194 research outputs found

    Pharmacological correction of endothelial dysfunction using ademethionin and taurine

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    It is noted that ademethionine and taurine have an endothelioprotective effect because of their ability to decrease hyperhomocysteinemia The investigated drugs showed pronounced endothelioprotective activity and can be recommended for further pre-clinical studie

    Оriginal arab culture in Israel

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    The article discusses the controversial situation in which Arab culture exists and develops in modern Israel. In particular, special attention is paid to the fact that the Arab population in Israeli society has its own distinctive cultural characteristics, national identity, which differs from that of Israel

    NMR determination of damaged layer thickness in the γ-irradiated polyethylene

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    The thickness of the degraded surface layer in γ-irradiated low density polyethylene (LDPE) and the total dose have been determined. This was done either by NMR measurements or by measuring self-diffusion coefficients of the macromolecules (by a pulsed NMR method) in the surface layer and in the LDPE sample as a whole. © 1987

    Utopia: description of the ideal world and a way out of the crisis in reality

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    The article considers the genre of utopia in the aspect of the analysis of the means of building an ideal society, which were described by different authors. The assessment of the relevance of these funds on the way out of the crisis of modern society is also given. The results of a survey of people of different generations regarding the elements of a utopian society are presented.В статье рассматривается жанр утопии в аспекте анализа тех средств построения идеального общества, которые описывались разными авторами. Так же дана оценка актуальности этих средств на пути выхода из кризиса современного общества. Представлены результаты опроса людей разных поколений относительно элементов утопического общества

    Syndrome of emotional burnout of doctors neurologists

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    The article discusses the severity of burnout syndrome among neurologists who study at the Faculty of Advanced Professional Retraining of the Ural State Medical UniversityВ статье рассматривается выраженность синдрома эмоционального выгорания у врачей-неврологов, обучающихся на факультете повышения квалификации и профессиональной переподготовки УрГМУ


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    Taking into account the importance of Hauttuynia cordata as a vegetable and medicinal plant in the South-East Asia, and the possibility of its cultivation in a temperate climate, the morphological and biochemical features of the plants belonging to ‘common’ and ‘variegated’ forms were studied in conditions of a greenhouse. We used a peat as a sub-strate for growing plants. The content of macroand microelements in rhizomes and leaves was estimated with use of the synchrotron radiation induced X-ray fluorescence analysis (SR-XRF). During three months of cultivation, the total phytomass of ‘common form’ increased from 4.7 ± 0.84 g to 30.3 ± 8.00 g, i.е. in 6.4 times, while in rhizomes it reached 51-56% out of the total phytomass. The size of the leaves of ‘variegated form’ was 15 29% less, as com-pared with the ‘usual form’. The height of the plants was 25.9 ± 0.98 cm in the ‘usual’ and 29.0 ± 0.62 cm in the ‘variegated’ form, the length and width of the leaf blade were 6.6 ± 0.26 x 5.9 ± 0.25 and 4.70 ± 5.00 x 4.90 ± 5.50 cm, respectively. Plants of the ‘common’ form formed api-cal, elongated, dense, ctenopod spine inflorescence with flowers lacking perianth, with three stamens and 3-4 fused carpal forms forming syncarpous gynoecium. ‘Variegated’ form did not form any inflorescences. H.cordata leaves con-tain 35, 6 mg% ascorbic acid, rhizomes ‒ 14.2 mg%. Leaves of H.cordata mainly accumulated Mn, Fe and Cu, and the roots ‒ Fe, Co, Cu and Zn. It is necessary to carry out the further study on new promising functional food.Учитывая важное значение, придаваемое хауттюйнии Hauttuynia cordata Thunb. в качестве овощного и лекарственного растения в странах юго-восточной Азии, а также возможности его выращивания в условиях умеренного климата, исследовали в условиях теплицы ФБГНУ ЦСБС СО РАН, г. Новосибирск (54°49′33″ с. ш. 83°06′34″ в. д.) морфологические и биохимические признаки растений двух форм (обычной и вариегатной) вида. В качестве субстрата использовали верховой торф. Содержание в корневищах и листьях макрои микроэлементов определяли методом РФА-СИ. За три месяца выращивания фитомасса растений обычной формы уве-личилась с 4,7±0,84 г до 30,3±8,00 г, т.е. в 6,4 раза, при этом на долю корневищ приходилось 51-56% от общей фитомас-сы. Размер листьев вариегатной формы оказался на 15-29% меньше, по сравнению с обычной формой. Высота растений была 25,9±0,98 см у обычной и 29,0±0,62 см – у вариегатной формы; длина и ширина листа, соответственно, 6,6±0,26 х 5,9±0,25 и 4,70±0,19 х 4,90±0,17 см. Растения обычной формы формировали верхушечное, продолговатое, плотное, початковидно-колосовидное соцветие с цветками, лишенными околоцветника, с тремя тычинками и 3-4 сросшимися плодолистиками,              образующими синкарпный     гинецей. Вариегатная форма соцветий не образовывала. В листьях H.cordata накапливается 35,6 мг/% аскорбиновой кислоты, в корневищах – 14,2 мг/%. В наибольшей степени листья H.cordata концентрируют Mn, Fe и Cu, а корни – Fe, Co, Cu и Zn. Необходимо дальнейшее изучение этого растения и c целью позиционирования его в качестве перспективного функционального продукта питания


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    The content of macro- (C, N, P, S) and micro-elements, as well as some metals was analyzed in fruits, leaves, stems, and roots of vigna, kiwano, bitter melon, and wax gourd growing in the condition of unheated  polyethylene-covered greenhouse  in Novosibirsk (Russia). The revealed low concentration of sulfur and big atomic ratio of nitrogen to sulfur in plant phytomass is the result of insufficient macro-elements supply from fertilizers and peatsubstrates. The kiwano fruits are characterized by high concentration of K , Ca, Mg , Zn, Fe, Cu, and Ni and therefore is worth introducing this culture in Russia.Проведена оценка макро  (C, N, P, S) и микроэлементного состава различных компонентов фитомассы новых  для России  овощных культур (вигны,  кивано, момордики и бенинказы), выращенных в условиях необогреваемой пленочной теплицы ЦСБС СО РАН, г. Новосибирск. Выявленные низкая концентрация серы  и широкое атомное соотношение  азота к сере  в фитомассе  овощных культур свидетельствует о недостаточном снабжении растений этим макроэлементом за  счет  удобрений и торфосубстратов. Плоды кивано отличаются повышенным содержанием K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, Cu и Ni и являются ценным источником этих элементов, заслуживающим усилий  по распространению культуры в нашей стране

    Retargeted adenoviruses for radiation-guided gene delivery

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    The combination of radiation with radiosensitizing gene delivery or oncolytic viruses promises to provide an advantage that could improve the therapeutic results for glioblastoma. X-rays can induce significant molecular changes in cancer cells. We isolated the GIRLRG peptide that binds to radiation-inducible 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein (GRP78), which is overexpressed on the plasma membranes of irradiated cancer cells and tumor-associated microvascular endothelial cells. The goal of our study was to improve tumor-specific adenovirus-mediated gene delivery by selectively targeting the adenovirus binding to this radiation-inducible protein. We employed an adenoviral fiber replacement approach to conduct a study of the targeting utility of GRP78-binding peptide. We have developed fiber-modified adenoviruses encoding the GRP78-binding peptide inserted into the fiber-fibritin. We have evaluated the reporter gene expression of fiber-modified adenoviruses in vitro using a panel of glioma cells and a human D54MG tumor xenograft model. The obtained results demonstrated that employment of the GRP78-binding peptide resulted in increased gene expression in irradiated tumors following infection with fiber-modified adenoviruses, compared with untreated tumor cells. These studies demonstrate the feasibility of adenoviral retargeting using the GRP78-binding peptide that selectively recognizes tumor cells responding to radiation treatment

    Tuberous Sclerosis Complex-Associated Neuropsychiatric Disorders (TAND): New Findings on Age, Sex, and Genotype in Relation to Intellectual Phenotype.

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    Background: Knowledge is increasing about TSC-Associated Neuropsychiatric Disorders (TAND), but little is known about the potentially confounding effects of intellectual ability (IA) on the rates of TAND across age, sex, and genotype. We evaluated TAND in (a) children vs. adults, (b) males vs. females, and (c) TSC1 vs. TSC2 mutations, after stratification for levels of IA, in a large, international cohort. Methods: Individuals of any age with a documented visit for TSC in the 12 months prior to enrolment were included. Frequency and percentages of baseline TAND manifestations were presented by categories of IA (no intellectual disability [ID, intelligence quotient (IQ)>70]; mild ID [IQ 50-70]; moderate-to-profound ID [IQ<50]). Chi-square tests were used to test associations between ID and TAND manifestations. The association between TAND and age (children vs. adults), sex (male vs. female), and genotype (TSC1 vs. TSC2) stratified by IA levels were examined using the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel tests. Results: Eight hundred and ninety four of the 2,211 participants had formal IQ assessments. There was a significant association (P < 0.05) between levels of IA and the majority of TAND manifestations, except impulsivity (P = 0.12), overactivity (P = 0.26), mood swings (P = 0.08), hallucinations (P = 0.20), psychosis (P = 0.06), depressive disorder (P = 0.23), and anxiety disorder (P = 0.65). Once controlled for IA, children had higher rates of overactivity, but most behavioral difficulties were higher in adults. At the psychiatric level, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was seen at higher rates in children while anxiety and depressive disorders were observed at higher rates in adults. Compared to females, males showed significantly higher rates of impulsivity and overactivity, as well as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and ADHD. No significant age or sex differences were observed for academic difficulties or neuropsychological deficits. After controlling for IA no genotype-TAND associations were observed, except for higher rates of self-injury in individuals with TSC2 mutations. Conclusions: Findings suggest IA as risk marker for most TAND manifestations. We provide the first evidence of male preponderance of ASD and ADHD in individuals with TSC. The study also confirms the association between TSC2 and IA but, once controlling for IA, disproves the previously reported TSC2 association with ASD and with most other TAND manifestations

    Tuberous Sclerosis Complex-Associated Neuropsychiatric Disorders (TAND): New Findings on Age, Sex, and Genotype in Relation to Intellectual Phenotype

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    Background: Knowledge is increasing about TSC-Associated Neuropsychiatric Disorders (TAND), but little is known about the potentially confounding effects of intellectual ability (IA) on the rates of TAND across age, sex, and genotype. We evaluated TAND in (a) children vs. adults, (b) males vs. females, and (c) TSC1 vs. TSC2 mutations, after stratification for levels of IA, in a large, international cohort. Methods: Individuals of any age with a documented visit for TSC in the 12 months prior to enrolment were included. Frequency and percentages of baseline TAND manifestations were presented by categories of IA (no intellectual disability [ID, intelligence quotient (IQ)>70]; mild ID [IQ 50–70]; moderate-to-profound ID [IQ<50]). Chi-square tests were used to test associations between ID and TAND manifestations. The association between TAND and age (children vs. adults), sex (male vs. female), and genotype (TSC1 vs. TSC2) stratified by IA levels were examined using the Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel tests. Results: Eight hundred and ninety four of the 2,211 participants had formal IQ assessments. There was a significant association (P < 0.05) between levels of IA and the majority of TAND manifestations, except impulsivity (P = 0.12), overactivity (P = 0.26), mood swings (P = 0.08), hallucinations (P = 0.20), psychosis (P = 0.06), depressive disorder (P = 0.23), and anxiety disorder (P = 0.65). Once controlled for IA, children had higher rates of overactivity, but most behavioral difficulties were higher in adults. At the psychiatric level, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was seen at higher rates in children while anxiety and depressive disorders were observed at higher rates in adults. Compared to females, males showed significantly higher rates of impulsivity and overactivity, as well as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and ADHD. No significant age or sex differences were observed for academic difficulties or neuropsychological deficits. After controlling for IA no genotype-TAND associations were observed, except for higher rates of self-injury in individuals with TSC2 mutations. Conclusions: Findings suggest IA as risk marker for most TAND manifestations. We provide the first evidence of male preponderance of ASD and ADHD in individuals with TSC. The study also confirms the association between TSC2 and IA but, once controlling for IA, disproves the previously reported TSC2 association with ASD and with most other TAND manifestations