460 research outputs found

    Selective enhancement of topologically induced interface states in a dielectric resonator chain

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    The recent realization of topological phases in insulators and superconductors has advanced the quest for robust quantum technologies. The prospects to implement the underlying topological features controllably has given incentive to explore optical platforms for analogous realizations. Here we realize a topologically induced defect state in a chain of dielectric microwave resonators and show that the functionality of the system can be enhanced by supplementing topological protection with non-hermitian symmetries that do not have an electronic counterpart. We draw on a characteristic topological feature of the defect state, namely, that it breaks a sublattice symmetry. This isolates the state from losses that respect parity-time symmetry, which enhances its visibility relative to all other states both in the frequency and in the time domain. This mode selection mechanism naturally carries over to a wide range of topological and parity-time symmetric optical platforms, including couplers, rectifiers and lasers.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, + supplementary information (3 pages, 4 figures

    Late Quaternary evolution of gravel deposits in Tromper Wiek, South-western Baltic Sea

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    The Late Quaternary history of the Baltic Sea is marked by a complex sequence of glacial, lacustrine and marine phases (late Pleistocene, Baltic Ice Lake, Yoldia Lake, Ancylus Lake, Littorina Sea). Boomer data, acquired in October 2004, permitted to improve the knowledge of the late Quaternary geological evolution of Tromper Wiek, a semienclosed bay, located in the north-eastern part of Rügen Island. The sedimentary deposits can be subdivided in 6 seismic units (U1 to U6). The upper part of the lowest unit (U1) corresponds to Pleistocene till. Channels incise the top of this till (surface S2), probably created during the first drainage of the Baltic Sea during the Late Glacial. Subsequent channel filling (U2) occurred in two phases beginning with chaotic deposits, probably fluviatile of origin, followed by graded deposits. This filling was stopped by an erosive period with the formation of surface S3, showing channels at the same location as S2. The facies of the channel filling (U3 and U4), during a second phase, is similar to the first one, but resembles a prograding sediment body, intercalated between the two units in the shallower part. U3 shows a bar-shaped deposit at its top. The facies of U4 is very similar to a barrier/back-barrier facies similar to the facies of unit U5, partly composed of gravel. The deposits of U6 correspond to the post-Littorina Sea deposits. The presence of gravel is linked to coastal cliffs, in which chalk layers, pushed up by glaciers, alternate with sections of till and meltwater deposits and with submarine outcrops of till. Gravel deposits are present in unit U5. They are strongly linked to the presence of a barrier. Four of the six units show a barrier facies (U2, U3, U4 and U5); gravel deposits could be present inside all of these units and would represent a larger deposit than estimated previously

    Disordered graphene and boron nitride in a microwave tight-binding analog

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    Experiments on hexagonal graphene-like structures using microwave measuring techniques are presented. The lowest transverse-electric resonance of coupled dielectric disks sandwiched between two metallic plates establishes a tight-binding configuration. The nearest-neighbor coupling approximation is investigated in systems with few disks. Taking advantage of the high flexibility of the disks positions, consequences of the disorder introduced in the graphene lattice on the Dirac points are investigated. Using two different types of disks, a boron-nitride-like structure (a hexagonal lattice with a two-atom basis) is implemented, showing the appearance of a band gap.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figure

    Domain wall structure in magnetic bilayers with perpendicular anisotropy

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    We study the magnetic domain wall structure in magnetic bilayers (two ultrathin ferromagnetic layers separated by a non magnetic spacer) with perpendicular magnetization. Combining magnetic force and ballistic electron emission microscopies, we are able to reveal the details of the magnetic structure of the wall with a high spatial accuracy. In these layers, we show that the classical Bloch wall observed in single layers transforms into superposed N\'eel walls due to the magnetic coupling between the ferromagnetic layers. Quantitative agreement with micromagnetic calculations is achieved.Comment: Author adresses AB, SR, JM and AT: Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, CNRS, Universit\'e Paris Sud, UMR 8502, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France ML : Laboratoire PMTM, Institut Galil\'ee, CNRS, Universit\'e Paris-13, UPR 9001, 93430 Villetaneuse, Franc

    Broadband integrated beam splitter using spatial adiabatic passage

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    Light routing and manipulation are important aspects of integrated optics. They essentially rely on beam splitters which are at the heart of interferometric setups and active routing. The most common implementations of beam splitters suffer either from strong dispersive response (directional couplers) or tight fabrication tolerances (multimode interference couplers). In this paper we fabricate a robust and simple broadband integrated beam splitter based on lithium niobate with a splitting ratio achromatic over more than 130 nm. Our architecture is based on spatial adiabatic passage, a technique originally used to transfer entirely an optical beam from a waveguide to another one that has been shown to be remarkably robust against fabrication imperfections and wavelength dispersion. Our device shows a splitting ratio of 0.52±\pm 0.03 and 0.48±\pm 0.03 from 1500\,nm up to 1630\,nm. Furthermore, we show that suitable design enables the splitting in output beams with relative phase 0 or π\pi. Thanks to their independence to material dispersion, these devices represent simple, elementary components to create achromatic and versatile photonic circuits

    Geo-environmental characterization of the Kwinte Bank

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    A detailed geomorphological and sedimentological study has been performed at a tidal sandbank, which has been dredged during 30 years. Localised intensive aggregate extraction created a depression in the central part of the sandbank, upon which the Government decided to close this section of the bank for further exploitation. Multibeam and side-scan sonar technology was used to survey the bank, in combination with extensive ground-truthing. Automated seabed classification was performed, but showed no direct correlation with the mean grain-size; the primary drivers influencing the classification being the sorting of the sediments, the presence of shells and of fine sediments. Very high resolution seismics revealed the internal architecture of the bank. In the central depression, the upper unit is locally severely dredged.The central depression is characterized by distinct morphosedimentary facies, compared to the western and eastern part of the bank and the Kwinte swale, adjacent of it. The difference between the western and the eastern part is essentially due to different tidal current characteristics, each having their particular sedimentation-erosion patterns. These processes seem to be rather stable, though the evolution of the sediments in the central depression shows similarities with the Kwinte swale sediment evolution.Since the depression is somewhat oblique to the normal crestline, it now forms an open transport pathway from the swale up to the crest of the sandbank. This led to a canalization of the flood current which is witnessed mostly by the northwards and faster progression of bedforms. Because of the difference in sediment characteristics between the dredged material and the present-day supply of sand, it is unlikely that natural processes will be able to counterbalance the severe dredging activities.Moreover, the presence of the central depression is located close to the kink of the sand bank, which is influenced by a high-energy hydrodynamic regime. Its presence could intensify the current action in this area and could enhance the evolution of the bank

    Morphological evolution of the Kwinte Bank central depression before and after the cessation of aggregate extraction

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    Analyses of the records of ships registers and Electronic Monitoring Systems, of the trailer suction hopper dredgers, operating on the Belgian Continental Shelf, reveal that since the beginning of extraction in 1976, 75% of the total extracted volume originates from only one sandbank, the Kwinte Bank. At present, two morphologically-distinguished depressions are observed along the two most dredged areas of this sandbank: one in the central; and one in the northern part of the bank. In order to limit the impact of sand extraction on the bathymetry, the central depression of the Kwinte Bank was closed for exploitation, in February 2003. An understanding of the morphological evolution of this central depression is based upon data obtained: (a) from November 1999, until the closure for extraction in February 2003; and (b) on the subsequent post-dredging evolution, until June 2005. During this 5-year period, a total of 17 surveys were carried out with a multibeam echosounder over the area of the central depression (KBMA) and over a reference zone on an adjacent non-exploited sandbank. The resulting time-series of bathymetrical digital terrain models, together with backscatter strength maps, permit a detailed comparison of the bathy-morphological and sedimentary evolution of both of the monitored areas. Since the commencement of multibeam monitoring in 1999, an overall deepening (by 0.5m) of the entire KBMA monitoring zone is observed, until the cessation of dredging, in February 2003. Subsequently, the deepening slowed down and the variation in sediment volumes became similar to that of the adjacent non-exploited sandbank. From this, marine aggregate extraction appears to have only a local impact

    Accurate Anisotropic Fast Marching for Diffusion-Based Geodesic Tractography

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    Using geodesics for inferring white matter fibre tracts from diffusion-weighted MR data is an attractive method for at least two reasons: (i) the method optimises a global criterion, and hence is less sensitive to local perturbations such as noise or partial volume effects, and (ii) the method is fast, allowing to infer on a large number of connexions in a reasonable computational time. Here, we propose an improved fast marching algorithm to infer on geodesic paths. Specifically, this procedure is designed to achieve accurate front propagation in an anisotropic elliptic medium, such as DTI data. We evaluate the numerical performance of this approach on simulated datasets, as well as its robustness to local perturbation induced by fiber crossing. On real data, we demonstrate the feasibility of extracting geodesics to connect an extended set of brain regions