (DFT) как натуральной добавки с целью оптимизации условий их хранения. Было получено восемь типов DFT в соответствии с: i) средним размером частиц (225 и 282 μм) используемого порошка плодов и ii) давлением сжатия (5, 10, 15 и 20 kN), примененном во время процесса таблетирования. Экспериментальные кривые адсорбции, определенной при 25°C, используя статический гравиметрический анализ, были приспособлены к моделям GAB (Гугенгейма — Андерсона — Де Бура) и BET (Брунауэр, Эммет и Теллер). Результаты показали, что цвет DFT в большой степени чувствителен к aw, т. к. за пределами порогового уровня aw порошка плодов цвет DFT изменяется от светло серого до темно коричневого, независимо от размера частиц порошка плодов и давления сжатия. Что касается изотермического моделирования, то обе тестированные модели особенно пригодны (R≈0,96 0,3≤MRE≤5 и SE≈0,03) для описания экспериментальных данных для DFT, полученных при давлении сжатия 5 kN из порошка фиников со средним размером частиц 225 μм. Влажность окружающей среды оказывает значительное влияние на стабильность цвета DFT. Что касается, значения цвета для принятия потребителями, то исследование необходимо углубить в отношении количественного анализа цвета (система CIELab), упаковки таблеток и т. д

    S-FMECA Based Collaborative Design Proposal for Additive Manufacturing Methodology

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    In the current context, the sustainable development, eco-design and eco-manufacturing concepts are being developed in research laboratories, and further being integrated gradually into manufacturing industries. Hence, the needed information for eco-design is scattered throughout the product life cycle and is not centralized; especially when designing for Additive Manufacturing. This paper aims to develop a collaborative eco-design methodology by using eco-design tools in different design stages and, finally, to contribute to tackling this issue. Either in the early design stage or in the detailed on, the designer will be supported to make sustainable, conscious decisions. The proposed methodology based on the sustainable-failure modes, effects, and criticality analysis (S-FMECA) eco-designing tool allows the communication with computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), life cycle assessment (LCA), topology optimization (TO) and product life cycle management (PLM) software in order to assist the designer to make green-conscious decisions

    S-FMECA: A Novel Tool for Sustainable Product Design - Additive Manufacturing

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    The choices made in the early design stage (EDS) will largely define the environmental impacts of a product. The purpose of this paper is to develop an eco-design method used for assessing semi-quantitatively the sustainability of an additively manufactured product since the EDS. This article presents a semi-quantitative method to support EDS-conscious environmental decisions. A novel Sustainable-Failure Mode, Effect, and Criticality Analysis (S-FMECA) tool is developed to support designers in the conceptual design phase, to guide the choices, and to provide a valuable evaluation of the future additively manufactured product. Through the integration of the environmental aspects in FMECA analysis, systematic prevention of errors, and enhancement of sustainability since the EDS would be the main advantage of this tool

    Influence of Dopants on Defect Formation in GaN

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    Influence of p-dopants (Mg and Be) on the structure of GaN has been studied using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). Bulk GaN:Mg and GaN:Be crystals grown by a high pressure and high temperature process and GaN:Mg grown by metal-organic chemical-vapor deposition (MOCVD) have been studied. Structural dependence on growth polarity was observed in the bulk crystals. Spontaneous ordering in bulk GaN:Mg on c-plane (formation of Mg-rich planar defects with characteristics of inversion domains) was observed for growth in the N to Ga polar direction (N polarity). On the opposite site of the crystal (growth in the Ga to N polar direction) Mg-rich pyramidal defects empty inside (pinholes) were observed. Both these defects were also observed in MOCVD grown crystals. Pyramidal defects were also observed in the bulk GaN:Be crystals

    Indirect techniques for astrophysical reaction rates determinations

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    Direct measurements of nuclear reactions of astrophysical interest can be challenging. Alternative experimental techniques such as transfer reactions and inelastic scattering reactions offer the possibility to study these reactions by using stable beams. In this context, I will present recent results that were obtained in Orsay using indirect techniques. The examples will concern various astrophysical sites, from the Big-Bang nucleo synthesis to the production of radioisotopes in massive stars

    Aharonov-Bohm interference in quantum ring exciton: effects of built-in electric fields

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    We report a comprehensive discussion of quantum interference effects due to the finite structure of excitons in quantum rings and their first experimental corroboration observed in the optical recombinations. Anomalous features that appear in the experiments are analyzed according to theoretical models that describe the modulation of the interference pattern by temperature and built-in electric fields.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    InAs/GaAs quantum-dot superluminescent light-emitting diode monolithically grown on a Si substrate

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    Building optoelectronic devices on a Si platform has been the engine behind the development of Si photonics. In particular, the integration of optical interconnects onto Si substrates allows the fabrication of complex optoelectronic circuits, potentially enabling chip-to-chip and system-to-system optical communications at greatly reduced cost and size relative to hybrid solutions. Although significant effort has been devoted to Si light generation and modulation technologies, efficient and electrically pumped Si light emitters have yet to be demonstrated. In contrast, III–V semiconductor devices offer high efficiency as optical sources. Monolithic integration of III–V on the Si platform would thus be an effective approach for realizing Si-based light sources. Here, we describe the first superluminescent light-emitting diode (SLD) monolithically grown on Si substrates. The fabricated two-section InAs/GaAs quantum-dot (QD) SLD produces a close-to-Gaussian emission spectrum of 114 nm centered at 1255 nm wavelength, with a maximum output power of 2.6 mW at room temperature. This work complements our previous demonstration of an InAs/GaAs QD laser directly grown on a Si platform and paves the way for future monolithic integration of III–V light sources required for Si photonics

    Monolithically Integrated InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot Mid-Infrared Photodetectors on Silicon Substrates

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    High-performance, multispectral, and large-format infrared focal plane arrays are the long-demanded third-generation infrared technique for hyperspectral imaging, infrared spectroscopy, and target identification. A promising solution is to monolithically integrate infrared photodetectors on a silicon platform, which offers not only low-cost but high-resolution focal plane arrays by taking advantage of the well-established Si-based readout integrated circuits. Here, we report the first InAs/GaAs quantum dot (QD) infrared photodetectors monolithically integrated on silicon substrates by molecular beam epitaxy. The III–V photodetectors are directly grown on silicon substrates by using a GaAs buffer, which reduces the threading dislocation density to ∼106 cm–2. The high-quality QDs grown on Si substrates have led to long photocarrier relaxation time and low dark current density. Mid-infrared photodetection up to ∼8 μm is also achieved at 80 K. This work demonstrates that III–V photodetectors can directly be integrated with silicon readout circuitry for realizing large-format focal plane arrays as well as mid-infrared photonics in silicon