297 research outputs found

    Demand Functions for Services of Public Railway Passenger Transportation: An Empirical Analysis for Slovenia

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    The paper deals with the estimation of demand functions for services of public railway passenger transportation in the case of Slovenia. Six demand functions were selected and separately interpreted. The aggregate values of demand elasticities reported in this paper suggest that the railway passenger demand is price and income inelastic. Coefficients of income elasticity below unity show that the services of railway passenger transportation in Slovenia can be classified among normal goods. A hypothetical increase in average real fares leads to a percentage decrease in the number of passengers travelling by rail that is smaller than the percentage increase in fares. The estimated price elasticities imply that, in the short run, there is potential for improving revenues of the railway operator by increasing average real fares.


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    Artikel ini mendiskusikan pemikiran Imam al-Zarkasyi dalam kitab al-Burhan fi ‘Ulum al-Qur’an berkaitan dengan kaidah istimbat (pengalian) hukum dalam al-Qur’an. Dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif analitis dan pendekatan ulumul qur’an serta ushul fiqh,  didapatkan temuan bahwa menurut al-Zakasyi mengali hukum dalam al-Qur’an paling tidak ada dua poin penting yang harus diperhatikan. Pertama, klasifikasi hukum menurut al-Zarkasyi dibagi menjadi dua; (1) hukum yang langsung bisa dipahami tanpa ada keterlibatan ayat lain; dan (2) hukum yang mengharuskan adanya ayat lain untuk memahaminya. Kedua, terkait kaidah istinbat hukum, al-Zarkasyi membaginya menjadi enam; (1) Memahami siyaq al-nafi yang bersifat umum; (2) Istifham; (3) Syuruth; (4) Larangan; (5) Bentuk kata yang khusus tetapi ditujukan untuk umum; dan (6) Bentuk kata umum namun memiliki maksud khusus


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    Abstrak Maryam dan Isa keduanya disinggung dalam Al Quran dan Bible. Pada kedua kitab tersebut ada perbedaan dan persamaan kisah. Dengan metode komparatif peneliti menemukan ada keselarasan  dalam Al Quran dan Bible tentang  Maryam dan Isa. Maryam dalam Al Quran dan Bible digambarkan sebagai wanita yang suci. Maryam juga digambarkan sebagai wanita yang  terpilih dan diberkahi.  Sementara perbedaan hanya pada penamaan Al Quran menyebutnya dengan Maryam sementara Bible Maria. Peneliti juga menemukan dalam kasus Isa, Al Quran dan Bible sepakat bahwa Isa adalah seorang  utusan dan Rasul, namun dalam Bible ditemukan inkonsistensi pada beberapa ayat dalam  masalah ini. Perbedaan mendasar antara Al Quran dan Bible berkaitan dengan Isa adalah, menurut Al Quran Isa diangkat ke langit atas kuasa Allah, sementara versi Bibel Yesus dibangkitkan setelah meninggal selama empat puluh hari. Perbedaan yang sangat mendasar adalah Bibel mengatakan bahwa Isa adalah anak Tuhan.  Kata Kunci: Al Quran, Bible, Maryam, Isa

    Systematic method for designing constellations for intensity-modulated optical system

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    We consider the design of compact multisubcarrier constellations for intensity-modulated direct-detected optical systems. The constellations are designed to minimize the average electrical, average optical, and peak optical power for a given minimum distance between constellation points. We formulate the constellation design as a nonconvex optimization problem with second-order cone constraints, (nonconvex) quadratic constraints, and a convex objective function. We show that this problem can be relaxed to a (convex) second-order cone programming (SOCP) problem. We introduce a simple iterative method in which the SOCP relaxation is improved in each iteration. Several numerical simulation examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of our method. For the single-subcarrier case, the new constellations are compared with the best known formats in terms of power and spectral efficiency. Our new constellations outperform the corresponding face-centered cubic lattice and quadrature-amplitude-modulation-based constellations, with average electrical and optical power gains in the vicinity of 0.5 dB, for low symbol error rates. The corresponding peak optical power gains are also in the vicinity of 0.5 dB. By studying the mutual information inherent to the new constellations, we show that the potentials are still valid for coded systems. For the two-subcarrier case, we still outperform two-subcarrier schemes based on conventional constellations and optimized single-subcarrier constellations with the same dimensions


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    Latar Belakang :Preeklamsia berat adalah suatu komplikasi kehamilan yang ditandai dengan timbulnya hipertensi 160/110 mmHg atau lebih disertai proteinuria dan atau edema pada kehamilan 20 minggu atau lebih. Penyebab langsung kematian ibu adalah perdarahan (28 %), eklamsia (24 %), infeksi (11 %)danpreeklamsia berat sebanyak( 3,8%). Salah satu upaya penanganan yang dilakukan yaitu deteksi dini, yang dapat dilakukan melalui pelayanan dan Asuhan Antenatal Care (ANC) yang berkualitas yang merupakan cara untuk memonitoring dan mendukung kesehatan ibu hamil normal dan mendeteksi ibu dengan kehamilan normal agar tidak menjadi abnormal dengan pemeriksaan protein urine secara rutin, pemeriksaan tekanan darah, dan pemantauan berat badan. Tujuan : Tujuan pemberian asuhan kebidanan pada ibu preeklamsia berat dan IUFD yaitu untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan mahasiswa tentang asuhan kebidanan padaibupreeklamsia berat danIUFDdengan pendekatan manajemen kebidanan varney. Metodelogi Penelitian : Deskriptif dengan pendekatan Studi Kasus. Pembahasan :Pada kasus Ny. M.N yaitu rujukan dari puskesmas Tarus dengan diagnosa PEB dan IUFD. Berdasarkan asuhan yang dilakukan dimulai dari pengumpulan data yaitu data subjektif dan objektif, asuhan yang diberikan yaitu melakukan kolaborasi dengan dokter untuk memberikan advis pengakhiran kehamilan terlebih dahulu, mengakhiri kehamilan dengan Induksipersalinan, lanjutan pemberian MgSo4, menginformasikan tentang pentingNYA mengatur diet rendah garam, lemak, karbohidrat dan tinggi protein, serta menganjurkan ibu untuk mengikuti KB dan mengikuti perkembangan ibu selama pemberian asuhan. Simpulan :Pada kasus Ny. M.N Preeklamsia dengan IUFD diketahui bahwa faktor resiko pada preeklamsia berat yang terjadi pada ibu yaitu kehamilan multipel dimana jumlah kehamilan ibu sebanyak lima kali dengan usia 38 tahun.Hal ini dikarenakan hipertensi dipicu oleh kehamilan yang menyebabkan terhambatnya aliran darah kerahim, yang membuat bayi kekurangan oksigen dan nutrisi. Hal ini dapat memberi pengaruh buruk pada kesehatan janin yang disebabkan oleh menurunnya utero plasenta, hipovolemia, vasospasme, dan kerusakan sel endotel pembuluh darah plasenta

    A Robust NLOS Bias Mitigation Technique for RSS-TOA-Based Target Localization

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    This letter proposes a novel robust mitigation technique to address the problem of target localization in adverse nonline- of-sight (NLOS) environments. The proposed scheme is based on combined received signal strength and time of arrival measurements. Influence of NLOS biases is mitigated by treating them as nuisance parameters through a robust approach. Due to a high degree of difficulty of the considered problem, it is converted into a generalized trust region sub-problem by applying certain approximations, and solved efficiently by merely a bisection procedure. Numerical results corroborate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, rendering it the most accurate one in all considered scenarios.IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS, VOL. 26, NO. 1, JANUARY 201

    Evaluation of a Human Trafficking Educational Intervention at Thomas Jefferson University for Public Health Students

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    The evaluation of educational programs serves as a mechanism to enhance student learning and professional success. Effective evaluation provides value to educators invested in improving their interventions, students invested in receiving high-quality education, future employers searching for well-trained team members. One critical public health topic for students to understand well so it can be better addressed by future public health professionals is human trafficking. Human trafficking not only affects individuals but society in significant ways. Educating public health students on the significant and increasing problem is key to victim identification and intervention. Estimates indicate over 80% of trafficked victims interact with health care professionals at some point in their experience, and these workers need an understanding of the issues involved. This capstone integrative learning experience involved evaluation of a Human Trafficking Self-Guided Education Module (HTSGEM) developed by a Jefferson College of Population Health (JCPH) alumni to educate public health students on human trafficking. The evaluation of this educational intervention involved a pre-test and post-test of student knowledge on human trafficking. Public health students (N=12) had 10 minutes to answer a paper questionnaire with sixteen (16) printed questions for the pre-test. After the pre-test, students watched a thirty (30) minute Human Trafficking Self-Guided Education Module (HTSGEM) and then had 10 minutes for the post-test. Individual scores were analyzed and compared. Pre-test awareness was low, with significant improvement post-test. Described in this report is a comparison of both pre and post-test results and a statement on findings to aid decisions on future evaluations and curriculum implementation