1,129 research outputs found

    Parodies of whiteness: Die Antwoord and the politics of race, gender, and class in South Africa

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    The dramatic reconfiguration of the social, political, and ideological order in South Africa since 1990/1994 has demanded a concomitant reconceptualization of (white) Afrikaner notions of self and belonging in the (new) nation. In this article, we draw on recent developments in the study of varidirectional voicing (polyphony), performance, and mediatization to examine how the South African rap-rave group Die Antwoord makes use of parody and metaparody in their music to critique emerging ‘new Afrikaner’ identities and the racial, class, and gender configurations on which they are based. We also discuss the structural limits of these critiques and the political potential of (meta)parodic performance more generally

    Verschuivende verhoudingen

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    Overgewicht is in relatief korte tijd veranderd van een individueel gezondheidsprobleem in een volksgezondheidsprobleem. Dit is gepaard gegaan met een groeiende roep om overheidsbemoeienis in de vorm van wet- en regelgeving. Maar wat vermag de overheid? In dit essay onderwerpen we de roep om overheidsingrijpen aan een kritische reflectie. Hoewel de overheid een grondwettelijke verantwoordelijkheid heeft voor de publieke gezondheid, leert de geschiedenis van andere leefstijlgerelateerde problemen ons dat de overheid zich in een paradoxale situatie bevindt. Enerzijds kan ze in instrumentele zin veel doen – ze beschikt immers over een uitgebreide gereedschapskist met juridische en economische beleidsinstrumenten. Anderzijds wordt de overheid vaak in haar handelingsruimte beperkt doordat dat beleidsinstrumentarium maatschappelijk omstreden is

    Effect of quantum nuclear motion on hydrogen bonding

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    This work considers how the properties of hydrogen bonded complexes, D-H....A, are modified by the quantum motion of the shared proton. Using a simple two-diabatic state model Hamiltonian, the analysis of the symmetric case, where the donor (D) and acceptor (A) have the same proton affinity, is carried out. For quantitative comparisons, a parametrization specific to the O-H....O complexes is used. The vibrational energy levels of the one-dimensional ground state adiabatic potential of the model are used to make quantitative comparisons with a vast body of condensed phase data, spanning a donor-acceptor separation (R) range of about 2.4-3.0 A, i.e., from strong to weak bonds. The position of the proton and its longitudinal vibrational frequency, along with the isotope effects in both are discussed. An analysis of the secondary geometric isotope effects, using a simple extension of the two-state model, yields an improved agreement of the predicted variation with R of frequency isotope effects. The role of the bending modes in also considered: their quantum effects compete with those of the stretching mode for certain ranges of H-bond strengths. In spite of the economy in the parametrization of the model used, it offers key insights into the defining features of H-bonds, and semi-quantitatively captures several experimental trends.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures. Notation clarified. Revised figure including the effect of bending vibrations on secondary geometric isotope effect. Final version, accepted for publication in Journal of Chemical Physic

    Implicit threat vigilance among violent offenders diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder:The impact of ostracism and control threat

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    The present study investigated the role of control as a moderator in reaction to ostracism among male violent offenders diagnosed with ASPD (N = 33) compared to a control sample consisting of males from the normal population without a known history of violence, or diagnosis of ASPD, matched for age and educational level (N = 35). Participants played an altered version of the Cyberball game in which they could control the course of the game or not. The authors predicted and found that having control prior to ostracism would mitigate the effect of ostracism on implicit threat vigilance among violent offenders diagnosed with ASPD, but not among normal individuals. The results suggest that control needs are crucial in the typology of ASPD

    The embedded indexical value of /s/-fronting in Afrikaans and South African English

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    This paper examines the indexical value of /s/-fronting in White Afrikaans and in White South African English (WSAfE). Prior research on this feature has shown that fronted articulations of /s/ in WSAfE serve as a regional and social indicator of the wealthy northern suburbs of Johannesburg, and anecdotal evidence suggests that the feature carries a similar meaning in White Afrikaans. This study therefore aims to examine whether the variable carries similar meanings across the two languages. Data are based on the evaluative reactions toward different experimental stimuli that were presented to 214 Afrikaans-English bilinguals in South Africa during a modified matchedguise task. The results indicate that /s/-fronting in a man’s voice is perceived in similar terms in White Afrikaans and WSAfE though it carries somewhat different meanings across the two languages when it occurs in a woman’s voice, a difference related in turn to different approaches to gender across the two speech communities. The results of this research, and the indexical value of /s/-fronting in the two languages, are therefore only understandable in terms of certain sociohistorical and sociological differences between the two speech communities. The article ends with some discussion relating to the possible source of the relevant similarities and differences, i.e., parallel innovation or sociophonetic transfer

    Thermal decontamination of sewage sludge

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    Every year a huge amount of sewage sludge is formed at municipal wastewater treatment plants. Sewage sludge contains a sufficient amount of biogenic elements and organic components, which characterizes them as possible raw materials for the production of organic fertilizers. However, direct incorporation of these sediments into the soil is impossible due to the fact that, in addition to useful organic and mineral components, they contain pathogens, viruses and helminth eggs. The aim of the study was to optimise thermal disinfection conditions for preparing of safety sewage sludge fertilizer. Laboratory studies were carried out using sediments from wastewater treatment plants of some cities. During laboratory experiments, the conditions for thermal disinfection of sediments – the thickness of the sediment layer, the air temperature in the disinfection furnace, and the treatment time of the sediment – were determined. When conducting industrial tests of a conveyor-type sediment decontamination furnace, the operating conditions of the furnace were determined, i.e., the temperature regimes of the sludge heating zone, the decontamination zone and the cooling zone, and the optimum parameters of the sludge layer thickness on the conveyor and the conveyor speed were determined

    Mathematical Model of the Shell with the Infill for Retaining Structures

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    A description of finite element model and analysis of a shell with an infill is performed. A large diameter thin cylindrical shell structure with the edge leaning against compressible foundation soil is analyzed. Different materials are considered individually for the models of each structure shell and infill component (metal or reinforced concrete shell, and granular or elastic infill in a shell and foundation soil loaded by the structure). Contact conditions between 1) the infill and the shell’s inner surface and 2) between the foundation material and the shell edge are analyzed. An example of calculating strain conditions in the shell according to the proposed finite element model and tasks of its development process and specification are provided in this paper

    Interface Friction Parameters for the Mathematical Modeling of Shell Structures with Infill

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    Thin metal or reinforced concrete shells with granular infill structures are considered in this article. These structures are massive and they are used as support for the construction of berthing quays, piers, artificial islands, shore protection, and other structures of coastal infrastructure. It is more convenient to use the thin shell structures during the development of the Arctic shelf, because it is possible to install them from the ice side. In addition, it is possible to enhance the technology and install thin shells with infill on deeper solid foundation layers. A mathematical model for the stresses on a compressible foundation soil in front of a thin cylindrical shell with infill due to the eccentric loading is developed. A modeling and experimental determination of the interface strength of the contact surface between the infill and the inner surface of the shell is proposed. The details of the construction stages and testing of the physical model used for the experiments are discussed. The effects of the interface friction on the shell behavior and on the foundation stresses in front of the wall are investigated. The influence of parameters affecting the interaction between the soil infill and the inner surface of the shell material is determined. It is based on a comparison of experimental results with calculations performed using the proposed mathematical model. The obtained parameters and proposed methods can be used in numerical simulations using the finite element method to analyze and design the thin shell structures with soil infill. The findings of the study and proposed methods can also be applied to the thin shell structures used in other facilities such as hydraulic, industrial, civil, and transportation