9,144 research outputs found

    Strategic Operations Research and the Edelman Prize Finalist Applications 1989-1998

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    In an earlier study we examined the available evidence on the Edelman Prize finalist applications 1989-1998. This study concluded that 13 of the 42 private sector applications provide examples of strategic operations research (SOR) when SOR is defined as operations research that creates a sustainable competitive advantage. In a follow-up study we tested our classifications, gathering longitudinal information on the continued success of the Edelman applications. We contacted people who were familiar with all the private sector applications that were Edelman finalists 1989-1996 and had at least five years of history since the competition. We describe the post-Edelman history of these applications and use this data to reassess their strategic role. We found that the longitudinal data provides evidence to support our original classification, but also suggests that several additional applications were more strategic than was originally apparent. We conclude that almost 60% (20 of 34) of these applications created a sustainable competitive advantage for their firms and provide examples of SOR

    Approaching the Problem of Time with a Combined Semiclassical-Records-Histories Scheme

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    I approach the Problem of Time and other foundations of Quantum Cosmology using a combined histories, timeless and semiclassical approach. This approach is along the lines pursued by Halliwell. It involves the timeless probabilities for dynamical trajectories entering regions of configuration space, which are computed within the semiclassical regime. Moreover, the objects that Halliwell uses in this approach commute with the Hamiltonian constraint, H. This approach has not hitherto been considered for models that also possess nontrivial linear constraints, Lin. This paper carries this out for some concrete relational particle models (RPM's). If there is also commutation with Lin - the Kuchar observables condition - the constructed objects are Dirac observables. Moreover, this paper shows that the problem of Kuchar observables is explicitly resolved for 1- and 2-d RPM's. Then as a first route to Halliwell's approach for nontrivial linear constraints that is also a construction of Dirac observables, I consider theories for which Kuchar observables are formally known, giving the relational triangle as an example. As a second route, I apply an indirect method that generalizes both group-averaging and Barbour's best matching. For conceptual clarity, my study involves the simpler case of Halliwell 2003 sharp-edged window function. I leave the elsewise-improved softened case of Halliwell 2009 for a subsequent Paper II. Finally, I provide comments on Halliwell's approach and how well it fares as regards the various facets of the Problem of Time and as an implementation of QM propositions.Comment: An improved version of the text, and with various further references. 25 pages, 4 figure

    Decision-Makers\u27 Perceptions of the Value and Impact of Visual Interactive Modelling

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    This article reports results from surveying decision makers who had used a visual, interactive (VI) model to aid their decision making. The survey was a follow-up to an earlier survey of modelers who had built at least one VI model. The model builders reported on their practical experience with VI model building, including their assessment of decision makers\u27 reactions to their models. The present survey was conducted to sample decision makers directly, and the results generally confirm the high level of support and interest in VI models among decision makers

    New interpretation of variational principles for gauge theories. I. Cyclic coordinate alternative to ADM split

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    I show how there is an ambiguity in how one treats auxiliary variables in gauge theories including general relativity cast as 3 + 1 geometrodynamics. Auxiliary variables may be treated pre-variationally as multiplier coordinates or as the velocities corresponding to cyclic coordinates. The latter treatment works through the physical meaninglessness of auxiliary variables' values applying also to the end points (or end spatial hypersurfaces) of the variation, so that these are free rather than fixed. [This is also known as variation with natural boundary conditions.] Further principles of dynamics workings such as Routhian reduction and the Dirac procedure are shown to have parallel counterparts for this new formalism. One advantage of the new scheme is that the corresponding actions are more manifestly relational. While the electric potential is usually regarded as a multiplier coordinate and Arnowitt, Deser and Misner have regarded the lapse and shift likewise, this paper's scheme considers new {\it flux}, {\it instant} and {\it grid} variables whose corresponding velocities are, respectively, the abovementioned previously used variables. This paper's way of thinking about gauge theory furthermore admits interesting generalizations, which shall be provided in a second paper.Comment: 11 page

    Emergent Semiclassical Time in Quantum Gravity. I. Mechanical Models

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    Strategies intended to resolve the problem of time in quantum gravity by means of emergent or hidden timefunctions are considered in the arena of relational particle toy models. In situations with `heavy' and `light' degrees of freedom, two notions of emergent semiclassical WKB time emerge; these are furthermore equivalent to two notions of emergent classical `Leibniz--Mach--Barbour' time. I futhermore study the semiclassical approach, in a geometric phase formalism, extended to include linear constraints, and with particular care to make explicit those approximations and assumptions used. I propose a new iterative scheme for this in the cosmologically-motivated case with one heavy degree of freedom. I find that the usual semiclassical quantum cosmology emergence of time comes hand in hand with the emergence of other qualitatively significant terms, including back-reactions on the heavy subsystem and second time derivatives. I illustrate my analysis by taking it further for relational particle models with linearly-coupled harmonic oscillator potentials. As these examples are exactly soluble by means outside the semiclassical approach, they are additionally useful for testing the justifiability of some of the approximations and assumptions habitually made in the semiclassical approach to quantum cosmology. Finally, I contrast the emergent semiclassical timefunction with its hidden dilational Euler time counterpart.Comment: References Update

    Foundations of Relational Particle Dynamics

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    Relational particle dynamics include the dynamics of pure shape and cases in which absolute scale or absolute rotation are additionally meaningful. These are interesting as regards the absolute versus relative motion debate as well as discussion of conceptual issues connected with the problem of time in quantum gravity. In spatial dimension 1 and 2 the relative configuration spaces of shapes are n-spheres and complex projective spaces, from which knowledge I construct natural mechanics on these spaces. I also show that these coincide with Barbour's indirectly-constructed relational dynamics by performing a full reduction on the latter. Then the identification of the configuration spaces as n-spheres and complex projective spaces, for which spaces much mathematics is available, significantly advances the understanding of Barbour's relational theory in spatial dimensions 1 and 2. I also provide the parallel study of a new theory for which positon and scale are purely relative but orientation is absolute. The configuration space for this is an n-sphere regardless of the spatial dimension, which renders this theory a more tractable arena for investigation of implications of scale invariance than Barbour's theory itself.Comment: Minor typos corrected; references update

    Triangleland. I. Classical dynamics with exchange of relative angular momentum

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    In Euclidean relational particle mechanics, only relative times, relative angles and relative separations are meaningful. Barbour--Bertotti (1982) theory is of this form and can be viewed as a recovery of (a portion of) Newtonian mechanics from relational premises. This is of interest in the absolute versus relative motion debate and also shares a number of features with the geometrodynamical formulation of general relativity, making it suitable for some modelling of the problem of time in quantum gravity. I also study similarity relational particle mechanics (`dynamics of pure shape'), in which only relative times, relative angles and {\sl ratios of} relative separations are meaningful. This I consider firstly as it is simpler, particularly in 1 and 2 d, for which the configuration space geometry turns out to be well-known, e.g. S^2 for the `triangleland' (3-particle) case that I consider in detail. Secondly, the similarity model occurs as a sub-model within the Euclidean model: that admits a shape--scale split. For harmonic oscillator like potentials, similarity triangleland model turns out to have the same mathematics as a family of rigid rotor problems, while the Euclidean case turns out to have parallels with the Kepler--Coulomb problem in spherical and parabolic coordinates. Previous work on relational mechanics covered cases where the constituent subsystems do not exchange relative angular momentum, which is a simplifying (but in some ways undesirable) feature paralleling centrality in ordinary mechanics. In this paper I lift this restriction. In each case I reduce the relational problem to a standard one, thus obtain various exact, asymptotic and numerical solutions, and then recast these into the original mechanical variables for physical interpretation.Comment: Journal Reference added, minor updates to References and Figure

    Target-distractor synchrony affects performance in a novel motor task for studying action selection

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    The study of action selection in humans can present challenges of task design since our actions are usually defined by many degrees of freedom and therefore occupy a large action-space. While saccadic eye-movement offers a more constrained paradigm for investigating action selection, the study of reach-and-grasp in upper limbs has often been defined by more complex scenarios, not easily interpretable in terms of such selection. Here we present a novel motor behaviour task which addresses this by limiting the action space to a single degree of freedom in which subjects have to track (using a stylus) a vertical coloured target line displayed on a tablet computer, whilst ignoring a similarly oriented distractor line in a different colour. We ran this task with 55 subjects and showed that, in agreement with previous studies, the presence of the distractor generally increases the movement latency and directional error rate. Further, we used two distractor conditions according to whether the distractor's location changes asynchronously or synchronously with the location of the target. We found that the asynchronous distractor yielded poorer performance than its synchronous counterpart, with significantly higher movement latencies and higher error rates. We interpret these results in an action selection framework with two actions (move left or right) and competing 'action requests' offered by the target and distractor. As such, the results provide insights into action selection performance in humans and supply data for directly constraining future computational models therein

    Drift versus selection as drivers of phenotypic divergence at small spatial scales: The case of Belgjarskógur threespine stickleback

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    Divergence in phenotypic traits is facilitated by a combination of natural selection, phenotypic plasticity, gene flow, and genetic drift, whereby the role of drift is expected to be particularly important in small and isolated populations. Separating the components of phenotypic divergence is notoriously difficult, particularly for multivariate phenotypes. Here, we assessed phenotypic divergence of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) across 19 semi‐interconnected ponds within a small geographic region (~7.5 km2) using comparisons of multivariate phenotypic divergence (PST), neutral genetic (FST), and environmental (EST) variation. We found phenotypic divergence across the ponds in a suite of functionally relevant phenotypic traits, including feeding, defense, and swimming traits, and body shape (geometric morphometric). Comparisons of PSTs with FSTs suggest that phenotypic divergence is predominantly driven by neutral processes or stabilizing selection, whereas phenotypic divergence in defensive traits is in accordance with divergent selection. Comparisons of population pairwise PSTs with ESTs suggest that phenotypic divergence in swimming traits is correlated with prey availability, whereas there were no clear associations between phenotypic divergence and environmental difference in the other phenotypic groups. Overall, our results suggest that phenotypic divergence of these small populations at small geographic scales is largely driven by neutral processes (gene flow, drift), although environmental determinants (natural selection or phenotypic plasticity) may play a role.ISSN:2045-775

    Generating entangled atom-photon pairs from Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We propose using spontaneous Raman scattering from an optically driven Bose-Einstein condensate as a source of atom-photon pairs whose internal states are maximally entangled. Generating entanglement between a particle which is easily transmitted (the photon) and one which is easily trapped and coherently manipulated (an ultracold atom) will prove useful for a variety of quantum-information related applications. We analyze the type of entangled states generated by spontaneous Raman scattering and construct a geometry which results in maximum entanglement