579 research outputs found

    Quantum-Fluctuation-Initiated Coherence in Multi-Octave Raman Optical Frequency Combs

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    We show experimentally and theoretically that the spectral components of a multi-octave frequency comb spontaneously created by stimulated Raman scattering in a hydrogen-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fiber exhibit strong self coherence and mutual coherence within each 12 ns driving laser pulse. This coherence arises in spite of the field's initiation being from quantum zero-point fluctuations, which causes each spectral component to show large phase and energy fluctuations. This points to the possibility of an optical frequency comb with nonclassical correlations between all comb lines.Comment: Accepted for publication, Physical Review Letters, 201


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    Biopolymers have been investigated for drug fields. They are widely being studied because of their non-toxic and biocompatible in nature. Biopolymers are used in industries as diverse as paper, plastics, food, textiles, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics.This review covers different natural polymers, recent techniques applied in their processing and characterization. Advanced applications of natural polymers, including chitin, chitosan, alginate, etc., are discussed

    Gap solitons in spatiotemporal photonic crystals

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    We generalize the concept of nonlinear periodic structures to systems that show arbitrary spacetime variations of the refractive index. Nonlinear pulse propagation through these spatiotemporal photonic crystals can be described, for shallow nonstationary gratings, by coupled mode equations which are a generalization of the traditional equations used for stationary photonic crystals. Novel gap soliton solutions are found by solving a modified massive Thirring model. They represent the missing link between the gap solitons in static photonic crystals and resonance solitons found in dynamic gratings.Comment: 3 figures, submitte

    Deeply-trapped molecules in self-nanostructured gas-phase material

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    Since the advent of atom laser-cooling, trapping or cooling natural molecules has been a long standing and challenging goal. Here, we demonstrate a method for laser-trapping molecules that is radically novel in its configuration, in its underlined physical dynamics and in its outcomes. It is based on self-optically spatially-nanostructured high pressure molecular hydrogen confined in hollow-core photonic-crystal-fibre. An accelerating molecular-lattice is formed by a periodic potential associated with Raman saturation except for a 1-dimentional array of nanometer wide and strongly-localizing sections. In these sections, molecules with a speed of as large as 1800 m/s are trapped, and stimulated Raman scattering in the Lamb-Dicke regime occurs to generate high power forward and backward-Stokes continuous-wave laser with sideband-resolved sub-Doppler emission spectrum. The spectrum exhibits a central line with a sub-recoil linewidth of as low as 14 kHz, more than 5 orders-of-magnitude narrower than in conventional Raman scattering, and sidebands comprising Mollow triplet, molecular motional-sidebands and four-wave-mixing.Comment: 28 pages 1-12 for main manuscript 13-28 for Methodes and appendices 4 figures for Main manuscript 12 figures for the Methods par

    Light and gas confinement in hollow-core photonic crystal fibre based photonic microcells

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    We review the recent progress on the understanding of optical guidance mechanisms in hollow-core photonic crystal fibres, and on the quantum and nonlinear optical applications of photonic microcells based on this fibre form. Two classes of hollow-core photonic crystal fibre are identified: one guides via a photonic bandgap and the other guides by virtue of an inhibited coupling between core and cladding mode constituents. For the former fibre type, we explore how the bandgap is formed using a photonic analogue of the tight-binding model and how it is related to the anti-resonant reflection optical waveguide guidance. For the second type of fibre, which can guide over a broad wavelength range, we examine the nature of the inhibited coupling. We describe a technique for the fabrication of photonic microcells that can accommodate vacuum pressures, and we finish by showing the latest results on electromagnetically induced transparency in a rubidium filled hollow-core photonic crystal fibre, the CW-pumped hydrogen Raman laser and the generation of multi-octave spanning stimulated Raman scattering spectral combs

    Superradiance from lattice-confined atoms inside hollow core fibre

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    Unravelling superradiance, also known as superfluorescence, relies on an ensemble of phase-matched dipole oscillators and the suppression of inhomogeneous broadening. Here we report a superradiance platform that combines an optical lattice free from the ac Stark shift and a hollow-core photonic crystal fibre, enabling an extended atom-light interaction over 2 mm free from the Doppler effect. This system allows control of the atom spatial distribution and spectral homogeneity whilst efficiently coupling the radiation field to an optical fibre. The experimentally-observed and theoretically-corroborated temporal, spectral and spatial dynamic behaviours of the superradiance, e.g., superradiance ringing and density-dependent frequency shift, demonstrate a unique interplay between the trapped atoms and the fibre-guided field with multiple transverse modes. Our theory indicates that the resulting temporal evolution of the guided light shows a minimal beam radius of 3.1 mu m which is three times smaller than that of the lowest-loss fibre mode

    Effect of the mechanical treatment of alumina on thermal, morphological and dielectric properties of LDPE/Al2O3 composites

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    Composites of LDPE filled with different amounts of alumina Al2O3 were prepared using co-mixing technique and melt-mixing. This technique, which is easy, non-toxic and inexpensive, has been successfully used in our laboratory for different polyolefins/metal oxides nanocomposites elaboration. Samples containing 0.5, 1 and 2 wt% of alumina, were prepared by melt-mixing at 190 °C without any chemical treatment or coupling agent. The effect of alumina treatment was studied. The Al2O3 was first co-mixed with the stearic acid then added to the polymer. The stearic acid melts at 70 °C, thus ensuring the dispersion of the covered filler particles into the polymeric matrix, which leads to better experimental results. The morphological characterization was carried out by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The thermal properties were investigated by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The electrical conductivity was also studied. The microstructure-properties relationships were also investigated. The composites prepared with the co-mixed Al2O3 were compared to those prepared with the neat Al2O3. The thermogravimetric (TGA) results showed an enhancement of 55 °C in the thermal stability for the LDPE/Al2O3 composition containing 1 wt% of treated Al2O3. The electrical conductivity results showed also an optimum value of 6.6.10–7 Ù–1 cm–1 for the same composition.Keywords: Composites, LDPE, Al2O3 nanoparticles, stearic acid, co-mixing metho
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