1,463 research outputs found

    Los expedientes judiciales como fuente para la reconstrucción de archivos familiares. El ejemplo del archivo del antiguo marquesado de Lanzarote

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    Los archivos familiares son una fuente de información de primer orden para el conocimiento del pasado. Sin embargo, muchas veces el traspaso de un título nobiliario de un linaje a otro, o la desatención por parte de sus propios titulares, ha provocado su desaparición. Tal es el caso del archivo del antiguo marquesado de Lanzarote, hoy en paradero desconocido y escasamente mencionado por la historiografía. Si bien la localización de un inventario de este, realizado en 1634, nos permite conocer qué había en ese momento en el ar-chivo y nos habilita para reconstruirlo, en la medida de lo posible, junto al recurso de otras fuentes documentales como los expedientes judiciales, en los que figuran numerosas copias, trasladadas de sus originales, que fueron presentados como pruebas en pesquisas y juicios. En este estudio lo que se muestra es el valor de los archivos y expedientes judiciales para la reconstrucción de los archivos familiares desaparecidos

    Archival politic: definition, exent and model of analysis

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    Las políticas archivísticas han sido una constante a lo largo de la Historia, pues todos los sistemas de gobierno han establecido medidas de producción y conservación de documentos. Fundamentalmente lo han hecho para arrogarse el control de la información; aunque estas políticas han pivotado, según el modelo de gobierno, entre el secretismo y la transparencia. Lo que proponemos en este artículo es un modelo de análisis de las políticas archivísticas que puede ser útil tanto para analizar las del pasado como para proponer las futuras según las intenciones de quienes gobiernan y de las demandas ciudadanas.The political files been always a constant throughout the History, as all the government system´s have produced measures production and keeping the documents. Basically this has been done in order to have the control of the information; although these politics have changed the government styles between secrecy and transparency. What we propose in this article it is a model of analysis of the politic of filing that could be useful as to analyze the past than to propose the futures ones according the intentions of whom are in power at that moment an also the citizens demands

    Modulador acusto-óptico en amplitud de fibra óptica basado en ondas acústicas de flexión

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    Se reporta un estudio experimental de la operación de un modulador acusto-óptico (MAO) de fibra óptica basado en la interacción acusto-óptica producida por ondas acústicas de flexión estacionarias. Concentramos nuestra atención en los efectos de reducir el diámetro en la fibra óptica como mecanismo para optimizar la respuesta espectral del MAO. Como caso particular reportamos un modulador de 70 ¹m de diametro con una alta profundidad de modulación (60 %), bajas perdidas por inserción (1.3 dB) y un ancho ancho de banda a 3 dB de 40 nm que opera en el rango de los megahertz. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que el incluir fibras estrechadas se puede considerar como un grado extra de libertad en el diseño del modulador para controlar el ancho de banda.An experimental study of an in-fiber acousto-optic modulator (AOM) based on the acousto-optic interaction produced by standing flexural acoustic waves is reported. We focus our attention in the effects of a gradual reduction in the optical fiber as the mechanisms to improve the spectral response of the AOM. As a particular case we report a 70-μm fiber AOM. Our approach permits the implementation of high modulation depth (60 %), low optical loss (1.3 dB) and a 3 dB broad modulation bandwidth of 40 nm, operating in the MHz frequency range. The experimental results demonstrate that including tapered optical fibers can be regarded as an extra degree of freedom to control the optical bandwidth of the modulator.Fil: Bello Jiménez, M. A.. Instituto de Investigacion en Comunicación Optica, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí; MéxicoFil: Cuadrado Laborde, Christian Ariel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Rosario. Instituto de Física de Rosario (i); ArgentinaFil: Diez, Antonio. Universidad de Valencia; EspañaFil: Cruz, Jose Luis. Universidad de Valencia; EspañaFil: Andres Bou, Miguel. Universidad de Valencia; Españ

    Behçet's disease: New insight into the relationship between procoagulant state, endothelial activation/damage and disease activity

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    Background: Behçet disease (BD) is associated with a prothrombotic state of unknown origin that may lead to life-threatening events. Calibrated Automated Thrombogram (CAT) and Rotational Thromboelastometry (ROTEM) are two global haemostasis assays that may reveal new insights into the physiopathological mechanisms of the disease and its procoagulant condition. Methods. 23 BD patients who had no signs or symptoms of current thrombosis and 33 age- and sex-matched controls were included in the study. We performed ROTEM and CAT tests and assessed erythrocyte count, platelet count, platelet contribution to clot formation and plasma levels of tissue-type plasminogen activator, plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1), fibrinogen, C-reactive protein (CRP), thrombin-antithrombin III complex (TAT), D-dimer and E-selectin (ES). Results: Both ROTEM and CAT tests showed a hypercoagulable state in the BD patients. Plasma levels of PAI-1, fibrinogen, TAT, CRP and ES were significantly increased in this group compared to controls. The disease activity (DA) was significantly correlated with levels of ES and the maximum clot firmness, and this last one, in turn, correlated with rising levels of ES, PAI-1, CRP and fibrinogen. CAT parameters did not correlate with DA or ES. Conclusions: Both ROTEM and CAT tests reveal that patients with BD have a procoagulant state even in the absence of thrombosis. ROTEM test indicates that increased levels of fibrinogen and PAI-1 may be involved in the prothrombotic state of this pathology, while platelets do not significantly contribute. Moreover, CAT assay demonstrate that plasma from BD patients is able to generate more thrombin than controls in response to the same stimulus and that this effect is independent of the DA and the endothelial impairment suggesting the involvement of another factor in the hypercoagulable state observed in BD patients. This study also shows that endothelium activation/damage may be a contributing factor in both the procoagulant and clinical conditions of BD, as shown by the direct correlation between ES levels, ROTEM parameters and DAThis work was supported by grants from FIS PS09/00531 and FIS PI12/0183

    Experimental study of MMI structures in a switchable continuous-wave thulium-doped all-fiber laser

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    Switchable multi-wavelength laser emission from a thulium-doped all-fiber laser is reported by implementing a tapered and a non-tapered multi-modal interference (MMI) filters. The MMI structure relies on a coreless optical fiber spliced in between two single-mode optical fibers. For the non-tapered case, a minimum insertion loss of 12.60 dB is achieved around the 2-μm region, from which stable generation of commutable dual-wavelength emission at 1986.34 nm and 2017.38 nm is obtained. On the other hand, the tapered MMI structure performs a minimum insertion loss of 8.74 dB at the 2-μm region, allowing a stable triple-wavelength emission at 1995.4 nm, 2013.3 nm, and 2038.3 nm. In addition, commutable dual-wavelength emission was also obtained at 1997.9 nm and 2032.1 nm. The generated laser lines perform bandwidths of around 50 pm, low peak spectral power fluctuations and signal-to-noise ratio of 50 dB

    Dynamic procedure for daily PM56 ETo mapping conducive to site-specific irrigation recommendations in areas covered by agricultural weather networks.

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    [EN] Modern agriculture is underpinned by actual meteorological data registered using automated meteorological stations forming networks specifically created for advising purposes. In many cases, those data used to be accessible online by means of APIs (Application Programming Interface). One of the most common cases is the irrigation-advice weather network implemented with the aim of obtaining ETo values to be used in irrigation recommendations. However, those punctual values of ETo scattered throughout the territory do not allow to produce specific irrigation recommendations for each farm. The only way of disposing site-specific values of ETo is by compiling maps that describe its spatial variation. With this objective, a new dynamic procedure based on an existing regression-based technique of interpolation was proposed. Using the meteorological data registered at the end of each day, maximum and minimum temperature, maximum and minimum relative humidity, wind velocity, and radiation maps were interpolated and then, an ETo map was derived. The proposed procedure demonstrated a special adaptation capacity to the synoptic pattern of each day using some geographical features or others, as appropriate to explain the spatial variability of the interpolated meteorological variable. In those months where radiation plays a key role in the ETo value (growing season), ETo maps obtained were especially fine-grained in areas with significant relief. This procedure improved other contrasted methodologies they were compared with. The impact of using the nearest-weather-station ETo vs interpolated value on a daily water needs was investigated and near 10% average value of error was encountered in the case study.This study has received funding from the eGROUNDWATER project (GA n. 1921) , part of the PRIMA program supported by the European Union 's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, and the WATER4CAST project (PROMETEO/2021/074) , which is funded by the Conselleria de Innovacion, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital de la Comunitat Valenciana.Meteorological data were provided by SIAR: " Sistema de Informacion Agroclimatica para el Regadio. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentacion" . Special thanks to Carlos Garrido Garrido and Ivan Cilleros Fuentetaja for providing us an API-SIAR access. Thanks to Luis Bonet for giving us permission to use the picture of the IVIA-SIAR automated station.Garcia-Prats, A.; Carricondo-Antón, JM.; Jiménez Bello, MA.; Manzano Juarez, J.; López Pérez, E.; Pulido-Velazquez, M. (2023). Dynamic procedure for daily PM56 ETo mapping conducive to site-specific irrigation recommendations in areas covered by agricultural weather networks. Agricultural Water Management. 287:1-18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2023.10841511828


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    [ES] La modernización de las infraestructuras agrícolas de regadío ha supuesto generalmente un incremento en el consumo energético de estas instalaciones. Tomando como referencia el Protocolo de Auditoría Energética en Comunidad de Regantes (CCRR) del Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de Energía (IDAE), se evalúan e identifican actuaciones de mejora del uso de la energía en la red de riego de la CCRR Murada Norte (Orihuela, Alicante). En primer lugar se caracteriza la red de riego, su gestión y su consumo, elaborando un modelo matemático de la red con herramientas SIG y EPANET. Posteriormente se realiza una evaluación del uso de la energía con los indicadores de gestión energética del protocolo del IDAE, a través del cual se consigue calificar energéticamente la CCRR. Finalmente como actuaciones de mejora se propone la construcción de una nueva balsa de regulación que permite reducir la altura media de impulsión, la sustitución del equipo de bombeo actual para mejorar la eficiencia del bombeo y reducir la potencia contratada en horas punta, y la renegociación de la tarifa eléctrica.Los autores de este trabajo muestran su agradecimiento a la CCRR Murada Norte por su participación en este estudio y al proyecto IMPADAPT (CGL2013-48424-C2-1-R) del Plan Estatal de I+D+i (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad) por su financiación.Ruiz-Rodríguez, M.; Jiménez Bello, MÁ.; Pulido Velázquez, MA. (2015). EVALUACIÓN Y PROPUESTAS DE MEJORA DEL USO DE LA ENERGÍA EN REDES DE RIEGO. APLICACIÓN A LA COMUNIDAD DE REGANTES MURADA NORTE (ORIHUELA, ALICANTE). En XXXIII CONGRESO NACIONAL DE RIEGOS. Valencia 16-18 junio de 2015. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/CNRiegos.2015.1454OC

    Q-switched mode locking noise-like pulse generation from a thulium-doped all-fiber laser based on nonlinear polarization rotation

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    Q-switched mode locking (QML) noise-like pulse (NLP) emission from an all-fiber thulium-doped laser based on the nonlinear polarization rotation effect is reported. The QML emission is obtained in a cavity with net anomalous dispersion in a pump power interval in between the CW laser threshold and the threshold of the NLP regime. Highest-energy QML pulses were observed with a repetition rate of 812 kHz with a pump power of 520 mW at the optical wavelength of 1881.09 nm. A maximum overall energy of 460 nJ at an average output power of 6.4 mW was reached, which corresponds to a burst of mode-locked noise-like sub-pulses with 8.7 ns of pulse duration within a QML envelope of 11 μs. These results demonstrate unconventional pulse operation regime of NLPs and provide insights into the dynamics of mode-locked fiber lasers

    Q switching and mode locking pulse generation from an all-fiber ring laser by intermodal acousto-optic bandpass modulation

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    Q-switched and mode-locked (QML) pulse generation from an all-fiber ring laser based on intermodal acousto-optic bandpass modulation is reported. The modulator relies on full-acousto-optic mode re-coupling cycle induced by a standing flexural acoustic wave, with a transmission response that is controlled by amplitude modulation of the acoustic wave signal. The Q factor of the cavity is controlled by a rectangular pulse wave with variable frequency and duty cycle, whereas mode locking is achieved by amplitude modulation derived from a standing flexural acoustic wave. The best QML pulses were obtained at 0.5 kHz repetition rate, with a pump power of 549.2 mW, at the optical wavelength of 1568.2 nm. A maximum overall energy of 2.14 µJ at an average output power of 1.07 mW was achieved, corresponding to a burst of mode-locked sub-pulses of 100 ps pulse duration within a QML envelope of 3.5 µs

    Acousto-optic interaction in biconical tapered fibers: shaping of the stopbands

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    The effect of a gradual reduction of the fiber diameter on the acousto-optic (AO) interaction is reported. The experimental and theoretical study of the intermodal coupling induced by a flexural acoustic wave in a biconical tapered fiber shows that it is possible to shape the transmission spectrum, for example, substantially broadening the bandwidth of the resonant couplings. The geometry of the taper transitions can be regarded as an extra degree of freedom to design the AO devices. Optical bandwidths above 45 nm are reported in a tapered fiber with a gradual reduction of the fiber down to 70 μm diameter. The effect of including long taper transition is also reported in a double-tapered structure. A flat attenuation response is reported with 3-dB stopband bandwidth of 34 nm