273 research outputs found

    El símil de las grullas en la épica clásica.

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    Análisis de las comparaciones específicas sobre grullas utilizadas por los diferentes poetas épicos (Homero, Virgilio, Lucano, Estacio, Claudiano) y estudio de las características fundamentales de dicho símil (elementos y motivos, léxico, función ilustrativa). Homero ha fijado los rasgos esenciales de esta comparación, si bien el símil virgiliano ha influido también en los poetas latinos posteriores

    Los símiles en la poesía de Claudiano

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    Se intenta en primer lugar en esta tesis hacer una clasificación en diversos grupos de los múltiples y variados símiles que aparecen en la obra del poeta Claudio Claudiano. De cada una de estas comparaciones se hace a su vez un comentario que abarca diversos aspectos: fuentes utilizadas, tecnicas empleadas por el poeta para la elaboración de sus símiles, aspectos estilísticos de los mismos, características esenciales de las comparaciones, funciones de las mismas, etc. Al final se recoge en un apéndice un cuadro- resumen general de los símiles en Claudiano. La bibliografía recoge también numerosisimos estudios sobre los símiles de toda la tradición épica, no solo sobre las comparaciones del propio Claudian

    Imitaciones en collage de un soneto cortesano: Villamediana y Balbuena reescriben «Dejadme sospirar, desconfianza»

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    Este trabajo rastrea la fortuna de un anónimo soneto cortesano, «Dejadme sospirar, desconfianza», fuente de imitaciones a ambos lados del Atlántico. En concreto, se analizan sendos sonetos del conde de Villamediana y de Bernardo de Balbuena, que emplean una similar técnica compositiva de imitación en collage, integrando fragmentos literales del soneto fuente y de otras composiciones en un juego intertextual de imitación compuesta. This work tracks the fortune of an anonymous courtly sonnet, «Dejadme sospirar, desconfianza», a source for imitations in both sides of the Atlantic. In particular, it analyzes two sonnets by Count of Villamediana and by Bernardo de Balbuena, using a similar composition technique of collage imitation, integrating word-for-word fragments from the source sonnet and from other different compositions, as an intertextual game of compound imitation

    "Doña Catalina de la Cerda, que es tan hermosa como las demás son feas": cénit y ocaso de una dama de palacio singular

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    Abstract This article tries to restore the central figure of doña Catalina de la Cerda, lady-inwaiting of the queen during the first quarter or the 17th Century, consistently mistaken for other noble women of higher social rank. Nevertheless, this lady enjoyed an unparallel celebrity at court, due to her beauty and personality, and became a center of attraction for courtiers and ambassadors at every ceremony, andher appealing figure served as a muse for the greatest poets of her time, such as Góngora, Quevedo, Villamediana, Vélez de Guevara, or Paravicino, among others

    «Su hermano, de quien tanto se temía»: hacia una ética del reconocimiento en Las dos doncellas

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    Abstract Scholars have constantly stated their complaints about the alleged structural failures in The Two Damsels, such as the repetition of episodes, or the unnecessary duplication of characters. In our reading, we show the instrumentality of those controversial issues, not to elucidate the honor cases of the two female protagonists, but the main ethical problem posed in the novel: the reaction of the patriarchal authority embodied by one damsel’s brother. The novel reveals itself as a device with a perfect mechanics to follow the evolutions of this male character towards an ethical stance to address conflict from empathy and recognition. Keywords: Exemplary Novels; The Two Damsels; Ethics; Honor; Patriarchy; Exemplarity

    “Divino ingenio y peregrina mano” poesía, música y sociabilidad en la madeja intertextual de Villamediana y el abad Maluenda

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    Abstract: This article explores how the abad Maluenda exploited his amateur poetry and vihuela talents, as a way of social promotion in courtly circles also frequented by young Count of Villamediana. This work also sheds some light on the ecdotic entanglement between Villamediana’s and Maluenda’s poems, in connection with the poetry composition and transmission practices among the aristocracy

    La carta de Lope de Vega al príncipe de Esquilache y los poemas fúnebres a Catalina de la Cerda

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    In the Laurel de Apolo (1630), Lope de Vega inserts a funeral sonnet for Catalina de la Cerda, a sonnet also contained in a letter addressed «To the Prince». In this article, we will prove that this letter was not addressed to the soon to-be Felipe IV, as Lopian epistolary editors unanimously accept, but to Francisco de Borja y Aragón, Prince of Esquilache. We also demonstrate that both Lope’s sonnet and the Esquilache’s «Elegy» also mentioned in the Laurel, are not dedicated to the old Duchess of Lerma, as scholars usually propose, but to a lady-in-waiting who died in 1627: «the most celebrated lady-in-waiting ever at Palace», in Gascón de Torquemada’s words. Haut de pag

    Imitaciones en collage de un soneto cortesano: Villamediana y Balbuena reescriben «Dejadme sospirar, desconfianza»

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    Este trabajo rastrea la fortuna de un anónimo soneto cortesano, «Dejadme sospirar, desconfianza», fuente de imitaciones a ambos lados del Atlántico. En concreto, se analizan sendos sonetos del conde de Villamediana y de Bernardo de Balbuena, que emplean una similar técnica compositiva de imitación en collage, integrando fragmentos literales del soneto fuente y de otras composiciones en un juego intertextual de imitación compuesta

    Humanos serafines La intercesión en la gracia regia de las damas de palacio desde Góngora a los poetas cortesanos

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    The new fashion in courtly culture during Philip III´s reign triggered a high demand for image creation and artistic representation, pieces of art that in turn constitute better way to understand the aforementioned changes. This is true for some of Luis de Góngora’s poems, which are dedicated to Margaret of Austria´s ladies-in-waiting at the beginning of the 17th century. Of particular significance is his insistence in presenting the ladies as seraphs, or human seraphs, immediately echoed by courtly poets such as the Count of Villamediana or Hurtado de Mendoza, to designate by antonomasia the ladies-in-waiting of the sovereign. The poems by Góngora and his imitators frivolously encapsulate the hopes of advancement at court from the ingratiation or courtship with the queen´s ladies, having evolved to a distinguished society of human seraphs, or coveted preys of amatory falconry, that convey to their suitors the regal mercy in the concrete form of dowries, appointments, or titles