40,200 research outputs found

    Light Element Abundance Inhomogeneities in Globular Clusters: Probing Star Formation and Evolution in the Early Milky Way

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    Abundance patterns of the elements C, N, and O are sensitive probes of stellar nucleosynthesis processes and, in addition, O abundances are an important input for stellar age determinations. Understanding the nature of the observed distribution of these elements is key to constraining protogalactic star formation history. Patterns deduced from low-resolution spectroscopy of the CN, CH, NH, and CO molecules for low-mass stars in their core-hydrogen or first shell-hydrogen burning phases in the oldest ensembles known, the Galactic globular star clusters, are reviewed. New results for faint stars in NGC 104 (47 Tuc, C0021-723) reveal that the bimodal, anticorrelated pattern of CN and CH strengths found among luminous evolved stars is also present in stars nearing the end of their main-sequence lifetimes. In the absence of known mechanisms to mix newly synthesized elements from the interior to the observable surface layers of such unevolved stars, those particular inhomogeneities imply that the original material from which the stars formed some 15 billion years ago was chemically inhomogeneous in the C and N elements. However, in other clusters, observations of abundance ratios and C isotope ratios suggest that alterations to surface chemical compositions are produced as stars evolve from the main sequence through the red giant branch. Thus, the current observed distributions of C, N, and O among the brightest stars (those also observed most often) may not reflect the true distribution from which the protocluster cloud formed. The picture which is emerging of the C, N and O abundance patterns within globular clusters may be one whichComment: 12 pages in uuencoded compressed postscript (including figures), to appear in the Canadian Journal of Physics (Special Issue in Honor of G. Herzberg

    Exact Quantum Solutions of Extraordinary N-body Problems

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    The wave functions of Boson and Fermion gases are known even when the particles have harmonic interactions. Here we generalise these results by solving exactly the N-body Schrodinger equation for potentials V that can be any function of the sum of the squares of the distances of the particles from one another in 3 dimensions. For the harmonic case that function is linear in r^2. Explicit N-body solutions are given when U(r) = -2M \hbar^{-2} V(r) = \zeta r^{-1} - \zeta_2 r^{-2}. Here M is the sum of the masses and r^2 = 1/2 M^{-2} Sigma Sigma m_I m_J ({\bf x}_I - {\bf x}_J)^2. For general U(r) the solution is given in terms of the one or two body problem with potential U(r) in 3 dimensions. The degeneracies of the levels are derived for distinguishable particles, for Bosons of spin zero and for spin 1/2 Fermions. The latter involve significant combinatorial analysis which may have application to the shell model of atomic nuclei. For large N the Fermionic ground state gives the binding energy of a degenerate white dwarf star treated as a giant atom with an N-body wave function. The N-body forces involved in these extraordinary N-body problems are not the usual sums of two body interactions, but nor are forces between quarks or molecules. Bose-Einstein condensation of particles in 3 dimensions interacting via these strange potentials can be treated by this method.Comment: 24 pages, Latex. Accepted for publication in Proceedings of the Royal Societ

    Discord and non-classicality in probabilistic theories

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    Quantum discord quantifies non-classical correlations in quantum states. We introduce discord for states in causal probabilistic theories, inspired by the original definition proposed in Ref. [17]. We show that the only probabilistic theory in which all states have null discord is classical probability theory. Non-null discord is then not just a quantum feature, but a generic signature of non-classicality.Comment: 5 pages, revtex styl

    Dominant mobility modulation by the electric field effect at the LaAlO_3 / SrTiO_3 interface

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    Caviglia et al. [Nature (London) 456, 624 (2008)] have found that the superconducting LaAlO_3 / SrTiO_3 interface can be gate modulated. A central issue is to determine the principal effect of the applied electric field. Using magnetotransport studies of a gated structure, we find that the mobility variation is almost five times as large as the sheet carrier density. Furthermore, superconductivity can be suppressed at both positive and negative gate bias. These results indicate that the relative disorder strength strongly increases across the superconductor-insulator transition.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    A note on heat and mass transfer from a sphere in Stokes\ud flow at low PĂ©clet number

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    We consider the low Péclet number, Pe ≪ 1, asymptotic solution for steady-state heat and mass transfer from a sphere immersed in Stokes flow with a Robin boundary condition on its surface, representing Newton cooling or a first-order chemical reaction. The application of van Dyke’s rule up to terms of O(Pe3) shows that the O(Pe3 log Pe) terms in the expression for the average Nusselt/Sherwood number are double those previously derived in the literature. Inclusion of the O(Pe3) terms is shown to increase significantly the range of validity of the expansion

    Unified criteria for multipartite quantum nonlocality

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    Wiseman and co-workers (Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 140402, 2007) proposed a distinction between the nonlocality classes of Bell's nonlocality, steering and entanglement based on whether or not an overseer trusts each party in a bipartite scenario where they are asked to demonstrate entanglement. Here we extend that concept to the multipartite case and derive inequalities that progressively test for those classes of nonlocality, with different thresholds for each level. This framework includes the three classes of nonlocality above in special cases and introduces a family of others.Comment: V2: corrected image display; V3: substantial changes including new proofs, arguments, and result

    The Effect of Ambient Temperature on Cold Start Urban Traffic Emissions for a Real World SI Car

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    The influence of ambient temperature on exhaust emissions for an instrumented Euro 1 SI car was determined. A real world test cycle was used, based on an urban drive cycle that was similar to the ECE urban drive cycle. It was based on four laps of a street circuit and an emissions sample bag was taken for each lap. The bag for the first lap was for the cold start emissions. An in-vehicle direct exhaust dual bag sampling technique was used to simultaneously collect exhaust samples upstream and downstream of the three-way catalyst (TWC). The cold start tests were conducted over a year, with ambient temperatures ranging from – 2°C to 32°C. The exhaust system was instrumented with thermocouples so that the catalyst light off temperature could be determined. The results showed that CO emissions for the cold start were reduced by a factor of 8 downstream of catalyst when ambient temperature rose from -2°C to 32°C, the corresponding hydrocarbon emissions were reduced by a factor of 4. There was no clear relationship between NOx emissions and ambient temperature. For subsequent laps of the test circuit the reduction of CO and HC emissions as a function of ambient temperature was lower. The time for catalyst light off increased by 50% as the ambient temperature was reduced. The results show that the vehicle used is unlikely to meet the new – 7oC cold start CO emission regulations
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