7,021 research outputs found

    Home country effects of offshoring. A critical survey on empirical literature.

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    The International fragmentation of production processes is of rising importance. One part of this fragmentation involves the relocation of a production process from a home- to a new host country. This literature survey deals with the effects of such relocations on the home country. First of all, we try to conceptualize the terms and definitions most frequently used in this context which are "outsourcing", "offshore outsourcing" and "offshoring". Despite the fact that there is little textual documentation dealing directly with the phenomena of offshoring and offshore outsourcing we try to give an overview of possible empirical literature to which one can regard to. Including FDI literature we try to cover empirical literature which can provide helpful insight on the effects of a relocation to foreign countries on the home country in connection with wages, skill upgrading, prices, profits, taxes and unions. (author's abstract)Series: Discussion Papers SFB International Tax Coordinatio

    Measuring gender norms about relationships in early adolescence : results from the global early adolescent study

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    Introduction: Gender norms are increasingly recognized as drivers of health and wellbeing. While early adolescence constitutes a critical window of development, there is limited understanding about how adolescents perceive gender relations across different cultural settings. This study used a mixed-method approach, grounded in the voices of young people around the world, to construct and test a cross-cultural scale assessing the perceptions of gender norms regulating romantic relationships between boys and girls in early adolescence. Methods: The study draws on the Global Early Adolescent study (GEAS), a study focusing on gender norms and health related outcomes over the course of adolescence in urban poor settings worldwide. In-depth interviews were first conducted among approximately 200 adolescents between 10-14 years in seven sites across 4 continents to identify common scripts guiding romantic relations in early adolescence. These scripts were then transformed into a multidimensional scale. The scale was tested among 120 adolescents in each of 14 GEAS sites, followed by a second pilot among 75 adolescents in six sites. We evaluated the psychometric criteria of each subscale using principal component analysis, and parallel analysis, followed by exploratory factor analysis to guide the selection of a more parsimonious set of items. Results: Results suggested a two-factor structure, consisting of an "adolescent romantic expectations" subscale and a "Sexual Double Standard" subscale. Both subscales yielded high internal validity in each site, with polychoric Cronbach alpha values above 0.70 with the exception of Kinshasa for the adolescent romantic expectations scale (0.64) and Hanoi for the sexual double standard scale (0.61). Conclusion: This study reveals common perceptions of gendered norms about romantic engagement in early adolescence, normative for both sexes, but socially valued for boys while devaluated for girls. The findings illustrate that social hierarchies of power in romantic relationships form early in adolescence, regardless of cultural setting

    Prevalence and antimicrobial resistance pattern of coagulase negative Staphylococci isolated from pigs and in-contact humans in Jos Metropolis, Nigeria

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    The nasal carriage and antibiotic susceptibility pattern of coagulase negative  staphylococci (CoNS) isolates from healthy pigs and in-contact humans were  investigated in 300 pigs and 101 in-contact humans from pig farms and abattoir. The results indicate that 13.2% (53/401) of the isolates were CoNS species based on confirmatory test with Microgen biochemical kit and were further subjected to antibiotic susceptibility testing. Nine CoNS species were identified; S. haemolyticus (n = 10), S. simulans (n =5), S. chromogen (n = 9), S. warneri (n =5), S. xylosus (12), S. epidermidis (n = 5), S. schleiferi (n = 5) and S. hominis (n = 2). Overall, resistance to beta-lactams was the most observed; 79.2% of the isolates were resistant to penicillin while 11.3% and 7.5% were respectively resistant to oxacillin and cefoxitin, respectively.  Resistance to 2 or more antimicrobial agents was observed in 39.6% (21/53) of the CoNS isolates. All the isolates were resistant to at least one antimicrobial agent except for gentamicin. Multidrug resistant CoNS are common colonizers of apparently healthy pigs and in-contact humans in the study area with S. xylosus and S. haemolyticus being the major species detected.Key words: Antibiotics, CoNS, pigs, humans

    Acoustic Events in the Solar Atmosphere from Hinode/SOT NFI observations

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    We investigate the properties of acoustic events (AEs), defined as spatially concentrated and short duration energy flux, in the quiet sun using observations of a 2D field of view (FOV) with high spatial and temporal resolution provided by the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) onboard \textit{Hinode}. Line profiles of Fe \textsc{i} 557.6 nm were recorded by the Narrow band Filter Imager (NFI) on a 82"×82"82" \times 82" FOV during 75 min with a time step of 28.75 s and 0.08"" pixel size. Vertical velocities were computed at three atmospheric levels (80, 130 and 180 km) using the bisector technique allowing the determination of energy flux in the range 3-10 mHz using two complementary methods (Hilbert transform and Fourier power spectra). Horizontal velocities were computed using local correlation tracking (LCT) of continuum intensities providing divergences. The net energy flux is upward. In the range 3-10 mHz, a full FOV space and time averaged flux of 2700 W m2^{-2} (lower layer 80-130 km) and 2000 W m2^{-2} (upper layer 130-180 km) is concentrated in less than 1% of the solar surface in the form of narrow (0.3"") AE. Their total duration (including rise and decay) is of the order of 10310^{3} s. Inside each AE, the mean flux is 1.61051.6 10^{5} W m2^{-2} (lower layer) and 1.21051.2 10^{5} W m2^{-2} (upper). Each event carries an average energy (flux integrated over space and time) of 2.510192.5 10^{19} J (lower layer) to 1.910191.9 10^{19} J (upper). More than 10610^{6} events could exist permanently on the Sun, with a birth and decay rate of 3500 s1^{-1}. Most events occur in intergranular lanes, downward velocity regions, and areas of converging motions.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    Solid pseudopapillary neoplasm of the pancreas in Sub-Saharan Africa: A case report and review of literature

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    Solid pseudopapillary neoplasm of the pancreas is a rare indolent malignant tumor mostly found in young women in the second and third decades of life. Only about 3000 cases have been reported in English literature, with none in the West African region. Here, we report to the best of our knowledge, the first histologically confirmed case of solid pseudopapillary neoplasm of the pancreas in West Africa. A 29-year-old woman with a slow-growing left upper abdominal mass of 10 months. Abdominal ultrasound and computed tomography scans revealed a cystic-solid mass arising from the tail of the pancreas. She underwent surgical excision of the mass, with post-operative histopathology findings in keeping with solid pseudopapillary neoplasm of the pancreas. This case report highlights the importance of improved abdominal imaging, histopathology and the need for increased awareness as a differential diagnosis of an intra-abdominal tumor, especially in young women

    Rural Women Processing Cassava in Doma Local Government Area of Central Nigeria Deserve Technical Assistance

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    The study was conducted in Doma Local Government Area (DLGA), of Nasarawa State in Central Nigeria.  The local government area is prominent for the production of cassava tubers and is made up of five districts.  There are a total of 10 villages in the five districts.  Ten women participating in cassava processing in each village were randomly selected making a total of 100 respondents for the study but only 73 of them were finally used for the study.  Data were subjected to descriptive statistics involving means, frequencies and percentages.  The finding of the study was that 84.0 percent of the respondents claimed non-existence of modern processing technologies recommendation in the study area.  Efforts should be intensified by relevant authority to persuade researchers to develop appropriate processing technologies commensurate with literacy level, skills of the processors and for the extension system organization to develop appropriate work-plan for the women processors with the view to minimizing their most pressing constraints. Keywords: Doma Local Government; cassava chips, flour, Gari, Starch, flow chart

    Foreign Body (Metallic Flashlight Cover) in the Urinary Bladder Mimicking Advanced Cancer of the Cervix: Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Foreign bodies in the urinary bladder are not uncommon, a great variety have been described, and most were self-inserted. We report the case of a 60-year-old widow who presented with irregular vaginal bleeding, urinary incontinence and terminal hematuria. On vaginal examination there wasan irregular cervical mass with the appearance of invasive carcinoma of the cervix, as well as a vesico-vaginal fistula. A plain abdominopelvic X-ray and ultrasound scan revealed a ring-like metallic object with the shape of a flashlight cover inside the bladder. Histological examination of biopsies taken from the cervical mass revealed only granulation tissue. The foreign body wasidentified as a flashlight head which was removed from the bladder via cystotomy

    Crustal structure of southeast Australia from teleseismic receiver functions

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    Abstract. In an effort to improve our understanding of the seismic character of the crust beneath southeast Australia and how it relates to the tectonic evolution of the region, we analyse teleseismic earthquakes recorded by 24 temporary and 8 permanent broadband stations using the receiver function method. Due to the proximity of the temporary stations to Bass Strait, only 13 of these stations yielded usable receiver functions, whereas seven permanent stations produced receiver functions for subsequent analysis. Crustal thickness, bulk seismic velocity properties, and internal crustal structure of the southern Tasmanides – an assemblage of Palaeozoic accretionary orogens that occupy eastern Australia – are constrained by H–κ stacking and receiver function inversion, which point to the following: a ∼ 39.0 km thick crust; an intermediate–high Vp/Vs ratio (∼ 1.70–1.76), relative to ak135; and a broad (> 10 km) crust–mantle transition beneath the Lachlan Fold Belt. These results are interpreted to represent magmatic underplating of mafic materials at the base of the crust. a complex crustal structure beneath VanDieland, a putative Precambrian continental fragment embedded in the southernmost Tasmanides, that features strong variability in the crustal thickness (23–37 km) and Vp/Vs ratio (1.65–193), the latter of which likely represents compositional variability and the presence of melt. The complex origins of VanDieland, which comprises multiple continental ribbons, coupled with recent failed rifting and intraplate volcanism, likely contributes to these observations. stations located in the East Tasmania Terrane and eastern Bass Strait (ETT + EB) collectively indicate a crust of uniform thickness (31–32 km), which clearly distinguishes it from VanDieland to the west. Moho depths are also compared with the continent-wide AusMoho model in southeast Australia and are shown to be largely consistent, except in regions where AusMoho has few constraints (e.g. Flinders Island). A joint interpretation of the new results with ambient noise, teleseismic tomography, and teleseismic shear wave splitting anisotropy helps provide new insight into the way that the crust has been shaped by recent events, including failed rifting during the break-up of Australia and Antarctica and recent intraplate volcanism.PhD study of lead author has been jointly funded by Abubakar TafawaBalewa University (ATBU

    The Incidence of Extended-Spectrum Beta- Lactamase (ESBL)-Producing Bacteria in Salad Vegetables in Ondo City, Nigeria

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    Staff PublicationAim: This study was carried out to determine the occurrence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) producing bacteria in salad vegetables in Ondo City, Nigeria. Study Design: An experimental study design with randomized sampling. Place and Duration of the Study: The research was carried out in the Department of Biological Sciences of Wesley University, Ondo State, Nigeria. Methodology: Samples of cucumber, carrot, green pea, green beans, sweet corn and cabbage were analysed on appropriate agar medium. Pure isolates were identified by biochemical tests and confirmation was done by the use of API 20 E and API 20 NE in accordance with standard procedures. ESBLs screening was carried out using the double disk synergy test. Data were statistically analyzed using MedCalc statistical software (version 17.2). Results: Total viable bacterial counts (TVBCs) ranged from 1.1 × 103 to 7.1 x 105 cfu/ml; total coliform counts (TCC) ranged from 1.2 x 102 to 3.9 x 103 cfu/ml while total faecal counts (TFC) ranged from 0 to 2.9 × 102 cfu/ml. There were statistical differences in mean TVBCs of the samples (P 0.05). One hundred and sixty (166) isolates obtained from the samples were identified as Bacillus cereus, Citrobacter freundii, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Morganella morganii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus mirabilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Serratia marcesens and Staphylococcus saprophyticus. At least one member of all bacterial species, except S. saprophyticus, produced ESBL. Conclusion: This study revealed that salad vegetables could be a vehicle for the spread of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing bacteria which translates to a threat to public health around the world as salads are loved and consumed by all categories of people globally