70 research outputs found

    ATLAS liquid argon calorimeter back end electronics

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    The Liquid Argon calorimeters play a central role in the ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC Apparatus) experiment. The environment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) imposes strong constraints on the detectors readout systems. In order to achieve very high precision measurements, the detector signals are processed at various stages before reaching the Data Acquisition system (DAQ). Signals from the calorimeter cells are received by on-detector Front End Boards (FEB), which sample the incoming pulse every 25ns and digitize it at a trigger rate of up to 75~kHz. Off-detector Read Out Driver (ROD) boards further process the data and send reconstructed quantities to the DAQ while also monitoring the data quality. In this paper, the ATLAS Liquid Argon electronics chain is described first, followed by a detailed description of the off-detector readout system. Finally, the tests performed on the system are summarized

    Contribution du CNRS/IN2P3 Ă  l'upgrade d'ATLAS. Proposition soumise au Conseil Scientifique de l'IN2P3 du 21 Juin 2012

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    Search for non-Gaussian events in the data of the VIRGO E4 engineering run

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    The Virgo data acquisition system

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    The gravitational wave detector VIRGO

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    La Programmation orientée aspect dans le framework LargOnline

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    La Programmation Orientée Aspect (AOP en anglais) est un paradigme de programmation qui permet de séparer les considérations techniques (aspect en anglais) comme le logging, la persistance, l'authentification, des descriptions métier (c.-à-d. fonctionnalités des classes) dans une application. Cette technique a été appliquée dans le framework LargOnline développé (en C++) dans le cadre du système de lecture du Calorimètre électromagnétique à Argon liquide d'ATLAS. Je me propose de présenter rapidement la POA qui date de 1997 mais pas usitée dans notre milieu et de préciser pourquoi et comment cette technologie a été utilisée dans le code online du Calorimètre électromagnétique. Plusieurs aspects (notamment le profiling, debugging, point de rendez-vous, adaptateur) ont été implémentés en C++ de manière dynamique

    Development of an ATCA IPMI Controller Mezzanine Board and its usage on an ATCA ROD Evaluator board for the ATLAS LAr upgrade

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    In the context of the LHC upgrades, a new Read-Out Driver (ROD) board for the ATLAS LAr calorimeter is being developed. xTCA (Advanced/Micro Telecom Computing Architecture) is becoming a standard in high energy physics and is a serious candidate for future readout systems. We will present our current developments to master ATCA and to integrate a large number of very high speed links (96 links/8.5 Gbps) on a ROD Evaluator ATCA board. To manage our ROD Evaluator, we have developed a versatile ATCA IPMI controller for ATCA boards which is FPGA Mezzanine Card (FMC) compliant
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