28 research outputs found

    Dermatological scientific production from European Union authors (1987-2000)

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    To evaluate the contribution to international dermatological literature made by authors from European Union (EU) countries. Using MedLine, a selection was made of articles by EU authors published between 1987 and 2000 in 32 dermatological journals, classified as such by the Institute for Scientific Information. Overall 19,225 documents were published by European authors in the selected dermatological journals from 1987 to 2000. The leading countries in terms of output were the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and France. The leading countries in number of articles after taking into account the gross domestic product and the population were Denmark, Finland and Sweden. The main journals were the British Journal of Dermatology (14.5% of articles from European authors), Contact Dermatitis (13.7%), Journal of Investigative Dermatology (7.3%), Journal of American Academy of Dermatology (6.4%), and Acta Dermato-Venereologica (6.1%). The country with the highest output of papers by journal was the United Kingdom (11 journals) followed by Germany (9 journals), Italy (6 journals), France (3 journals), Spain (2 journals) and Sweden (1 journal). In conclusions: the scientific production of European Union research on dermatology is highest in northern countries

    Therapeutic goals and treatment response evaluation in moderate to severe psoriasis: an experts opinion document

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    Objective: To critically analyse and define therapeutic objectives, response to treatment evaluation and related decisions in psoriasis. Methods: Expert consensus meetings, a systematic and narrative reviews and a collaborative Delphi procedure were carried out. A steering committee from the Spanish Group of Psoriasis was established who based on the reviews generated a set of related statements. Subsequently, a group of 40 experts tested their agreement with the statements, through 3 Delphi rounds. Results: We found a great variability in clinical guidelines regarding to the definition of treatment goal and the response. In general, treatment failure was considered if a PASI50 is not achieved. The panel of experts agreed on (1) clearly differentiate between ideal and a realistic goals when establishing the therapeutic goal in moderate to severe psoriasis; (2) treatment goals should be in general established regardless of the type of drug for psoriasis; (3) treatment failure if PASI75 response is not reached; (4) an absolute PASI is in general preferred to the rate of PASI improvement from baseline; (5) disease characteristics, patients and physicians opinions/needs and treatment adherence influence treatment goals. Conclusions: A clear treatment decision making framework is vital to improve management of psoriasis.KEY MESSAGES Psoriasis characteristics, patients and physicians opinions/needs and treatment adherence influence treatment goals. Different disease indexes could be used to assess treatment response but absolute PASI is preferred In general psoriasis treatment failure should be considered if PASI75 response is not reachedThis project was promoted and funded by the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV) with unrestricted grant from Leo Pharma

    Análisis de la demanda asistencial en dermatología de la población inmigrante

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    Objetivos: Conocer la demanda asistencial en dermatología de la población inmigrante (PI) y compararla con la de la población autóctona (PA).Métodos: Durante un año, se recogió prospectivamente el número de enfermedades atendidas en dermatología en el Departamento de Salud 19 de la Comunidad Valenciana.Resultados: De 39.160 episodios, 1.625 fueron en PI (4,1%). La asistencia por urgencias fue mayor en PI que en PA (el 7,7 frente al 3,0%; p < 0,001) y la actividad quirúrgica en PI fue menor que en PA (el 2,6 frente al 5%; p < 0,001). La demanda en la PI fue de 5,7 episodios por 100 inmigrantes, inferior a la PA (16,2). La razón de tasas estandarizada fue de 0,34. Los pacientes del norte de África (5,6 por 100 inmigrantes), Europa del este (4,8), África subsahariana (5,3) y Asia (4,2) consultaron menos que los latinoamericanos (8,5; p < 0,001).Conclusiones: La demanda en PI fue inferior a la PA y con un patrón de utilización diferente por países.Objective: To determine the utilization rate of a dermatology service among the immigrant population and compare this rate with that among the autochthonous population.Methods: Over a 1-year period, data on all patients attended in the Dermatology Service of Health Department 19 in the autonomous community of Valencia were prospectively collected.Results: Of 39,160 consultations, 1,625 were made by immigrants (4.1%). Attendance for dermatologic emergencies was greater in immigrants than in the autochthonous population (7.7% vs 3.0%; p<0.001), while surgical activity was lower in immigrants than in Spanish-born patients (2.6% vs 5%; p<0.001). Demand for consultation in the immigrant population was 5.7 visits per 100 immigrants, lower than that in the autochthonous population (16.2). The standardized rate ratio was 0.34. North Africans (5.6 per 100 immigrants), East Europeans (4.8), sub-Saharan Africans (5.3) and Asians (4.2) consulted less than Latin Americans (8.5; p<0.001).Conclusions: Demand was lower in the immigrant than in the autochthonous population, and the utilization pattern differed according to country

    Análisis de la demanda asistencial en dermatología de la población inmigrante

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    Objetivos: Conocer la demanda asistencial en dermatología de la población inmigrante (PI) y compararla con la de la población autóctona (PA).Métodos: Durante un año, se recogió prospectivamente el número de enfermedades atendidas en dermatología en el Departamento de Salud 19 de la Comunidad Valenciana.Resultados: De 39.160 episodios, 1.625 fueron en PI (4,1%). La asistencia por urgencias fue mayor en PI que en PA (el 7,7 frente al 3,0%; p < 0,001) y la actividad quirúrgica en PI fue menor que en PA (el 2,6 frente al 5%; p < 0,001). La demanda en la PI fue de 5,7 episodios por 100 inmigrantes, inferior a la PA (16,2). La razón de tasas estandarizada fue de 0,34. Los pacientes del norte de África (5,6 por 100 inmigrantes), Europa del este (4,8), África subsahariana (5,3) y Asia (4,2) consultaron menos que los latinoamericanos (8,5; p < 0,001).Conclusiones: La demanda en PI fue inferior a la PA y con un patrón de utilización diferente por países.Objective: To determine the utilization rate of a dermatology service among the immigrant population and compare this rate with that among the autochthonous population.Methods: Over a 1-year period, data on all patients attended in the Dermatology Service of Health Department 19 in the autonomous community of Valencia were prospectively collected.Results: Of 39,160 consultations, 1,625 were made by immigrants (4.1%). Attendance for dermatologic emergencies was greater in immigrants than in the autochthonous population (7.7% vs 3.0%; p<0.001), while surgical activity was lower in immigrants than in Spanish-born patients (2.6% vs 5%; p<0.001). Demand for consultation in the immigrant population was 5.7 visits per 100 immigrants, lower than that in the autochthonous population (16.2). The standardized rate ratio was 0.34. North Africans (5.6 per 100 immigrants), East Europeans (4.8), sub-Saharan Africans (5.3) and Asians (4.2) consulted less than Latin Americans (8.5; p<0.001).Conclusions: Demand was lower in the immigrant than in the autochthonous population, and the utilization pattern differed according to country

    Scientific production in bioethics in Spain through MEDLINE

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    Objective: To describe Spain's scientific production in the field of bioethics from 1966 to 2003.Methods: Manuscripts published by Spanish authors between 1966 and 2003 and containing key word references to bioethics, ethics, and 22 other related terms were retrieved from the Medline database.Results: 858 documents were selected: 78 (9.1%) were published between 1966 and 1983, 163 (19%) between 1984 and 1993, and 617 (71.9%) between 1994 and 2003. The main subject areas treated were laws and rights (15.4%) and research and ethics committees (13.1%). The last of these periods witnessed an increase in publications on genetics and human cloning and a decrease in those treating abortion. Institutional affiliations referred mainly to universities (38.9%) and hospitals (38.5%).Conclusions: There was a progressive increase in the number of scientific publications on bioethics by Spanish authors during the study period.Fundamento: Describir la producción científica española en bioética entre 1966 y 2003.Métodos: Se seleccionaron los documentos publicados por autores españoles y recogidos en la base de datos MEDLINE, mediante el cruce de las palabras bioética con otras diversas del mismo ámbito.Resultados: Se estudiaron 858 documentos, de los cuales 78 (9,1%) se publicaron entre 1966 y 1983, 163 (19%) entre 1984 y 1993, y 617 (71,9%) entre 1994 y 2003. Los principales temas publicados fueron: legislación y derechos (15,4%) e investigación y comités de ética (13,1%). En el último período se ha observado un aumento significativo de las publicaciones sobre genética y clonación y un descenso sobre las de aborto. El 38,9% de los documentos se atribuyó a universidades y el 38,5% a hospitales. Conclusiones: La publicaciones científicas de bioética se incrementó durante el período de estudio, lo que demuestra un aumento progresivo de la producción científica española sobre bioética

    Pregnancy in patients with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases

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    A large percentage of patients with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMIDs) are women of childbearing age. Pregnancy is a complex physiological scenario and causes significant endocrine and immunological changes. Pregnancy can trigger a worsening of IMIDs and, bidirectionally, disease flares are associated with worse pregnancy outcomes. This highlights the importance of achieving adequate control of IMIDs before conception and during pregnancy. When choosing pharmacological therapy in pregnant women with IMIDs, it is important to be aware of all available options and their potential impact on the mother and fetus. The aim of this review is to highlight the influence of pregnancy on the clinical evolution and prognosis of the most common cutaneous, rheumatological, and gastroenterological IMIDs. In addition, we provide an updated review of the different systemic and topical therapies used for the treatment of common dermatoses (such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and hidradenitis suppurativa) and their safety profile during pregnancy and lactation

    La producción científica española respecto a la infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana/sida. Un estudio a través de MedLine (1991-1999)

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    Fundamento: Analizar la producción de la actividad científica de centros e instituciones españolas sobre la infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH)/sida entre 1991-1999. Método: Se seleccionaron los documentos publicados y recogidos en la base de datos MedLine (CD-ROM) en el período 1991-1999. Para la selección aplicamos las palabras «Spain» o «Espana» en el campo de dirección de los autores y los términos «HIV», «AIDS» o «VIH» o «sida» en cualquiera de los campos. La producción de los documentos durante el período se ha analizado según la especialidad del primer firmante, área temática del documento, tipo de institución, centro de procedencia y zona geográfica. Resultados: Se analizaron 2.065 documentos. Del inicio al final del estudio el número anual de documentos publicados se duplicó (de 148 documentos en 1991 a 295 en 1999; r = 0,917; p < 0,001) y el número de ellos en revistas extranjeras se triplicó (de 51 documentos a 182; r = 0,933; p < 0,001). La revista que recogió más documentos fue Medicina Clínica con 241 (11,7%). El área temática de mayor producción fue la de «manifestaciones clínicas de la infección por el VIH» (64,6%), que sin embargo descendió del 71,4% en el período 1991-1993 al 58,3% en el último trienio 1997-1999 (p < 0,001). La producción sobre «tratamiento antirretroviral» creció del 3,6% en el trienio 1991-1993 al 12,4% en 1997-1999 (p < 0,001). Los hospitales publicaron el 79,8% de los documentos analizados, seguidos de la universidad, con el 9,5%. Los centros con mayor producción fueron el Hospital Clínic i Provincial (Barcelona) (5,7%) y el Hospital Carlos III (Madrid) (5,5%). Las comunidades autónomas de Madrid (33,1%) y Cataluña (25,3%) concentran la mayor actividad productiva, seguidas de Andalucía (11,5%) y Comunidad Valenciana (8,1%). Conclusión: La producción científica de los profesionales españoles sobre la infección por el VIH/sida ha aumentado en el período 1991-1999 debido principalmente a un aumento en las publicaciones en revistas extranjeras. Se ha producido también una adaptación de la temática de la publicación a los cambios epidemiológicos acontecidos en la infección por el VIH a lo largo de la última década.Background: To analyze the research output of Spanish authors on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection/AIDS.Methods: Papers published over 1991-1999 which were recorder in the MedLine database (CD-ROM) were selected by using the key words Spain or Espana in the address of author field and HIV, AIDS, VIH or sida in any field. Papers were analyzed according to publication journal specialty of authors, subjecte matter of the paper, institution, center of origin and geographical distribution.Results: A total of 2,065 papers were studied. Their number doubled, from 148 in 1991 to 295 in 1999 (r = 0.917; p < 0.0001). The number of papers published in foreign journals trebled, from 51 to 182 (r = 0.933; p < 0.001). The journal with the highest number o papers published was Medicina Clínica: 241 (11.7%). Although the main topic was the clinical manifestations of HIV infection (64.6%), the proportion of papers on this subject decreased from 71.4% in 1991-93 to 58.3% in 1997-99 (p < 0.001). On the other hand, the percentage of articles on antiretroviral therapy increased from 3.6% in 1991-93 to 12.4% in 1997-99 (p < 0.001). The greatest number of contributions came from hospitals (79.8% of papers), followed by universities (9.5%). Centers with the highest output were the Hospital Clínic (Barcelona) (5.7%) and the Hospital Carlos III (Madrid) (5.5%). The Autonomous Communities of Madrid (33.1%) and Catalonia (25.3%) concentrated more than half of the total output, followed by Andalusia (11.5%) and the Valencian Community (8.1%).Conclusions: Spanish output on HIV infection/AIDS research grew during the 1991-1999 period. There was a remarkable increase in the papers published in foreign journals. Moreover, topics changed according to the epidemiological changes observed in HIV infection during the past decade

    Utilidad de la clasificación de las revistas en la categoría dermatología de Index Medicus y de la Journal Citation Reports para localizar documentos de dermatólogos españoles (1987 y 2000)

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    The objective is to compare the utility of the classifications of Journal Citation Reports (JCR) (category «Dermatology &amp; Venereal Diseases» (D&amp;VD)) and Index Medicus (IM) (category «Dermatology» («D»)) in order to locate the publications of Spanish dermatologists during the period 1987-2000 covered by MedLine database. We found 1,517 documents in dermatology journals, in which 1,130 (74.5%) the first author was a dermatologist, in 122 (8%) a dermatologist was not the first author, and in 265 (17.5%) there was no dermatologist as author. Those journals included in section «D&amp;VD» of JCR and not included in section «D» of IM presented the majority of documents without dermatologist (91.5%). On the other hand, only 8.8% of documents published in journals included in section «D&amp;VD» of JCR and «D» of IM were not signed by a dermatologist (p &lt; 0.001). In documents non-signed by dermatologists, the first author belongs to Allergy in 122 documents (8%) followed byPathology in 78 cases. The 96.7% of 122 documents assigned to Allergy were published in the journal Contact Dermatitis. In conclusion, the classification used by IM grouping dermatological journals is a better option to locate the scientific production of Spanish dermatologists in international literature than the classification used by JCR.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Se trata de comparar la utilidad de las clasificaciones del JCR (categoría Dermatology &amp; Venereal Diseases» (D&amp;VD)) e Index Medicus (IM) (categoría «Dermatology»(D)) para localizar los documentos de dermatólogos españoles durante el periodo 1987-2000 registrados en la base de datos MedLine. De los 1517 documentos localizados en ambas bases, en 1130 (74,5%) el primer firmante era un dermatólogo, en 122 (8%) figuraba un dermatólogo en otras posiciones y en 265 (17,5%) no aparecía ninguno. Las revistas incluidas en la categoría «D&amp;VD» de JCR y no incluidas en el apartado «D» de IM recogieron la mayor proporción de los documentos sin dermatólogo (91,5%). Por otro lado, sólo el 8,8% de los documentos de las revistas incluidas en las secciones «D&amp;VD» de JCR y «D» de IM no están firmados por un dermatólogo (p &lt; 0,001). De los documentos de primeros firmantes no dermatólogos, el primer lugar lo ocupaba la especialidad de alergia con 122 documentos, seguido de anatomía patológica con 78. El 96,7% de los 122 documentos adscritos a alergia están recogidos en la revista Contact Dermatitis. En conclusión, la clasificación empleada por el IM para agrupar las revistas de dermatología permite conocer la actividad científica de los dermatólogos mejor que la empleada por el JCR

    Topics and PRISMA Checklist Compliance for Meta-analyses in Dermatology: Journal Case Study

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    Meta-analyses are usually the final step of systematic reviews and provide robust scientific evidence (1,2). The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) Statement is a useful tool to improve the reporting of meta-analyses (3)