48 research outputs found

    Male Oxidative Stress Infertility (MOSI): Proposed Terminology and Clinical Practice Guidelines for Management of Idiopathic Male Infertility

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    Despite advances in the field of male reproductive health, idiopathic male infertility, in which a man has altered semen characteristics without an identifiable cause and there is no female factor infertility, remains a challenging condition to diagnose and manage. Increasing evidence suggests that oxidative stress (OS) plays an independent role in the etiology of male infertility, with 30% to 80% of infertile men having elevated seminal reactive oxygen species levels. OS can negatively affect fertility via a number of pathways, including interference with capacitation and possible damage to sperm membrane and DNA, which may impair the sperm’s potential to fertilize an egg and develop into a healthy embryo. Adequate evaluation of male reproductive potential should therefore include an assessment of sperm OS. We propose the term Male Oxidative Stress Infertility, or MOSI, as a novel descriptor for infertile men with abnormal semen characteristics and OS, including many patients who were previously classified as having idiopathic male infertility. Oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) can be a useful clinical biomarker for the classification of MOSI, as it takes into account the levels of both oxidants and reductants (antioxidants). Current treatment protocols for OS, including the use of antioxidants, are not evidence-based and have the potential for complications and increased healthcare-related expenditures. Utilizing an easy, reproducible, and cost-effective test to measure ORP may provide a more targeted, reliable approach for administering antioxidant therapy while minimizing the risk of antioxidant overdose. With the increasing awareness and understanding of MOSI as a distinct male infertility diagnosis, future research endeavors can facilitate the development of evidence-based treatments that target its underlying cause

    Corneal epithelial stem cells for corneal injury

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    International audienceIntroduction: Ocular surface diseases with limbal insufficiency represent a therapeutic challenge for restoring vision. This corneal deficiency includes both classical ocular diseases (as chemical burns) and rare ocular diseases (as congenital aniridia and ocular cicatricial pemphigoid). Areas covered: Our understanding of limbal epithelial stem cells (LESCs) has increased the potential for treatment options. Pharmacological treatment strategies (as regenerating agent ophthalmic solutions) and especially surgical treatment strategies are available. Isolated LESCs can be produced by limbal primary cultures obtained from explants or cell suspensions. We review the latest cornea surgery techniques. Expert opinion: The adjunction of human limbal mesenchymal cells as a support for limbal stem cell primary cultures appears to be of great interest. Recently, human-induced pluripotent stem cells have allowed the generation of minicorneal organoids. This potential means of creating a three-dimensional cornea with in vitro maturation opens up important research areas for corneal regeneration therapy

    Decline in semen quality of North African men: a retrospective study of 20,958 sperm analyses of men from different North African countries tested in Tunisia over a period of 6 years (2013-2018)

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    International audienceBackground According to numerous studies from around the world, semen quality seems to have declined dramatically in recent times. However, the data available on male fertility status and semen quality in North Africa are limited. Aim To investigate the status of semen quality in North-African men and to understand its variations. Subjects & methods 20,958 sperm-analyses (Spermogram - Spermocytogram) of North-African men (19-77 years old) consulting for infertility, performed in a private laboratory of medical analyses (Tunis, Tunisia) over a period of 6 years (2013-2018), were investigated. All patients had at least 1 year of unprotected intercourse with their partners before the test. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 22.0 software for windows. Results Libyan men presented a clear decline in all sperm parameters. A continuous decline in sperm morphology quality was shown in Tunisian and Algerian men. Mauritanian men presented a significant increase in sperm vitality with pseudo-stability in the rest of the sperm parameters during the whole study period. Conclusion North-African men presented remarkable decreases in their semen quality over the last decade. This data could confirm possible global common-causes that need to be identified in order to limit their negative impact on sperm quality, and consequently on male-fertility

    Repeated implantation failure: a new potential treatment option

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    International audienceBackgroundPrevious studies have shown that the intrauterine administration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) may improve pregnancy outcome of women with repeated implantation failure (RIF). We have demonstrated that, during implantation, corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) plays a key role in facilitating endometrial decidualization and maternal-foetal immunotolerance. In the present preliminary study, we investigated whether the intrauterine administration of autologous CRH-treated PBMC can improve clinical pregnancy rates of women with RIF. MethodsForty-five (n=45) women with at least three failed in vitro fertilization (IVF) attempts and no previously reported clinical pregnancy were included in this crossover study. All women underwent controlled ovarian stimulation using the long GnRH agonist protocol. PBMC were isolated at day of oocyte retrieval, treated with CRH and administered in the uterine cavity at day 2, following oocyte retrieval. Blastocyst transfer was performed on day 5. ResultsFollowing the CRH-PBMC intrauterine administration, a significant increase was observed in the clinical pregnancy rate of this cohort of women with RIF (20/45 women had a clinical pregnancy; 4444%, P<10(-3)) compared to the previous null clinical pregnancy rate prior to the intervention. ConclusionThe current findings support a possible role for the intrauterine administration of autologous CRH-treated PBMC in treating women with RIF. Further randomized controlled trials are needed to investigate the efficacy of this intervention

    Systematic and standardized hysteroscopic endometrial injury for treatment of recurrent implantation failure

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    International audienceResearch question: To investigate the effect of hysteroscopic endometrial injury for treatment of recurrent implantation failure (RIF). Design: This prospective and randomized controlled trial included 239 patients who had failed to achieve a clinical pregnancy after the transfer of at least four good-quality embryos in a minimum of three fresh or frozen-thawed embryo transfer cycles and were under the age of 40 years, who were randomized into two groups. The injury group (n = 124) received endometrial injury during their hysteroscopic procedure, whereas the control group (n = 115) did not. Patients who had endometrial pathologies were excluded from the study. Results: There were no statistically significant differences in duration of gonadotrophin use (8.23 versus 8.30 days), total dose of gonadotrophins (2330 versus 2338 IU), number of oocytes (7.03 versus 8.21), number of mature oocytes (5.27 versus 6.02), number of fertilized oocytes (4.19 versus 4.55), number of good-quality embryos (2.07 versus 2.43), number of embryos transferred (1.97 versus 1.93) or endometrial thickness (9.04 versus 9.35 mm) between the injury group and control group, respectively. Clinical pregnancy rates (25.8% versus 15.6%, P = 0.047), live birth rates (21.8% versus 12.2%, P = 0.049) and implantation rates (14.2% versus 8.8%, P = 0.036) were significantly different, favouring the injury group. Conclusion: This study suggests that endometrial injury is beneficial in RIF patients to increase the odds of implantation, clinical pregnancy and live birth

    Impact of Endocrine Disruptors upon Non-Genetic Inheritance

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    International audienceSimilar to environmental factors, EDCs (endocrine-disrupting chemicals) can influence gene expression without modifying the DNA sequence. It is commonly accepted that the transgenerational inheritance of parentally acquired traits is conveyed by epigenetic alterations also known as ``epimutations''. DNA methylation, acetylation, histone modification, RNA-mediated effects and extracellular vesicle effects are the mechanisms that have been described so far to be responsible for these epimutations. They may lead to the transgenerational inheritance of diverse phenotypes in the progeny when they occur in the germ cells of an affected individual. While EDC-induced health effects have dramatically increased over the past decade, limited effects on sperm epigenetics have been described. However, there has been a gain of interest in this issue in recent years. The gametes (sperm and oocyte) represent targets for EDCs and thus a route for environmentally induced changes over several generations. This review aims at providing an overview of the epigenetic mechanisms that might be implicated in this transgenerational inheritance