53 research outputs found

    Problems of intercultural communication

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    The difference of worldviews is one of the reasons for differences and conflicts in intercultural communication. In some cultures, the purpose of the interaction is more important than communication itself, in others - on the contrary. The term «outlook» is generally used to refer to the concept of reality that divides with respect to a particular culture or ethnic group of people. Outlook must be first referred to the cognitive aspects of culture. Mental organization of each individual reflects the structure of the world. Elements of commonality in the outlook of individuals throughout the world form a group of people of a particular culture. Each individual has his own culture, which forms his outlook. Despite the difference in individuals themselves, the culture in their minds is composed of common elements and the elements, the difference of which is permissible. Rigidity or flexibility of culture is defined by the relationship of worldviews of individuals with a vision of a society. Разница мировоззрений является одной из причин разногласий и конфликтов в межкультурной коммуникации. В некоторых культурах цель взаимодействия является более важной, чем сама связь, в других - наоборот. Термин «мировоззрение», как правило, используется для обозначения понятия реальности, которая делит по отношению к определенной культуре или этнической группы людей. Психическая организация каждого человека отражает структуру мира. Элементы общности в мировоззрении людей во всем мире образуют группу людей определенной культуры. Каждый человек имеет свою собственную культуру, которая формирует его мировоззрение. Несмотря на разницу в самих физических лицах, культура в их сознании состоит из общих элементов и элементов, разность которых допустима. Жесткость или гибкость культуры определяется соотношением мировоззрений индивидов с видением общества


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    This article is devoted to the study of the metonymic expressions “urban” and “rural” in the American media discourse. In this article, we tried to study metonymy within the framework of the modern scientific paradigm of cognitive linguistics. It is known that in cognitive linguistics there are three approaches to metonymy, which consider metonymy as a conceptual phenomenon, a fundamental method of understanding reality and one of the mechanisms of cognitive modeling: 1) the theory of prototypes and idealized cognitive models; 2) the theory of frame semantics; 3) the theory of conceptual semantics. In studying metonymy on the basis of these theories, the views of linguists such as J. Lakoff, M. Johnson, Z. Kövecses, YV Paducheva were referred to. The article cites and explores newspaper examples to illustrate the metonyms “urban” and “rural” in American media discourse.This article is devoted to the study of the metonymic expressions “urban” and “rural” in the American media discourse. In this article, we tried to study metonymy within the framework of the modern scientific paradigm of cognitive linguistics. It is known that in cognitive linguistics there are three approaches to metonymy, which consider metonymy as a conceptual phenomenon, a fundamental method of understanding reality and one of the mechanisms of cognitive modeling: 1) the theory of prototypes and idealized cognitive models; 2) the theory of frame semantics; 3) the theory of conceptual semantics. In studying metonymy on the basis of these theories, the views of linguists such as J. Lakoff, M. Johnson, Z. Kövecses, YV Paducheva were referred to. The article cites and explores newspaper examples to illustrate the metonyms “urban” and “rural” in American media discourse


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    This article introduces an enhanced energy management strategy that employs the state of charge (SoC) of batteries in standalone DC microgrids with photovoltaic (PV) modules. Efficient energy management is crucial to ensure uninterrupted power supply to the load units in microgrids. To address the challenges posed by external factors such as temperature fluctuations and variations in solar irradiance, energy storage systems are deployed to compensate for the negative effects of the external factors on the output power of PV modules. The proposed approach takes into account various parameters of the microgrid elements, including the available power from the sources, demand power, and the SoC of batteries, in order to develop an efficient energy control mechanism with load-shedding capability. By considering these parameters, the strategy aims to optimize the utilization of available resources while ensuring a reliable power supply to the connected loads. The SoC of the batteries plays a critical role in determining optimal charging and discharging profiles, enabling effective energy management within the microgrid. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, an algorithm is designed and simulations are conducted. The proposed algorithm utilizes a hybrid approach by combining power and SoC-based methods for efficient control. Through analysis of the simulation results, it is found that the presented approach is capable of delivering the intended load power while increasing the life cycle of the batteries with the pre-defined SoC levels.Niniejszy artykuł wprowadza ulepszoną strategię zarządzania energią, która wykorzystuje stan naładowania akumulatorów (SoC) w autonomicznych mikrosieciach prądu stałego z modułami fotowoltaicznymi (PV). Efektywne zarządzanie energią ma kluczowe znaczenie dla zapewnienia nieprzerwanego zasilania jednostek odbiorczych w mikrosieciach. Aby sprostać wyzwaniom związanym z czynnikami zewnętrznymi, takimi jak wahania temperatury i zmiany natężenia promieniowania słonecznego, systemy magazynowania energii są wdrażane w celu skompensowania negatywnego wpływu czynników zewnętrznych na moc wyjściową modułów fotowoltaicznych. Proponowane podejście uwzględnia różne parametry elementów mikrosieci, w tym dostępną moc ze źródeł, moc zapotrzebowania i SoC akumulatorów, w celu opracowania wydajnego mechanizmu kontroli energii z możliwością zrzucania obciążenia. Biorąc pod uwagę te parametry, strategia ma na celu optymalizację wykorzystania dostępnych zasobów przy jednoczesnym zapewnieniu niezawodnego zasilania podłączonych obciążeń. SoC akumulatorów odgrywa kluczową rolę w określaniu optymalnych profili ładowania i rozładowywania, umożliwiając efektywne zarządzanie energią w mikrosieci. Aby ocenić skuteczność proponowanego podejścia, zaprojektowano algorytm i przeprowadzono symulacje. Proponowany algorytm wykorzystuje podejście hybrydowe, łącząc metody oparte na mocy i SoC w celu zapewnienia wydajnej kontroli. Poprzez analizę wyników symulacji stwierdzono, że prezentowane podejście jest w stanie dostarczyć zamierzoną moc obciążenia, jednocześnie zwiększając cykl życia akumulatorów przy wstępnie zdefiniowanych poziomach SoC


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    Housing and communal services is one of the leading branches of the municipal economy at the present time, the quality of life of the population directly depends on the effectiveness of its development. Despite the high level of development of many socio-economic entities in the Russian Federation, in the housing and public utilities sector today there is no uniform effective methodology for assessing ongoing activities. Creating a universal methodology for assessing regional authorities in the implementation of measures to reform housing and communal services can be an important element in the information management of the industry. The scientific paper uses mathematical tools to build effective mechanisms for the functioning of programmes for housing and public utilities.The purpose of this study is a theoretical justification, the creation of an effective mechanism to maintain the economic balance in the housing sector.In this case, effective monitoring of management companies is considered as an important element of the economic mechanism of management of housing and public utilities, which will improve the quality of public services and ensure the level of satisfaction of the population.

    Сімейне виховання особистості у педагогічній спадщині А. С. Макаренка

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    In accordance with the theme of the article, the author concentrates her attention on consideration of problems of family upbringing. On the basis of analysis of pedagogical inheritance of А.S.Makarenko the essence and content which are constituents of family upbringing of personality of child are revealed in the article. The leading ideas of the conception of family upbringing of А.S.Makarenko are considered. Educating potential of family and possibility of its using in educator space of general school is described. On the basis of analysis of A.S. Makarenko’s views to family upbringing the subjects of training for parents for the use in the system of educating work at school and with the aim to increase pedagogical culture of parents is worked out, the recommendations for parents as for the questions of  education of children in the family are offered.Відповідно до теми статті автор зосереджується на розгляді проблем сімейного виховання. На основі аналізу педагогічної спадщини А.С. Макаренка у статті розкриваються сутність та зміст, складові сімейного виховання особистості дитини у контексті педагогічної спадщини А.С.Макаренка. Розглянуто провідні ідеї концепції сімейного виховання А.С.Макаренка на тлі сучасних освітньо-виховних процесів. Охарактеризовано виховний потенціал сім’ї та можливості їх використання в виховному просторі загальноосвітньої школи. На основі аналізу поглядів А.С.Макаренка про сімейне виховання розроблена тематика зборів для батьків для використання в системі виховної роботи школи та з метою підвищення педагогічної культури батьків, також запропоновані рекомендації для батьків стосовно виховання дітей у родині

    Сімейне виховання особистості у педагогічній спадщині А. С. Макаренка

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    Відповідно до теми статті автор зосереджується на розгляді проблем сімейного виховання. На основі аналізу педагогічної спадщини А.С. Макаренка у статті розкриваються сутність та зміст, складові сімейного виховання особистості дитини у контексті педагогічної спадщини А.С.Макаренка. Розглянуто провідні ідеї концепції сімейного виховання А.С.Макаренка на тлі сучасних освітньо-виховних процесів. Охарактеризовано виховний потенціал сім’ї та можливості їх використання в виховному просторі загальноосвітньої школи. На основі аналізу поглядів А.С.Макаренка про сімейне виховання розроблена тематика зборів для батьків для використання в системі виховної роботи школи та з метою підвищення педагогічної культури батьків, також запропоновані рекомендації для батьків стосовно виховання дітей у родині

    Эконометрический анализ факторов банкротств российских компаний в обрабатывающем секторе

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    This work is devoted to the analysis of the factors influencing the bankruptcy of the Russian manufacturing industry companies for the period from 2012 to 2020. Logistic regression was used as an econometric tool for the modelling the probability of companies’ default. According to the results, financial indicators of profitability, liquidity and business activity play a significant role in explaining the probability of default of Russian manufacturing companies. Special attention was paid to the impact on the probability of bankruptcy of corporate governance and ownership structure factors. First, including these indicators into the model led to an increase in its predictive power. Secondly, CEO-duality increases the stability of the company, and too high maximum share of ownership increases the likelihood of bankruptcy

    Макроэкономические факторы банкротства компаний обрабатывающей отрасли в Российской Федерации

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    The paper presents the results of an econometric assessment of probabilistic default models on a sample of medium-sized manufacturing companies in Russia for the period from 2012 to 2020. Characteristics of the macroeconomic environment were included in the models. The inclusion of the real effective exchange rate, the growth rate of the exchange rate, the key interest rate or the price of Brent oil in real terms lead to an increase in the forecast power of the base model with internal factors only. The growth in the key interest rate and the price of oil increases the probability of a corporate default

    Elements of implementation of a competence approach in preparing future special needs teachers

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    The article considers the competency-based approach in preparing future special needs teachers for professional activities. The purpose, content and essence of the competency-based approach are highlighted, its features are indicated. The concepts of competency-based approach, competence, professional competence are revealed and the views of some scientists on these provisions are examined. Particular attention is paid to the competencies necessary for special needs teachers, as well as the main types of professional activity of specialists in the field of special (defectologic) education. The relevance of the research topic. The demand for a competency-based approach in the system of higher professional education is determined by the current state of the labor market, which requires a specialist of the “new generation” - mobile, able to navigate in the flow of information, regularly self-educated and owning knowledge and skills in the field of his professional activity. Formulation of the problem. The most important place in the vocational education system is given to the training of a qualified, competent, competitive specialist who knows his profession, capable of improving his knowledge throughout his professional life, his social and professional mobility. The introduction of such a competency-based approach into the system of higher professional education is aimed at increasing the competitiveness of specialists, improving relations with the labor market, as well as updating the content and methodology of education, in particular the creation of an appropriate learning environment. The purpose of the study is to implement the competency-based approach and its features in the preparation of future special needs teachers. The research Methods. In the research theoretical and empirical methods were used (analysis, observation, questionnaire). The results and key findings. As a result of the study, the concept of a competency-based approach was disclosed, the research of domestic and foreign scientists within the framework of this approach was analyzed, an analysis of the formation of knowledge about the necessary competencies of future defectologists was conducted, and ways to improve them were proposed

    Факторы риска, прибыльности и вероятности дефолта в российском банковском секторе

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    Banks, acting as intermediaries in conducting settlements and providing liquidity to economic agents, play an important role in modern economic systems. At the same time, banking activity is associated with many risks that necessitates control from the regulator. Over the past 9 years, the Russian banking sector has experienced a transformation that resulted in a more than halving of the number of players in the banking system. However, a revoking a bank's license is not always associated with financial difficulties. In this paper, based on quarterly data on the financial statements of Russian banks for the period from mid-2013 to early 2022, using econometric methods of analysis, we estimated the factors that affect both the probability of bank default as well as other indicators of its activity – the risk of insolvency and profitability. The Z-score was used as an indicator of insolvency risk and the return on assets was used as an indicator of profitability. The results obtained showed that balance sheet ratios are significantly correlated with the probability of bank default, its risk of insolvency and profitability. The results support the “too-big-to-fail” hypothesis for the Russian banking sector, since larger banks have a lower probability of default, but a higher risk of insolvency. The insolvency risk is significantly negatively correlated with the probability of default and profitability