64 research outputs found

    N=1 SUSY Conformal Block Recursive Relations

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    We present explicit recursive relations for the four-point superconformal block functions that are essentially particular contributions of the given conformal class to the four-point correlation function. The approach is based on the analytic properties of the superconformal blocks as functions of the conformal dimensions and the central charge of the superconformal algebra. The results are compared with the explicit analytic expressions obtained for special parameter values corresponding to the truncated operator product expansion. These recursive relations are an efficient tool for numerically studying the four-point correlation function in Super Conformal Field Theory in the framework of the bootstrap approach, similar to that in the case of the purely conformal symmetry.Comment: 12 pages, typos corrected, reference adde

    On two-dimensional quantum gravity and quasiclassical integrable hierarchies

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    The main results for the two-dimensional quantum gravity, conjectured from the matrix model or integrable approach, are presented in the form to be compared with the world-sheet or Liouville approach. In spherical limit the integrable side for minimal string theories is completely formulated using simple manipulations with two polynomials, based on residue formulas from quasiclassical hierarchies. Explicit computations for particular models are performed and certain delicate issues of nontrivial relations among them are discussed. They concern the connections between different theories, obtained as expansions of basically the same stringy solution to dispersionless KP hierarchy in different backgrounds, characterized by nonvanishing background values of different times, being the simplest known example of change of the quantum numbers of physical observables, when moving to a different point in the moduli space of the theory.Comment: 20 pages, based on talk presented at the conference "Liouville field theory and statistical models", dedicated to the memory of Alexei Zamolodchikov, Moscow, June 200

    Bootstrap in Supersymmetric Liouville Field Theory. I. NS Sector

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    A four point function of basic Neveu-Schwarz exponential fields is constructed in the N = 1 supersymmetric Liouville field theory. Although the basic NS structure constants were known previously, we present a new derivation, based on a singular vector decoupling in the NS sector. This allows to stay completely inside the NS sector of the space of states, without referencing to the Ramond fields. The four-point construction involves also the NS blocks, for which we suggest a new recursion representation, the so-called elliptic one. The bootstrap conditions for this four point correlation function are verified numerically for different values of the parameters

    Higher Equations of Motion in N = 1 SUSY Liouville Field Theory

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    Similarly to the ordinary bosonic Liouville field theory, in its N=1 supersymmetric version an infinite set of operator valued relations, the ``higher equations of motions'', holds. Equations are in one to one correspondence with the singular representations of the super Virasoro algebra and enumerated by a couple of natural numbers (m,n)(m,n). We demonstrate explicitly these equations in the classical case, where the equations of type (1,n)(1,n) survive and can be interpreted directly as relations for classical fields. General form of the higher equations of motion is established in the quantum case, both for the Neveu-Schwarz and Ramond series.Comment: Two references adde

    Modular Integrals in Minimal Super Liouville Gravity

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    The four-point integral of the minimal super Liouville gravity on the sphere is evaluated numerically. The integration procedure is based on the effective elliptic parameterization of the moduli space. The analysis is performed for a few different gravitational four-point amplitudes. The results agree with the analytic results recently obtained using the Higher super Liouville equations of motion.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    A remark on the three approaches to 2D Quantum gravity

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    The one-matrix model is considered. The generating function of the correlation numbers is defined in such a way that this function coincide with the generating function of the Liouville gravity. Using the Kontsevich theorem we explain that this generating function is an analytic continuation of the generating function of the Topological gravity. We check the topological recursion relations for the correlation functions in the pp-critical Matrix model.Comment: 11 pages. Title changed, presentation improve

    Higher Equations of Motion in Liouville Field Theory

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    An infinite set of operator-valued relations in Liouville field theory is established. These relations are enumerated by a pair of positive integers (m,n)(m,n), the first (1,1)(1,1) representative being the usual Liouville equation of motion. The relations are proven in the framework of conformal field theory on the basis of exact structure constants in the Liouville operator product expansions. Possible applications in 2D gravity are discussed.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of the VI International Conference ``CFT and Integrable Models'', Chernogolovka, Russia, September 200

    On scaling fields in ZNZ_N Ising models

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    We study the space of scaling fields in the ZNZ_N symmetric models with the factorized scattering and propose simplest algebraic relations between form factors induced by the action of deformed parafermionic currents. The construction gives a new free field representation for form factors of perturbed Virasoro algebra primary fields, which are parafermionic algebra descendants. We find exact vacuum expectation values of physically important fields and study correlation functions of order and disorder fields in the form factor and CFT perturbation approaches.Comment: 2 Figures, jetpl.cl

    Integrable Circular Brane Model and Coulomb Charging at Large Conduction

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    We study a model of 2D QFT with boundary interaction, in which two-component massless Bose field is constrained to a circle at the boundary. We argue that this model is integrable at two values of the topological angle, θ=0\theta =0 and θ=π\theta=\pi. For θ=0\theta=0 we propose exact partition function in terms of solutions of ordinary linear differential equation. The circular brane model is equivalent to the model of quantum Brownian dynamics commonly used in describing the Coulomb charging in quantum dots, in the limit of small dimensionless resistance g0g_0 of the tunneling contact. Our proposal translates to partition function of this model at integer charge.Comment: 20 pages, minor change
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