326 research outputs found

    A Bloch wave numerical scheme for scattering problems in periodic wave-guides

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    We present a new numerical scheme to solve the Helmholtz equation in a wave-guide. We consider a medium that is bounded in the x2x_2-direction, unbounded in the x1x_1-direction and ε\varepsilon-periodic for large ∣x1∣|x_1|, allowing different media on the left and on the right. We suggest a new numerical method that is based on a truncation of the domain and the use of Bloch wave ansatz functions in radiation boxes. We prove the existence and a stability estimate for the infinite dimensional version of the proposed problem. The scheme is tested on several interfaces of homogeneous and periodic media and it is used to investigate the effect of negative refraction at the interface of a photonic crystal with a positive effective refractive index.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figure

    Outgoing wave conditions in photonic crystals and transmission properties at interfaces

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    We analyze the propagation of waves in unbounded photonic crystals, the waves are described by a Helmholtz equation with xx-dependent coefficients. The scattering problem must be completed with a radiation condition at infinity, which was not available for xx-dependent coefficients. We develop an outgoing wave condition with the help of a Bloch wave expansion. Our radiation condition admits a (weak) uniqueness result, formulated in terms of the Bloch measure of solutions. We use the new radiation condition to analyze the transmission problem where, at fixed frequency, a wave hits the interface between free space and a photonic crystal. We derive that the vertical wave number of the incident wave is a conserved quantity. Together with the frequency condition for the transmitted wave, this condition leads (for appropriate photonic crystals) to the effect of negative refraction at the interface

    Dispersive homogenized models and coefficient formulas for waves in general periodic media

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    We analyze a homogenization limit for the linear wave equation of second order. The spatial operator is assumed to be of divergence form with an oscillatory coefficient matrix aεa^\varepsilon that is periodic with characteristic length scale ε\varepsilon; no spatial symmetry properties are imposed. Classical homogenization theory allows to describe solutions uεu^\varepsilon well by a non-dispersive wave equation on fixed time intervals (0,T)(0,T). Instead, when larger time intervals are considered, dispersive effects are observed. In this contribution we present a well-posed weakly dispersive equation with homogeneous coefficients such that its solutions wεw^\varepsilon describe uεu^\varepsilon well on time intervals (0,Tε−2)(0,T\varepsilon^{-2}). More precisely, we provide a norm and uniform error estimates of the form ∥uε(t)−wε(t)∥≤Cε\| u^\varepsilon(t) - w^\varepsilon(t) \| \le C\varepsilon for t∈(0,Tε−2)t\in (0,T\varepsilon^{-2}). They are accompanied by computable formulas for all coefficients in the effective models. We additionally provide an ε\varepsilon-independent equation of third order that describes dispersion along rays and we present numerical examples.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure

    Averaging of flows with capillary hysteresis in stochastic porous media

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    Fluids in unsaturated porous media are described by the relationship between pressure (p) and saturation (u). Darcy's law and conservation of mass provides an evolution equation for u, and the capillary pressure provides a relation between p and u of the form p pc(u,∂t u). The multi-valued function pc leads to hysteresis effects. We construct weak and strong solutions to the hysteresis system and homogenize the system for oscillatory stochastic coefficients. The effective equations contain a new dependent variable that encodes the history of the wetting process and provide a better description of the physical syste

    On the three-dimensional Euler equations with a free boundary subject to surface tension

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    We study an incompressible ideal fluid with a free surface that is subject to surface tension; it is not assumed that the fluid is irrotational. We derive a priori estimates for smooth solutions and prove a short-time existence result. The bounds are obtained by combining estimates of energy type with estimates of vorticity type and rely on a careful study of the regularity properties of the pressure function. An adequate artificial coordinate system is used instead of the standard Lagrangian coordinates. Under an assumption on the vorticity, a solution to the Euler equations is obtained as a vanishing viscosity limit of solutions to appropriate Navier–Stokes systems

    Free Boundary Fluid Systems in a Semigroup Approach and Oscillatory Behavior

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    We consider the free boundary problem of a liquid drop with viscosity and surface tension. We study the linearized equations with semigroup methods to get existence results for the nonlinear problem. The spectrum of the generator is computed. Large surface tension creates nonreal eigenvalues, and an exterior force results in a Hopf bifurcation. The methods are used to study wind-generated surface waves
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