1,829 research outputs found

    Josephson array of mesoscopic objects. Modulation of system properties through the chemical potential

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    The phase diagram of a two-dimensional Josephson array of mesoscopic objects is examined. Quantum fluctuations in both the modulus and phase of the superconducting order parameter are taken into account within a lattice boson Hubbard model. Modulating the average occupation number n0n_0 of the sites in the system leads to changes in the state of the array, and the character of these changes depends significantly on the region of the phase diagram being examined. In the region where there are large quantum fluctuations in the phase of the superconducting order parameter, variation of the chemical potential causes oscillations with alternating superconducting (superfluid) and normal states of the array. On the other hand, in the region where the bosons interact weakly, the properties of the system depend monotonically on n0n_0. Lowering the temperature and increasing the particle interaction force lead to a reduction in the width of the region of variation in n0n_0 within which the system properties depend weakly on the average occupation number. The phase diagram of the array is obtained by mapping this quantum system onto a classical two-dimensional XY model with a renormalized Josephson coupling constant and is consistent with our quantum Path-Integral Monte Carlo calculations.Comment: 12 pages, 8 Postscript figure

    Tagging High Energy Photons in the H1 Detector at HERA

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    Measures taken to extend the acceptance of the H1 detector at HERA for photoproduction events are described. These will enable the measurement of electrons scattered in events in the high y range 0.85 < y < 0.95 in the 1998 and 1999 HERA run period. The improvement is achieved by the installation of an electromagnetic calorimeter, the ET8, in the HERA tunnel close to the electron beam line 8 m downstream of the H1 interaction point in the electron direction. The ET8 will allow the study of tagged gamma p interactions at centre-of-mass energies significantly higher than those previously attainable. The calorimeter design and expected performance are discussed, as are results obtained using a prototype placed as close as possible to the position of the ET8 during the 1996 and 1997 HERA running.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    Representations of (2,n)(2,n)-semigroups by multiplace functions

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    We describe the representations of (2,n)(2,n)-semigroups, i.e. groupoids with nn binary associative operations, by partial nn-place functions and prove that any such representation is a union of some family of representations induced by Schein's determining pairs.Comment: 17 page

    A New High Energy Photon Tagger for the H1 - Detector at HERA

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    The H1 detector at HERA has been upgraded by the addition of a new electromagnetic calorimeter. This is installed in the HERA tunnel close to the electron beam line at a position 8m from the interaction point in the electron beam direction. The new calorimeter extends the acceptance for tagged photoproduction events to the high y range, 0.85 < y < 0.95, and thus significantly improves the capability of H1 to study high energy gamma-p processes. The calorimeter design, performance and first results obtained during the 1996-1999 HERA running are described.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figure

    Secondary Electron Spectral Changes of Irradiated Gold Nanoparticle Caused By PEGylation

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    Gold nanoparticles attract attention for the use in radiation therapy of tumors due to the ability to enhance the efficacy of ionizing radiation. The magnitude of the radiosensitizing effect depends on the parameters of the nanoparticle, in particular on the modification of the surface. In the present work, the spectrum of secondary particles generated in a gold nanoparticle virtually irradiated with 60Со gamma rays as a result of surface modification by a polyethylene glycol shell was studied. The Mont eCarlo calculations revealed that modification of the nanoparticle’s surface changes the spectrum of secondary particles. The most robust was the loss in low-energy electrons (51%) whereas the yield of Compton electrons increased by 1.27 times. At the same time, no statistically significant changes were observed in the spectrum of secondary photons and photoelectrons. Simulation of the formation and distribution of secondary electron radiation makes it possible to evaluate the parameters important for the rational design of antitumor nanoradiosensitizers based on chemical elements with a high atomic number. Keywords: gold nanoparticles, radiosensitizers, Monte-Carlo simulation, Geant4, radiation therapy, malignant tumors

    New model for system of mesoscopic Josephson contacts

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    Quantum fluctuations of the phases of the order parameter in 2D arrays of mesoscopic Josephson junctions and their effect on the destruction of superconductivity in the system are investigated by means of a quantum-cosine model that is free of the incorrect application of the phase operator. The proposed model employs trigonometric phase operators and makes it possible to study arrays of small superconducting granules, pores filled with superfluid helium, or Josephson junctions in which the average number of particles n0n_0 (effective bosons, He atoms, and so on) is small, and the standard approach employing the phase operator and the particle number operator as conjugate ones is inapplicable. There is a large difference in the phase diagrams between arrays of macroscopic and mesoscopic objects for n0<5n_0 < 5 and U<JU<J (UU is the characteristic interaction energy of the particle per granule and JJ is the Josephson coupling constant). Reentrant superconductivity phenomena are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 Postscript figure

    Accounting procedures in the system of searching and generating the balance sheet of accounting information by various stakeholder groups

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    This article emphasizes the importance of analyzing critically and using the multi-option models of running the accounting records that make it possible to considerably improve the harmonization of interests of various stakeholder groups and the quality of the accounting data as well. The authors have resorted to various conceptual principles as their study subject to carry out the research that is used by modern science and that is intended to tackle the challenges of realizing a quantum leap in business processes. The authors have demonstrated the peculiarities of generating and using multi-option models of running the accounting records, the specific features of their demonstration in the GAAP, IFRS systems, the continental accounting model and in the Russian practices. They consider the aggregate scenarios in financial and economic development of business entities as obtained by means of accounting sampling to be the most promising trend in optimizing the accounting information in the system of possible stakeholder inquiries. By reference to the results of the research the authors conclude that the interests of the property owners, executive management and mass public that are aimed at the neutrality criterion as obtained by means of the accounting information should be harmonized.peer-reviewe

    A mathematical model of the controlled axial flow divider for mobile machines

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    The authors give a mathematical model of the axial adjustable flow divider allowing one to define the parameters of the feed pump and the hydraulic motor-wheels in the multi-circuit hydrostatic transmission of mobile machines, as well as for example built features that allows to clearly evaluate the mutual influence of the values of pressure and flow on all input and output circuits of the system


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    The paper explores the experience of Voronezh SAU in the field of further training (departments engaged in training on the programmes of further training and that are structurally united in the management board of further training of the university) and exhibition activity implemented by expocentre “Agribusiness of the Chernozem region of VSAU”. The author highlights the motivation of clients and partners (students) trained at Voronezh State Agrarian University for participation in the programmes of further training and shows data on the specific features of the students. Cooperation of the expocentre “Agribusiness of the Chernozem VSAU” and management board of further training allows to use thematic exponents of equipment and technical devices that are represented in the expocentre on specific professional exhibitions. The publication outlines that the most important exhibitions are “Voronezhagro” (anniversary exhibition held for 20th time in November 2015) and spring exhibition “Agrosezon” (held for 10th time in April). The exhibitions of technological equipment, technologies of agricultural processing and food production as “Beer time”, “Modern bakery”, “Sweettooth” and “Voronezhprodmash” were held in the previous years.В статье освещается опыт работы Воронежского ГАУ в области дополнительного образования (подразделения, реализующие программы дополнительного образования, структурно объединены в управление дополнительного образования университета) и выставочной деятельности, осуществляемой экспоцентром «Агробизнес Черноземья ВГАУ». В статье приведена мотивация партнеров и клиентов (слушателей курсов) Воронежского государственного аграрного университета имени императора Петра I к участию в программах дополнительного образования, приводятся количественные данные о контингенте слушателей. Сотрудничество воронежского экспоцентра «Агробизнес Черноземья ВГАУ» с управлением дополнительного образования позволяет использовать в учебном процессе в качестве «учебных пособий» тематические экспозиции техники и оборудования, представленные в экспоцентре на специализированных выставках. Среди выставок наиболее важными для учебного процесса являются ежегодная выставка «Воронежагро» (юбилейная, в ноябре 2015 года она состоялась в двадцатый раз) и более молодая весенняя выставка «Агросезон» (в апреле 2016 года будет проводиться в десятый раз). В прошлые годы также проводились выставки технологического оборудования, технологий переработки сельскохозяйственной продукции, производства продуктов питания, такие как «Пивной сезон», «Современное хлебопечение», «Сладкоежка», «Воронежпродмаш»