26 research outputs found

    Impact of 13valent vaccine for prevention of pneumococcal diseases in children and adults at risk: possible sceneries in Campania region

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    Pneumonias are the most frequent infectious disease, characterized by a high prevalence especially among children and adults at risk. The socio-economic impact caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae is evaluated in terms of morbidity, death rate and hospitalizations

    Role of c-Abl in Directing Metabolic versus Mitogenic Effects in Insulin Receptor Signaling

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    c-Abl is a cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase involved in several signal transduction pathways. Here we report that c-Abl is involved also in insulin receptor signaling. Indeed, c-Abl tyrosine kinase is activated upon insulin stimulation. Inhibition of c-Abl tyrosine kinase by STI571 attenuates the effect of insulin on Akt/GSK-3beta phosphorylation and glycogen synthesis, and at the same time, it enhances the effect of insulin on ERK activation, cell proliferation, and migration. This effect of STI571 is specific to c-Abl inhibition, because it does not occur in Abl-null cells and is restored in c-Abl-reconstituted cells. Numerous evidences suggest that focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is involved in mediating this c-Abl effect. First, anti-phosphotyrosine blots indicate that c-Abl tyrosine kinase activation is concomitant with FAK dephosphorylation in response to insulin, whereas c-Abl inhibition is accompanied by FAK phosphorylation in response to insulin, a response similar to that observed with IGF-I. Second, the c-Abl effects on insulin signaling are not observed in cells devoid of FAK (FAK(-/-) cells). Taken together these results suggest that c-Abl activation by insulin, via a modification of FAK response, may play an important role in directing mitogenic versus metabolic insulin receptor signaling


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    Este trabalho estuda o comportamento dos principais setores que compõem as 500 maiores empresas latino-americanas, através da aplicação de métodos multivariados de análise fatorial e análise de conglomerados, buscando determinar eventuais clusters existentes. São analisadas as seguintes variáveis: receita líquida, variação da receita líquida, lucro líquido, variação do lucro líquido, ativos, variação de ativos, número de funcionários e receita líquida por funcionário, segundo a Revista Latin Trade de 2005. As empresas foram classificadas em um ranking pela sua receita líquida e o tratamento dos dados se deu por meio do software estatístico SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). O objetivo deste estudo consiste na análise dos clusters formados, com o intuito de identificar características comuns de cada agrupamento de empresas


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    Aiming to turn possible the determination of similar behaviors on the financial and operational acting in Logistics Operation Businesses in Brazil, as a result of financial economic indexes, we apply multi-varied methods of factorial analysis and conglomerates analysis in order to determine eventual clusters. Therefore, in this study, economic-financial database from the 21 largest Logistic Operational Businesses in Brazil was used, according to the magazine Balanço Anual da Gazeta Mercantil in 2004. The companies are ranked according to their operational income and dealing with their data through SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences), a statistics software. The aim of this study is analyzing the formed clusters, trying to identify common characteristics for each group of enterprises.Com o intuito de tornar possível a determinação de comportamentos semelhantes de atuação operacional e financeira em empresas de operação logística no Brasil, em função da utilização de indicadores econômico-financeiros, aplicam-se os métodos multivariados de análise fatorial e análise de conglomerados para a determinação de eventuais clusters existentes. Para a realização deste estudo, portanto, utilizou-se como base de dados os indicadores econômico-financeiros das 21 maiores empresas de operação logística do Brasil, segundo a revista Balanço Anual da Gazeta Mercantil de 2004. As empresas estão classificadas em um ranking pela sua receita operacional e o tratamento dos dados se deu por meio do software estatístico SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). O objetivo deste estudo consiste na análise dos clusters formados, com o intuito de identificar características comuns de cada agrupamento de empresas

    D3.2 - Stato dell'infrastruttura 3DLab-Sicilia alla fine del periodo di sperimentazione in ambito di laboratorio

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    Questo rapporto presenta lo stato dell’infrastruttura 3DLab-Sicilia con particolare attenzione sullo stato di avanzamento della realizzazione dei tre laboratori nei nodi del progetto che compongono il Centro di Realtà Virtuale geograficamente distribuito e sulle sequenze (pipeline) di esecuzione di software implementate internamente per la creazione di modelli tridimensionali e scenari immersivi e offerte dal progetto a tutti i possibili utilizzatori esterni. Il documento è organizzato come segue: la Sezione 2 introduce lo stato dell’arte relativamente alle soluzioni di Cross Reality (XR, che comprende anche la Realtà Virtuale); la Sezione 3 presenta le caratteristiche e le potenzialità del Centro di Realtà Virtuale di 3DLab-Sicilia; la Sezione 4 presenta gli ulteriori elementi chiave dell’infrastruttura che il progetto mette a disposizione dell’utenza; infine, nelle sezioni 5 e 6 vengono forniti i dettagli delle pipeline software supportate, rispettivamente, per servizi di utilità generale e per servizi specifici per gli use case del progetto

    Understanding Factors Associated With Psychomotor Subtypes of Delirium in Older Inpatients With Dementia

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    Characterising Research Areas in the field of AI

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    Interest in Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to grow rapidly, hence it is crucial to support researchers and organisations in understanding where AI research is heading. In this study, we conducted a bibliometric analysis on 257K articles in AI, retrieved from OpenAlex. We identified the main conceptual themes by performing clustering analysis on the co-occurrence network of topics. Finally, we observed how such themes evolved over time. The results highlight the growing academic interest in research themes like deep learning, machine learning, and internet of things

    Trattamento chirurgico minivasivo d’urgenza di ernia gastrica iatale paraesofagea strozzata. Caso clinico

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    The Authors report a case of strangulated paraesophageal hiatal hernia occurred in a elderly woman and treated with laparascopic approach. After review of the literature regard on this uncommon pathology that present about 5% of the hiatal hernias, they emphasize that the laparoscopic approach is appropriated even in emergency and comprises complete reduction of the stomach in abdomen, control of suitable position of the distal esophagus and cardias and making of effective hiatus-plasty

    Pitfalls and differential diagnosis on adrenal lesions: current concepts in CT/MR imaging: a narrative review

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    The purpose of this pictorial essay is to review the imaging findings of adrenal lesions. Adrenal lesions could be divided into functioning or non-functioning masses, primary or metastatic, and benign or malignant. Imaging techniques have undergone significant advances in recent years. The most significant objective of adrenal imaging is represented by the detection and, when possible, characterization of adrenal lesions in order to direct patient management correctly. The detection and management of adrenal lesions is based on cross-sectional imaging obtained with non-contrast CT (tumour density), contrast-enhanced CT including delayed washout (either absolute percentage washout or relative percentage one) and finally with MR chemical shift analysis (loss of signal intensity between in-phase and out-of-phase images including both qualitative and quantitative estimates of signal loss). The small incidental adrenal nodules are benign, in most of cases; some tumors such as lipid-rich adenoma and myelolipoma have characteristic features that can be diagnosed accurately in CT. On contrary, if the presenting contrast-enhanced CT shows an adrenal mass with uncertain or malignant morphologic features, particularly in patients with a known history of malignancy, further evaluations should be considered. The most significative implications for radiologists are represented by how to assess risk of malignancy on imaging and what follow-up to indicate if an adrenal incidentaloma is not surgically removed