73 research outputs found

    Mathematical Modeling Describing the Effect of Fishing and Dispersion on Hermaphrodite Population Dynamics

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    International audienceIn order to study the impact of fishing on a grouper population, we propose in this paper to model the dynamics of a grouper population in a fishing territory by using structured models. For that purpose, we have integrated the natural population growth, the fishing, the competition for shelter and the dispersion. The dispersion was considered as a consequence of the competition. First we prove, that the grouper stocks may be less sensitive to the removal of large male individuals if female population are totally protected. Second, we show that fishing does not disturb the demographic structure of the population. Finally, we prove that female selective fisheries have the potential of drastically reduce reproductive rates. We also prove that male fishing decreases competition and then increases the total population number

    Le Traitement Chirurgical Des Poches De RĂ©traction Tympaniques

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    Les poches de rétractions représentent un aspect particulier de l\'otite moyenne chronique affectant la morphologie tympanique et pouvant avoir des répercussions fonctionnelles auditives. L\'évolution naturelle de l\'otite atelectasique vers la maladie cholestéatomateuse complique d\'avantage la prise en charge des poches de rétraction. Les auteurs rapportent une étude rétrospective à propos de 137 cas de poches de rétraction colligées sur une période de 10 ans de 1992 à 2001. Le traitement chirurgical des poches de rétraction pose la problématique du bon choix de la technique opératoire et de l\'indication de la chirurgie de renforcement.Retraction pockets represent a particular aspect of chronic otitis whish affect tympanic membran morphology and can influence hearing potentialities. The evolution course of atelectasic disease leeding to localized retraction may be the principal cause for cholesteatoma witch complicates the management of the retraction pockets. The authors report a retrospective study about 137cases of retraction pockets collaged from 1992 to 2001. The problems of the surgical treatement of the retraction pockets include the best choice of the operative technique for reconstructive tynpanoplastie. Journal Tunisien d\'ORL et de chirurgie cervico-faciale Vol. 16 2006: pp. 18-2

    Predicting Dementia With Routine Care EMR Data

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    Our aim is to develop a machine learning (ML) model that can predict dementia in a general patient population from multiple health care institutions one year and three years prior to the onset of the disease without any additional monitoring or screening. The purpose of the model is to automate the cost-effective, non-invasive, digital pre-screening of patients at risk for dementia. Towards this purpose, routine care data, which is widely available through Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems is used as a data source. These data embody a rich knowledge and make related medical applications easy to deploy at scale in a cost-effective manner. Specifically, the model is trained by using structured and unstructured data from three EMR data sets: diagnosis, prescriptions, and medical notes. Each of these three data sets is used to construct an individual model along with a combined model which is derived by using all three data sets. Human-interpretable data processing and ML techniques are selected in order to facilitate adoption of the proposed model by health care providers from multiple institutions. The results show that the combined model is generalizable across multiple institutions and is able to predict dementia within one year of its onset with an accuracy of nearly 80% despite the fact that it was trained using routine care data. Moreover, the analysis of the models identified important predictors for dementia. Some of these predictors (e.g., age and hypertensive disorders) are already confirmed by the literature while others, especially the ones derived from the unstructured medical notes, require further clinical analysis

    Hurler disease (mucopolysaccharidosis type IH): clinical features and consanguinity in Tunisian population

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    Mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I) was a group of rare autosomal recessive disorder caused by the deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme, alpha -L -iduronidase, and the resulting accumulation of undergraded dematan sulfate and heparan sulfate. MPS I patients have a wide range of clinical presentations, that makes it difficult to predict patient phenotype which is needed for genetic counseling and also impedes the selection and evaluation of patients undergoing therapy bone marrow transplantation

    Brain MRI and biological diagnosis in five Tunisians MLD patients

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    Metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD) is a recessive autosomal disease which is characterized by an accumulation of sulfatides in the central and peripheral nervous system. It is due to the enzyme deficiency of the sulfatide sulfatase i.e. arylsulfatase A (ASA). we studied 5/200 cases of MLD and clearly distinguished three clinical forms. One of them presented the juvenile form; two presented the late infantile form; and two other presented the adult form. The Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of these patients showed a diffuse, bilateral and symmetrical demyelination. The biochemical diagnosis of MLD patients evidencing the low activity of ASA and sulfatide accumulation

    Viability Analysis of Fisheries Management on Hermaphrodite Population

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    International audienceWe study the viability domains of bio-economic constraints for fishing model of hermaphrodite population, displaying three stages, juvenile, female and male. The dynamic of this model is subject to two constraints: an ecological constraint ensuring the stock perennity, and an economic constraint ensuring a minimum revenue for fishermen. Using viability kernel, we find out a viability domain which simultaneously guarantees a minimum stock level and a minimum income for fleets

    Spatio-Temporal Evolution of the COVID-19 across African Countries

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    The aim of this study is to make a comparative study on the reproduction number R0 computed at the beginning of each wave for African countries and to understand the reasons for the disparities between them. The study covers the two first years of the COVID-19 pandemic and for 30 African countries. It links pandemic variables, reproduction number R0, demographic variable, median age of the population, economic variables, GDP and CHE per capita, and climatic variables, mean temperature at the beginning of each waves. The results show that the diffusion of COVID-19 in Africa was heterogeneous even between geographical proximal countries. The difference of the basic reproduction number R0 values is very large between countries and is significantly correlated with economic and climatic variables GDP and temperature and to a less extent with the mean age of the population. Copyright © 2022 Naffeti, Bourdin, Ben Aribi, Kebir and Ben Miled
