4 research outputs found

    Arsenic concentrations in seagrass around the Mediterranean coast and seasonal variations

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    Arsenic’s occurrence in the environment could be due to human activities as well as to natural sources. In this study, Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa are collected in 84 sites around the Mediterranean basin. In addition, both seagrass are collected monthly, in two sites (Calvi in Corsica and Salammbô in Tunisia). Arsenic concentrations in C. nodosa present seasonal variations in relation with spring phytoplankton blooms. For both species arsenic concentration is higher in the vicinity of geological sources (mining), lagoon outlets and industrial activities. Moreover, Mediterranean islands (Balearic, Sardinia, Corsica, Malta, Crete and Cyprus) and the Southern basin coastline exhibit lower concentrations in Arsenic than the rest of the Mediterranean basin. The wide spread distribution of these two species would encourage their use in a global monitoring network devoted to Arsenic contamination.peer-reviewe

    Setting up the Medposidonia Programme in the Mediterranean Region

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    The MedPosidonia programme, an initiative of the Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (UNEP/MAP) supported by the Total corporate Foundation, aims at collecting information on the geographic distribution and evolution of Posidonia meadows (Posidonia oceanica) in four Mediterranean countries with a view to using these information to elaborate and/or adjust their conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity programmes

    Setting up the Medposidonia Programme in the Mediterranean Region

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    The MedPosidonia programme, an initiative of the Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (UNEP/MAP) supported by the Total corporate Foundation, aims at collecting information on the geographic distribution and evolution of Posidonia meadows (Posidonia oceanica) in four Mediterranean countries with a view to using these information to elaborate and/or adjust their conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity programmes. Within the framework of this programme, activities were performed at two locations in Algeria (Kouali Cove and El Kala coasts), three in Tunisia (Sidi Ali El Mekki coasts, Sousse/Monastir Bay and Kerkennah Island), two in Libya (Tripoli area and AM Al-Ghazala coasts) and two in Turkey (Gokceada Island and Mersin area). Several actions were carried out: (i) enhancement of national capacities by the means of training sessions, (ii) carrying out of general cartography works using side scan sonar (lower limit) and remote sensing, through satellite images, (upper limit) techniques, (iii) setting up of monitoring systems along the lower limit following a standardized protocol, (iv) general assessment of seagrass meadow location and vitality, and (v) assessment of the ecological status of the water body using Posidonia oceanica as a bio-indicator. All the data collected were included in a Geographic Information System that will be regularly updated