107 research outputs found

    Dicke Superradiance in Solids

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    Recent advances in optical studies of condensed matter have led to the emergence of phenomena that have conventionally been studied in the realm of quantum optics. These studies have not only deepened our understanding of light-matter interactions but also introduced aspects of many-body correlations inherent in optical processes in condensed matter systems. This article is concerned with superradiance (SR), a profound quantum optical process predicted by Dicke in 1954. The basic concept of SR applies to a general NN-body system where constituent oscillating dipoles couple together through interaction with a common light field and accelerate the radiative decay of the system. In the most fascinating manifestation of SR, known as superfluorescence (SF), an incoherently prepared system of NN inverted atoms spontaneously develops macroscopic coherence from vacuum fluctuations and produces a delayed pulse of coherent light whose peak intensity N2\propto N^2. Such SF pulses have been observed in atomic and molecular gases, and their intriguing quantum nature has been unambiguously demonstrated. Here, we focus on the rapidly developing field of research on SR in solids, where not only photon-mediated coupling but also strong Coulomb interactions and ultrafast scattering exist. We describe SR and SF in molecular centers in solids, molecular aggregates and crystals, quantum dots, and quantum wells. In particular, we will summarize a series of studies we have recently performed on quantum wells in strong magnetic fields. These studies show that cooperative effects in solid-state systems are not merely small corrections that require exotic conditions to be observed; rather, they can dominate the nonequilibrium dynamics and light emission processes of the entire system of interacting electrons.Comment: 23 pages, 26 figure

    Cooperative Recombination of a Quantized High-Density Electron-Hole Plasma

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    We investigate photoluminescence from a high-density electron-hole plasma in semiconductor quantum wells created via intense femtosecond excitation in a strong perpendicular magnetic field, a fully-quantized and tunable system. At a critical magnetic field strength and excitation fluence, we observe a clear transition in the band-edge photoluminescence from omnidirectional output to a randomly directed but highly collimated beam. In addition, changes in the linewidth, carrier density, and magnetic field scaling of the PL spectral features correlate precisely with the onset of random directionality, indicative of cooperative recombination from a high density population of free carriers in a semiconductor environment

    Fermi-Edge Superfluorescence from a Quantum-Degenerate Electron-Hole Gas

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    We report on the observation of spontaneous bursts of coherent radiation from a quantum-degenerate gas of nonequilibrium electron-hole pairs in semiconductor quantum wells. Unlike typical spontaneous emission from semiconductors, which occurs at the band edge, the observed emission occurs at the quasi-Fermi edge of the carrier distribution. As the carriers are consumed by recombination, the quasi-Fermi energy goes down toward the band edge, and we observe a continuously red-shifting streak. We interpret this emission as cooperative spontaneous recombination of electron-hole pairs, or superfluorescence, which is enhanced by Coulomb interactions near the Fermi edge. This novel many-body enhancement allows the magnitude of the spontaneously developed macroscopic polarization to exceed the maximum value for ordinary superfluorescence, making electron-hole superfluorescence even more "super" than atomic superfluorescence.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Unusual manganese enrichment in the Mesoarchean Mozaan Group, Pongola Supergroup, South Africa

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    An unusual sediment-hosted manganese deposit is described from the Mesoarchean Mozaan Group, Pongola Supergroup, South Africa. MnO contents up to 15 wt.% were observed in marine clastic and chemical sedimentary rocks. Mn enrichment is interpreted to have resulted from the hydrothermal alteration of manganiferous shale and BIF parent rocks, the primary MnO contents of which are as high as 8.5 wt.%. A detailed mineralogical and petrographic study shows that these parent rocks are characterized by manganoan siderite, ferroan rhodochrosite and other Mn-Fe-rich mineral phases, such as kutnohorite and Fe-Mn-chlorite. Their hypogene alteration gave rise to a diversification of mineral assemblages where ferroan tephroite, calcian rhodochrosite, rhodochrosite, pyrochroite, pyrophanite, cronstedtite, manganoan Fe-rich chlorite and manganoan phlogopite partially or totally replaced the previous mineral assemblage. Thermodynamic modeling performed on chlorite phases associated with the described mineral assemblages illustrates a decrease of average crystallization temperatures from ca. 310 °C during early metamorphic stages to ca. 250 °C during a hydrothermal stage. Mineral transformation processes were thus related to retrograde metamorphism and/or hydrothermal alteration post-dating metamorphism and gave rise to progressive Mn enrichment from unaltered parent to altered rocks. The timing of hypogene alteration was constrained by 40Ar/39Ar dating to between about 1500 and 1100 Ma ago, reflecting tectonic processes associated with the Namaqua-Natal orogeny along the southern Kaapvaal Craton margin. Manganiferous shale and BIF of the Mozaan Group may represent the oldest known examples of primary sedimentary Mn deposition, related to oxidation of dissolved Mn(II) by free oxygen in a shallow marine environment. Oxygenic photosynthesis would have acted as a first-order control during Mn precipitation. This hypothesis opens a new perspective for better constraining secular evolution of sediment-hosted mineral deposits linked to oxygen levels in the atmosphere-hydrosphere system during the Archean Eon

    Новые образовательные технологии в информационно-образовательном пространстве НГТУ им. Р. Е. Алексеева

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    Report on new developments and information technology used in the classroom. Interactive browser e-Learning Course. Webinars OpenMeetings. Software for creating electronic books FlippingBook Publisher.Доклад о новых разработках и информационных технологиях используемых в учебном процессе. Интерактивный броузер e-Learning Course. Вебинары OpenMeetings. ПО для создания электронных книг FlippingBook Publisher

    Harmonic Generation from Relativistic Plasma Surfaces in Ultra-Steep Plasma Density Gradients

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    Harmonic generation in the limit of ultra-steep density gradients is studied experimentally. Observations demonstrate that while the efficient generation of high order harmonics from relativistic surfaces requires steep plasma density scale-lengths (Lp/λ<1L_p/\lambda < 1) the absolute efficiency of the harmonics declines for the steepest plasma density scale-length Lp0L_p \to 0, thus demonstrating that near-steplike density gradients can be achieved for interactions using high-contrast high-intensity laser pulses. Absolute photon yields are obtained using a calibrated detection system. The efficiency of harmonics reflected from the laser driven plasma surface via the Relativistic Oscillating Mirror (ROM) was estimated to be in the range of 10^{-4} - 10^{-6} of the laser pulse energy for photon energies ranging from 20-40 eV, with the best results being obtained for an intermediate density scale-length

    Do Evaporating Black Holes Form Photospheres?

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    Several authors, most notably Heckler, have claimed that the observable Hawking emission from a microscopic black hole is significantly modified by the formation of a photosphere around the black hole due to QED or QCD interactions between the emitted particles. In this paper we analyze these claims and identify a number of physical and geometrical effects which invalidate these scenarios. We point out two key problems. First, the interacting particles must be causally connected to interact, and this condition is satisfied by only a small fraction of the emitted particles close to the black hole. Second, a scattered particle requires a distance ~ E/m_e^2 for completing each bremsstrahlung interaction, with the consequence that it is improbable for there to be more than one complete bremsstrahlung interaction per particle near the black hole. These two effects have not been included in previous analyses. We conclude that the emitted particles do not interact sufficiently to form a QED photosphere. Similar arguments apply in the QCD case and prevent a QCD photosphere (chromosphere) from developing when the black hole temperature is much greater than Lambda_QCD, the threshold for QCD particle emission. Additional QCD phenomenological arguments rule out the development of a chromosphere around black hole temperatures of order Lambda_QCD. In all cases, the observational signatures of a cosmic or Galactic halo background of primordial black holes or an individual black hole remain essentially those of the standard Hawking model, with little change to the detection probability. We also consider the possibility, as proposed by Belyanin et al. and D. Cline et al., that plasma interactions between the emitted particles form a photosphere, and we conclude that this scenario too is not supported.Comment: version published in Phys Rev D 78, 064043; 25 pages, 3 figures; includes discussion on extending our analysis to TeV-scale, higher-dimensional black hole

    Renormalized Energies of Superfluorescent Bursts from an Electron-Hole Magneto-plasma with High Gain in InGaAs Quantum Wells

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    We study light emission properties of a population-inverted 2D electron-hole plasma in a quantizing magnetic field. We observe a series of superfluorescent bursts, discrete both in time and energy, corresponding to the cooperative recombination of electron-hole pairs from different Landau levels. The emission energies are strongly renormalized due to many-body interactions among the photogenerated carriers, exhibiting red-shifts as large as 20 meV at 15 T. However, the magnetic field dependence of the lowest Landau level emission line remains excitonic at all magnetic fields. Interestingly, our time-resolved measurements show that this lowest-energy burst occurs only after all upper states become empty, suggesting that this excitonic stability is related to the `hidden symmetry' of 2D magneto-excitons expected in the magnetic quantum limit.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    On the role of continuum-driven eruptions in the evolution of very massive stars and Population III stars

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    We suggest that the mass lost during the evolution of very massive stars may be dominated by optically thick, continuum-driven outbursts or explosions, instead of by steady line-driven winds. In order for a massive star to become a WR star, it must shed its H envelope, but new estimates of the effects of clumping in winds indicate that line driving is vastly insufficient. We discuss massive stars above roughly 40-50 Msun, for which the best alternative is mass loss during brief eruptions of luminous blue variables (LBVs). Our clearest example of this phenomenon is the 19th century outburst of eta Car, when the star shed 12-20 Msun or more in less than a decade. Other examples are circumstellar nebulae of LBVs, extragalactic eta Car analogs (``supernova impostors''), and massive shells around SNe and GRBs. We do not yet fully understand what triggers LBV outbursts, but they occur nonetheless, and present a fundamental mystery in stellar astrophysics. Since line opacity from metals becomes too saturated, the extreme mass loss probably arises from a continuum-driven wind or a hydrodynamic explosion, both of which are insensitive to metallicity. As such, eruptive mass loss could have played a pivotal role in the evolution and fate of massive metal-poor stars in the early universe. If they occur in these Population III stars, such eruptions would profoundly affect the chemical yield and types of remnants from early SNe and hypernovae.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, accepted by ApJ Letter