17 research outputs found

    Wine to water

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    En el relato "El vino de Wyoming" de Ernest Hemingway el uso del francés, sin traducción, en conjunción con una sintaxis inglesa confusa por parte de la protagonista, que habla un idiolecto desconcertante de inglés/francés, tiene un propósito tridimensional: 1) ambos recursos reflejan el desconcierto y la sensación de exilio que siente la protagonista afincada en un país extranjero, el cual a menudo le resulta incomprensible; 2) la protagonista y el narrador constituyen una dualidad, ya que éste se ve, de alguna manera, expatriado en su propio país, lo cual, a su vez, refleja los sentimientos de Hemingway mientras escribía el relato; 3) el uso excesivo del francés y la sintaxis poco clara empleada por el protagonista crean en el lector una sensación de perplejidad y confusión que va paralela a la que sienten tanto el narrador -y Hemingway por extensión- como la protagonista. Al traducir el relato al español el traductor recurre a una estrategia traductora explicativa y académica, la cual lo despoja de su carácter, anula el papalelismo establecido entre la protagonista y el narrador, y no llega a producir una traducción comunicativa.In Ernest Hemingway's short story "The Wine of Wyoming," the use of French, without translation, in conjunction with the confusing usage of English syntax by the major character, who often speaks a bewildering English/French pastiche, serves a three-fold purpose: 1) both devices reflect the confusion and sense of displacement felt by the main character living in a foreign country that is often incomprehensible to her; 2) the protagonist and the narrator constitute a duality, for the latter also finds himself somewhat estranged in his native land, which, in turn, parallels Hemingway's emotional state during the composition of the story; 3) the inordinate use of French and the confusing syntax employed by the major character create a sense of bewilderment and confusion in the reader, thus reflecting the sensation experienced by both the narrator -and Hemingway by extension- and the major character. In the Spanish translation, the translator adopts an explicative and academic translation strategy, which denudes characterization, nullifies parallelism between the major character and the narrator, and fails to produce a communicative translatio

    Classification of tropical precipitation regimes: a comparative analysis of disdrometer, profiler, and multi-parameter radar measurements

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    Fall 2000.Includes bibliographical references.The key objective of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission is to improve estimates of the diabatic heating in tropical precipitation. These improvements depend on the separation of the convective and stratiform components of a precipitating system since each type of precipitation exhibits a different latent heating profile. The objectives of this study were to develop a classification algorithm using multiparameter radar data and apply it and several existing classification algorithms to the TRMM-LBA data set. We have developed a precipitation classification algorithm that identifies convective precipitation within the storm complex using multiparameter radar data. This identification depends on the intensity and trend of the estimated precipitation rate. The existing algorithms use disdrometer data, Doppler profiler systems, and radar reflectivity to classify precipitation. Comparisons between each algorithm were made, which provided the opportunity to evaluate the performance of each algorithm over a variety of precipitation events. The disdrometer-based algorithm failed to classify 14% of the data, leading to poor agreement with the remaining algorithms. The profiler-based, reflectivity-based, and multiparameter algorithms agreed well; of 430 minutes of precipitation, they classified 36%, 41%, and 40% as convective respectively. The total convective area produced by the reflectivity-based algorithms and the multiparameter algorithm agreed reasonably well. Qualitative inspection of the classification results by the reflectivity­ based and multiparameter algorithm showed each algorithm's ability to identify the cellular structure within the precipitating events as convective.Sponsored by the National Science Foundation and National Aeronautics & Space Administration under grants ATM-9726464 and NAG 5-4754

    The Joint Archives Quarterly, Volume 08.03: Winter 1998

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    Drainage and Water Quality in Great Lakes and Cornbelt States

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    The soils and the climate of the Great Lakes and Cornbelt states dictate that drainage is required to carry out economically viable farming activities. When drained, the soils are very productive and this eight-state region accounts for nearly 80% of the agricultural production of the United States. Drainage played an important role in the development of the region and a historical perspective is included to indicate the impetus for drainage and the amount of drainage application. Research results of agricultural drainage effects on water quality indicate that agricultural subsurface drainage has both positive and negative impacts; i.e., reduction in sediment and phosphorous, and increase in nitrate-nitrogen delivery to receiving waters. Research is needed to evaluate the full potential of controlled drainage and water-table management systems for managing agricultural effects on water quality. This information is needed by state and federal agencies to help landowners meet existing and impending water-quality requirements. Drainage is an important management practice for improving water quality while sustaining agricultural viability

    Bibliografía especializada de traducción sobre interpretación: el Proyecto Hermēneus de publicaciones de traducción e interpretación de la Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación de Soria - Universidad de Valladolid (1999-2011)

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    Producción CientíficaFrom 1999 up to the present, the Faculty of Translation of Interpreting at the University of Valladolid, Spain, has published three closely related series on Translation and Interpreting, the so-called Proyecto Hermēneus (Hermēneus Project): Hermēneus Journal, the Vertere Monographs, and Disbabelia, a collection of unknown translations. This paper seeks to make some of their features known as well as offer their full bibliographical data.La Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación de Soria, perteneciente a la Universidad de Valladolid, publica desde el año 1999 hasta la fecha tres series relacionadas entre sí dedicadas a la traducción y la interpretación, el llamado Proyecto Hermēneus compuesto por la revista Hermēneus, los monográficos Vertere y las traducciones ignotas Disbabelia. El presente trabajo comentará algunos rasgos de dichas colecciones, y recogerá los datos bibliográficos completos de las mismas

    Ernest Hemingway, Muerte en la tarde, Miriam B. Mandell and Tony Brand (eds), Carmen Martínez Gimeno (trans), Madrid, Espasa, 2005, 477 pp.

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    Drainage and Water Quality in Great Lakes and Cornbelt States

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    The soils and the climate of the Great Lakes and Cornbelt states dictate that drainage is required to carry out economically viable farming activities. When drained, the soils are very productive and this eight-state region accounts for nearly 80% of the agricultural production of the United States. Drainage played an important role in the development of the region and a historical perspective is included to indicate the impetus for drainage and the amount of drainage application. Research results of agricultural drainage effects on water quality indicate that agricultural subsurface drainage has both positive and negative impacts; i.e., reduction in sediment and phosphorous, and increase in nitrate-nitrogen delivery to receiving waters. Research is needed to evaluate the full potential of controlled drainage and water-table management systems for managing agricultural effects on water quality. This information is needed by state and federal agencies to help landowners meet existing and impending water-quality requirements. Drainage is an important management practice for improving water quality while sustaining agricultural viability.This article is from Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 121 (1995): 283–288, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9437(1995)121:4(283).</p

    Status of the NASA Micro Pulse Lidar Network (MPLNET): overview of the network and future plans, new version 3 data products, and the polarized MPL

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    The NASA Micro Pulse Lidar Network (MPLNET) is a global federated network of Micro-Pulse Lidars (MPL) co-located with the NASA Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET). MPLNET began in 2000, and there are currently 17 long-term sites, numerous field campaigns, and more planned sites on the way. We have developed a new Version 3 processing system including the deployment of polarized MPLs across the network. Here we provide an overview of Version 3, the polarized MPL, and current and future plans