2,269 research outputs found

    Safety, tolerability, and efficacy of fixed combination therapy with dorzolamide hydrochloride 2% and timolol maleate 0.5% in glaucoma and ocular hypertension.

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    Glaucoma is a collection of diseases characterized by multifactorial progressive changes leading to visual field loss and optic neuropathy most frequently due to elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). The goal of treatment is the lowering of the IOP to prevent additional optic nerve damage. Treatment usually begins with topical pharmacological agents as monotherapy, progresses to combination therapy with agents from up to 4 different classes of IOP-lowering medications, and then proceeds to laser or incisional surgical modalities for refractory cases. The fixed combination therapy with the carbonic anhydrase inhibitor dorzolamide hydrochloride 2% and the beta blocker timolol maleate 0.5% is now available in a generic formulation for the treatment of patients who have not responded sufficiently to monotherapy with beta adrenergic blockers. In pre- and postmarketing clinical studies, the fixed combination dorzolamide-timolol has been shown to be safe and efficacious, and well tolerated by patients. The fixed combination dorzolamide-timolol is convenient for patients, reduces their dosing regimen with the goal of increasing their compliance, reduces the effects of washout when instilling multiple drops, and reduces the preservative burden by reducing the number of drops administered per day

    Common data elements for pediatric traumatic brain injury: Recommendations from the working group on demographics and clinical assessment

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    The Common Data Elements (CDEs) initiative is a National Institutes of Health (NIH) interagency effort to standardize naming, definitions, and data structure for clinical research variables. Comparisons of the results of clinical studies of neurological disorders have been hampered by variability in data coding, definitions, and procedures for sample collection. The CDE project objective is to enable comparison of future clinical trials results in major neurological disorders, including traumatic brain injury (TBI), stroke, multiple sclerosis, and epilepsy. As part of this effort, recommendations for CDEs for research on TBI were developed through a 2009 multi-agency initiative. Following the initial recommendations of the Working Group on Demographics and Clinical Assessment, a separate workgroup developed recommendations on the coding of clinical and demographic variables specific to pediatric TBI studies for subjects younger than 18 years. This article summarizes the selection of measures by the Pediatric TBI Demographics and Clinical Assessment Working Group. The variables are grouped into modules which are grouped into categories. For consistency with other CDE working groups, each variable was classified by priority (core, supplemental, and emerging). Templates were produced to summarize coding formats, guide selection of data points, and provide procedural recommendations. This proposed standardization, together with the products of the other pediatric TBI working groups in imaging, biomarkers, and outcome assessment, will facilitate multi-center studies, comparison of results across studies, and high-quality meta-analyses of individual patient data

    Advancing our understanding of the connectivity, evolution and management of marine lobsters through genetics

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    The genomic revolution has provided powerful insights into the biology and ecology of many non-model organisms. Genetic tools have been increasingly applied to marine lobster research in recent years and have improved our understanding of species delimitation and population connectivity. High resolution genomic markers are just beginning to be applied to lobsters and are now starting to revolutionise our understanding of fine spatial and temporal scales of population connectivity and adaptation to environmental conditions. Lobsters play an important role in the ecosystem and many species are commercially exploited but many aspects of their biology is still largely unknown. Genetics is a powerful tool that can further contribute to our understanding of their ecology and evolution and assist management. Here we illustrate how recent genetic advancements are (1) leading to a step change in our understanding of evolution and adaptation, (2) elucidating factors driving connectivity and recruitment, (3) revealing insights into ecological processes and can (4) potentially revolutionise management of this commercially important group. We discuss how improvements in sequencing technologies and statistical methods for genetic data analyses combined with increased sampling efforts and careful sampling design have transformed our understanding of lobsters biology in recent years. We also highlight possible future directions in the application of genomic tools to lobster research that can aid management, in particular, the close-kin-mark-recapture method. Finally, we identify gaps and challenges in lobster research, such as the lack of any reference genomes and predictions on how lobsters will respond to future environmental conditions

    Outlier SNPs enable food traceability of the southern rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii

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    Recent advances in next-generation sequencing have enhanced the resolution of population genetic studies of non-model organisms through increased marker generation and sample throughput. Using double digest restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (ddRADseq), we investigated the population structure of the commercially important southern rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii, in Australia and New Zealand with the aim of identifying a panel of SNP markers that could be used to trace country of origin. Four ddRADseq libraries comprising a total of 88 individuals were sequenced on the Illumina MiSeq platform, and demultiplexed reads were used to create a reference catalog of loci. Individual reads were then mapped to the reference catalog, and variant calling was performed. We have characterized two single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) panels comprised in total of 656 SNPs. The first panel contained 535 neutral SNPs and the second, 121 outlier SNPs that were characteristic of being putatively under selection. Both neutral and outlier SNP panels showed significant differentiation between the two countries, with the outlier loci demonstrating much larger F(ST) values (F(ST) outlier SNP panel = 0.134, P < 0.0001; F(ST) neutral SNP panel = 0.022, P < 0.0001). Assignment tests performed with the outlier SNP panel allocated 100 % of the individuals to country of origin, demonstrating the usefulness of these markers for food traceability of J. edwardsii

    Influence of Persistent Wind Scour on the Surface Mass Balance of Antarctica

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    Accurate quantification of surface snow accumulation over Antarctica is a key constraint for estimates of the Antarctic mass balance, as well as climatic interpretations of ice-core records. Over Antarctica, near-surface winds accelerate down relatively steep surface slopes, eroding and sublimating the snow. This wind scour results in numerous localized regions (< or = 200 sq km) with reduced surface accumulation. Estimates of Antarctic surface mass balance rely on sparse point measurements or coarse atmospheric models that do not capture these local processes, and overestimate the net mass input in wind-scour zones. Here we combine airborne radar observations of unconformable stratigraphic layers with lidar-derived surface roughness measurements to identify extensive wind-scour zones over Dome A, in the interior of East Antarctica. The scour zones are persistent because they are controlled by bedrock topography. On the basis of our Dome A observations, we develop an empirical model to predict wind-scour zones across the Antarctic continent and find that these zones are predominantly located in East Antarctica. We estimate that approx. 2.7-6.6% of the surface area of Antarctica has persistent negative net accumulation due to wind scour, which suggests that, across the continent, the snow mass input is overestimated by 11-36.5 Gt /yr in present surface-mass-balance calculations

    The ugrizYJHK luminosity distributions and densities from the combined MGC, SDSS and UKIDSS LAS datasets

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    We combine data from the MGC, SDSS and UKIDSS LAS surveys to produce ugrizYJHK luminosity functions and densities from within a common, low redshift volume (z<0.1, ~71,000 h_1^-3 Mpc^3 for L* systems) with 100 per cent spectroscopic completeness. In the optical the fitted Schechter functions are comparable in shape to those previously reported values but with higher normalisations (typically 0, 30, 20, 15, 5 per cent higher phi*-values in u, g, r, i, z respectively over those reported by the SDSS team). We attribute these to differences in the redshift ranges probed, incompleteness, and adopted normalisation methods. In the NIR we find significantly different Schechter function parameters (mainly in the M* values) to those previously reported and attribute this to the improvement in the quality of the imaging data over previous studies. This is the first homogeneous measurement of the extragalactic luminosity density which fully samples both the optical and near-IR regimes. Unlike previous compilations that have noted a discontinuity between the optical and near-IR regimes our homogeneous dataset shows a smooth cosmic spectral energy distribution (CSED). After correcting for dust attenuation we compare our CSED to the expected values based on recent constraints on the cosmic star-formation history and the initial mass function.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, Accepted in MNRAS: 2010 January 18; in original form 2009 August 1

    Multidecadal Basal Melt Rates and Structure of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, Using Airborne Ice Penetrating Radar

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    Basal melting of ice shelves is a major source of mass loss from the Antarctic Ice Sheet. In situ measurements of ice shelf basal melt rates are sparse, while the more extensive estimates from satellite altimetry require precise information about firn density and characteristics of near‐surface layers. We describe a novel method for estimating multidecadal basal melt rates using airborne ice penetrating radar data acquired during a 3‐year survey of the Ross Ice Shelf. These data revealed an ice column with distinct upper and lower units whose thicknesses change as ice flows from the grounding line toward the ice front. We interpret the lower unit as continental meteoric ice that has flowed across the grounding line and the upper unit as ice formed from snowfall onto the relatively flat ice shelf. We used the ice thickness difference and strain‐induced thickness change of the lower unit between the survey lines, combined with ice velocities, to derive basal melt rates averaged over one to six decades. Our results are similar to satellite laser altimetry estimates for the period 2003–2009, suggesting that the Ross Ice Shelf melt rates have been fairly stable for several decades. We identify five sites of elevated basal melt rates, in the range 0.5–2 m a⁻¹, near the ice shelf front. These hot spots indicate pathways into the sub‐ice‐shelf ocean cavity for warm seawater, likely a combination of summer‐warmed Antarctic Surface Water and modified Circumpolar Deep Water, and are potential areas of ice shelf weakening if the ocean warms