458 research outputs found

    Samen op zoek naar oplossingen voor probleemplagen in de biologische teelt van houtig kleinfruit

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    Biologisch geteeld kleinfruit is enorm geliefd bij het grote publiek. Biotelers van houtig kleinfruit kampen echter met een aantal probleemplagen en -ziekten die ze zonder de krachtige chemische gewasbeschermingsmiddelen het hoofd moeten bieden. Daarom werd in 2013 in het kader van een CCBT-project in gezamenlijk overleg gezocht naar alternatieve oplossingen voor de bestrijding van deze plagen en ziekten. In de loop van dit project werden diverse overlegmomenten georganiseerd tussen telers, voorlichting en onderzoekers waarin de prioriteiten voor het onderzoek werden bepaald (dit uiteraard vooral door de biotelers zelf). Bedrijven waar proeven konden plaatsvinden werden in overleg met het Bio-bedrijfsnetwerk kleinfruit geselecteerd (het gaat dus om ‘on farm’ onderzoek bij biobedrijven) en afspraken werden gemaakt rond proefdesign, proefobjecten en taakverdeling. Hierbij werd rekening gehouden met de ervaringen van onderzoekers, de ervaringen van biofruittelers, en de eventueel aanwezige kennis en ervaringen in het buitenland. Concreet werden er in de loop van 2013 dan 5 proeven georganiseerd: - Feromoonverwarring voor bessenglasvlinder - Monitoring van Drosophila suzukii - Botrytis bestrijding bij bramen met het flying doctors systeem - Bestrijding van bramengalmijt met nuttigen - Witziektebestrijding bij herfstframboze

    Optimization modelling for analyzing fantasy sport games

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    In a fantasy sport game, participants act like a team manager building a team of real individual players of a professional sport. The real performances of these players (or their teams) are translated into points for their team managers. The managers’ aim is to collect as many points as possible thereby defeating the fantasy teams of opponents. First, we discuss a number of common game rule characteristics of fantasy sport games. Based on these characteristics, we present a mixed integer programming model to produce and analyze ex-post results for a large variety of fantasy sport games. We discuss how these results create value for both the game organizer and the participants. Finally, we apply our system in practice to a fantasy cycling game

    Probleemplagen in de bio pitfruitteelt: alternatieve bestrijdingsmiddelen

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    Het project “Praktijkgericht onderzoek en inzet van alternatieve bestrijdingsmiddelen voor de controle van probleemplagen in de biologische pitfruitteelt” had tot doel een bijdrage te leveren aan de teelt- en de bedrijfszekerheid van biologische pitfruitbedrijven. Spruzit (pyrethrinen met synergist piperonylbutoxide (PBO), dat gebruikt werd voor (correctie)behandelingen tegen probleemplagen in de biologische pitfruitteelt is niet meer in de handel sinds januari 2018. Aan de hand van de proeven die in dit project uitgevoerd werden, werd kennis opgedaan met nieuwe middelen tegen meer algemene plagen of met gekende middelen tegen nieuwe plagen. Mogelijk dankzij dit project kunnen een aantal middelen een uitbreiding van hun etiket krijgen. De kennis uit deze proeven voortgevloeid zal via Proefcentrum Fruitteelt continu ter beschikking gesteld worden van de fruittelers en zal als basis dienen voor verdere initiatieven in de zoektocht naar oplossingen voor probleem plagen in de biologische appel- en perenteelt

    Marking Drosophila suzukii (Diptera : Drosophilidae) with fluorescent dusts

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    The marking of Drosophila suzukii can be an important instrument for studying the ecology and behaviour of this economically important fruit pest, aiding the development of new Integrated Pest Management (IPM) tools or strategies. There is, however, a need for a cost-effective methodology that provides an easily detectable and stable mark. Whereas fluorescent pigment powders are often used in entomological research, the pigments (series, dyes), application techniques, or doses need to be evaluated for each studied species in terms of their efficacy and possible adverse effects on the performance of the insect. The effectiveness of different application techniques and dyes (RadGloÂź TP-series) and their effect on the survival of adult D. suzukii were investigated in the laboratory. Furthermore, the influence of the marking on the behaviour of the flies was examined in laboratory trap assays (olfaction) and a field recapture study (general orientation). The persistence and detectability of the marks was evaluated both on living flies (for different application techniques) and dead flies under trapping/storage conditions. The use of fluorescent powders to mark D. suzukii flies yielded a clearly detectable and highly persistent mark, without any adverse effects on the survival and behaviour of the flies

    Arie kwam aanlopen/aangelopen

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    High-resolution analysis of stem radius variations in black spruce [Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP] subjected to rain exclusion for three summers

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    Future climate warming is expected to produce more severe and frequent periods of drought with consequent water stresses for boreal species. In this paper, we present a high-resolution analysis of stem radius variations in black spruce under rain exclusion. All summer long rain exclusions were applied for three consecutive summers to mature trees on four sites along a latitudinal gradient. The stem radius variations of control and treated trees were monitored year-round at an hourly resolution with automatic point dendrometers. The seasonal patterns of shrinking and swelling were analyzed using a sequential analysis technique and the daily patterns of contraction and expansion were extracted. Overall, the treated trees followed their diurnal cycles of contraction and expansion during the rain exclusions and no significant cumulative difference in stem expansion between control and treated trees was observed over the 3 years. In the third year trees subjected to rain exclusion showed larger stem contractions in summer on three out of four sites and larger winter contractions were observed on the northern sites. This study shows that repeated summer rain exclusion does not necessarily lead to a direct evident stress reaction, showing the resilience of the boreal forest. Key message: A rain exclusion repeated for 3 years resulted in larger summer stem contractions in three of the sites in the third year of the experiment and in larger winter contractions in the northern sites. However, there was no pronounced stress reaction in the stem radius variations of mature black spruce since total stem expansion was not reduced

    DARIS, a fleet of passive formation flying small satellites for low frequency radio astronomy

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    DARIS (Distributed Aperture Array for Radio Astronomy In Space) is a mission to conduct radio astronomy in the low frequency region from 1-10MHz. This region has not yet been explored, as the Earth's ionosphere is opaque to those frequencies, and so a space based observatory is the only solution. DARIS will undertake an extragalactic survey of the low frequency sky, and can also detect some transient radio events such as solar or planetary bursts. To achieve these scientific objectives, DARIS comprises a space-based array, forming a very large effective aperture, as required for such a long wavelength survey. Each station in the array (each required to be a small satellite to ensure several nodes can be flown) carries three orthogonal dipole antennas, each 5m in length. The more station nodes in the array, the more sensitive the antenna. The entire fleet remains within a 100km diameter cloud. \ud A very large data volume is generated by each node, as the antennas have to capture all radio signals, after which the data can be correlated to find the astronomical signal in the noise. As the astronomical signals also have a noise-like nature, no compression is possible on the data captured by the nodes. The data volume is too high to transfer directly to Earth, and will need to be correlated in space. Distributed correlation between the nodes is technically challenging, and therefore a mothership acts as the central correlator and then downlinks the correlated data (lower volume) to Earth. \u

    Auxiliary choice with particle verbs of motion in Dutch

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    Language Use in Past and Presen

    Wood formation and physiology of mature black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP) subjected to rain exclusion in the field

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    Climate change causes more frequent and severe periods of drought in summer and higher overall temperatures in the northern regions of the world. This may produce potentially severe water stresses in the boreal forest. The boreal forest of QuĂ©bec normally has low temperatures and water evaporation, meaning that the soils remain wet throughout the growing season. Boreal species are adapted to live with optimal moisture conditions, and the harsh climate with long cold winters and short growing seasons result in a slow development of the ecosystem. This makes for an ecosystem that is potentially vulnerable, but its’ reaction to climate change is not yet well-known. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of climate change, drought in particular, on wood formation, cambium phenology, water relations and physiology of mature black spruce trees (Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP) in their natural environment. Different measurement approaches were used to present a large picture of the effect of rain exclusion on black spruce’ swater relations. An experiment was installed to exclude precipitation, combined with highresolution monitoring of stem radius variations, anatomy and physiology of mature black spruce trees. It was hypothesised that drought will cause a clear decrease in water potential; (1) resulting in a decrease in cambium activity and photosynthesis, fewer and smaller tracheids with thicker cell walls and a shorter period of wood formation; (2) this will lead to an increase in stem shrinking and a decrease in stem radius variations; (3) during drought black spruce may resort to alternative ways to absorb water. The experiment was conducted on four research sites along a latitudinal gradient in the Saguenay Lac Saint-Jean Region, Quebec, Canada. On each site five mature black spruce trees were excluded from precipitation at the root system during the summers of 2010, 2011 and 2012. Plastic roofs were installed in May to cover the entire root system of each tree, and removed in September to ensure the winter survival of the trees. Five trees per site were left untreated and used as a control. In addition a greenhouse experiment was conducted to test for the possibility of foliar absorption as an alternative water acquisition strategy in black spruce. During the three summers of the experiment different aspects of tree growth and physiology were studied at different temporal resolutions. On the two southern sites water potential and photosynthesis were measured weekly. Micro-cores were collected on all sites and automatic point dendrometers were installed to provide year-round data about the trees’ stem radius variations. During the rain exclusion the soil water content quickly decreased on all sites, this shows that rain was successfully excluded from the root system. During winter and spring the soil rehydrated to its normal water status before the next growing season. Overall the results suggest that black spruce trees do not seem to be susceptible to the shortterm negative consequences of reduced water availability to the roots. Phenology of wood formation was not affected. It was expected that the effects of the treatment would soon be visible in a decrease in water potential, followed by a reduction in photosynthesis. But no difference in photosynthesis and water potential was found between the treated and control trees in any of the years. The stem radius variations were analysed using a sequential analysis technique and the daily patterns of shrinking and swelling were extracted. On three out of four sites the trees subjected to rain exclusion showed larger stem contractions in summer, and larger winter contractions were found on the northern sites. There was no significant difference in the cumulative stem expansion between control trees and treated trees over the three years. The analysis of stem radius variations showed that in spite of the reduced water availability the trees are still able to maintain their daily cycles of contraction and expansion. The cell characteristics of control and treated trees were compared after the three years of the rain exclusion. Ring width and the number of cells produced did not differ between control and treated trees. During the first year of the experiment lumen area decreased and cell wall thickness increased, this is an expected reaction to drought because it reinforces the tracheids and helps prevent cavitation. In the second and third year however, lumen area and cell wall thickness returned to the pre-treatment values. In contrast with the expectations the effect of the rain exclusion did not persist or increased when the treatment was repeated. Since black spruce did not seem to be strongly affected by the rain exclusion, the possibility of foliar absorption was explored in a greenhouse experiment using black spruce saplings. Twenty plants were excluded from irrigation, and twenty plants were irrigated normally. The root system was covered with plastic sheets, and after a period of desiccation the plants were sprayed at night with water with and without colorant. Water potential and photosynthesis were measured the following day. The colorant was not absorbed by the needles and water potential and photosynthesis were not improved by the canopy spraying. The results of this experiment do not show evidence for the existence of foliar absorption in black spruce saplings. Les changements climatiques causeront des pĂ©riodes de sĂ©cheresse plus frĂ©quentes et plus sĂ©vĂšres en Ă©tĂ©, et des tempĂ©ratures plus Ă©levĂ©es dans les rĂ©gions nordiques du monde. Ceci produira des stress hydriques potentiellement sĂ©vĂšres dans la forĂȘt borĂ©ale. Normalement, la forĂȘt borĂ©ale du QuĂ©bec est caractĂ©risĂ©e par des basses tempĂ©ratures et peu d’évapotranspiration, gardant ainsi les sols humides pendant la saison de croissance. Les espĂšces borĂ©ales sont adaptĂ©es pour vivre dans des conditions d’humiditĂ© optimales, alors que les longs hivers arides ne font que ralentir le dĂ©veloppement de l’écosystĂšme. En ce sens, une augmentation des tempĂ©ratures crĂ©erait un Ă©cosystĂšme potentiellement vulnĂ©rable, cependant les rĂ©actions aux changements climatiques sont encore peu connues. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d’évaluer l’impact des changements climatiques, plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment la sĂ©cheresse, sur la formation du bois, la phĂ©nologie du cambium, les relations hydriques et la physiologie de l’épinette noire (Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP) dans son milieu naturel. DiffĂ©rentes mesures ont Ă©tĂ© employĂ©es pour prĂ©senter une vue d’ensemble de l’effet d’une exclusion de pluie sur les relations hydriques de l’épinette noire. Un dispositif expĂ©rimental a Ă©tĂ© menĂ© pour exclure la prĂ©cipitation, combinĂ©e avec un suivi Ă  haute rĂ©solution des variations radiales du tronc, de l’anatomie et de la physiologie de l’épinette noire mature. Les hypothĂšses Ă©taient qu’une sĂ©cheresse causera une rĂ©duction en potentiel hydrique; (1) suivi par une rĂ©duction en activitĂ© cambial et photosynthĂ©tique, moins de trachĂ©ides, des trachĂ©ides plus petites ayant des parois plus Ă©pais et une pĂ©riode de formation de bois plus courte; (2) ceci mĂšnera Ă  une plus grande contraction du tronc et Ă©ventuellement Ă  une rĂ©duction en variations radiales; (3) pendant la sĂ©cheresse l’épinette noire pourra employer des moyens alternatives pour absorber l’eau. L’expĂ©rience a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e sur quatre sites d’étude le long d’un gradient latitudinal dans la rĂ©gion du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, QuĂ©bec, Canada. À chacun des sites, cinq arbres matures ont Ă©tĂ© exclus de la prĂ©cipitation au niveau du systĂšme racinaire pendant les Ă©tĂ©s de 2010, 2011 et 2012. Des toiles en plastique ont Ă©tĂ© installĂ©es en mai afin de couvrir complĂštement le systĂšme racinaire puis ont Ă©tĂ© retirĂ©es en septembre pour assurer la survie des arbres en hiver. Cinq arbres par site ont Ă©tĂ© laissĂ©s sans traitement et ont servi de tĂ©moin. De plus, une expĂ©rience en serre a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e pour tester la possibilitĂ© d’absorption foliaire comme mĂ©canisme d’absorption d’eau alternatif. Pendant les trois Ă©tĂ©s de l’expĂ©rience, les diffĂ©rents aspects de la croissance et de la physiologie ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s Ă  diffĂ©rentes rĂ©solutions temporelles. Dans les deux sites au sud, le potentiel hydrique et la photosynthĂšse ont Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©s Ă  chaque semaine. Des micro-carottes ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©es sur chaque site et des dendromĂštres automatiques Ă©taient installĂ©s pour fournir des donnĂ©es sur les variations radiales du tronc tout au long de l’annĂ©e. Pendant l’exclusion de pluie le contenu en eau du sol diminuait rapidement, ce qui dĂ©montre que l’eau a Ă©tĂ© exclue du sol. Pendant l’hiver et le printemps suivant le sol s’est rĂ©hydratĂ©. En gĂ©nĂ©ral, les rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que l’épinette noire n’est pas sensible aux consĂ©quences nĂ©gatives Ă  court terme d’une rĂ©duction d’eau au niveau du systĂšme racinaire. La phĂ©nologie de la formation du bois n’a pas Ă©tĂ© affectĂ©e. Il Ă©tait attendu que l’effet du traitement aurait menĂ© une rĂ©duction du potentiel hydrique et une rĂ©duction de la photosynthĂšse. Par contre, aucune diffĂ©rence n’a Ă©tĂ© trouvĂ©e entre les arbres tĂ©moins et traitĂ©s. Les variations radiales du tronc ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es avec une technique d’analyse sĂ©quentielle et les patrons journaliers de rĂ©trĂ©cissement et gonflement ont Ă©tĂ© extraits. Pour trois des quatre sites les arbres soumis Ă  l’exclusion de pluie ont montrĂ©s des contractions plus larges en Ă©tĂ© et les plus larges contractions hivernales ont quant Ă  elle Ă©tĂ© observĂ©es dans les sites au nord. Il n’y avait pas de diffĂ©rence significative dans l’expansion cumulative entre les arbres tĂ©moins et stressĂ©s sur les trois annĂ©es. L’analyse des variations radiales du tronc a dĂ©montrĂ© que, malgrĂ© la rĂ©duction de l’eau disponible, les arbres sont tout de mĂȘme capables de maintenir leurs cycles journaliers de contraction et expansion. Les caractĂ©ristiques cellulaires des arbres traitĂ©s et tĂ©moins ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©es aprĂšs les trois annĂ©es de l’expĂ©rience. Le nombre de cellules produites n’était pas diffĂ©rent entre les deux traitements. Pendant la premiĂšre annĂ©e de l’exclusion, l’aire du lumen a diminuĂ© et l’épaisseur des parois a augmentĂ©. Ceci est une rĂ©action attendue puisque que les trachĂ©ides se sont renforcĂ©es afin de prĂ©venir la cavitation. Par contre, dans la deuxiĂšme et troisiĂšme annĂ©e l’aire du lumen et l’épaisseur des parois sont retournĂ©es aux largeurs prĂ©traitement. Contrairement aux attentes, l’effet de l’exclusion de pluie n’a pas augmentĂ© ni persistĂ© avec la rĂ©pĂ©tition du traitement. Puisque l’épinette noire ne semblait pas ĂȘtre fortement affectĂ©e par l’exclusion de pluie, la possibilitĂ© de l’absorption foliaire a Ă©tĂ© explorĂ©e dans une expĂ©rience en serre avec des jeunes Ă©pinettes. Vingt plants Ă©taient exclus d’irrigation et vingt plants Ă©taient arrosĂ©s normalement. Le systĂšme racinaire a Ă©tĂ© couvert de toiles en plastique et suite Ă  une pĂ©riode de dessiccation les plantes ont Ă©tĂ© arrosĂ©es en soirĂ©e avec de l’eau avec et sans colorant. Le colorant n’était pas absorbĂ© par les aiguilles et le potentiel hydrique ainsi que la photosynthĂšse n’ont pas augmentĂ© suite Ă  l’arrosage. Les rĂ©sultats de cette expĂ©rience ne dĂ©montrent pas d’évidence pour l’absorption foliaire chez des jeunes Ă©pinettes noires

    Toward detailed prominence seismology - II. Charting the continuous magnetohydrodynamic spectrum

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    Starting from accurate MHD flux rope equilibria containing prominence condensations, we initiate a systematic survey of their linear eigenoscillations. To quantify the full spectrum of linear MHD eigenmodes, we require knowledge of all flux-surface localized modes, charting out the continuous parts of the MHD spectrum. We combine analytical and numerical findings for the continuous spectrum for realistic prominence configurations. The equations governing all eigenmodes for translationally symmetric, gravitating equilibria containing an axial shear flow, are analyzed, along with their flux-surface localized limit. The analysis is valid for general 2.5D equilibria, where either density, entropy, or temperature vary from one flux surface to another. We analyze the mode couplings caused by the poloidal variation in the flux rope equilibria, by performing a small gravity parameter expansion. We contrast the analytical results with continuous spectra obtained numerically. For equilibria where the density is a flux function, we show that continuum modes can be overstable, and we present the stability criterion for these convective continuum instabilities. Furthermore, for all equilibria, a four-mode coupling scheme between an Alfvenic mode of poloidal mode number m and three neighboring (m-1, m, m+1) slow modes is identified, occurring in the vicinity of rational flux surfaces. For realistically prominence equilibria, this coupling is shown to play an important role, from weak to stronger gravity parameter g values. The analytic predictions for small g are compared with numerical spectra, and progressive deviations for larger g are identified. The unstable continuum modes could be relevant for short-lived prominence configurations. The gaps created by poloidal mode coupling in the continuous spectrum need further analysis, as they form preferred frequency ranges for global eigenoscillations.Comment: Accepted by Astronmy & Astrophysics, 21 pages, 15 figure
