95 research outputs found

    Morphology and Structure of Pb Thin Films Grown On Si (111) by Pulsed Laser Deposition

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    Pulsed laser deposition (PLD) is a versatile thin film deposition technique in which high powered laser beam interacts with a target material inside an ultrahigh vacuum chamber. Highly energetic particles such as electrons, atoms, protons, and ions generate a plasma plume that directed towards a substrate material where recondenses form a thin film. PLD is an effective and reliable method to create varieties of thin films such as metal, polymer, and ceramic for many technologically essential applications. In this study, thin Pb films were grown by pulsed laser deposition on Si (111) at various laser fluences, pulse wavelengths, deposition times, and substrate temperatures. Nanosecond pulsed Nd: YAG laser with 1064 nm fundamental wavelength, 10 Hz frequency, and 5 ns pulse duration used to ablate the 99.99% pure Pb material. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and ex situ atomic force microscopy (AFM) were used to probe the surface morphology and structure. At room temperature, increasing the laser fluence and/or the pulse wavelength triggers the transformation from the “worm”-like interconnected islands to granular, separated islands. Increasing the substrate temperature to slightly below the Pb melting temperature results in the formation of large, nearly spherical non-wetting islands. Additionally, ultrathin Pb (111) films were grown at room temperature, which resulted in the appearance of a small number of almost 2D islands due to the emerging quantum size effect. Our results show that pulsed laser deposition can be used effectively for the controlled growth of Pb thin films

    Random dynamics in financial markets

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    We study evolutionary models of financial markets. In particular, we study an evolutionary market model with short-lived assets and an evolutionary model with long-lived assets. In the long-lived asset market, investors are allowed to use general dynamic investment strategies. We find sufficient conditions for the Kelly portfolio rule to dominate the market exponentially fast. Moreover, when investors use simple strategies but have incorrect beliefs, we show that the strategy which is "closer" to the Kelly rule cannot be driven out of the market. This means that this strategy will either dominate or at least survive, i.e., the relative market share does not converge to zero. In the market with short-lived assets, we study the dynamics when the states of the world are not identically distributed. This marks the first attempt to study the dynamics of the market when the probability of success changes according to the relative shares of investors. In this problem, we first study a skew product of the random dynamical system associates with the market dynamics. In particular, we compute the Lyapunov exponents of the skew product. This enables us to produce a "surviving" investment strategy, i.e., the investor who follows this rule will dominate the market or at least survive. All the mathematical tools in the thesis lie within the framework of random dynamical systems

    Ekonomik Kriz Dönemlerinde Aile Bireylerinde Kararların Optimizasyonu: Azerbaycan Örneği

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    Günümüzde ekonomi, hukuk, politika, uluslararası ilişkiler, yapay zeka, biyoloji ve bir çok farklı alanlarda kullanılan oyun teorisi yapılan bu çalışmada ekonomik kriz dönemlerinde krizi atlatmak ve ailelerde stratejik karar vermede doğru dengenin bulunması için kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada dünyada genel olarak yaşanan ekonomik krizler ve onların yaranma nedenlerine, sonuçlarına değinilmiş, 2015 yılı Azerbaycan’da yaşanan ekonomik krizin yaranma nedenleri ve kriz sonrası bu durumun aile bireyleri üzerindeki mali ve manevi etkisi, krizler zamanı bu durumun az hasar görerek atlatılması konusunda ailelerin ürettikleri optimal fikir stratejileri oyun teorisi çerçevesinde incelenmiştir. Yapılan anket çalışmasıyla 250 kadın ve 250 erkek tesadüfi örnekleme yoluyla seçilerek sorulara verilen yanıtlar ilk önce SPSS 24 bilgisayar programında sayısallaştırılarak Frekans ve Tanımlayıcı İstatistik analizleri yapılmıştır. Sonraki aşamadaysa oyun kuramında denge matrisi için Bulanık Bilişsel Haritalama yöntemi ile merkeziyet değeri hesaplanarak optimal fayda ve karar bulunmuştur

    Ocena zależności między ciśnieniem centralnym w aorcie a zesztywniającym zapaleniem stawów kręgosłupa

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    Introduction. Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a chronic inflammatory disease with an unknown etiology that belongs to the group of spondyloarthropathies. Patients with AS have an increased cardiovascular mortality but the reason is controversial. Central aortic pressure (CAP) is defined as the blood pressure in the aortic root and can be measured non-invasively via arteriography. Inflammation in the aortic root, which also causes aortic regurgitation in late sta ges of AS, possibly causes increased levels of central aortic pressure and this may explain the increased mortality rates from cardiovascular events in patients with AS. We investigated the CAP levels in patients with AS compared to healthy age- and sex-matched control group in this novel study. Material and methods. This is an observational case-control study composed of 30 patients with ankylosing spondylitis without conventional cardiovascular risk factors (such as known diabetes, hypertension, and smoking) or heart failure, peripheral or coronary artery disease. The peripheral blood pressures and CAP measurements were obtained with ‘arteriograph’ (TensioMed, Budapest, Hungary).Pulse wave velocity (PWV), peripheral and central augmentation index (pAIx and cAIx) and systolic central aortic pressure (sCAP) of both the AS and control group were compared. Results. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups for pAIx, cAIx, PWV or PP. Patient with AS had higher sCAP values but there wasn’t any statistically significant difference for sCAP. Conclusion. Our objective was to investigate the relationship between the AS and sCAP. There was an increase in sCAP in AS group compared to controls. But this was not statistically significant. This result can be due to the small population size and should be verified in larger population.Wstęp. Zesztywniające zapalenie stawów kręgosłupa (AS) to przewlekła choroba zapalna o nieznanej etiologii należąca do spondyloartropatii. U chorych z AS obserwuje się zwiększoną śmiertelność sercowo-naczyniową, jednak przyczyny tego zjawiska nie są znane. Ciśnienie centralne w aorcie (CAP) jest definiowane jako ciśnienie krwi w korzeniu aorty. Możliwy jest nieinwazyjny pomiar CAP metodą arteriografii. Zapalenie w obrębie korzenia aorty, będące również przyczyną niedomykalności w późnym stadium AS, może powodować wzrost ciśnienia centralnego w aorcie, co może tłumaczyć zwiększoną śmiertelność z powodu zdarzeń sercowo-naczyniowych w grupie chorych z AS. Autorzy zbadali wartości CAP u chorych z AS w porównaniu z wartościami uzyskanymi w grupie kontrolnej złożonej ze zdrowych osób dobranych pod względem wieku i płci. Materiał i metody. Tym obserwacyjnym badaniem kliniczno-kontrolnym objęto 30 chorych z AS, u których nie występowały tradycyjne czynniki ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego (rozpoznana cukrzyca, nadciśnienie tętnicze, palenie tytoniu), niewydolność serca, choroba tętnic obwodowych ani choroba wieńcowa. Wartości obwodowego ciśnienia tętniczego i pomiary CAP uzyskano metodą arteriografii (TensioMed, Budapeszt, Węgry). Porównano wartości następujących parametrów w grupie AS i grupie kontrolnej: szybkość fali tętna (PWV), wskaźnik wzmocnienia ciśnienia obwodowego i centralnego (pAIx, cAIx) i skurczowe ciśnienie centralne w aorcie (sCAP). Wyniki. Nie stwierdzono statystycznie istotnych różnic między grupami pod względem wartości pAIx, cAIx, PWV ani PP. U chorych z AS zaobserwowano wyższe wartości sCAP, jednak różnice nie osiągnęły poziomu istotności statystycznej. Wnioski. Badanie przeprowadzono w celu zbadania zależności między AS a sCAP. W grupie chorych na AS wartości sCAP były wyższe niż w grupie kontrolnej. Jednak różnice nie były istotne statystycznie. Wyniki te mogą być spowodowane niewielką liczebnością badanej populacji i powinny zostać zweryfikowane w badaniu z większą liczbą uczestników

    Mine technical system with repeated geotechnology within new frames of sustainable development of underground mining of caved deposits of the Zhezkazgan field

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    The article outlines the principles of design of repeated geotechnology at the development of reserves in the conditions of collapsed deposits of the Zhezkazgan field for the purpose of rational management of underground mining processes. This is an integral design principle of the mine technical system with repeated geotechnology, and the foundation for the practice of designing and operation of the subsoil at the development of mineral deposits. At the designing of a mine technical system with repeated geotechnology aimed at the development of collapsed subsoil reserves, the risks and natural and man-made emergencies related to the production are taken into account. Under modern conditions, mining design cannot be employed in isolation from the principles of sustainable development, which implies not only orthodox meaning but also the development that ensures society existence without threatening the needs of future generations. In this connection, the ongoing research incorporates designing of mine technical systems with due account for the principles of sustainable development, which correspond to the current priority direction related to the development of repeated geotechnology within new frames of sustainable development of repeated underground mining of reserves in the conditions of collapsed deposits of the Zhezkazgan field. This contributes to the efficient use of resource-replenishing repeated geotechnology and the possibility of the most complete development of the georesource subsoil potential due to the enhancement of the ore potential at the operation of underground mines of Kazakhmys Corporation Ltd., which is one of the largest copper mining companies in the world

    Dynamics of Endovascular Therapy Department’s work of Scientific Research Institute of Heart Surgery and Organ Transplantation, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

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    In recent years, high medical-social importance of most nosological types of cardiovascular diseases reflects an increase of surgery activity in this medical field. The enlargement of endovascular procedures is obvious and logical process. Today Endovascular therapy department of Scientific Research Institute of Heart Surgery and Organ Transplantation is one of the medical facility, where conducted scientific researches and new methods of diagnostics and treatment of vascular and cardiac diseases are being introduced

    Collaborative learning & co-creation in XR

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    In this SIG, we aim at gathering researchers and practitioners to reflect on using XR technologies to support collaborative learning and co-creation, and to foster a joint force by connecting the Learning and Education community and the XR community at CHI. We witness a significant increase in CHI publications relating to these research areas: 292 titles about "collaborative learning" or "co-creation" since 2015 compared to 96 in 2010-2014; and 1180 titles about XR since 2015 compared to 288 in 2010-2014. This SIG will bring together researchers, educators, designers and practitioners to 1) stimulate a cross-disciplinary discussion on the opportunities of collaborative learning and co-creation in XR; 2) foresee the future directions, standards and obstacles to introduce XR to education; and 3) build a joint community connecting XR and education research at CHI