203 research outputs found

    Assessment of Ge-doped optical fibres as a TSL-mode detector

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    International audienceThis study analyses the thermally stimulated luminescence or thermoluminescence (TL) glow curve between 300 and 773 K of germanium-doped silica optical fibre. A main glow peak at 530 K with a characteristic spectral emission centred at 400 nm is found. Both features are particularly suitable for dosimetry. Thus, an investigation by the TL technique of some first clinically relevant features of a TL sensor like the dose- and dose rate-responses is examined. The presented studies show that germanium doped silica fibres have potential dosimetric properties and should be excellent TL-mode detectors in instances of radiotherapy (clinical dosimetry) and in-vivo radiation dosimetry as well in the field of nuclear facilities

    Étude de l'effet de cycles thermiques sur l'adhĂ©rence bĂ©ton/armature en matĂ©riaux composites constituĂ©e de polymĂšres renforcĂ©s de fibres de carone et de fibres de verre

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    L'Ă©mergence des renforcements composites dans la construction fait suite au problĂšme considĂ©rable auquel font face les structures renforcĂ©es en acier. Cependant pour ĂȘtre acceptĂ©e dĂ©finitivement par les professionnels de la construction, ces armatures doivent dĂ©montrer leur durabilitĂ© face aux agents agressifs. Une Ă©tude particuliĂšre de la durabilitĂ© consiste Ă  Ă©tudier l'effet des gradients thermiques sur l'adhĂ©rence bĂ©ton/armature PRF. Dans la partie bibliographique, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© les matĂ©riaux composites polymĂšres renforcĂ©es par des fibres. En particulier, nous avons discutĂ© les constituants de base, le comportement et les propriĂ©tĂ©s thermiques des armatures en matĂ©riaux composites, enfin nous avons citĂ© les essais antĂ©rieures concernant l'effet de la tempĂ©rature sur l'adhĂ©rence bĂ©ton/armature PRF. Dans une deuxiĂšme Ă©tape, les caractĂ©ristiques d'adhĂ©rence dans le bĂ©ton prĂ©contraint ainsi que les risques de fissuration ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s, tant sur le plan thĂ©orique qu'expĂ©rimentale. La partie expĂ©rimentale qui a suivi a concernĂ© les Ă©tapes suivantes: (1) Étude et mesures des coefficients d'expansion thermique avec la tempĂ©rature. (2) Étude microscopique de l'interface bĂ©ton/armature PRF sous l'effet de gradients thermiques. (3) Étude de l'effet de gradients thermiques sur l'adhĂ©rence bĂ©ton/armature PRF dans des poutres prĂ©contraintes, ainsi que sur des poutres simplement armĂ©es. La rĂ©alisation de ces essais a permis de conclure que: (1) Le coefficient d'expansion thermique transversale a montrĂ© une dĂ©pendance face Ă  la tempĂ©rature. (2) L'Ă©tude microscopique a permis de relever que des fissures transversales sur le bĂ©ton de l'interface ainsi qu'une sĂ©paration entre l'armature et le bĂ©ton pourraient ĂȘtre provoquĂ©s par un gradient thermique. (3) Les essais de flexion rĂ©alisĂ©s sur les poutres prĂ©contraintes par des tendons PRFC ont montrĂ© une dĂ©gradation de la performance structurale. (4) Les essais de flexion effectuĂ©s sur des poutres en bĂ©ton armĂ©es de PRF n'ont montrĂ© aucun effet dĂ» aux cycles thermiques

    Antifungal activity of methanolic extracts of four Algerian marine algae species

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    Since ancient times antimicrobial properties of seaweeds have been recognized. In this study, antifungal activity of four species of marine algae of Bejaia coast (Algeria) was explored. This activity was evaluated by agar diffusion method. The minimum inhibitory concentrations were also determined for all the strains. All the extracts used in this study exhibited antifungal activity. The highest inhibiting effect was noted for Rhodomela confervoides (red algae) and Padina pavonica (brown algae), respectively against Candida albicans (diameter of inhibition zone: 24 mm) and Mucor ramaniannus (diameter of inhibition zone: 26 mm) for the first one and Candida albicans (diameter of inhibition zone: 26 mm) for the second one. Aspergillus niger showed resistance against majority of methanolic extracts. The evaluation of minimum inhibitory concentrations showed that extracts of Padina pavonica, Rhodomela confervoides and Ulva lactuca were very efficient against Mucor ramaniannus and Candida albicans. These results suggest that seaweeds collected from Algerian coast present a significant capacity which makes them interesting for screening for natural products.Key words: Marine algae, antifungal activity, methanolic extracts, natural substances

    Effect of swift heavy ion irradiations in polycrystalline aluminum nitride

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    13International audienceThanks to its high thermal conductivity, aluminum nitride may be a serious candidate as fuel coating for the Gas Fast Reactor. However, its behavior under irradiation is not entirely well understood. In order to catch a glimpse of this behavior, specimens were irradiated with swift heavy ions of different energies then characterised by both thermally stimulated luminescence and optical absorption spectrophotometry. With these techniques, the native defects, as well as those affected by irradiation, were identified: thus, by comparison to the virgin sample, no new defect detectable by these techniques is created by irradiations. Eventually, the fact that these techniques complement each other allowed to understand the effect of irradiation parameters on the defect concentration

    A physical model of the photo- and radiation-induced degradation of ytterbium-doped silica optical fibres

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    International audienceWe propose a model to describe the photo-or/and the radiation-induced darkening of ytterbium-doped silica optical fibers. This model accounts for the well-established experimental features of photo-darkening. Degradation behaviors predicted for fibers pumped in harsh environments are also fully confirmed by experimental data reported in the work by Duchez et al. (this proceeding), which gives a detailed characterization of the interplay between the effects of the pump and those of a superimposed ionizing irradiation (actual operation conditions in space-based applications for instance). In particular, dependences of the darkening build-up on the pump power, the total ionizing dose and the dose rate are all correctly reproduced. The presented model is a 'sufficient' one, including the minimal physical ingredients required to reproduce experimental features. Refinements could be proposed to improve, e.g., quantitative kinetics

    Determination of isoquinoline alkaloids contents in two Algerian species of Fumaria (Fumaria capreolata and Fumaria bastardi)

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    This paper describes a fast and efficient procedure to separate and identify isoquinoline alkaloids from methalonic extract of two Algerian Fumaria (Fumariacea) species (Fumaria capreolata L. and Fumariabastardi L.) used in traditional medicine in cases of hepatobiliary disfunction and diarrhoea. Total quinolizidine alkaloid contents were 426 mg/100 g (F. capreolata) and 521 mg/100 g (F. bastardi). Theisoquinoline alkaloids, stylopine, protopine, fumaritine, fumaricine, fumarophycine, fumariline and fumarofine were determined by gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC-MS) in aerial parts ofboth Fumaria capreolata and Fumaria bastardi. In the first species, an ester of phtalic acid was identified, and in the second species a peak seems to be a benzophenanthridine, probably a dehydro derivative and three other peaks which were identified as phtalidisoquinoline, one of them seems to bedihydrofumariline. The chemotaxonomic significance of the results is discussed


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    L’information sur les valeurs des prĂ©cipitations extrĂȘmes et leurs frĂ©quences est nĂ©cessaire pour les diffĂ©rents projets liĂ©s Ă  l’eau. Dans cette Ă©tude, l’analyse frĂ©quentielle rĂ©gionale basĂ©e sur les L-moments a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e pour amĂ©liorer la qualitĂ© d’estimation des quantiles des prĂ©cipitations journaliĂšres maximales annuelles de la rĂ©gion situĂ©e au Nord Est de l’AlgĂ©rie reprĂ©sentĂ©e par 50 stations de mesure. La rĂ©gion d’étude a Ă©tĂ© divisĂ©e en deux rĂ©gions statistiquement homogĂšnes en termes des rapports des L-moments. Parmi les diffĂ©rentes distributions testĂ©es, (i) la distribution GEV (Generalized Extreme Value) a Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©e comme distribution rĂ©gionale la plus adĂ©quate pour la modĂ©lisation des prĂ©cipitations de la rĂ©gion 1 caractĂ©risĂ©e par un climat mĂ©diterranĂ©en et (ii) la distribution lognormale Ă  trois paramĂštres (LN3) pour la rĂ©gion 2, sujette Ă  un climat semi-aride. Les courbes de croissance ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tablies pour chaque rĂ©gion homogĂšne. Ainsi, les quantiles des prĂ©cipitations dans un site sont dĂ©terminĂ©s en multipliant la moyenne des prĂ©cipitations par les quantiles rĂ©gionaux correspondants. La comparaison des quantiles estimĂ©s Ă  partir de l’approche rĂ©gionale et locale a montrĂ© que pour 50,4 % des stations de la rĂ©gion d’étude, le modĂšle local sous estime les quantiles de fortes pĂ©riodes de retour  Information on precipitation magnitudes and their frequencies is needed in various projects related to water. In this study, the regional frequency analysis based on L-moments was used to improve the quality of estimating of the annual maximum daily precipitations of the north eastern area of Algeria represented by 50 measuring stations. The investigated area was divided into two regions statistically homogeneous in terms of L-moments ratios. Among the different tested distributions, (i) the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution has been identified as the most appropriate regional distribution for modeling precipitation in the northern region (region 1) characterized by a Mediterranean climate and (ii) the generalized lognormal distribution (LN3) for region 2 of southern part subject to semi-arid climate. Growth curves, derived from the regional distributions, were established for each homogeneous region. The growth curves shapes difference reflects the difference between the two homogeneous regions precipitation patterns. Therefore, to estimate the different return period’s precipitation quantiles in a given site of the region, the mean precipitation of the site has to be multiplied by the corresponding regional quantile. Comparison of estimated quantiles given by the regional and local approach showed that for 50.4 % of stations, at-site model underestimates the quantiles having high return periods

    The interplay between photo-and radiation-induced darkening in ytterbium-doped fibres

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    International audienceThis letter demonstrates a remarkable interplay between photo-and radiation-induced darkening of ytterbium-doped alumino-silica optical fibres operated in amplifying conditions and harsh environments (as e.g. in space-based applications). Influences of the pump power, ionizing dose and dose rate on this interaction are characterized. The pump is capable of accelerating or slowing-down the radiation-induced darkening build-up depending on the ionizing dose. The steady state photo-radio-darkening level is independent of the dose and at least equal to the equilibrium level of pure photo-darkening. This lower limit is notably reached at low dose rates, including those encountered in space. We therefore argue that photo-resistant ytterbium-doped fibres will resist against a space mission, whatever the dose

    Characterization of aluminum nitride material under swift heavy ion irradiations

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    International audienceFor Generation IV reactors, and more particularly the Gas Fast Reactor, aluminum nitride is an interesting candidate for the application as fuel coating; actually, its great thermal conductivity should allow efficient thermal transfer between the fuel pellets and the coolant. Unfortunately, few data are available on its behavior under irradiation. In this study, we attempted to understand the effect of irradiation parameters on the defect creation thanks to thermally-stimulated luminescence and optical absorption spectrophotometry. Thus, we didn't note any new defect created by the irradiation and the fact that these techniques complement each other allowed to know the influence of each irradiation parameter on the defects concentration

    Detection of tetragonal zirconia in alumina–zirconia powders by thermoluminescence

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    International audienceThe thermoluminescence (TL) after excitation by UV or X-rays radiation of alumina-zirconia powders is investigated. The composites present five of the characteristic peaks of zirconia at −170, −145, −90, 0 and 95 °C. After a thermal treatment of mixed oxides, a new peak is observed at −35 °C in TL. This peak reveals the presence of stabilized tetragonal zirconia in the material. Moreover by comparing this analysis with those realised by X-ray diffraction (XRD), it can by shown that the TL has one better limit of detection than the XRD
