27 research outputs found

    Increasing the capacity of consular services in the Republic of Macedonia in order to improve services to citizens

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    Consular offices as object have to protect the right and the interest of the citizens that stay out of their country for different reasons. Nevertheless, it should be mentioned that consular offices (consul) from their foundation until today have an important role and have the influences in diplomacy related improvement of the relations between the state on the economic and cultural plan, which also represents one of important functions that consular representative of the Republic of Macedonia has. The fact that should have in mind is that consular representations impelement government policy commitment of which is the withdrawal of foreign investments.   Kew words: diplomacy, consular, relationships, service

    A Treatment of Geothermal Resources

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    Geothermal energy, per se, is the heat retained inside the Earth that may activate various geological occurrences in global and grand proportions. Nevertheless, at present, geothermal energy is utilized semantically to point out that some of the abovementioned heat may be retrieved and employed. In essence, the geothermal resources from within the Earth are prodigious. Beyond the treatment of the geothermal resources, this writing, just like any other study, does not undermine the relevant detrimental effects. It rather attempts to emulate the previous corresponding works that expounded the historicity of the geothermal energy along with the intrinsic advantages

    Tidal and Wave Energy: a Viability Overview

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    The global quiescent capacity of tidal energy is utterly prodigious. A potential wide-ranging output of electric power from thalassic tideway and waves — besides the inherent wind resource — is appealing as it provides, amongst other things, adequate grounds for an industrial viability analysis. Apropos, in recent years, vast improvements have been observed in the domain of tidal energy exploitation. Furthermore, economic viability is gradually gaining ground in a process that comprises considerable funding from sphere trendsetters and frontrunners. Palpable technical development, besides the favorable treatment from the communications industry, has boosted the validity of this particular renewable energy arrangement

    A Review on Energy Generation from the Sun and the Earth

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    The earthen and solar thermal capacities are enormous, though only a small part of it is at concrete disposal. In layman’s terms, the immensity of the thermal energy is not attainable in its totality to human beings’ science and tools. Dimensionally, thermal contours encompass an expanse, be it an area, a region, or a spatial sector, that entails thermal dynamism on the Earth’s body of soil or in space. If the thermal dynamism (activity, energy, or source) is not present on the surface of the Earth proper, thermal dynamism can refer to the superficial space or area that coincides geographically with the underground thermal reservoir or with the thermal resources hovering above in the sky

    Krahasimi i Energjisë Fosile dhe i Energjisë së Ripërtëritshme në Kosovë

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    Një ndër pyetjet thelbësore në rrafshin ekonomik bashkëkohor të shekullit XXI është edhe ajo përkitazi me metodën më efikase të prodhimit të energjisë në mbështetje të sferave të ndryshme jetësore dhe sociale. Burimet fosile të energjisë, në veçanti ato nga qymyrguri, shërbejnë për prodhimin e shumicës së energjisë elektrike në Kosovë, ndërsa një pjesë e vogël përftohet nga burimet e ripërtëritshme. Ndopak më saktësisht, rreth 90-95% e energjisë përftohet nga burimet fosile, teksa pjesa e mbetur gjen prejardhjen në burimet eripërtëritshme. Kosova, tashmë, është në etapën e tranzicionit të energjisë, duke zbatuar dhe jetësuar direktivat dhe caqet e përcaktuara nga Bashkimi Evropian — udhëzime këto që synojnë rritjen e prodhimit të energjisë nga BRE. Kësodore, në një të ardhme të afërt, pritet rritja e përqindjes së energjisë së përftuar nga BRE. Në logjikë koherente, ky proces do të përkonte me rënien e prodhimit të energjisë elektrike nga burimet fosile

    Kuluttajamarkkinointi sosiaalisessa mediassa

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    Tämän opinnäytteen tavoitteena oli tutkia markkinointia sosiaalisessa mediassa kuluttajasuojalain nojalla ja auttaa uusia pieniä yrityksiä alkuun sosiaalisen median markkinoinnissa sekä auttaa heitä tunnistamaan tärkeimmät säänökset sekä laittähän liittyen. Työssä selvitettiin, mitkä kuluttajasuojalait koskevat markkinointia sosiaalisessa mediassa. Opinnäytetyössä tarkasteltiin myös sosiaalisen median kanavia ja niihin liittyviä säännöksiä. Työ toteutettiin tutkimalla relevanttia kirjallisuutta ja tiedonhaulla. Kirjallisuuslähteet liittyivät markkinointioikeuteen, sosiaalisen median lakeihin ja kuluttajansuojalakia. Lisäksi tutustuttiin erilaisiin artikkeleihin ja aiheeseen liittyviä blogeihin. Työn tuloksena löydettiin ne tärkeimmät lait ja säädökset sekä markkinointiin liittyvät menettelytavat, joista on hyötyä jokaiselle yrittäjälle, joka haluaa parantaa sosiaalisen median markkinointiaan. Tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää sosiaalisen median markkinointia pohdittaessa. Uudet yrittäjät, jotka suunnittelevat markkinointia sosiaalisessa mediassa, voivat hyödyntää tuloksia paremman markkinoinnin saavuttamiseen. Yritys tai yksityishenkilö pystyy tuloksia hyödyntämällä kehittämään menettelytapojaan sosiaalisen median markkinoinnissa ja välttymään kuluttajansuojalain vastaisista rikkomuksista.The aim of this thesis was to study marketing on social media under the Consumer Protection Act. The study looks into which Consumer Protection Act laws concern social media marketing. Social medias channels and related regulations are also discussed. The thesis was implemented with help of literature such about marketing and social media laws, Consumer Protection Act and with different kinds of relevant articles and blogs. As a result the Thesis finds and presents main laws of Consumer Protection Act and social medias regulations as well as marketing procedures that benefit every entrepreneur who wants to improve his/her social media marketing. The results can be used for improving social media marketing. New entrepreneurs who are planning marketing on social media can utilize the findings to achieve better marketing results. Any company or individual is able to develop their marketing practices and avoid breaking the Consumer Protect Law

    Prognostički utjecaj povećanih koncentracija presepsina u serumu na ishod sepse

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    Background: Sepsis is a life-threatening condition with poor and highly variable clinical manifestations, which has remained a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Over time, definitions of sepsis have changed. Recently, in 2016, new sepsis definitions were set. At present, rapid diagnosis of sepsis is based on new sepsis biomarkers. Presepsin is a new sepsis biomarker, first described almost 15 years ago. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the diagnostic and prognostic value of presepsin in septic patients, as well as to compare the diagnostic and prognostic ability of presepsin with other biomarkers (PCT and CRP), and scoring systems (APACHE II and SOFA score). ----- Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted in two university hospitals for infectious diseases, in Kosovo and in Croatia. One hundred consecutive septic patients were enrolled in the study. Patients were grouped according to disease outcome (survivors and non-survivors) and disease severity (sepsis, septic shock). Sepsis biomarkers (presepsin ̶ PSEP, procalcitonin ̶ PCT, and C-reactive protein ̶ CRP) were measured at four time points over the course of the disease (on admission ̶ T0, after 24 hours ̶ T1, after 72 hours ̶ T2, and on Day 7 ̶ T3), and scoring systems (SOFA score and APACHE II score) were calculated. A sandwich Human presepsin ELISA Kit was used for presepsin measurements. Generalized linear mixed effects model was used to test the changes in presepsin concentrations during the illness and to estimate the difference between two outcome groups (survivors and non-survivors), as well as between two severity groups (sepsis and septic shock). Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves and areas under the ROC curves (AUCs) were calculated to test the importance of initial presepsin concentrations on sepsis outcome and sepsis severity. Based on optimal cut-off values of presepsin, for discriminating between outcome groups and severity groups, according to ROC curve analysis, the sensitivity and specificity of the found threshold values was calculated. Multivariate analysis was used to test the association of presepsin values and SOFA and APACHE II scores. For all statistical tests, significance was set at an alpha level of 0.05. All analyses were performed using SAS software version 9.3 (SAS Institute, Cary, North Carolina, USA). ----- Results: Presepsin concentrations were significantly higher in non-survivors compared to survivors, and in septic shock patients compared to patients with sepsis without shock. PCT and CRP levels did not differ between disease outcome groups, and neither between disease severity groups. Presepsin was the only biomarker associated with disease severity and disease outcome. There was a strong correlation between presepsin and SOFA and APACHE II scores. Only initial presepsin concentrations were associated with therapy failure. ----- Conclusion: This study shows that, compared to PCT and CRP, presepsin is a better diagnostic and prognostic. Initial and subsequent presepsin concentrations were significantly associated with disease severity and disease outcome. The same was not found for PCT and CRP.Uvod: Sepsa je životno ugrožavajuće stanje sa teškim i vrlo varijabilnim kliničkim manifestacijama, te ostaje značajan uzrok morbiditeta i mortaliteta. Definicija sepse mijenjala se s vremenom. Nedavno, 2016 godine postavljena je nova definicija sepse. Brza dijagnoza sepse može se postaviti na temelju novih biomarkera sepse. Presepsin je novi biomarker sepse, prvi put opisan prije gotovo 15 godina. Cilj ove studije bio je procijeniti dijagnostičku i prognostičku vrijednost presepsina u septičkih bolesnika, kao i usporediti dijagnostičku i prognostičku sposobnost presepsina s drugim biomarkerima (PCT i CRP) I skoring sustavima (APACHE II i SOFA skor). ----- Metode: Radi se o prospektivnoj opservacijskoj studiji provedenoj u 2 kliničke bolnice za infektivne bolesti, na Kosovu te u Hrvatskoj. U studiju je uključeno 100 pacijenata sa sepsom. Pacijenti su razmješteni u skupine prema ishodu bolesti (preživjeli i umrli) te prema težini bolesti (sepsa sa i bez septičkog šoka). Biomarkeri sepse (presepsin ̶ PSEP, procalcitonin ̶ PCT i C- reaktivni protein ̶ CRP) su mjereni četiri puta tijekom bolesti (kod prijema ̶ T0, nakon 24 sata ̶ T1, nakon 72 sata ̶ T2 i sedmog dana od početka bolesti ̶ T4), te su izračunati skoring sustavi (SOFA i APACHE II skor). Za mjerenje vrijednosti presepsina korištena je “sendvič” ELISA tehnika. Generalizirani linearni mješoviti model korišten je za analiziranje promjena u koncentracijama presepsina tijekom bolesti te procjenu razlika između skupina različitog ishoda bolesti (preživjelih i umrlih), kao i skupina različite težine bolesti (sepsa sa i bez septičkog šoka). Izračunate su ROC krivulje te površine ispod ROC krivulja (AUC) kako bi se procijenio značaj početnih vrijednosti koncentracija presepsina za ishod i težinu bolesti. Temeljem optimalnih graničnih vrijednosti presepsina za razlikovanje između grupa različitog ishoda i težine bolesti, analizom ROC krivulja izračunate su osjetljivost i specifičnost navedenih graničnih vrijednosti. Za ispitivanje povezanosti vrijednosti koncentracija presepsina i vrijednosti skorova za procjenu težine bolesti (SOFA i APACHE II) korištena je multivarijatna analiza. Za sve je testove korištena razina pouzdanosti od 5 posto. Sve su analize provedene koristeći SAS software verziju 9.3 (SAS Institute, Cary, North Carolina, USA). ----- Rezultati: koncentracije presepsina bila su značajno više u skupini umrlih bolesnika u usporedbi sa preživjelima, kao i u skupini bolesnika sa sepsom i septičkim šokom u usporedbi sa bolesnicima bez šoka. Razine PCT-a i CRP-a nisu se razlikovale između skupina različitog ishoda bolesti, kao ni skupina različite težine bolesti. Presepsin je bio jedini marker čije su vrijednosti bile povezane sa težinom bolesti i njezinim ishodom. Nađena je jasna korelacija između vrijednosti presepsina i SOFA i APACHE II skorova. Jedino su početne vrijednosti presepsina bile povezane s terapijskim neuspjehom. ----- Zaključak: naša je studija pokazala kako je presepsin bolji dijagnostički i prognostički marker sepse u usporedbi s drugim ispitivanim biomarkerima (CRP-om i PCT-om). Početne i subsekventne vrijednosti presepsina bile su značajno povezane s težinom i ishodom bolesti, dok isto nije nađeno za CRP i PCT

    The Comparison Between Renewable and Fossil Energy in Kosovo

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    Now-days the demand for energy is increasing day-to-day and most of the electrical energy is generated using fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). Using these fuels brings emissions of damaging gases, which cause air pollution and climate change. In order to reduce the pollution and prevent climate change, we have to make a transition and start using renewable energy instead of fossil fuels. Renewable sources like solar, wind and hydro energy must be a solution for this transition but the shortcoming of these sources is that we don’t have them constantly. In Kosovo 95% of the electricity is generated using coal and it’s concerning because the power plants are almost older than 50 years and the pollution is a serious problem in the areas around the plants. These plants have to gradually be replaced by renewable sources. Solar energy is a part of this solution, considering that the solar irradiation is quite suitable in Kosovo. There are around 2069 hours of sunlight in Kosovo and the usage of this potential will be a great benefit for us. After detailed analysis of the implementation of the photovoltaics type “JSM 72 330W”, we come to the conclusion that the price crosses the economic reasonability of investment, which also causes insecurities in electrical supply

    Prognostički utjecaj povećanih koncentracija presepsina u serumu na ishod sepse

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    Background: Sepsis is a life-threatening condition with poor and highly variable clinical manifestations, which has remained a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Over time, definitions of sepsis have changed. Recently, in 2016, new sepsis definitions were set. At present, rapid diagnosis of sepsis is based on new sepsis biomarkers. Presepsin is a new sepsis biomarker, first described almost 15 years ago. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the diagnostic and prognostic value of presepsin in septic patients, as well as to compare the diagnostic and prognostic ability of presepsin with other biomarkers (PCT and CRP), and scoring systems (APACHE II and SOFA score). ----- Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted in two university hospitals for infectious diseases, in Kosovo and in Croatia. One hundred consecutive septic patients were enrolled in the study. Patients were grouped according to disease outcome (survivors and non-survivors) and disease severity (sepsis, septic shock). Sepsis biomarkers (presepsin ̶ PSEP, procalcitonin ̶ PCT, and C-reactive protein ̶ CRP) were measured at four time points over the course of the disease (on admission ̶ T0, after 24 hours ̶ T1, after 72 hours ̶ T2, and on Day 7 ̶ T3), and scoring systems (SOFA score and APACHE II score) were calculated. A sandwich Human presepsin ELISA Kit was used for presepsin measurements. Generalized linear mixed effects model was used to test the changes in presepsin concentrations during the illness and to estimate the difference between two outcome groups (survivors and non-survivors), as well as between two severity groups (sepsis and septic shock). Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves and areas under the ROC curves (AUCs) were calculated to test the importance of initial presepsin concentrations on sepsis outcome and sepsis severity. Based on optimal cut-off values of presepsin, for discriminating between outcome groups and severity groups, according to ROC curve analysis, the sensitivity and specificity of the found threshold values was calculated. Multivariate analysis was used to test the association of presepsin values and SOFA and APACHE II scores. For all statistical tests, significance was set at an alpha level of 0.05. All analyses were performed using SAS software version 9.3 (SAS Institute, Cary, North Carolina, USA). ----- Results: Presepsin concentrations were significantly higher in non-survivors compared to survivors, and in septic shock patients compared to patients with sepsis without shock. PCT and CRP levels did not differ between disease outcome groups, and neither between disease severity groups. Presepsin was the only biomarker associated with disease severity and disease outcome. There was a strong correlation between presepsin and SOFA and APACHE II scores. Only initial presepsin concentrations were associated with therapy failure. ----- Conclusion: This study shows that, compared to PCT and CRP, presepsin is a better diagnostic and prognostic. Initial and subsequent presepsin concentrations were significantly associated with disease severity and disease outcome. The same was not found for PCT and CRP.Uvod: Sepsa je životno ugrožavajuće stanje sa teškim i vrlo varijabilnim kliničkim manifestacijama, te ostaje značajan uzrok morbiditeta i mortaliteta. Definicija sepse mijenjala se s vremenom. Nedavno, 2016 godine postavljena je nova definicija sepse. Brza dijagnoza sepse može se postaviti na temelju novih biomarkera sepse. Presepsin je novi biomarker sepse, prvi put opisan prije gotovo 15 godina. Cilj ove studije bio je procijeniti dijagnostičku i prognostičku vrijednost presepsina u septičkih bolesnika, kao i usporediti dijagnostičku i prognostičku sposobnost presepsina s drugim biomarkerima (PCT i CRP) I skoring sustavima (APACHE II i SOFA skor). ----- Metode: Radi se o prospektivnoj opservacijskoj studiji provedenoj u 2 kliničke bolnice za infektivne bolesti, na Kosovu te u Hrvatskoj. U studiju je uključeno 100 pacijenata sa sepsom. Pacijenti su razmješteni u skupine prema ishodu bolesti (preživjeli i umrli) te prema težini bolesti (sepsa sa i bez septičkog šoka). Biomarkeri sepse (presepsin ̶ PSEP, procalcitonin ̶ PCT i C- reaktivni protein ̶ CRP) su mjereni četiri puta tijekom bolesti (kod prijema ̶ T0, nakon 24 sata ̶ T1, nakon 72 sata ̶ T2 i sedmog dana od početka bolesti ̶ T4), te su izračunati skoring sustavi (SOFA i APACHE II skor). Za mjerenje vrijednosti presepsina korištena je “sendvič” ELISA tehnika. Generalizirani linearni mješoviti model korišten je za analiziranje promjena u koncentracijama presepsina tijekom bolesti te procjenu razlika između skupina različitog ishoda bolesti (preživjelih i umrlih), kao i skupina različite težine bolesti (sepsa sa i bez septičkog šoka). Izračunate su ROC krivulje te površine ispod ROC krivulja (AUC) kako bi se procijenio značaj početnih vrijednosti koncentracija presepsina za ishod i težinu bolesti. Temeljem optimalnih graničnih vrijednosti presepsina za razlikovanje između grupa različitog ishoda i težine bolesti, analizom ROC krivulja izračunate su osjetljivost i specifičnost navedenih graničnih vrijednosti. Za ispitivanje povezanosti vrijednosti koncentracija presepsina i vrijednosti skorova za procjenu težine bolesti (SOFA i APACHE II) korištena je multivarijatna analiza. Za sve je testove korištena razina pouzdanosti od 5 posto. Sve su analize provedene koristeći SAS software verziju 9.3 (SAS Institute, Cary, North Carolina, USA). ----- Rezultati: koncentracije presepsina bila su značajno više u skupini umrlih bolesnika u usporedbi sa preživjelima, kao i u skupini bolesnika sa sepsom i septičkim šokom u usporedbi sa bolesnicima bez šoka. Razine PCT-a i CRP-a nisu se razlikovale između skupina različitog ishoda bolesti, kao ni skupina različite težine bolesti. Presepsin je bio jedini marker čije su vrijednosti bile povezane sa težinom bolesti i njezinim ishodom. Nađena je jasna korelacija između vrijednosti presepsina i SOFA i APACHE II skorova. Jedino su početne vrijednosti presepsina bile povezane s terapijskim neuspjehom. ----- Zaključak: naša je studija pokazala kako je presepsin bolji dijagnostički i prognostički marker sepse u usporedbi s drugim ispitivanim biomarkerima (CRP-om i PCT-om). Početne i subsekventne vrijednosti presepsina bile su značajno povezane s težinom i ishodom bolesti, dok isto nije nađeno za CRP i PCT