5 research outputs found

    Telomere length and genetic anticipation in lynch syndrome

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    Telomere length variation has been associated with increased risk of several types of tumors, and telomere shortening, with genetic anticipation in a number of genetic diseases including hereditary cancer syndromes. No conclusive studies have been performed for Lynch syndrome, a hereditary colorectal cancer syndrome caused by germline mutations in the DNA mismatch repair genes. Here we evaluate telomere length in Lynch syndrome, both as a cancer risk factor and as a mechanism associated with anticipation in the age of cancer onset observed in successive generations of Lynch syndrome families. Leukocyte telomere length was measured in 244 mismatch repair gene mutation carriers from 96 Lynch syndrome families and in 234 controls using a monochrome multiplex quantitative PCR method. Cancer-affected mutation carriers showed significantly shorter telomeres than cancer-free mutation carriers. In addition, cancer-affected carriers showed the most pronounced shortening of telomere length with age, compared with unaffected carriers. The anticipation in the age of cancer onset observed in successive generations was not associated with telomere shortening, although, interestingly, all mother-son pairs showed telomere shortening. In conclusion, cancer-affected mismatch repair gene mutation carriers have distinct telomere-length pattern and dynamics. However, anticipation in the age of onset is not explained by telomere shortening. Pending further study, our findings suggest that telomere attrition might explain the previously reported dependence of cancer risk on the parent-of-origin of mismatch repair gene mutations

    Longer telomeres are associated with cancer risk in MMR-proficient hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer

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    Aberrant telomere length measured in blood has been associated with increased risk of several cancer types. In the field of hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (CRC), and more particularly in Lynch syndrome, caused by germline mutations in the mismatch repair (MMR) genes, we recently found that cancer-affected MMR gene mutation carriers had shorter telomeres and more pronounced shortening of telomere length with age than controls and unaffected MMR gene mutation carriers. Here we evaluate blood telomere length in MMR-proficient hereditary non-polyposis CRC, i.e. familial CRC type X (fCRC-X). A total of 57 cancer-affected and 57 cancer-free individuals from 34 Amsterdam-positive fCRC-X families were analyzed and compared to the data previously published on 144 cancer-affected and 100 cancer-free MMR gene mutation carriers, and 234 controls. Relative telomere length was measured using a monochrome multiplex quantitative PCR method, following strict measures to avoid sources of bias and adjusting by age. Despite the retrospective nature of our study, the results show that longer telomeres associate with cancer risk in fCRC-X, thus identifying different patterns of telomere length according to the status of the MMR system

    Caracterización molecular y búsqueda de causas genéticas del cáncer colorrectal hereditario no polipósico

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    [spa] La presente tesis doctoral consta de 4 proyectos independientes centrados en el estudio de las causas genéticas del cáncer colorrectal (CCR) hereditario: A) Estudio de una variante común (rs2075786) en el gen de la telomerasa como modificador de riesgo de cáncer en síndrome de Lynch: Identificamos un incremento de riesgo de desarrollar un cáncer asociado al síndrome de Lynch (SL) en los pacientes jóvenes (<45 años) con el genotipo AA para rs2075786, los cuales mostraron telómeros más cortos que aquellos con el genotipo GG. Análisis in silico posteriores predijeron la rotura de un sitio de unión a retinoides con efecto modulador de la transcripción, lo cual podría implicar una activación más temprana de la actividad telomerasa. B) Caracterización de tumores desarrollados en el contexto del cáncer colorrectal familiar tipo X: Se realizó una caracterización de los tumores desarrollados en el contexto del cáncer colorrectal familiar de tipo X (CCRFX), comparando los resultados obtenidos con las características propias del CCR esporádico sin fallos en el sistema reparador de bases desapareadas. La caracterización incluyó: a) El estudio del patrón cromosómico: Los resultados obtenidos mostraron patrones de alta inestabilidad cromosómica muy cercanos a los reportados en los casos de CCR esporádico. Sin embargo, revelaron una mayor frecuencia de ganancias en los brazos 2p y 2q, y una mayor frecuencia de pérdidas de 10q al considerar sólo los casos Ámsterdam I. b) El screening de mutaciones en los genes KRAS, BRAF, TP53 y PIK3CA, implicados en las vías de desarrollo del cáncer: Mientras que las frecuencias mutacionales de KRAS, BRAF y PIK3CA alcanzaron valores similares en los dos grupos estudiados, los tumores CCRFX mostraron una carga de mutaciones para TP53 cercana a la mitad de la identificada en los tumores de colon esporádicos, aunque esta diferencia no alcanzó niveles significativos. c) El análisis del estado de metilación de las islas CpG: El estudio de 25 tumores CCRFX identificó un bajo nivel de metilación general para la gran mayoría (88%) de los tumores analizados (≤3/8 promotores de genes metilados). C) Caracterización de tumores desarrollados en el contexto del cáncer colorrectal familiar tipo X: Realizamos la secuenciación del dominio exonucleasa de POLE y POLD1 en 441 pacientes con CCR familiar no polipósico y en otros 88 afectos de poliposis. Como resultado, se identificaron seis mutaciones nuevas o raras en POLD1, cuatro de ellas mostrando evidencias de patogenicidad. Además, se realizó una revisión exhaustiva de los casos identificados previamente en la literatura, elaborándose unas guías de recomendación para el estudio genético de POLE y POLD1, así como para el seguimiento preventivo de portadores. D) Búsqueda de la causa genética del CCRFX mediante ultra-secuenciación de exomas: Con la intención de identificar genes causantes de la agregación familiar presente en el CCRFX, los exomas de tres individuos afectos con CCR de una misma familia con CCRFX fueron secuenciados. Las variantes genéticas identificadas en los tres individuos fueron sometidas a varios procesos de cribado, en base al tipo de mutación y su impacto sobre la proteína, su ausencia en poblaciones control o la relevancia de la función del gen. Varias mutaciones fueron seleccionados para su estudio en profundidad, incluyendo: cosegregación de la variante con la enfermedad, búsqueda de un segundo evento inactivante del alelo salvaje, estudios de predicción in sílico, revisión bibliográfica o búsqueda de mutaciones adicionales en series de pacientes con CCR familiar. En base a los resultados obtenidos, propusimos un modelo poligénico en el que mutaciones en los genes BRF1, BARD1 y CLCA1 estarían contribuyendo a la predisposición al CCR presente en la familia estudiada.[eng] The herein thesis “Caracterización molecular y búsqueda de causas genéticas del cáncer colorrectal hereditario no polipósico” (in English, “Molecular characterization and search for genetic causes in the hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer”) comprises four different studies: A) Genetic variant rs2075786 in the telomerase gene modifies cancer risk in Lynch syndrome: We found an association between the rs2075786 A allele, specially in homozygosity, with increased cancer risk of developing cancer in Lynch syndrome (LS) carriers under the age of 45. Besides, cancer-affected LS patients with the AA genotype have shorter telomeres than those with GG. In silico studies predicted that the SNP causes the disruption of a transcription binding site for a retinoid receptor, probably provoking early telomerase activation. B) Comprehensive molecular characterisation of hereditary non-polyposis colorectal tumours with mismatch repair proficiency. Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal tumours showed presence of high chromosomal instability and a higher frequency of chromosome 2p and 2q gains and of 10 q loss, when comparing to sporadic colorectal tumors with mismatch repair proficiency. No statistically significant differences between these two groups were found in the frequency of BRAF, KRAS, PIK3CA and TP53 mutations. Besides, hereditary non-polyposis colorectal tumours showed a low degree of CpG islands methylation. C) Study of the impact of POLE and POLD1 mutations in the familial colorectal cancer and/or polyposis. The exonuclease domains of POLE and POLD1 were studied 441 kindreds with familial non-polyposis colorectal cancer (CRC) and 88 with polyposis. Six novel or rare POLD1 variants, four of them with strong evidence for pathogenicity, were identified in non-polyposis CRC families. We also suggested some recommendations for POLE and POLD1 mutation screening and to define the clinical management of mutation carriers D) Search for the genetic cause of the colorectal cancer type X by whole-exome sequencing. In order to find the genetic cause of the familial colorectal cancer type-X, we sequenced the whole exome of three CRC affected relatives from the same type-X family. After several steps of mutations filtering and extensive experimental and in silico studies, we proposed a poly-genic model to explain the CRC aggregation within the family, in which mutations in BRF1, BARD1 and CLCA1 would be contributing to the familiar CRC predisposition

    Longer telomeres are associated with cancer risk in MMR-proficient hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer

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    Aberrant telomere length measured in blood has been associated with increased risk of several cancer types. In the field of hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (CRC), and more particularly in Lynch syndrome, caused by germline mutations in the mismatch repair (MMR) genes, we recently found that cancer-affected MMR gene mutation carriers had shorter telomeres and more pronounced shortening of telomere length with age than controls and unaffected MMR gene mutation carriers. Here we evaluate blood telomere length in MMR-proficient hereditary non-polyposis CRC, i.e. familial CRC type X (fCRC-X). A total of 57 cancer-affected and 57 cancer-free individuals from 34 Amsterdam-positive fCRC-X families were analyzed and compared to the data previously published on 144 cancer-affected and 100 cancer-free MMR gene mutation carriers, and 234 controls. Relative telomere length was measured using a monochrome multiplex quantitative PCR method, following strict measures to avoid sources of bias and adjusting by age. Despite the retrospective nature of our study, the results show that longer telomeres associate with cancer risk in fCRC-X, thus identifying different patterns of telomere length according to the status of the MMR system

    Telomere length and genetic anticipation in lynch syndrome

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    Telomere length variation has been associated with increased risk of several types of tumors, and telomere shortening, with genetic anticipation in a number of genetic diseases including hereditary cancer syndromes. No conclusive studies have been performed for Lynch syndrome, a hereditary colorectal cancer syndrome caused by germline mutations in the DNA mismatch repair genes. Here we evaluate telomere length in Lynch syndrome, both as a cancer risk factor and as a mechanism associated with anticipation in the age of cancer onset observed in successive generations of Lynch syndrome families. Leukocyte telomere length was measured in 244 mismatch repair gene mutation carriers from 96 Lynch syndrome families and in 234 controls using a monochrome multiplex quantitative PCR method. Cancer-affected mutation carriers showed significantly shorter telomeres than cancer-free mutation carriers. In addition, cancer-affected carriers showed the most pronounced shortening of telomere length with age, compared with unaffected carriers. The anticipation in the age of cancer onset observed in successive generations was not associated with telomere shortening, although, interestingly, all mother-son pairs showed telomere shortening. In conclusion, cancer-affected mismatch repair gene mutation carriers have distinct telomere-length pattern and dynamics. However, anticipation in the age of onset is not explained by telomere shortening. Pending further study, our findings suggest that telomere attrition might explain the previously reported dependence of cancer risk on the parent-of-origin of mismatch repair gene mutations