53 research outputs found

    Analysis of cod-liver oil adulteration using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy.

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    Analysis of the adulteration of cod-liver oil with much cheaper oil-like animal fats has become attractive in recent years. This study highlights an application of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy as a nondestructive and fast technique for the determination of adulterants in cod-liver oil. Attenuated total reflectance measurements were made on pure cod-liver oil and cod-liver oil adulterated with different concentrations of lard (0.5–50% v/v in cod-liver oil). A chemometrics partial least squares (PLS) calibration model was developed for quantitative measurement of the adulterant. Discriminant analysis method was used to classify cod-liver oil samples from common animal fats (beef, chicken, mutton, and lard) based on their infrared spectra. Discriminant analysis carried out using seven principal components was able to classify the samples as pure or adulterated cod-liver oil based on their FTIR spectra at the selected fingerprint regions (1,500–1,030 cm−1)

    NF-Y histone fold α1 helices help impart CCAAT specificity

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    NF-Y is a conserved trimeric transcriptional activator with an extremely high specificity for CCAAT boxes. The NF-YB and NF-YC subunits have histone fold motifs with a high degree of homology to NC2\u3b1/\u3b2, a TBP-binding repressor. The histone fold is composed of three \u3b1 helices, \u3b11, \u3b12, \u3b13, separated by short loops. Structural data on core histones showed that \u3b11 are involved in DNA-binding. To understand the molecular basis of NF-Y sequence-specificity, we constructed deletion and swapping mutants, in which the \u3b11 of NC2 and archeal HMfB, a bona fide histonic protein, was placed in NF-YB and NF-YC. Our analysis indicates that (i) subunit interactions are normal; (ii) NF-YB-NF-YC and NC2\u3b1/\u3b2 do not form heterodimers and NC2 cannot associate NF-YA. (iii) None of the NF-Y swaps can complex with TBP on a TATA box. (iv) Specific residues, R47 and K49 in NF-YC and N61 in NF-YB, are crucial for CCAAT-binding. We conclude that specificity of the NF-Y trimer is not due to NF-YA only, but stems in part from the contribution of the histone fold \u3b11, particularly that of NF-YB

    CCAAT-box binding protein NF-Y (CBF, CP1) recognizes the minor groove and distorts DNA.

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    The CCAAT box is one of the most common promoter elements. The evolutionarily conserved heteromeric factor NF-Y binds this sequence with high affinity and specificity. By comparing the methylation interference patterns of different sites, performing electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA) with IC-substituted oligonucleotides and competition experiments with the minor groove binding (MGB) drugs distamicin A, tallimustine and Hoechst 33258 we show that NF-Y makes key minor groove interactions. Circular permutation assays on four CCAAT boxes, MHC Class II Ea, HSP70, epsilon-globin and MSV, indicate that NF-Y is able to distort the double helix by angles of 62-82 degrees, depending on the site used, and suggest that nucleotides flanking the CCAAT pentanucleotide influence the degree of bending

    Distamycin A and tallimustine inhibit TBP binding and basal in vitro transcription.

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    The antibiotic distamycin A is a DNA minor groove binding drug (MGB) that recognizes a stretch of at least four ATs. The alkylating benzoyl mustard derivative tallimustine (FCE 24517) has powerful anti-tumor activity. Using the electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) we determined that both compounds can prevent binding of TBP and, with 10-fold higher concentration, TBP-TFIIA (DA) and TBP-TFIIA-TFIIB (DAB) to a TATA box. Once formed, the DA and DAB complexes are more resistant to MGB challenge. Both drugs can inhibit basal in vitro transcription of a minimal TATA-containing promoter and similar concentrations are necessary for binding and transcriptional inhibition. Tallimustine shows strong selectivity by decreasing only correctly initiated transcripts. Even at high doses (20 microM), however, they cannot disturb a competent pre-initiation complex or Pol II progression. This functional in vitro model will provide a way to investigate the activity of sequence-specific DNA binding drugs with potential anti-viral and anti-tumour activity and to develop novel more selective compounds

    Cloning and expression of human NF-YC

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    The CCAAT box is an important element in eukaryotic promoters and NF-Y (CBF) is a conserved heterotrimeric protein binding to it. Two subunits, NF-YB and NF-YC, contain a histone-like motif. We cloned the complete cDNA coding for the human NF-YC gene. The ORF codes for a 335 aa protein that shows virtual identity to the rat sequence, confirming the stunning invariance of NF-Y genes across species. We expressed and purified the yeast homology domain of NF-YC in bacteria and performed EMSA together with the corresponding conserved domains of NF-YA and NF-YB, obtaining a CCAAT-binding mini-NF-Y. We evaluated the expression of NF-YC and found that mRNA levels are similar in different human tissues except in testis

    The major histocompatibility complex class II Ea promoter requires TFIID binding to an initiator sequence.

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    The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II Ea promoter is dependent on the presence of conserved upstream X and Y boxes and of initiator (Inr) sequences. In vitro transcription analysis of the Inr region with linker-scanning mutants pinpoints a functionally essential element that shows homology to the terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase (TdT) Inr; contrary to the TdT Inr and other Inrs identified so far, the key sequence, between positions +5 and +12, is located within a transcribed area. Swapping the TdT sequence into the corresponding Ea position leads to a fivefold increase in transcription rate, without altering start site selection. Inr-binding proteins LBP-1/CP2 and TIP--a TdT Inr-binding protein unrelated to YY1--recognize the Ea Inr; they interact with overlapping yet distinct sequences around the Cap site, but their binding does not coincide with Ea Inr activity. A good correlation is, rather, found with binding of immunopurified holo-TFIID to this element. TFIID interacts both with Ea TATA-like and Inr sequences, but only the latter is functionally relevant. Unlike TBP, TFIID binds in the absence of TFIIA, indicating a stabilizing role for TBP-associated factors in Ea promoter recognition. Sequence comparison with other mouse and human MHC class II promoters suggests a common mechanism of start site(s) selection for the MHC class II gene family