103 research outputs found

    Employment of People with Disabilities and Ergonomic Risk Factors at Workplace

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    The importance of employment to people with disabilities has been increasing in recent years. Participation in working life as active producers has been the main factor in community integration of people with disabilities. It has been proven that if people with disabilities are given the opportunity to develop and use their working capacity, they can be as successful as those who do not have any disabilities, and nowadays the most rational way of helping people with disabilities is to provide them with profession and work. Vocational rehabilitation is a process that helps someone to overcome the barriers when beginning to work, continuing to work, or returning to work after any accident, illness, or disorder. Although the employee is selected according to his/her ability according to the work to be done, it is very important that the place to work matches the physical and psychological characteristics of the employee. Ergonomics is important at working life as it affects productivity. Many different ergonomic risk factors are available to affect the quality of life of a person at workplace. This chapter focuses on the employment of people with disabilities, the risk factors they may face at workplace and assessment of risk factors

    Infrared radiometric stress instrumentation application range study

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    Infrared radiometric stress instrumentation system for estimating detectable stress measurement

    A review of residual stress analysis using thermoelastic techniques

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    Thermoelastic Stress Analysis (TSA) is a full-field technique for experimental stress analysis that is based on infra-red thermography. The technique has proved to be extremely effective for studying elastic stress fields and is now well established. It is based on the measurement of the temperature change that occurs as a result of a stress change. As residual stress is essentially a mean stress it is accepted that the linear form of the TSA relationship cannot be used to evaluate residual stresses. However, there are situations where this linear relationship is not valid or departures in material properties due to manufacturing procedures have enabled evaluations of residual stresses. The purpose of this paper is to review the current status of using a TSA based approach for the evaluation of residual stresses and to provide some examples of where promising results have been obtained

    Maintaining sagittal plane balance compromises frontal plane balance during reactive stepping in people post-stroke

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    Background. Maintaining balance in response to perturbations during walking often requires the use of corrective responses to keep the center of mass within the base of support. The relationship between the center of mass and base of support is often quantified using the margin of stability. Although people post-stroke increase the margin of stability following perturbations, control deficits may lead to asymmetries in regulation of margins of stability, which may also cause maladaptive coupling between the sagittal and frontal planes during balance-correcting responses. Methods. We assessed how paretic and non-paretic margins of stability are controlled during recovery from forward perturbations and determined how stroke-related impairments influence the coupling between the anteroposterior and mediolateral margins of stability. Twenty-one participants with post-stroke hemiparesis walked on a treadmill while receiving slip-like perturbations on both limbs at foot-strike. We assessed anteroposterior and mediolateral margins of stability before perturbations and during perturbation recovery. Findings. Participants walked with smaller anteroposterior and larger mediolateral margins of stability on the paretic versus non-paretic sides. When responding to perturbations, participants increased the anteroposterior margin of stability bilaterally by extending the base of support and reducing the excursion of the extrapolated center of mass. The anteroposterior and mediolateral margins of stability in the paretic limb negatively covaried during reactive steps such that increases in anteroposterior were associated with reductions in mediolateral margins of stability. Interpretation. Balance training interventions to reduce fall risk post-stroke may benefit from incorporating strategies to reduce maladaptive coupling of frontal and sagittal plane stability

    The FLASSH study: protocol for a randomised controlled trial evaluating falls prevention after stroke and two sub-studies

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    This randomised controlled trial aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a multi-factorial falls prevention program for stroke survivors who are at high risk of falling when they return home after rehabilitation. Intervention will consist of a home exercise program as well as individualised falls prevention and injury minimisation strategies based on identified risk factors for falls. Additionally, two sub-studies will be implemented in order to explore other key areas related to falls in this population. The first of these is a longitudinal study evaluating the relationship between fear of falling, falls and function over twelve months, and the second evaluates residual impairment in gait stability and obstacle crossing twelve months after discharge from rehabilitation

    The bark beetle pests in the coniferous tree species in Ordu province (curculionidae: scolytinae)

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    Bu çalışma Ordu ilinde ibreli ağaç türlerinde zarar yapan kabuk böceklerini tespit etmek amacıyla 2013-2017 yıllarında yürütülmüştür. Giresun Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü, Ordu Orman İşletmesi’nin bu zamana kadar yapmış oldukları koruma çalışmalarından faydalanarak belirlenen deneme sahalarına, feromon tuzakları ve tuzak ağacı yerleştirilmiştir. Deneme sahalarında bulunan feromon tuzakları ve tuzak ağaçları belirli aralıklarla kontrol edilmiş ve gözlemlenmiştir. Yapılan araştırmalarda elde edilen örneklerin bulundukları yerdeki tuzakların koordinatları, rakımı ve mevkii adları kayıt altına alınmıştır. Çalışma sonunda 8 adet kabuk böceği türü tespit edilmiştir. Bunlar sırasıyla; Ipssexdentatus (Boerner), Dendroctonus micans (Kugelann), Ips typographus (L), Trypodendron lineatum (Olivier, 1795),Pityogenes bidentatus (Herbst 1783), Hylastes ater (Paykull 1880), Pityophthorus pityographus (Ratzeburg, 1837) ve Pityokteines curvidens (Germar)’ tir. Bu türlerin yanı sıra 4 adet avcı tür tespiti yapılmıştır. Bu türler; Rhizophagus grandis (Gyll.), Thanasimus formicarius (Linnaeus), Rhizophagus dispar (Paykul) ve Rhizophagus depressus (Fabricius)’tur.This study has been conducted to identiry the bark beetles which give harm on the handled tree kinds in the Ordu city between 2013-2017 years. Giresun Forest Zone Directorate, Maçka Directorate of Forestry has placed traps and trap trees on the trial sites detemired by the army forest operation using the conseration work they have done so far. Pheremone traps and trap trees located on trial sites were observed and controlled at regular intervals. The coordinates of the traps at the place where the samples obtained in the surveys were taken the location and the place names were recorded. At the end of the study 8 bark beetles species were conducted. They are respectively ; Ipssexdentatus (Boerner), Dendroctonus micans (Kugelann), Ips typographus (L), Trypodendron lineatum (Olivier, 1795),Pityogenes bidentatus (Herbst 1783), Hylastes ater (Paykull 1880), Pityophthorus pityographus (Ratzeburg, 1837) ve Pityokteines curvidens (Germar). Also 4 predatör species have been conducted. These kinds are Rhizophagus grandis (Gyll.), Thanasimus formicarius (Linnaeus), Rhizophagus dispar (Paykul) ve Rhizophagus depressus (Fabricius)

    Temarapport om reiseliv

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    Norsk reiselivsnæring er sterkt relatert til opplevelser av urørt natur, og er en næring i sterk vekst. Denne rapporten gir en gjennomgang av et utvalg studier av hvordan vindkraftutbygging påvirker reiselivsnæringen. I rapporten vurderes også behovet for ny kunnskap. Til slutt diskuteres hvordan reiselivsinteresser bør vektlegges i henholdsvis arbeidet med å peke ut Norges mest egnede områder for vindkraft, og i fremtidige konsesjonssake

    "No man is an island" : en antropologisk studie av identiet blant homofile menn i San Francisco

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    Oppgaven er basert på et fem måneder langt feltarbeid blant homofile menn i San Francisco. Jeg ville undersøke forholdet mellom selvidentitet og sosiale omgivelser i lys av normalitetsoppfatninger. Tanken var at homofiles erfaringsverden kunne bidra til å belyse selvets forhold til brytning mellom normalitet og annerledeshet fordi de i seksuelt og romantisk kjærlighetsliv avviker fra det som oppfattes å være naturlig for mennesket. I forbindelse med sosiale omgivelser står San Franciscos status som homohovedstad sentralt i forhold til problemstillingen. Marginalisering og opplevelse av annerledeshet danner et utgangspunkt for de undersøkelser jeg gjør når jeg via temaer som komme-ut-prosess, identitetskonflikt og gruppetilhørighet søker en forståelse av hvordan selvet formes og orienterer seg i møte med den sosiale verden. Gjennom avhandlingen argumenterer jeg for at synlige representasjoner av egen erfaringsverden i det offentlige rom er av sentral betydning for opplevelse av et helhetlig selv. Et teoretisk premiss for avhandlingen er at selvidentitet forholder seg dynamisk og prosessuelt til ytre diskurser som definerer menneskelig væren. At erfaring av selvet er uløselig knyttet til sosiale former og mekanismer, sees derfor som et gyldig og interessant utgangspunkt for å analysere selvet og personlig identitet innen rammen av antropologiske studier

    Applications of thermoelastic stress analysis

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