2,186 research outputs found

    Emotional Barriers to Job Search Success: Job Search Anxiety during University-to-Work Transitions

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    Configurational Effects of Pre-Recession High Performance Work Practices on Post-Recession Performance in the UK Service Sector

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    This developmental paper examines the role of skills-based contingencies in the UK service sector (i.e., the service sector segment within which the organisation operates and workforce differentiation within organisations) that may influence pre-recession adoption of High Performance Work Practices (HPWPs) and the extent to which different bundles of HPWPs improve post-recession organisational performance over time. The study is informed by the Workplace Employment Relations Surveys (WERS), which provides panel data from 812 UK service sector organisations. Preliminary findings show that ability- and motivation-enhancing practices are of particular importance for improving service quality for organisations that rely on low-skilled work. The study highlights the role of skills-based contingencies that are relevant for skills demand and utilisation in the service sector as significant precursors of HPWP adoption

    A Library for Pattern-based Sparse Matrix Vector Multiply

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    Pattern-based Representation (PBR) is a novel approach to improving the performance of Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiply (SMVM) numerical kernels. Motivated by our observation that many matrices can be divided into blocks that share a small number of distinct patterns, we generate custom multiplication kernels for frequently recurring block patterns. The resulting reduction in index overhead significantly reduces memory bandwidth requirements and improves performance. Unlike existing methods, PBR requires neither detection of dense blocks nor zero filling, making it particularly advantageous for matrices that lack dense nonzero concentrations. SMVM kernels for PBR can benefit from explicit prefetching and vectorization, and are amenable to parallelization. The analysis and format conversion to PBR is implemented as a library, making it suitable for applications that generate matrices dynamically at runtime. We present sequential and parallel performance results for PBR on two current multicore architectures, which show that PBR outperforms available alternatives for the matrices to which it is applicable, and that the analysis and conversion overhead is amortized in realistic application scenarios


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    The purpose of this study is to determine the views of the university students about the implementation process with 10 open ended questions. In this study, the case study of qualitative research designs was used. The study group of the study consisted of 25 female students who attended Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University Faculty of Education and participated in the "Planning and Evaluation in Teaching" course and in the process of portfolio evaluation. Portfolio training was given to the students by the researcher. The students continued their work by forming peer groups in groups of 2, 3, 4 and 5 for 10 weeks. The answers that the students gave to the 10 open ended questions were organized within specific themes. In the process of portfolio application, students are were asked following questions ‘’what they want to do, what they do, what they learn, where they are successful in the study and what difficulties they take, what points they will take care of when they do this work, which personal skills and professional skills they have gained from this work’’. The opinions and recommendations of the students regarding the portfolio application have been determined.  Article visualizations

    Program Geliştirme Uzmanlarının Bakış Açısıyla Türkiye'de Program Geliştirme

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    The purpose of this research is to reveal the Curriculum Development Process in Türkiye from the perspective of curriculum specialists. Phenomenology, one of the qualitative research designs, was used in the study, with a semi-structured interview form developed by the researcher, and content analysis applied in the analysis of the obtained data. The participants of the study consisted of 48 faculty members from 19 different universities. Interviews were conducted on a one-to-one, face-to-face basis by the researcher, having visited each of the universities where the participants worked. According to the study’s findings, three main interrelated problems are present in curriculum development in Türkiye: Policymakers that dominate curriculum development and decision making; Non-fulfilment of the sine-qua-non (a thing that is absolutely necessary) of the curriculum development process; and, Abrupt and rapid changes introduced to curricula. However, these problem areas all stem from one major issue, policymakers’ priorities, understanding, and thoughts about curriculum development and education. According to the solutions proposed by the study’s participants, education should be accepted to have a supra-policy structure, and policymakers should be stakeholders in the curriculum development process rather than being the sole decision-makers.Bu araştırmanın amacı Türkiye'deki program geliştirme sürecini program geliştirme uzmanlarının bakış açısıyla ortaya koymaktır. Nitel araştırma desenlerinden fenomenolojinin kullanıldığı araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu ve verilerin analizinde içerik analizi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın katılımcılarını 19 farklı üniversitede görev yapan 48 öğretim elemanı oluşturmaktadır. Görüşmeler, katılımcıların görev yaptığı üniversiteler ziyaret edilerek katılımcılarla bire bir ve yüz yüze gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın bulgularına göre, Türkiye'de program geliştirmede birbiriyle ilişkili üç temel sorun bulunmaktadır: Program geliştirme ve karar verme sürecinde politika yapıcıların baskın olması; program geliştirme sürecinin olmazsa olmazlarının yerine getirilmemesi ve eğitim programlarında uygulanan ani/hızlı değişiklikler. Ancak bu sorunların hepsi temelde tek bir temel sorundan; politika yapıcıların program geliştirme ve eğitim konusundaki öncelikleri, anlayışları ve görüşlerinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Katılımcıların ortaya koyduğu çözümlere göre, eğitim siyaset üstü bir yapıda kabul edilmeli ve politika yapıcılar program geliştirme sürecinde tek başlarına karar vericiler olarak değil paydaşlar olarak görülmelidir

    The Role of Dynamic Capabilities in Outsourcing Sales and Marketing Functions: A Resource-Advantage Perspective in the Context of Consumer Packaged Goods

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    Outsourcing refers to contracting out the functions to a third party instead of conducting them in-house. The main contribution of this dissertation is to develop and test a model of successful outsourcing in the accomplishment of headquarters selling task. Specifically, it intends to (a) provide a theoretical framework for outsourcing partnership performance, (b) explore the potential complementarities construct in the context of a dyadic outsourcing relationship, (c) examine the role of learning dynamic capabilities in turning potential complementarities into outsourcing success, and (d) explicate the role of structural social capital as an antecedent to learning dynamic capability construct . The conceptual framework of the model is based on the resource-advantage theory which posits that resources, potential complementarities and dynamic capabilities are explicated as sub-constructs. The pool of respondents who are the practicing managers of outsourcing in the consumer packaged goods industry was used to test the hypothesized relationships. The findings showed that the learning dynamic capabilities construct is the most important factor affecting in the outsourcing partnership performance in the context of headquarters selling task. The task-related resources of the outsourcer had a significant positive effect on potential complementarities. However, the positive effect of the outsourcee’s task-related resources on potential complementarities was not significant. Likewise, the positive effect of the potential complementarities on the outsourcing partnership performance did not emerge as significant. The effect of structural social capital of the outsourcer had a significant but negative influence on learning dynamic capabilities. The positive effect of structural social capital of the outsourcee on learning dynamic capabilities and the moderating role of learning dynamic capabilities were found to be insignificant

    The effect of post-hatch initial feeding times on small intestines and other digestive organs grwth and performance in broilers

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    Bu çalışmada amaç, kuluçka sonrası yeme başlama zamanının etlik piliçlerde sindirim organlarının gelişimi, ince bağırsak maltaz enzim aktivitesi ve verim özellikleri üzerine etkilerini değerlendirmekti. Çalışmada biyolojik yaşları (yumurtadan çıkış yaşı) belirlenmiş ve kuluçkadan yeni çıkmış 560 adet etlik civciv kanat numarası takılıp, tartıldıktan sonra civcivler her biri 4 tekerrürlü bölmelerden oluşan 4 farklı gruba ayrılmıştır (35civciv/bölme). Yemlemeye civcivlerin krolonojik yaşları (yumurtadan çıktıktan 3 saat sonra ) dikkate alınarak 3 (grup I), 9 (grup II), 18 (Grup III) ve 36 (grup IV) saat sonra başlanmıştır. Denemenin 0 (başlangıç), 2, 6 ve 12. günlerinde her gruptan rastgele seçilen 8 civciv öldürülerek sindirim organları çıkarılmış, organların ağırlıkları ve jejenum uzunlukları tespit edilmiştir. İnce bağırsağın jejenum bölümünden alınan örneklerde maltaz enzim analizi yapılmıştır. Gruplarda yer alan piliçlerin canlı ağırlıkları ve yem tüketimleri belirlenmiştir. Deneme süresince kuluçka sonrası ilk 9 saat içerisinde yemlemeye başlanan piliçler diğer gruplara göre daha yüksek canlı ağırlığa sahip olmuşlardır. Denemenin 0, 2 ve 6. günlerinde civcivlerin sindirim sistemi organ ağırlıkları yem tüketimine başlama süresinin uzamasından olumsuz etkilenmiştir. Ancak, denemenin 12. Gününde bu etki ortadan kalkmıştır. İnce bağırsak maltaz enzim aktivitesi yeme başlama zamanından etkilenmemiştir. Aynı zamanda yem tüketimi ve ölüm oranları da etkilenmemiştir. İlk 21 günde, ilk yem verilen grup yemden daha iyi yararlanmıştır. Fakat 21-42. ve 0-42. günlerde gruplar arasındaki bu farkın ortadan kalkmıştır. Ekonomik analize göre en büyük kar oranı II. grupta elde edilmiştir.The objective was to evaluate the effects of post-hatch initial feeding times on small intestines and other digestive organs growth and performance in broilers. In the study, 560 newly hatched broiler chicks determined the biological ages (age of hatching) were wing banded and weighed and then they were randomly divided into four experimental groups with four replicate floor pens (35chicks/pen). Feeding of chicks was initiated after 3 h (group I), 9 h (group II), 18 h (group III) and 36 h (group IV) post-hatch, taking into account the chronological age of chicks (after 3 hours from hatching). At 0 (initial), 2, 6 and 12th d of treatment, eighth chicks were randomly selected and killed and then digestive organs were removed. Organs weights and jejunum lengths were determined. The maltase enzyme was analyzed in the samples taken from jejunum of small intestine. The body weighing of the chicks in groups and feed intake was determined. During experiment, the chickens which were began to be fed in the first 9 hours post-hatch had higher body weight than the other groups. At 0, 2nd and 6th d of the treatment, the organ weights of digestive system in chicks negatively affected to delay of feed intake, but at 12th day, this effect disappeared. The maltase enzyme activity of small intestine was not affected by post-hatch initial feeding times. Also feed intake and mortality were not affected. At first 21 d, the initial feeding group was better evaluated to feed. But at 21s t- 42nd and 0 - 42nd d. this difference disappeared among the groups. According to economic analysis, the highest gross margin was recorded in group II

    Exploiting fragment-ion complementarity for peptide de novo sequencing from collision induced dissociation tandem mass spectra

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Izmir, 2011Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 58-64)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishx, 64 leavesPeptide identification from mass spectrometric data is a key step in proteomics because this field provides sequence, quantitative, and modification data of actually expressed proteins. Two approaches are generally deployed to interpret experimental MS/MS data, database searching and de novo sequencing. Database search method has been used successfully in proteomics projects for organisms with well-studied genomes. However, it is not applicable in situations where a target sequence is not in the protein database. This can happen for a number of reasons, including novel proteins, protein mutations and post-translational modifications. Because of the disadvantages of database searching method, a lot of research has focused on de novo sequencing method which assigns amino acid sequences to MS/MS spectra without the need for a database. The aim of this study is to enhance the accuracy of de novo sequencing tools. One step commonly employed in all de novo sequencing tools is naming of fragment ions. It is essential to know which peak represents which ion type in order to traverse a spectrum graph to find an amino acid sequence that best explains the MS/MS spectrum. Different approaches have been tried to name ions and some success has been achieved in naming b-type ions and y-type ions. We have presented a new approach which enables the naming of not only b- and y-type ions but other arbitrary ion types as well. This enabled the detection of b-ion ladder. In the latter case, missing fragments were determined by using other named ion types. Furthermore, unexplained data in tandem mass spectra were reduced as much as possible. Therefore, a complete sequence will be derived by the new approach

    Achieving the Impossible? Teaching Practice component of a Pre-service Distance English Language Teacher Training Program in Turkey

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    The aim of this article is to describe the model developed for the teaching practice component of the pre-service Distance English Language Teacher Training Program (DELTT) at Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey. The steps taken to improve the model over a six-year period will be explained and the recent developments in the teaching practice area of the current program will be discussed in the light of recent research on learning and personal development. Lessons learned and the steps taken during this developmental process will be explored and recommendations for other programs concerned with the teaching practice component will be made